Wage Payment

Related Articles from around the web (643)

Massachusetts Wage Payment Act requires Payment of Earned Wages at the time of Discharge

Can Severance Pay Be a "Wage" under the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law? Maybe!

Massachusetts High Court Holds Wage Claim Releases Are Valid and that Overtime Can Be Recovered Under Wage Payment Law

Can Severance Pay Be a "Wage" under the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law? Maybe!

Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act

Maryland Amends Wage Payment and Collection Law

The Long Arms of the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law

Individuals May Be Liable Under the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law

The Long Arms of the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law

Tennessee Permits Wage Payment by Prepaid Debit Card

Maryland Clarifies Wage Payment Law to Include Overtime

Triple Damages Under the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law

Attorney's Fees Available Under Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law

Triple Damages Standard Under the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law

Winning Attorney's Fees in Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law Cases

Recent Decision - Attorneys Fees Under The Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law

Satisfied Client -- Commissions Case Under the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law

Winning Attorney's Fees in Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law Cases

Recent Decision - Attorneys Fees Under The Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law

Q. Does the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law permit triple damages for overtime?

Q. Does the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law permit triple damages for overtime? (Update: Yes)

Does Wal-Mart Use of Check Cards for Pay Purposes Violate Wage Payment Laws?

Q. Does the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law permit triple damages for overtime? (Update: Yes)

Fourth Circuit Finds Maryland's Wage Payment and Collection Law Not A Fundamental Public Policy

Illinois Issues New Emergency Rules for the Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act

As seen on Reddit: payment for training time

Health Care Access and Payment

Ugandans press for whistleblower protection and payment

Ugandans press for whistleblower protection and payment

Beware of Designating Workweek to Avoid Payment of Overtime

Arizona Allows Employers to Mandate Electronic Payment of Wages

Advertising that "Tip is Included" May Require Payment to Employees -- O'Conner v. Uber Technologies

IRS, DOL Offer Additional Tax Breaks, Payment and Reporting Extensions in Light of Hurricane Sandy

Low Wage Worker Survey Reveals Widespread Wage and Hour Violations

Massachusetts Wage Act Does Not Preempt Common Law Wage Claims

CA Provides Counsel for Low-Wage Workers Forced to Arbitrate Wage Claims

New Hampshire Amends Wage and Hour Laws to Permit Greater Deductions and to Adopt the Federal Minimum Wage

An Update on St. Petersburgs Wage Theft Notice and Posting Requirements and Recent Amendments to Pinellas Countys Wage Theft Ordinance

Wage Theft

Wage Law

10 Facts About the Minimum Wage

Wage Theft On The Rise

Minimum Wage: Not Just for Kids

Minimum Wage: Is $15/Hour Enough?

Minimum Wage Hike?

Minimum Wage in Mexico

Youth Minimum Wage

LA to Raise Minimum Wage

Are You A Victim of Wage Theft?

Tennessee Minimum Wage

Wisconsin Minimum Wage

What You Need to Know About the Gender Wage Gap

Kansas Minimum Wage

What You Need to Know About the Gender Wage Gap

Wage Determinations Online

Retaliation for wage complaints

Increase In Minimum Wage Is On The Way

Minnesota Minimum Wage

Do you know? Wage and hour recordkeeping

Georgia Minimum Wage

N.Y. Minimum Wage Changes Ahead

Wage Cheats in Chinatown

Wage Garnishment FAQ

Ruan on Wage Theft

Wyoming Minimum Wage

Missing it Again on the Minimum Wage

Illinois Gets Tough on Wage Violations

Washington Minimum Wage is $8.67 in 2011

Illinois Minimum Wage Increases to $8.25

Colorado Minimum Wage for 2011 is $7.36

Texas Adopts New Wage Regulations

California State Minimum Wage Going Up...and Then Up Some More

Florida Minimum Wage Rising To $8.05

Will Albany Stop the Wage Thieves?

Florida Minimum Wage Rising to $7.79

Benefits Of Federal Minimum Wage

Legal Wage Deductions in New York

NCAA Sued For Wage Violations

In Illinois, Wage Thieves Will Pay

Would raising the minimum wage help Walmart?

Minimum Wage, Maximum Considerations

Low Wage Workers Survey

Wage and Hour Cases on the Rise

$4.2M Settlement in Wage and Hour Lawsuit

Montana 2011 Minimum Wage is $7.35

Minimum Wage to Increase in 13 States

Tip Skimming and other Wage Deductions

From the archives: wage-and-hour audits

iPhone wage-and-hours app

Florida Minimum Wage Has Risen to $7.93

Graduate Students and the Minimum Wage

Deterring the wage-and-hour scofflaw

Most Minimum Wage Earners Are Women

Jack and the wage and hour beanstalk

Pandya on Wage Theft and Taxes

Local Wage Data for Lawyers

Florida's Minimum Wage Will Be $7.79 on January 1

New Clarification in Maryland Wage Law

Polyglot for Wage and Hour Administrator

Raising The Minimum Wage Benefits All

Missouri 2011 Minimum Wage Still $7.25

Seattle Sued Over $15/Hr Minimum Wage

2011 Minimum Wage Recap

Minimum Wage Bottom Line

Costly Wage And Hour Mistakes

Costly Wage And Hour Mistakes

Proposal to Raise the Minimum Wage

Cheating Low-Wage Workers

Nevada Minimum Wage Going Up 7/1/2010

The wage and hour risks of rounding

New Ideas for Combatting Wage Theft

FLSA - Federal Minimum Wage Going Up 7/24/09

Oregon 2010 Minimum Wage

2010 Ohio Minimum Wage

Federal Minimum Wage Increase

2010 Washington Minimum Wage is $8.55

Prevailing Wage Determinations to Be Processed in D.C.

