Can my employer tell me I am not eligible to file for benefits due to a reduction in hours?

Employed by a Virginia Company for a job in Baghdad Iraq. Came back to the states for a 30 day leave and was suppose to return on February 1st. My employer contacted me to say my visa was not issued and I had to wait for it to be issued. At this time about 150 employees have been affected by the Visa Issue. This is a state government contract we are working in Iraq. The company stated the State agreed to pay an additional $200/day to the employees who have agreed to remain in Baghdad. The employees who are stuck in the US are not given any retainer. I applied for unemployment as I have no income coming employer is sending me emails stating I can not apply for unemployment. The VA Unemployment said I should qualify for benefits. Can my employer continue to tell me that I must resign first before filing for benefits??

0 answers  |  asked Feb 3, 2012 1:10 PM [EST]  |  applies to Virginia

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