I was in a fight with an inmate. I worked at a County Detention Center. The jail doesn't train new employees and rarely hires people with experience. My partner was new and not trained to do the job. I was injured and had ACL and meniscus surgery. Aside f

I was in a fight with an inmate. I worked at a county detention center in Oklahoma. The jail doesn't train new employees and rarely hires people with experience. My partner was new and not trained to do the job. I was injured and had ACL and meniscus surgery. Aside from that I have hearing damage and PTSD from the incident. I am on workers comp still. I put in a 2 week notice in because we had a babysitting issue. I got that sorted out and requested to retract my notice after 3 days of putting it in. The Jail Administrator refused to let me switch to day shift. Day shift has more women than men and night shift has more men than women, so I thought it be good for the jail to make a switch. A female officer volunteered to move to nights but instead of moving me to days he hired another female. This person also had no experience. Then on my scheduled last day, my replacement (a male) quit in the middle of the shift. I had asked several times to stay and I did once more on my last day. The Sheriff, Undersheriff, and Administrator all told me I couldn't. My position is still open to this day. I reapplied shortly after my last day and hadn't heard anything yet. My position is still open to this day. Then my supervisor and other co-workers explained to me that the Sheriff said he can't hire me back since I have a lawsuit against them because I got hurt due to the negligence of not training new employees. I do not have a lawsuit. I did however say something to that effect during the deposition last month though. Please give me an answer if I have a case for retaliation, discrimination, and negligence. I did see that I can sue if my employer's negligence caused a foreseeable incident. In this case my injury. I also have video of my fight. Thank you!

0 answers  |  asked Nov 29, 2017 8:44 PM [EST]  |  applies to Oklahoma

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