2010 Florida Minimum Wage

State Minimum Wage Update


More Enforcement for Wage and Hour Violations

Wage and Hour Violators Targeted

Colorado Minimum Wage To Decline

A Minimum Wage? A Fake Debate

Vermont Minimum Wage 2010 is $8.06

2010 Minimum Wage Recap

Wage and Hour audits are not without their risks (but are still necessary)

2010 Ohio Minimum Wage

New York Tipped Minimum Wage is $4.75

Wage and Hour Lawsuits More Prevalent in 2014

Vermont Minimum Wage to Increase in 2014

CEPR Report on Low Wage Work

Increased 2014 Minimum Wage for Missouri

Starbucks Gets a Break in Frivolous Wage Case

2011 Wage and Hour Lawsuits Up 32% Over 2008

New York Increases Tipped Minimum Wage to $5.00

Wage Case Spawns E-Discovery Dispute

New York State Minimum Wage to Increase

$6.5 million settles living wage suit

Should I File A Wage Claim with the Department of Labor?

Wage Laws and Tipped Workers – What Are Your Rights?

Wage and Hour Violations Near Epidemic Proportions

2011 Wage and Hour Lawsuits Up 32% Over 2008

Wage and Hour Lawsuits More Prevalent in 2014

Kansas 2010 Minimum Wage Increases to $7.25

Number Of Wage And Hour Claims Increasing

Putting Wage Theft on the Map (Literally)

Minimum Wage in Florida Set to Increase

Vermont Announces 2012 Minimum Wage

How Will The Federal Minimum Wage Hike Affect You?

Wage and Hour Compliance Priorities for 2014

Colorado Reduces Minimum Wage in 2010

Illinoisans Call for Minimum Wage Increase

Correction re California Minimum Wage Post

Minimum Wage Lawsuit Filed Against ZipRealty

The email curfew for wage-and-hour compliance

Another Retaliation Wage Case, this one Favors Employer

Wage and Hour Violations, E-Verify and Something to Laugh At

Dimick and Rao on Wage-Setting Institutions

Michigan's Minimum Wage to Increase to $9.25 Over Four Years

Wage Laws and Tipped Workers – What Are Your Rights?

Federal minimum wage increases tomorrow

Now an iPhone App for Wage and Hour Litigation

Colorado Says "Yes" to Increased Minimum Wage Proposal

Minimum Wage Lawsuit Filed Against ZipRealty

Wage Depression RICO Claims Getting Twiqbal'd

New State Minimum Wage Goes Into Effect June 1

How Will The Federal Minimum Wage Hike Affect You?

DOL Releases Wage/Hour App

Wage and Hour Requirements in Bad Weather

New York Hospitality Wage Orders Revised

Profile of Minimum Wage Workers Isn’t What You Think

How to Avoid a Wage & Hour Suit

Oregon's Minimum Wage to Increase in 2011

Florida Minimum Wage Unchanged in 2011

Ohio Minimum Wage Increase 2011

Dispelling six common wage and hour misconceptions

Federal Minimum Wage Increases to $7.25 Today

Wage and Hour Considerations During The Holiday Season

New Wage and Hour Ruling on Protective Gear

Cheerleaders Win Wage Theft Lawsuit

Minimum Wage Hike for Federal Contractors

New DOL wage and hour opinion letter.

LinkedIn Settles Wage and Hour Lawsuit

Not another post on wage and hour class actions?

Congress Seeks To Raise Minimum Wage

Minimum Wage Increases Set For July

Newly Enacted Wage and Hour Legislation

British Minimum Wage Increases Today

Critical Wage Theory Panel at Brooklyn

No Short Limitations Periods for Wage Claims

Most States Flunk Wage Theft Test

Minimum Wage Laws Help Local Economies

Federal Minimum Wage Increase Reminder

Increasing the minimum wage would help, not hurt, the economy

San Francisco Minimum Wage Going Up; Oakland's Too

Vermont Minimum Wage Increases to $8.15 in 2011

Oregon Minimum Wage Increases to $8.50 for 2011

The Tip Credit - An Employees Right to Minium Wage

CA Governor Signs Two Wage-Hour Bills

Wal-Mart Sued for Wage Theft

San Francisco Minimum Wage Going Up 1/1/2011

Arizona Minimum Wage Increases to $7.35 in 2011

How Do Wage and Hour Laws Apply to Telecommuting?

Wage Theft Continues To Plague Workers

2009 Federal Minimum Wage Increases to $7.25

Clothes make the man, and the wage-and-hour lawsuit

AB 469 -California Adopts NY "Wage Theft" Law

A few wage and hour thoughts for beer festival season

Former Lieutenant Granted Supplemental Wage Benefits by the Court

New Irvine Wage Theft Law Goes Into Effect in January

One In Four American Workers Will Be In Low-Wage Jobs For The Next Decade

Unpaid Wages/Wage & Hour Problems

Florida’s Minimum Wage to Increase on January 1, 2012

California Governor Approves Minimum Wage Increases

Raising the Floor: California Increases its Minimum Wage

Truck Drivers and the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act

Secunda on Comparative Pension and Wage Claims in Insolvency

Government Cracking Down On Overtime and Minimum Wage Violations

Broward Is Second Florida County to Address Wage Theft

Federal Minimum Wage Increases July 24, 2009

Is the sky falling? The reality of wage and hour lawsuits

FLSA Violations Frequent For Low-Wage Laborers

Disabled Workers Legally Being Paid Far Below Minimum Wage

President Obama Calls For Minimum Wage Hike

Federal Minimum Wage Increase Set for Today

Department of Labor Calls to Raise the Minimum Wage

The wage and hour implications of employee electronic surveillance

Disabled Workers Legally Being Paid Far Below Minimum Wage

How the Wage Gap is Affecting Women’s Mental Health

Value of Increasing Minimum Wage Debated at Senate Hearing

No More Demurrers to Wage Hour Class Action Complaints?

