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New York Federal Appellate Court Rules that Employee Claiming Sexual Harassment May not be Required to Complain to Multiple Managers about Harassment

Male Victims of Sexual Harassment Have Rights Too: DC Court of Appeals Upholds $800,000 Sexual Harassment Verdict Against Prominent Female Lobbyist

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Harassment for All

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Textual harassment

What Sexual Harassment Looks Like

Why you should take all harassment complaints seriously

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Sexual Harassment In Chicago

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Sexual Harassment By A Former Supervisor

The case regarding intern harassment

The case regarding intern harassment

The case regarding intern harassment

Psychology Behind Sexual Harassment

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Sexual Harassment May Be Subtle

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Sexual Harassment Evidence

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Sexual Harassment Evidence

Sexual Harassment Agreements

Sexual Harassment Witnesses

When Does Sexual Harassment Become Unlawful?

The Origins of Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment In Chicago

Sexual harassment by a co-worker

Don't be an ostrich with harassment

Sexual Harassment Investigations

Sexual Harassment In College Increases

Sexual Harassment At FastFood Workplaces

Sexual Harassment In Chicago Taverns

Chicago Sexual Harassment While Shopping?

Sexual Harassment And Professional Offices

Retaliation After Complaining About Sexual Harassment

Chicago Sexual Harassment Lawsuits

More Male Sexual Harassment Claims

Sexual Harassment On Business Trips

What Damages Can I Get In A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit?

How Long Do Sexual Harassment Cases Take

Why Settle A Sexual Harassment Case?

Sexual Harassment Liability In Illinois

Sexual Harassment Settlement Talks

Sexual Harassment By The Boss In Chicago

What Happens When You Quit Your Job Because Of Sexual Harassment

Chicago Sexual Harassment Settlements

Sexual Harassment At Christmas Parties

PriceRite Sued For Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Of Teens Increases

High Cost of Sexual Harassment

Flirtation and Brief Touchings are Not Sexual Harassment -- Or are They?

Sexual Harassment at Law Firms

Sexual Harassment By College Professor

Sexual Harassment Settlements In Chicago

EEOC sex harassment suit

Sexual Harassment Settlements In Chicago

Complaining About Sexual Harassment At Work

Affairs in the Workplace and Sexual Harassment

$2.3M Settlement in Sexual Harassment Case

Chicago Sexual Harassment Settlements

Sexual Harassment While Buying A Car

Sexual Harassment After Consensual Relationship

Sexual Harassment Via Text Messages

BET Sued For Sexual Harassment

Evidence In Sexual Harassment Cases

Sexual Harassment and Text Messages

Pornography At Work And Sexual Harassment

Second-Guessing an Employer's Response to Harassment

Sexual Harassment Lawsuits In Chicago

Text Messages and Sexual Harassment

Taxes And A Sexual Harassment Settlement

Sexual Harassment And Human Resources

Sexual Harassment Based on Comments Alone

$300,000 harassment settlement

Sexual Harassment in Fitness Clubs

Sexual Harassment And Confidentiality Agreements

Doctor Sued For Sexual Harassment

Employers cannot “ostrich” harassment allegations

Sexual Harassment: Blame The Victim?

Sexual Harassment and College Professors

The asshole defense to harassment claims

Sexual Harassment Lawsuits On The Rise

Sexual Harassment Lawsuits On The Rise

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Facts

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Facts

Sexual Harassment Lawsuits Often Settled

Summer Jobs, Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Claims

Lanlord Sued For Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment and Human Resources

Sexual Harassment and Text Messages

Sexual Harassment and University Professors

Tips For Victims of Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Defense Of Consent

Evidence In A Sexual Harassment Case

Retaliation Against Sexual Harassment Victim

Dentist Sued For Sexual Harassment

Proving Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

Sexual Harassment in New York City

Sexual Harassment At A Grocery Store

Is Flirting At Work Sexual Harassment?

