New Uniform Policy--Is company responsible
My company is based in North Carolina. We are a national sales support team. They have just initiated a new dress code and are requiring everyone to purchase their own new uniform clothing and footwear. Are they responsible to provide an allowance to purchase the newly required uniform or if not is there an allowable grace period for everyone to nationwide to be up to the new standards.
1 answer | asked Feb 4, 2008 3:21 PM [EST] | applies to New York
Answers (1)

I can't say whether there are states out there that may have different rules. I can only say that I know of no federal or New York State law requiring employers to provide an uniform allowance. There are cases where dress codes have raised issues under other laws, such as Title VII, but none of these cases say that an employer has to give employees a certain amount of time to comply with a new dress code. So, applying the employment at will doctrine, it looks like an employer can demand immediate compliance with a new dress code, and is not required to provide employees with a uniform allowance. Uniform allowances can be a subject for collective bargaining, another reason why unions are beneficial to employees.
posted by David M. Lira | Feb 5, 2008 09:21 AM [EST]
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