
FAQs (3)

Avoiding Arbitration
Law and strategies for avoiding mandatory arbitration of employment disputes.

Arbitration - How to Win
Third in set of three articles discussing mandatory arbitration of employment disputes, focusing on the practice and procedure of mandatory employment arbitration.

Arbitration - Overview
Mandatory arbitration of employment disputes by My Employment Lawyer

Articles (8)

Arbitration of Employment Disputes
The federal arbitration act (FAA), 9 U.S.C. § 1, et seq . and Ohio’s arbitration act ORC § 2711.01 et seq. , both direct a court to stay trial of a matter that is the subject of a written arbitrat... applies to Ohio

The Role of Contracts in Employment Law
Contracts play a central role in employment law. The most basic employment arrangement, at-will employment, is purely contractual in nature. Floyd v. DuBois Soap Co. (1942), 139 Ohio St. 520, 530-531,... applies to All States

Ohio Duty of Fair Representation in the public sector
A union owes all of its members a duty of fair representation. The union cannot discriminate against an individual or group of members regarding matters for which the union represents them. This inclu... applies to Ohio

Closing the Severance Pay Negotiation with Non-economic Terms
The amount of severance that an employer is willing to pay an employee, though usually the single most important item addressed in severance negotiations, is only one severance issue. Additional issue... applies to All States

Executive Orders affecting Unions issued by the Obama Administration.
President Barack Obama signed a series of executive orders in his first month in office favorable to organized labor. They include: Notification of employee rights under federal labor laws ; Economy i... applies to All States

Questions and Answers (70)

My employer forced me to sign an arbitration agreement as a condition of employment. Is this illegal?
The actual arbitration agreement states that the agreement is voluntary in the final section above the employee signature. When I questioned this with my employee HR representative she stated that sig... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Arbitration agreement and future compensation
my employer is asking that I sign an arbitration agreement and if I do I am still eligible for base pay and merit increases. If I don't then I am not. They also state that no adverse action will be ta... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

do i have a lawsuit
in sept i accepted a job as a deal secretary- the job requried me to notarize customers titlework even though i did not witness the signature-- i am now going to arbitration because unemployment denie... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

medical leave retaliation / discrimination
I signed a form agreeing to go forward with Binding Arbitration in a grievance against my past employer. This was forwarded to the employer two months ago at which time I submitted a check requested f... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can going to arbitration worsen my position ?
I was in sales and I have a non-compete where my former employer pays me a small percent of what the clients I brought in continue to pay - this is what is at stake. I feel the entire agreement should... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Lawyer Matches (10)

Dabrowski, Doris
Legal analysis, advice and advocacy to help you achieve goals
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Carnes, William
Experienced Employment Law Counsel
Tampa, Florida

Tseng, Judy
Wage and Hour Act, sexual harassment, disparate treatment, wrongful termination, discrimination.
Cary, North Carolina

Glickman, Stephen
Aggressive, Responsive Chicago Employment Law Attorney with over 25 Years' Experience.
Chicago, Illinois

Attardo, Loretta

Salem, Massachusetts

Related Articles from around the web (241)

Imposing class arbitration on parties who have not agreed to it violates Federal Arbitration Act (5-3)

To Compel Arbitration Under Federal Arbitration Act, Employer Must Prove It Applies

Employers: Be Careful What You Wish For – Your Motion to Compel Arbitration Can Lead to Expensive, Class-Wide Arbitration

Be Clear: Include Class Arbitration Waivers in Arbitration Clauses

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