Wage Theft in Riverside Requires Legal Muscle

Court of Appeal: Arbitrate DLSE Wage Claim

Congress Considers Bill to Increase Minimum Wage

More Local 'Wage Theft' Ordinances May Soon Be Enacted in Florida

Kentucky and Indiana Employees to See a Rise in the Minimum Wage

Scranton Firefighters Risking Lives for Minimum Wage

California - New Wage Rates Announced for Computer Exemption

Vermont Announces 2013 Minimum Wage Rate

California Legislature Approves Minimum Wage Increase

Should a firefighter or police officer be paid more than minimum wage?

Workers Cheer Living Wage Victory in Austin

California Legislature Approves Minimum Wage Increase

Fight For Minimum Wage Increase Gains Steam

Colorado Approves Increased Minimum Wage for 2013

Wage Theft Protection Act - FAQs from the DLSE

DLSE revises FAQs on Wage Theft Notice...

Raising The Minimum Wage Would Benefit Workers And The Economy

New California Law re Attorney's Fees in Wage Cases

Texas Roadhouse Settles Wage and Hours Lawsuit

Wage & Hour Enforcement Data Go Online

Bredtmann & Otten on Gender Wage Gaps

New York's Wage Theft Protection Act

Payroll Company Not an "Employer" for Wage Hour Purposes

New York Enacts Wage Theft Protection Act

New York Enacts The Wage Theft Prevention Act

Payroll Servicing Company Not Liable for Wage Violations

New York Enacts Wage Theft Prevention Act

What employer’s can expect from Biden’s presidency: A $15 minimum wage

Whats Wrong with Paying Employees their Legal Wage?

3 Tips For Handling This Year’s Minimum Wage Increases

Court of Appeal Upholds Wage Statement Penalties

Minimum Wage Bill Fails to Advance in Senate

California Governor Approves Minimum Wage Increases

New Bill Would Raise Minimum Wage for Tipped Employees

Arbitration agreement cannot waive right to administrative wage hearing

Do you know? Unsupervised waivers of federal wage and hour claims

Miami-Dade County Prohibits "Wage Theft".

Oregon Amends Administrative Rules for Wage Claims

Two New Minimum Wage Increases Pass In Northern California

Oregon Minimum Wage for Agricultural Employees Poster

Florida's Minimum Wage to Increase on January 1, 2015

Florida's Minimum Wage to Increase on January 1, 2015

Retaliation for Oral Wage Complaints Now up to the Supreme Court

I recognize you do amazing work, but you’re still not getting minimum wage

Kentucky Court of Appeals Reviews Wage Case

Wage and Hour Conference Next Week in San Francisco

Will a Wage and Hour Case Decide the California Election?

Pelosi Is Right: We Shouldn’t Have To Wait For A Minimum Wage Increase

Wage Violations May Trigger Audits and Immigration Inspections

Amazon Wage Theft Case Comes Before The Supreme Court

Debunking the Heritage Foundation’s New Minimum Wage Myths One by One

New York Considering New Overtime Pay and Minimum Wage Law

Job Growth Focused on Low-Wage Work

Colorado Announces 2014 Minimum Wage Rates

The Gender Wage Gap and Equal Pay Day

Pleading Proximate Cause in RICO Wage Depression Cases

SeaTac Minimum Wage Hike Goes into Effect, Yet Many Are Left Out

McDonalds Workers Filed Wage and Hour Claims

Have you felt the pain of a wage/hour investigation or lawsuit?

San Francisco Wage Ordinance Amendments Being Considered

Prevailing Wage Determination Data for 2011-2012 Now Available

National Day of Action to Stop Wage Theft

$40 million to settle wage and hour class action

Will Republicans Find Motivation on Minimum Wage after November?

Revisiting the misnamed and misunderstood term "wage theft"

Wage & Hour Seminar in San Diego

Clothes make the man, and the wage-and-hour lawsuit

Clothes make the man, and the wage-and-hour lawsuit

Democrats Likely Have the Signatures to Get a Minimum Wage Vote in Arkansas

Wage & Hour: Not Just Collective Actions Anymore

Wage and Hour Lawsuits Predicted to Increase in 2014

S.F. Activists Launch Anti-Wage Theft Campaign

The Senator from Walmart Thinks a $10.10 Minimum Wage is 'Too Much, Too Fast'

Government Cracking Down On Overtime and Minimum Wage Violations

Florida's Minimum Wage Rate Increases January 1, 2019

San Jose, California Enacts Its Own Minimum Wage Ordinance

San Francisco Minimum Wage to $10.55 effective January 1, 2013

DOL Issues Final Contractor Minimum Wage Rule

Settlement highlights wage and hour risks of remote work

Chicago Raises Minimum Wage to $13 by 2019, But Strikers Say It’s Not Enough

Washington, DC, City Council Votes to Raise Minimum Wage

Silicon Valley Firm’s Wage Theft: ‘Worse Than Sweatshops’

Biden Administration announces $15 minimum wage for all federal contractors

Rejected by Christie, New Jersey Minimum Wage Increase Goes to the Voters

Oregon Minimum Wage for Agricultural Employees Poster Revision

California Minimum Wage Increase has Ripple Effect on Other Laws

Florida's Minimum Wage Rate Increases January 1, 2020

Wage and Hour Questions Prevalent In Health Care Industry

The Year 2020 Will Begin With an Increase to Floridas Minimum Wage

2012 Wage & Hour Litigation and Management Conference

Don't Wait for the $15 Minimum Wage - San Francisco's Goes Up to $13 Today!