Sexual Harassment v. Unwanted Attention

Chicago Sexual Harassment Facts

Proving Your Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Sexual Harassment For Waitresses In Chicago

Sexual Attraction Not Necessary For Harassment Claim

Maslanka on Combatting Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Lawsuits In Chicago

Sexual Harassment is Illegal: Know Your Rights

Sexual Harassment and Christmas Parties

Sexual Harassment And Holiday Parties

Sexual Harassment Involving The CEO

Pop quiz: is this sexual harassment?

Don't Put Up With Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Costs and Fees

Sexual Harassment Involving Your Supervisor

How Do You Prove Your Sexual Harassment Case?

Common Sexual Harassment Defenses

Defnining New York Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Via Text Messages

Sexual Harassment in New York City

Flake on Sports-Spectator Harassment

Can an employee assume the risk of harassment?

Can an employee assume the risk of harassment?

Sexual Harassment In Public Accommodation

1.2 million reasons to fight harassment

Connolly on Victimless Harassment - UK Style

Sexual Harassment Settlement Tips

Sexual Harassment and Christmas Parties

Are Sexual Harassment Settlements Taxable?

Sexual Harassment and Christmas Parties

"Motorboating" = $567K harassment verdict

Your anti-harassment obligations are 24/7/365

Sexual Harassment In Universities In Chicago

Evidence In Sexual Harassment Cases

Which Industries Have the Most Sexual Harassment Reports?

Sexual Harassment Protections in New York

How Can You Prove Harassment Is Based On Race?

Sexual Harassment Of Restaurant Workers

Sexual Harassment and Sex with the Boss

Proving Sexual Harassment in theWorkplace

What Is Sexual Harassment In A Public Place?

Pro athletes should never get a pass on harassment


How Can You Prove Harassment Is Based On Sex?

Can You Be Fired For Reporting Sexual Harassment?

What Happens If I Get Fired For Rejecting Sexual Harassment?

The Cost Of A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Mad Men and Sexual Harassment


Starbucks Sued For Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Cases Can Last For Years

Orange is the new sexual harassment lawsuit

Chicago Sexual Harassment Facts

Retaliation In Sexual Harassment Cases

Intentional misgendering IS sexual harassment

Retaliation For Reporting Sexual Harassment

Can I Quit After Being The Victim Of Sexual Harassment?

Can I Be Fired For Reporting Sexual Harassment?

Pornography At Work And Sexual Harassment

$500,000 harassment settlement

Harassment & Other Workplace Problems

Sexual harassment, bathroom, and pronouns

The united colors of harassment claims

Joliet Illinois Sexual Harassment Lawsuits

Subtle Evidence In Sexual Harassment Cases

“He liked breasts” is never an appropriate response to a harassment complaint

Tips If You Are The Victim of Sexual Harassment In Chicago

Company May Be Held Responsible For Co-Worker Harassment

Sexual Harassment under Illinois Law Defined

Is Consensual Sex At Work Sexual Harassment?

Sexual Harassment Case Expensive For Companies

Standard For A Sexual Harassment Complaint In Chicago

Chicago Secretaries Subjected To Sexual Harassment

Halliburton Employee Sues For Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment in New York City - Part II

Police Dispatcher Sues For Sexual Harassment

M&N Equipment Sued For Sexual Harassment

The EEOC and racial harassment: calling a spade a s---e

Can Unpaid Interns Sue for Sexual Harassment?

Cake Shop Sued For Sexual Harassment

Chicago Sexual Harassment Horror Stories

Bystander Employee Can Claim Sexual Harassment

Chicago Sexual Harassment Lawsuits By Secretaries

When The Boss In Chicago Asks You Out Is It Sexual Harassment?

Text Messages Can Help In A Sexual Harassment Case

2011 Harassment Training Year in California


Cost Of Defending A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Sexual Harassment in the New York Workplace is Alive and Well

Sexual Harassment Lawsuits On The Rise In Illinois

Chicago Waitresses Subjected To Sexual Harassment

Chicago Sexual Harassment Federal Lawsuits

Illinois Sexual Harassment Attorney Blog

What Do You Do When You Get Fired After Reporting Sexual Harassment In Chicago?

