I have been on administrative leave with pay after disclosing to HR my medical circumstances are preventing me from full capacity at my job, the constant badgering and bullying of my boss. Hours later I received a text stating I was to not report to my po

I have been on administrative leave with pay after disclosing to HR my medical circumstances are preventing me from full capacity at my job, the constant badgering and bullying of my boss. Hours later I received a text stating I was to not report to my position and have since been on leave. I also learned that there had been a final grievance files which I would be scheduled for a hearing. Weeks have passed no word and on day of hearing I received a phone call stating I was due that day and it was past time. Now prior to this I had not known I was on paid leave, I had to ask for a document as well. Nothing provided, limited information again. Second hearing date schedule is two days prior and due to my health and schedule I was not able to attend, I was told not vacation and need to be there. All the while I've had no knowledge of what, who and when. This said, for the better of my emotional and physical health, I resigned. I notified to pick up my belongings and told no, not until one HR person was back from vacation. Now my belongings have all been removed with the exception of my medical information. I added used I would be at the building after hours, security wold be on-site and that was per information given to me previously. What I had thought was easy task, has now become an emotional, manipulating and control of personality. First I'm told no. I asked if co-worker could retrieve, told yes and then ad used with in a matter of minutes my things were taken and housed elsewhere outside the location of the office.

This is spiteful and I believe downright mean. I have medical PHI, legal and other documents in y files and I know those files were not filtered and gathered,. What do I do because now after hours of losing my temper with those demons spawn again, narcissistic manipulating and calculate behavior and entitlement wins again

0 answers  |  asked Dec 22, 2016 8:33 PM [EST]  |  applies to Ohio

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