The $15 Minimum Wage Won in Florida, But Biden Didn’t. Here’s Why.

Maryland Enacts Wage Lien Law for Unpaid Wages

Veto Override Battle Next Step in D.C. Living Wage Campaign

Minimum Wage Victory Celebrated on the New Jersey Senate Floor

Boston's Low-Wage Workers Affected by City's Shutdown

Two Recent Decisions Expand Scope of Massachusetts Wage Act

Senate Confirms David Weil as New Wage and Hour Administrator

VICTORY: Seattle Raises the City's Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour

Court of Appeal: Some Wage Claims Tolled; Some Time Barred and More

Senate Confirms David Weil as New Wage and Hour Administrator

Ohio enacts sweeping changes to state wage and hour laws

Proposed New York Bill Increases Penalties for Wage Withholding

Labor’s next $15 minimum wage: Fair scheduling for shift workers

Raising the minimum wage prevents suicides, but Republicans won't do it

75th Anniversary Of FLSA Highlights Need For Increase In Minimum Wage

Huge Amazon Wage Theft Case Goes to Supreme Court

Trump Is Using the Pandemic to Wage War on Immigrants and Separate Families

A call for the DOL to fix what is wrong with our wage-and-hour laws

Wage and Hour Lawsuits May Affect Tipped Employee Compensation

Minimum wage rises some places, but it’s still the COVID-19 economy

International Students in Ontario Are Fighting Wage Theft—And Winning

Amazon to pay huge settlement in wage theft case

New York Minimum Wage Set to Increase on December 31, 2013

Florida's Minimum Wage Will Increase by Six Cents on June 1, 2011

The California Labor Commissioner Updates Its Wage Theft Forms

Proposal in California Legislature for Automatic Increases In Minimum Wage

How Much Does an Entry-Level Maryland Wage and Hour Investigator Make?

Governor Vetoes Bill to Extend Prevailing Wage Laws

Bill to raise Maryland’s minimum wage faces opposition

Miami-Dade County Enacts New Wage Theft Law

Miami-Dade County Enacts "Wage Theft" Ordinance.

Top Five Ways Employers Violate Maryland's Wage Laws

Explicit Mutual Wage Agreement Can Defeat Overtime Claim

Bill to raise Maryland’s minimum wage faces opposition

Miami-Dade County Passes New Wage Theft Ordinance

Raising The Federal Minimum Wage Could Help Struggling Families And Communities

Florida Employers Face Two Increases in Minimum Wage in 2009.

Wage Deductions and Docked Pay are Illegal and Subject to Punishment

Survey of wage and hour settlement highlights risk to employers

Another consideration in the high cost of wage and hour litigation: e-discovery

Alleged Wage Law Violations and Discrimination at Restaurant Chain

Santa Ana Wage Violation Costs Company $99 Million

Florida Minimum Wage Increases to $7.31 Effective June 1, 2011

Telecommuting employees raise special wage and hour issues

AT&T sued for a BILLION dollars in a wage and hour dispute

Class Certification Of Oracle Employees in Wage-and-Hour Suit

Governor Vetoes Bill to Strengthen Minimum Wage Claims

Minimum Wage Violation Lawsuit Against Applebee’s Proceeds To Trial

Reporting Time Pay: A Wage and Hour Winter Wonderland

Federal Minimum Wage Increase to Take Effect on July 24, 2009

Low Wage Workers Lose an Advocate: Beth Shulman

Reminder: Federal Minimum Wage Increase July 24, 2009

Skycaps Reach Settlement With Airlines In Minimum Wage Lawsuit

New Wage And Hour Class Action Suit Against Wal-Mart

LAX Hilton Hotel Settles Worker Wage Lawsuit for $2.5M

Wage Deductions and Docked Pay are Illegal and Subject to Punishment

New York Workers To March Next Week Against Low Minimum Wage

Nov. 18th A “Day Against Wage Theft” In 50 Cities Across The Country

Minimum Wage Boost Could Create 100,000 Jobs

Typo stands between Albuquerque workers and a minimum wage increase

DOL Revises Prevailing Wage Determination Policy Guide

Reminder: San Francisco Minimum Wage Increase for 2011

Good News for Wage-Theft Victims in San Francisco

Workers blow whistle on Moe Hamdan's wage theft

New York DOL Issues New Wage Poster for Restaurants and Hotels

Lorelei Boylan Withdraws her Nomination for Wage and Hour Administrator

How a Raise in the Minimum Wage Could Benefit Both Workers and the National Economy

SuperFreakonomics Book Club on MBA Gender Wage Gap

At $2.13 Minimum Wage, Restaurant Workers Struggle to Put Food on Their Own Tables

Wage and Hour App Lets Workers Track Hours on Their Phones

Department Of Labor Questions Homebuilder Minimum Wage And Overtime Pay

Employer Prevails in Class Action Alleging Incomplete Wage Statements

Gelernter on In re Wal-Mart Wage and Hour Litigation FAA Case

Minimum Wage Votes Helped Democrats in 2006. Will 2014 be a Repeat?