I wonder if these kids will need extra harassment training when they grow up?

Sexual Harassment In Business Travel For Work

Hilltown Packing Sued For Sexual Harassment

Holiday Inn Sued for Sexual Harassment

What Is Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment?

County Auditor Sued For Sexual Harassment

California Sex Harassment Suffered by Farmworkers Too Often Ignored

Cost Of Defending A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

A Little Harassment Does Not Equal a Hostile Work Environment

Sexual Harassment Investigations At Major Corporations

Spud Seller Inc. Sued For Sexual Harassment

School Head Investigated For Sexual Harassment

Complaining About Sexual Harassment Usually Lead To Retaliation

Is Being Asked Out On A Date Sexual Harassment in Chicago?

Restaurant Sued For Sexual Harassment Of Minor

Chicago Sexual Harassment Involving Waitresses

Former Prostitute Can Raise Sexual Harassment Claim

Filing sexual harassment claims in Illinois

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Settles For $6 Million

Chicago Sexual Harassment Complaints At The IDHR

Cheesecake Factory Sued For Sexual Harassment

Text Messages In A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Using Text Messages To Prove Sexual Harassment

Cheerleader Gets $25,000 in Sexual Harassment Case

Holiday Inn Sued For Sexual Harassment

Illinois Sexual Harassment Attorney Blog

Hostile Work Environment From Sexual Harassment

Tips For Evidence In Sexual Harassment Cases

6th Circuit: Employee must know about harassment to complain about it

Do You Have To Keep Information Secret In Sexual Harassment Agreements?

Sexual Harassment Cases Increase In Illinois

Could Nursing Home Have Done More To Prevent Sexual Harassment?

Auto Dealer Sued For Sexual Harassment

Soft Porn in the Workplace can be Sexual Harassment

Keep Supervisors Out of Harassment Policy Reporting Procedures

Court of Appeal Provides New Insight on Same Sex Harassment

Janitor Sues School For Sexual Harassment

College of the Mainland Sued For Sexual Harassment

Gala AZ Holdings Inc. Sued For Sexual Harassment


Sexual Harassment, Assault, Not Confined to Females

$33,000 settles sexual harassment case

Sexual Harassment at California Universities Goes Unaddressed

Chicago Business Meetings And Sexual Harassment


Can Unpaid Interns Sue for Sexual Harassment?

PriceRite Supermarket Sued For Sexual Harassment

Text Messages and Sexual Harassment In Chicago

The Cost Of Defending A Sexual Harassment Case

$1,260,000 settles harassment claims

Chicago Employers Try These Sexual Harassment Defenses

Is Consent A Defense In Sexual Harassment Cases?

Text Messages In Sexual Harassment Cases

Factors To Settling Sexual Harassment Lawsuits

Sexual Harassment Excuses By Management In Illinois



$21,500 settles sex harassment suit

Sexual Harassment at California Universities Goes Unaddressed

EEOC sues for sexual harassment and retaliation

Sexual Harassment and Reporting It To Human Resources

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Settles For $79,000

Reaching A Settlement In A Sexual Harassment Case

Filing A Sexual Harassment Complaint With The EEOC

This is why you train your management on how to respond to workplace harassment

Jack In The Box Sued For Sexual Harassment

Workplace harassment and employee assistance programs

Is Nasty Talk At Work Sexual Harassment?

Illinois Sexual Harassment Attorney Blog

These 6 steps will help keep you out of sexual harassment hot water

Chicago Sexual Harassment Attorney Tips

Sexual Harassment, Assault, Not Confined to Females

Chicago Sexual Harassment Cases Against Supervisors

Sexual Harassment Tips For Chicago Employees

Proving Sexual Harassment With Only Phone Calls

Paramedic Loses Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Chicago Sexual Harassment By College Professors

University of Cincinnati Sued For Sexual Harassment

Cactus Grill Sued For Sexual Harassment

What Damages Can You Be Awarded In A Sexual Harassment Case

Firefighters File Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Mask mandates might be gone, but maskual harassment isn’t

Chicago Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Advice

Damages In Chicago Sexual Harassment Lawsuits


Is It Retaliation If I Get Fired After Reporting Sexual Harassment?

