I was terminated for negativity without any disciplinary action or ability to defend myself.

I had made some comments during a training(which I apologized for) in a joking manner that were taken the wrong way and have voiced my concern re: the continuously increasing workload and the following day I was terminated and was not given any warning nor was I allowed to state my side and/or concerns, I was told I was too negative and although I an a greta nurse and in no way does this have anything to do with my job performance the district will not tolerate my agressive attitude. I have never before this been disciplined or in any way written up for this "attitude problem" but things were mentioned that I was inappropriate on other occasions, but htis was never addressed prior to this in any way, I was given a sealed letter that I could not open and walked out of my office. I feel that I should have been talked to and at the very least put on some sort of improvement plan, but not terminated with no disciplinary action in process. Please advise.

1 answer  |  asked Mar 13, 2010 3:50 PM [EST]  |  applies to Wisconsin

Answers (1)

Janet L. Heins
An employer can terminated you for any reason or even no reason, unless you can prove they terminated you for an illegally discriminatory reason. That's no help to you in this situation.

posted by Janet L. Heins  |  May 4, 2010 11:13 AM [EST]

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