State of Florida Violates Federal Law By Not Raising Minimum Wage

Florida Employers Face Mid-Year Minimum Wage Increase

Improper Tip Pooling Leads To Sigificant Wage And Hour Lawsuit

Bill Would Apply Minimum Wage, Overtime to Home Care Workers

Nevada & Illinois Increase Minimum Wage as of July 1, 2010

New York Modifies Minimum Wage Rates Effective July 24, 2009

Suit Alleges Discrimination and Wage and Hour Law Violations at Motel 6

Bill Would Apply Minimum Wage, Overtime to Home Care Workers

Employers May Be Held Personally Liable For Overtime Wage And Pay Violations

Gelernter on In re Wal-Mart Wage and Hour Litigation FAA Case

Living Wage Law Would Create Benefits for Business, City’s Economy

‘Protect us, respect us, and pay us,’ Rev. Barber says of the necessity for a $15 minimum wage

New Executive, Legislative, and Regulatory Efforts Focus on Overtime, Minimum Wage

Whines about raising the minimum wage don’t hold up, full stop

Florida Minimum Wage for Tipped Employees Also Rises on July 24, 2009

Waiters File Minimum Wage Lawsuit Against Hard Rock Cafe

Wage Theft Has Cost Low Income Workers Billions In Compensation

School Bus Company Settles Wage and Hour Lawsuit with Drivers for $1.6M

Lame Duck Reform: New York's Wage Theft Prevention Act

School Bus Company Settles Wage and Hour Lawsuit with Drivers for $1.6M

Number Of Wage And Hours Cases Increases For 7th Straight Year

"When we are united we can do anything"- Workers React to Wage Theft Prevention Act Victory

University of Minnesota sidesteps minimum wage violations for “volunteer” employees

Leon Rodriguez to Be Nominated for the Top Job at the Wage and Hour Division

Leon Rodriguez to Be Nominated for the Top Job at the Wage and Hour Division

Recently Published Scholarship: Civil Rights and the Low-Wage Worker

DOL reopens the floodgate to liquidated damages in wage and hour investigations

Promised Profits and Deferred Compensation Can be a Wage -- Triple Damages Awarded!

Court Says No Attorneys' Fees for Prevailing Employer in Wage Case

Warehouse Workers Allege Wage Theft, Demand Pay Stubs

Proposed Legislation Could Change Minimum Wage for Home Healthcare Workers

The wage-and-hour implications of the NLRB’s Northwestern football player ruling

House Hearing Focuses on Federal Wage & Hour Enforcement

Maryland To Raise Minimum Wage to $10.10 an Hour—But Only After Foot-Dragging From Some Dems

Maryland Law Increasing Minimum Wage Also Provides for Liquidated (or Double) Damages

Poor, Pregnant, and Fired: Caregiver Discrimination Against Low-Wage Workers

Number Of Wage And Hours Cases Increases For 7th Straight Year

New Jersey Voters Approve Constitutional Amendment to Increase Minimum Wage

District of Columbia Minimum Wage Increase in Effect; Maryland Soon to Follow

Maryland Law Increasing Minimum Wage Also Provides for Liquidated (or Double) Damages

Sears Decision Defines Proper Scope of Waiver of Wage Claims

Final Regulations Implementing Minimum Wage Increases on Federal Contractors

Quick Reminder: California Employers Must Update Minimum Wage Posters

New York City Fast-Food Workers: Everyone Deserves a Living Wage

With Minimum Wage Victory in Reach, The Fight for $15 Vows Bigger Things to Come

Low-Wage Workers Hit Hardest by Workplace Injuries, Illnesses

Rogers on Justice at Work: Minimum Wage Laws and Social Equality

New York Minimum Wage Will Increase Annually Starting December 31, 2013

Florida Employers Must Comply with Increased Federal Minimum Wage Rate.

The Impact of Equal Pay Law on Gender Wage Gaps in the Workplace

International Women’s Day Finds Wage Gap Lives On

Orange County Wage Violations Alleged in Sharon Stone Suit

California Labor Commissioner Debars Contractors for Prevailing Wage Violations

Q: How many wage theft claims were filed with the Maryland Department of Labor in FY 2012?

80% of Low-Wage Workers Lack Even One Paid Sick Day a Year

Maryland Law Increasing Minimum Wage Also Provides for Liquidated (or Double) Damages

Court of Appeal: Wage Statements Need Not Include Vacation and PTO Balances

Wage and Hour Division Will Uniformly Enforce New Tip Credit Rule

Update: New Jersey Minimum Wage Bill Vetoed By Governor Christie

9th Circuit: California Wage Hour Class Action Should Be Certified

Manchin and Sinema are poised to tank $15 minimum wage, so here come the insulting ‘compromises’

David Weil Nominated to Head DOL's Wage and Hour Division

DOL expands wage and hour laws to home care workers

California Supreme Court Defines "Employer" in Wage Hour Cases

The Impact of Equal Pay Law on Gender Wage Gaps in the Workplace

Department Of Labor Questions Homebuilder Minimum Wage And Overtime Pay

The Impact of Equal Pay Law on Gender Wage Gaps in the Workplace

Florida Supreme Court Strikes Down Miami Beach Minimum Wage

Show-Me State Employers Are Shown Increased 2013 Minimum Wage

DOL expands wage and hour laws to home care workers

California Supreme Court: Certain Cities Don't Have to Pay Prevailing Wage

Florida Minimum Wage Rate Increases to $7.67 Effective January 1, 2012

David Weil Nominated to Head DOL's Wage and Hour Division

New York City Council Overrides Veto of Living Wage Bill

New Case Clarifies Standards for Attorney’s Fees in Wage Collection Cases

Labor and Allies, Surprised By Obama’s $9 Minimum Wage Proposal, Scramble to Coordinate