Chicago Options For Sexual Harassment Victims

VA Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $25,000

Patrice O’Neal on sexual harassment (NSFW)

Sexual Harassment, Retaliation and Human Resources

Typical Sexual Harassment Excuses From The Company

Cost Of Investigating Sexual Harassment Claims

California Sex Harassment Suffered by Farmworkers Too Often Ignored


Election Over, Cerritos Sex Harassment Case Not

Harassment Allegation Confidentiality - Some Considerations for Employers

State Farm Sued For Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment At Work Caught On Video

EEOC claims sexual harassment at restaurant

Genesco, Inc. Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Aaron's Must Pay $95 Million In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Hostile Work Environment Can't Be Based on General Harassment

Plaintiff Wins $95M in Sexual Harassment Case

Applebee's Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $1 Million

Fourth Circuit Revives Sexual Harassment Case

Coronavirus Update 5-26-2021: Vaccination-status harassment

New Sexual Harassment Standards Set by Sixth Circuit

California Sex Harassment Claims Against L.A. Councilman Investigated

A step in the right direction to ending workplace sexual harassment

Request A File From The EEOC In A Sexual Harassment Case

Text Messages As Evidence In Sexual Harassment Lawsuits

Plaintiff Wins $95M in Sexual Harassment Case

Court of Appeal Rejects Same-sex Harassment Claim

Consistency matters when applying anti-harassment rules

Coronavirus Update 12-9-2020: Maskual harassment, part 2

The craft beer industry has a sexual harassment problem

Chicago Sees Increase in Sexual Harassment Cases

Chicago Employers Having Drinks With Workers and Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Claims in California Just Got Easier With SB 292

ERA Helicopters Sued For Sexual Harassment and Retaliation

What Is Considered Retaliation If You File A Sexual Harassment Complaint?

Waterford Police Department Sued Again For Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Cases In Illinois And Text Messages

is Consent A Common Defense In Sexual Harassment Cases?

California Sex Harassment Claims Against L.A. Councilman Investigated

Mendota Restaurants Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Sexual Harassment Rife at Company Holiday Parties

Is Being Passed Up For A Promotion Retaliation If You Complained About Sexual Harassment?

Sparks Steakhouse Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Hostile Work Environments Created By Sexual Harassment

Failure to complain insulates employers from harassment claims

Sex Harassment at California Farms a Growing Problem

Ex-Walmart employee awarded $1.4 million for harassment by manager

Sexual Harassment At Fast Food Restaurants In Chicago

The South Loop Club Sued For Sexual Harassment

California Landlord Settles Sex Harassment Case

Can George Costanza sue for sexual harassment or retaliation?

Can George Costanza sue for sexual harassment or retaliation?

When Is Sexual Harassment Considered A Constructive Discharge In Chicago?

Jury Awards Sexual Harassment Victim $30,000

Sexual Harassment Claims in California Just Got Easier With SB 292

Sexual Harassment "Blueprint" Restricts Campus Conduct

Sexual Harassment Against Teens Pervasive at Summer Jobs

Bad Economy Increases Sexual Harassment Claims

Vance v. Ball St. narrows employer liability for harassment

Consequences Supervisors Engaging In Sexual Harassment In Illinois

Vance v. Ball St. narrows employer liability for harassment

College Adviser Sexual Harassment Alleged by Student

Diner Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $25,000

What Constitutes "Sufficient Notice" To An Employer Of Sexual Harassment?

College Adviser Sexual Harassment Alleged by Student

Sexual Harassment Against Teens Pervasive at Summer Jobs

Is It Sexual Harassment? The Answer Often Depends On The Particular Facts Of Each Situation

Cell Phones and Sexual Harassment Cases In Chicago

California Sexual Harassment Claims Must be Timely Filed

Do you employ minors? Then read this sexual harassment case.

