Can an employer terminate employment without providing proof of why you're being discharged?

My employer terminated me today, she stated that she was told by the old D.O.N (who is no longer employed at our facility) that I was verbally told that 2 absences in my 90 probationary period was an automatic termination. I was never told this by any person at anytime during my employment, interview or orientation. I had missed 2 days, 1 for being ill with a temperature of 102.3 and 1 for an outpatient surgery on my leg. I have a doctors excuse for the surgery absence, that she refused to even look at, said it didn't matter 2 days was 2 days. I asked her where the paper was that I had signed stating that I was verbally informed of this policy, of course there wasn't one because there was never any such thing told to myself or anyone in my orientation group. What can I do about this?

1 answer  |  asked Nov 16, 2010 1:10 PM [EST]  |  applies to Ohio

Answers (1)

Bruce Elfvin
In general terms an at-will employee may be terminated for any or no reason. The rule you describe is harsh but not really illegal. You probably cannot do anything directly about it, but you can make sure that any report to ODJFS says that they terminated you for no reason, don't get into 2 absences etc. Even if your excuses are good ODJFS may disallow benefits if they think it is a real rule.

You do not appear to provide any information that would otherwise give you a claim. If you want to duscuss the issues with an employment attorney, you can select one near you at:

posted by Bruce Elfvin  |  Nov 16, 2010 3:06 PM [EST]

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