Maryland Department of Labor Publishes Regulations Implementing Wage Lien Act

DOL Seeks to Gauge Worker Knowledge of Workplace Wage and Safety Rights

‘The president’s committed to raising the minimum wage,’ Labor Sec. Marty Walsh says. He should be

New York to Revise, Combine Restaurant & Hotel Industry Wage Orders

DOL Argues State Wage and Hour Class Actions are Compatible with the FLSA

Federal Court Potentially Loosens Rules for Arbitrating Wage Claims in Massachusetts

Pennsylvania Court Holds State Wage Law Applies to Overseas Work

President to Issue Executive Order Raising Federal Contractor Minimum Wage

Agricultural Workers Lose Millions of Dollars Each Year to Employer Wage Theft

Dick’s Sporting Goods Settles Wage And Hour Violation Case For $15 Million

GOP Rep. Tells Constituent Who Asks About Raising The Minimum Wage To ‘Get A Job’

Fight for $15 Movement Has Won $150B in Wage Raises for 26M Workers in Less Than a Decade

Agreement Shortening Time Period to File Wage Claim Held Unenforceable

Top Ten Wage & Hour Developments in 2012 for Pennsylvania Employers

New York Federal Court Dismisses Wage & Hour Claims Against Hospital

Report Finds US Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division is Utterly Failing

Dept. of Labor Fails to Protect Workers: “We have a crisis in wage theft”

‘Not just a low-wage recession’: White-collar workers feel coronavirus squeeze

Court rejects use of social media evidence in defense of wage-and-hour claim

Massachusetts High Court Rules that Discretionary Payments Do Not Extinguish Wage Claims

CDF's January HR Roundtable: Wage & Hour Open Forum

Governor Vetoes Bill to Add Criminal Penalties to Willful Wage Violations

Legislation Allowing Employers to Make Wage Deductions Awaits Governor's Signature

Maryland Department of Labor Publishes Regulations Implementing Wage Lien Act

SCOTUS: Picking off individual plaintiffs moots wage and hour collective action

Is the Labor Department Dragging Its Feet On Promising Anit-Wage Theft Measure?

Chart: Nearly One Quarter of American Workers are in Low Wage Jobs, More Than In Other Developed Nations

Ohio Senate Republicans Attempt To Gut State Minimum Wage Law

Obama’s Wage Hike For Federal Contractors Won’t Apply to Disabled Workers

California Minimum Wage Rate Increase to $10.00 Per Hour Also Impacts Overtime Exemptions

President Obama Announces Raise in Minimum Wage for Employees of Federal Contractors

Share Floridas Minimum Wage Will Increase on January 1 to $8.46 per Hour and $5.44 for Tipped Employees

Bill Would Entitle Direct Care Workers to Minimum Wage, Overtime Protections

Some Wage and Hour Claims May Be Insurance Covered -- California Daries, Inc. v. SRUI Indemnity Co.

Local bag company learns an expensive lesson on wage and hour compliance

Bridgeport 8th Annual Wage & Hour Conference in Los Angeles

Rapid Grocery Delivery Service Buyk Accused of Wage Theft by Former Workers

Department of Labor, and its Wage and Hour Division, set 2010 regulatory agenda

Discharge Following Mistaken But Good Faith Wage Complaint Violates Public Policy

KJK scores huge victory in wage and hour class action lawsuit

COVID-19 highlights the racism of the tipped minimum wage, this week in the war on workers

Overtime And Minimum Wage Protections Extended To Home Health Care Aides

Court Approves $85 Million Settlement Involving Wal-Mart Wage Disputes

Attorneys' Fees Properly Awarded to Prevailing Employer in Wage Case

Santa Fe Local Ordinance Sets Country's Highest Minimum Wage Requirement

California Employers Catch a Break From Unmanageable Wage and Hour Class Actions

California Minimum Wage Increases to $15.00!!..ZOMG..1!!1! There's Lots of Fine Print. But Much Is Not Good.

9th Circuit Allows Wage Claim Based on End of Day Security Screen

Court of Appeal: Meal/Rest/Wage Statement Class Action Should Be Certified

Ninth Circuit Rules that Comcast Does Not Kill Wage and Hour Class Actions

Unpaid Intern At Charlie Rose Show Files Wage And Hour Lawsuit

Update: New York Department of Labor Releases Proposed Wage Deduction Regulations

NY Department of Labor Releases Wage Theft Prevention Act Notice Templates

Federal Court in New Jersey Refuses to Approve Confidentiality for Wage and Hour Settlement

Court rejects use of social media evidence in defense of wage-and-hour claim

6th Circuit rejects contract that shortens statute of limitations for wage claims

Teamsters Back School Bus Drivers in Fight Against ‘Rampant’ Wage Theft

6th Circuit rejects contract that shortens statute of limitations for wage claims

Maryland Department of Labor Publishes Regulations Implementing Wage Lien Act

Maryland Wage Lien Act - Powerful New Tool for Collecting Unpaid Wages.