Another Official in Orange County Investigated for Sex Harassment

Punitive Damages Awarded In Race Harassment Case

Sexual Harassment Cases Increasing For Warehouse Workers

Victims of Sexual Harassment Seven Times More Likely To Leave Company

Cheesecake Factory Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

The Cost Of Defending A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit In Chicago

Chicago Area Employers Engaging In Sexual Harassment

Pointers On Discovery In Sexual Harassment Cases In Chicago

When drafting harassment policies, don’t forget about disabilities

If The Boss Is Sleeping With A Co-Worker Is That Sexual Harassment In Chicago?

No Upfront Costs For Chicago Sexual Harassment Cases

I Went To Buy A Car And The Salesman Hit On Me; Is That Sexual Harassment?

Gay Sexual Harassment Settlement at LAUSD Falls Through

Chicago Commission On Human Relations and Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment And The Illinois Human Rights Commission

Hostile Work Environments Based On Sexual Harassment

‘We Don’t Go to Work to Be Touched’: Sexual Harassment in the Warehouse

Second Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Same Sex Harassment Case

Am I The Victim Of Sexual Harassment If The Boss Is Having Sex With Another Employee?

Do you employ minors? Then read this sexual harassment case.

Is It Retaliation When An Employee Gets Fired For Reporting Sexual Harassment?

Chicago Sexual Harassment Cases Involving Retaliation

Do you employ minors? Then read this sexual harassment case.

“Bitch” as sexual harassment: context matters (sort of)

Is A Senior Executive Asking To Take Me On A Overnight Trip Sexual Harassment?

Sexual Harassment Alleged by Former Local Police Cadet

Can George Costanza sue for sexual harassment or retaliation?

The Supreme Court will Face a New Sexual Harassment Issue

Whirlpool Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $1 Million

Riverside Sexual Harassment Cases And The Issue of Consent

Finding Substantial Evidence In A Sexual Harassment Case

Company Settles Kentucky Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Is social media a valid vehicle for harassment complaints?

Herman Cain Hammered With Sexual Harassment Claims

Family and Care Giver Discrimination, Harassment and Discharge

Employer Must Take Corrective Action to Cure Third-Party Harassment

Illinois Wal-Mart Sued For Sexual Harassment


California Supreme Court Takes on Harassment v. Discrimination

Harassment Suit by Law Prof Set for Trial

Probabilities and Symmetrical Access to Information in Harassment Cases

$428,500 settles sexual harassment claim

Gender Based Profanity Constitutes Sexual Harassment

Don’t give lip service to your harassment policy

Staffing Firms Adecco Sued For Sexual Harassment

Consulting Opportunity Re Anti-Harassment and -Discrimination Training

ServiceMaster and Terminix International Sued For Sexual Harassment

Steakhouse Worker Has Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Reinstated

Same-sex harassment: Absurd decision by the 5th Circuit

Illinois Department Of Corrections Sued For Sexual Harassment

Your Email History May Hurt Your Sexual Harassment Case

TSA Employee Files Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

New York City Has Strong Sexual Harassment Law

Chiropractor Has Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Filed Against Him By Two Former Employees

Danger Of Making False Sexual Harassment Claim

Employers must Protect Workers from Sexual Harassment by Customers


Woman Has Threesome With Boss and Sues For Sexual Harassment

ABM Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $5.8 Million

Former Grocery Store Manager Accused Of Sexual Harassment

Illinois Thoroughbred Breeders Sued For Sexual Harassment

Court of Appeal: Sexual Harassment Claim Untimely

Country Inn Sued By EEOC For Sexual Harassment

New Sexual Harassment Standards Set by Sixth Circuit

Veterinary Clinic Sued For Sexual Harassment By EEOC

$110,000 settles sexual harassment suit

Chicken Restaurant Chain Sued For Sexual Harassment

EEOC Sues Nurse One Team One For Sexual Harassment

Fry's Electronics Sued For Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Overture Center Settled

