Can a employer insist you use your full legal name

Can my employer insist employees use their full legal first and last name when dealing with customer in a inbound collection and credit call center? We have always been allowed to use our first names only but now have been advised we must use our full legal first and last name when answering calls. This makes me very uneasy because we also are required to give our customers our user ids as well as our location if they ask for it. I want to know what legal rights we have to refuse to give out such personal information with so many tools available to goggle on the internet.

1 answer  |  asked Mar 16, 2012 11:18 AM [EST]  |  applies to Illinois

Answers (1)

John Otto
I am not aware of any law that requires employers to allow you to use a pseudonym in your employment. Generally, an employer has the right to have any rules it wants as long as they are not illegal. I am aware that many employers to allow or encourage employees to use pseudonyms in the situation you describe, but employers are not required to use best practices.

posted by John Otto  |  Mar 16, 2012 12:27 PM [EST]

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