Georgia Garnishments, Florida Minimum Wage and Misclassification of Employees as Independent Contractors

Governor Vetoes Bill to Set Up Wage Enforcement Program for the Pool and Spa Industry

Minimum Wage Increases in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties effective October 1, 2015.

Washington, D.C., lawmakers add insult to injury after overturning tipped minimum wage increase

Department of Labor Cracking Down On Employer Violations Of Overtime Pay and Minimum Wage Requirements

California Court of Appeal Holds Arbitration Agreement Controlling in Administrative Wage Claim

New York Area Car Washes Agree to Pay Employees $3.4 Million for Wage Violations

Web Chat Participants Ask Several Questions, Receive Few Answers from DOL's Wage and Hour Division

ACI's 2012 Wage & Hour Claims and Class Actions Conference in Miami

DOL's Wage and Hour Division Seeks Input on Proposed Worker Classification Survey

DOL's Wage and Hour Division Seeks Input on Proposed Worker Classification Survey

Working people are so screwed: Rents spike and minimum wage hits its lowest value since 1956

New Law Will Require Employers Give Wage Notices To Maryland Employees Every Pay Period

9th Circuit Applies Dukes v. Wal-Mart to a Wage/Hour Class Action

“Eat Shop Sleep” underscores the importance of proactively addressing wage and hour issues

Restaurant Industry Screws Women, While $2.13 Tipped Worker Minimum Wage Makes it Worse

ACI's 19th National Forum on Wage & Hour Claims and Class Actions

DOL Proposes to Extend Minimum Wage, Overtime Requirements to In-Home Care Workers

House Passes Bill Governing Oversight of Federal Contractor Wage Claim Adjustments

Your location is not the only thing an iPhone might be tracking—DOL releases wage and hour app for employees

Wal-Mart Warehouse Workers File Class Action Wage Theft Lawsuit

Minimum Wage Increases in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties effective October 1, 2015.

DOL Issues Proposed Rule Implementing Contractor Minimum Wage Executive Order

Wage theft is a huge problem that requires a creative solution, this week in the war on workers

DOL Issues Proposed Rule Implementing Contractor Minimum Wage Executive Order

Class Certification Denied for Security Guards' Rest Break and Wage Statement Claims

Fast Food Workers Go Back On Strike After Attempts to Raise the Minimum Wage Fail

Ninth Circuit Holds Oregon Employer Cannot Credit Housing Costs Toward Minimum Wage

3,000 Workers at 14 Industrial Laundry Sites Get Wage Gains, Keep Free Health Insurance

Court of Appeal: CA Employer Violates Minimum Wage By Averaging Total Compensation Over Hours Worked

Cherry on Working for (Virtually) Minimum Wage: Applying the Fair Labor Standards Act in Cyberspace

Miami Minimum Wage Ordinance Remains Invalid after Review Denied by Florida Supreme Court

Studies: Increasing The Minimum Wage During Times Of High Unemployment Doesn’t Hurt Job Growth

Bluford v Safeway Stores - Court of Appeal Orders Certification of Wage Statement Class Action

Study: Repeal Of Wisconsin’s Prevailing Wage Law Led To Drop In Wages For Construction Workers

Maryland General Assembly Passes Uniform Anti-Retaliation Provisions to Protect Wage Whistleblowers

New Overtime Pay And Minimum Wage Violation Lawsuits Filed Against Wal-Mart And Temp Agencies

Workers Denied Overtime Pay For Hurricane Sandy Cleanup File Wage And Hour Lawsuit

Does an unaccepted offer of judgment moot a wage and hour case? Genesis HealthCare Corp. v. Symczyk

Employer Access to Salary History Helps Explain Gender & Racial Wage Gaps

Fast Food Employees in Kentucky and Other States Hold a One-Day Strike to Raise the Minimum Wage

Agreement To Shorten Limitations Period for Wage and Overtime Claims Not Enforceable, Sixth Circuit Rules

President And CEO Personally Liable For Wage And Hour Violations In Torres v. Gristede’s Operating Corp.

Obama Signs Executive Order Creating Higher Minimum Wage for Employees of Government Contractors

Department of Labor to Provide Information and Documents from Wage-Hour Investigations to Employees and Plaintiffs' Attorneys

President Obama Issues Executive Order Raising the Minimum Wage of Certain Federal Contract Employees

California Supreme Court Denies Review of Wage Statement & Reporting Time Decision

Fast Food Employees in Kentucky and Other States Hold a One-Day Strike to Raise the Minimum Wage

Department of Labor Extends Federal Wage and Hour Laws to Home Health Care Workers

Significant Ninth Circuit Decision Applies Dukes to State Wage Law Class Claims

President And CEO Personally Liable For Wage And Hour Violations In Torres v. Gristede’s Operating Corp.

Minimum Wage, Overtime Requirements Extended to In-Home Care Workers in DOL Proposed Rule

New Jersey Appellate Court Defers to State Wage and Hour Division's Longstanding Interpretation of Exemption

Obama Signs Executive Order Creating Higher Minimum Wage for Employees of Government Contractors

DOL Issues Final Rule Extending Minimum Wage, Overtime to Home Care Workers

DOL Issues Final Rule Extending Minimum Wage, Overtime to Home Care Workers

Office of Foreign Labor Certification FAQ on Prevailing Wage Determinations Sends Mixed Message

Department of Labor Extends Federal Wage and Hour Laws to Home Health Care Workers

Federal Court Determines Workers’ Social Security Numbers Are Not Relevant When Filing Wage Violation Lawsuit

Prepared Remarks: Sanders Speaks on the Urgency of Raising the Minimum Wage and Passing the American Rescue Plan

DOL's Wage and Hour Division Issues Guidance on How to Comply with the FMLA and FLSA in Light of Pandemic Flu

White House Task Force Announces DOL-ABA Partnership to Facilitate Wage and Hour Challenges

Another Federal Court Finds "Fluctuating Workweek" Overtime Compensation Violates Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act

California Bills for New Minimum Wage Increase, Paid Sick Leave, Liens on Employers all Advance in Legislature

Promoting A Product Without The Ability to Close a Sale is not Exempt "Outside Sales" Activity -- In re Novartis Wage and Hour Litigation

Florida's Miami-Dade Wage Theft Ordinance Amended, Employers Allowed Certain Pay Day Practices.

New Report from Center for WorkLife Law: Poor, Pregnant, and Fired: Caregiver Discrimination Against Low-Wage Workers

Massachusetts High Court Rules Wage Act's Mandatory Treble Damages Provision Does Not Apply Retroactively

New Tennessee Attorney General's Opinion Opens Door to Wage Claims by Employees Serving Jury Duty

System for employees to report unpaid time insulates company from wage and hour claim, says 6th Circuit

California Supreme Court Extends Statute of Limitations for Late Wage Penalties -- Pineda v. Bank of America

California Supreme Court Revisits the Validity of Agreements Requiring Employee Waiver of Wage Claim Administrative Processes

Restaurant Association, Big Bucks Donors Defeat Denver-Sick Days Measure for Low-Wage Workers

Car washes face Los Angeles employment lawsuit alleging unfair labor practices, wage violations

Car washes face Los Angeles employment lawsuit alleging unfair labor practices, wage violations

Monetary PAGA Penalties Appy to Violation of Wage Order Working Condition Provisions -- Bright v. 99 Cent Only Stores

Ohio Supreme Court Rules that Contractors Must Be Assessed 100% Penalty for Violating State's Prevailing Wage Law

Ninth Circuit Rules that First Amendment's "Ministerial Exception" Bars Overtime Claim Under Washington Minimum Wage Act

California Court of Appeal Provides Clarification of Labor Code Section 206.5's Restrictions on Releases of Wage Claims

Working Life Episode 214: Your Future Talking Points for $15-an-hour Minimum Wage; Alabama is Amazon Unionizing Ground Zero

California Minimum Wage Law Applies to State Employees -- Sheppard v. North Orange County Regional Occupational Program

California District Court Re-Certifies Chinese Daily News Wage and Hour Class Action After Second Trip To Ninth Circuit

Supreme Court Vacates Key Seventh Circuit Wage and Hour Class Certification Decision For Further Consideration in Light of Comcast

Wal-Mart v. Dukes does not apply to California Wage and Hour Class Actions -- Williams v. Superior Court (Allstate Ins. Co.)

Tammy McCutchen, Former Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division and Littler Shareholder, Comments on the Abolishment of the Employment Standards Administration at the U.S. Department of Labor

New State Minimum Wage Increase Fails Committee Passage, But Paid Sick Leave, Liens on Employers, Still in Play in California Legislature

California Supreme Court Holds Right to File Wage Claim with State Labor Commissioner Trumps Pre-Dispute Arbitration Provision

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Signs Executive Order Raising Minimum Wage to $13 Per Hour For Employees of City Contractors & Concessionaires

Maryland Department of Labor Publishes Maryland Wage Lien Act Forms

How bad do wage and violations have to be for a federal judge to order you to sell your business? This bad.

Kentucky Cities & Counties Are Not Immune From Wage & Hour Law

Rent is out of reach for minimum-wage workers in every state. New study shows how far out of reach

Broward County Becomes the Second County in Florida to Adopt Wage Protection Ordinance

Employee Rights Short Takes: Wage Discrimination, Race Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and More

California Supreme Court Addresses Employer Definition for Wage and Hour Liability in California

Employee Rights Short Takes: Wage Discrimination, Paternity Leave, Disability Discrimination And More

Individual Owner of Successor Employer May be Liable for Minimum Wage Violations Committed by Predecessor Employer

California Wage Laws Apply to Non-California Residents Working Temporarily In The State -- Sullivan v. Oracle

Unpaid Volunteer Files Unpaid Wage Lawsuit Against MLB


Does Wal-Mart v. Dukes Impact California Wage and Hour Claims -- U.S. Supreme Court Vacates Certification Order in Chinese Daily News v. Wang

Unpaid "Interns" File Minimum Wage and Overtime Pay Lawsuit Against Movie Studio

New York Governor Signs Legislation Broadening Scope of Permissible Wage Deductions Under New York Labor Law

Per Diem Payments Ruled Part of Employee's Regular Wage Rate for Purposes of Calculating Overtime Rate

Washington State Department of Labor & Industries Approves Housekeeping Revisions to State Wage and Hour Regulations

FLSA Bills Would Increase Minimum Wage, Strengthen Non-Retaliation Provisions, Preserve Companionship Exemption, and Create New Exemption

Bills Would Increase Federal Minimum Wage, Strengthen Non-Retaliation Provisions, Preserve Companionship Exemption, and Create New Exemption

Finding of Independent Contractor Status for Tax Purposes is Binding for Wage and Hour Purposes -- Happy Nails & Spa v. Su

Department of Labor Announces Proposed Rules to Raise the Minimum Wage for Federal Contract Workers; Federal Contractors Should Consider Making Their Voice Heard During the Notice and Comment Period

The Rise and Rise of Wage Theft

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