Dave's Supermarket Sued For Sexual Harassment

Ninth Circuit and Female on Male Sexual Harassment


Sexual Harassment These Days is More Subtle and Often Involves New Technology

$140,000 for racial harassment of black manager

Four Female Doctors Sue Hospital For Sexual Harassment

New York City Sexual Harassment Law Gets Stronger

Dollar General Sued For Sexual Harassment and Retaliation


Villa Galleria Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $23,000

Real Estate Agent/Mayor Sued For Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Supervisor Settled For $159,000

Starbucks Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Filed By Teenager

Sonic Drive-In Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $55,000

Sex Harassment Case Costs California High School

Chrysler Liable for “Repulsive Harassment” of Employee

Lifeguard Awarded $3.5 Million in Harassment & Retaliation Lawsuit

automotive Group Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $50,000

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Yields $190,000 Settlement

Female Receptionist Awarded $30,000 For Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Sexual Harassment Victim Receives $250,000 Settlement

Sexual Harassment Cases At The Illinois Human Rights Commission

California's Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training Webinar

California's Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training Webinar

EEOC Settles Sex Harassment Case with Private Prison

Sexual Harassment Liability: Purposeful Ignorance Is Not Reasonable Care

Female State Police Officer Sues For Sexual Harassment

Taco Bell Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit for $35,000

Torrance Sexual Harassment Settlement Indicates Larger Problem at University

EEOC settlement provides really good practice points for combating harassment

Sexual Harassment Case At The Illinois Human Rights Commission

IHOP Pays $105,000 In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Justice Department to Investigate Sexual Harassment Claims in Kentucky

Roberts Truck Center Sued For Sexual Harassment and Retaliation

Fourth CIrcuit Emphasizes Necessity of Complaining about Sexual Harassment

Firefighter Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $850,000

Handling defamation and reverse discrimination claims when investigating harassment

Hobson Air Conditioning Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

EEOC Update - $100,000 Settlement in Harassment Case

Verizon Technician Raises Triable Claim Of Sexual Harassment

Grays Harbor Community Hospital Sued For Sexual Harassment

6th Circuit moves the line between same-sex harassment and bullying

Roy Farms Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $85,000

Ricardo's Restaurant Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $20,000

Hospital Sued For Sexual Harassment--Gives New Meaning To Bedside Manner

EEOC Sues Chicago Auto Dealer Over Sexual Harassment

Houston Attorney Sues Firm For Sexual Harassment, Retaliation

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Knox County Settled For $74,000

Court of Appeal: Let Jury Decide Co-Worker Harassment Case

Peninsula College Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $55,000

5 Women Sue Toy Company Claiming Sexual Harassment

CDF's Last Sexual Harassment Training for 2009 Is October 16

Librarian Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $250,000

Pizza Pub Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $40,000

Methuen Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $250,000

Sex Harassment Allegations Force Radio Host Off Air

Lack of Sex Harassment Training May Boost Liability Claim

Sexual Harassment Allegations Hit California CEO a Second Time

Vicky Crawford Awarded $1.5 Million in Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Newport Beach Sexual Harassment Claim Lodged Against Chief

California Sex Harassment, Abuse, Alleged by College Student

New Breed Logistics Pays $1.5 Million in Sexual Harassment Case

Court Finds That Nurse Who Was “Pantsed” May Have Workplace Harassment Claim

Are Late NIght Phone Calls From The Boss Sexual Harassment?

Hotel Magnate Kenneth Seaton Sued For Sexual Harassment

Are Late NIght Phone Calls From The Boss Sexual Harassment?

Are Late NIght Phone Calls From The Boss Sexual Harassment?

A Single Instance Of Harassment Can Be Enough To Constitute A Hostile Work Environment

A Single Instance Of Harassment Can Be Enough To Constitute A Hostile Work Environment

U.S. Security Associates Must Pay $2.4 Million In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Newport Beach Sexual Harassment Claim Lodged Against Chief

California Sex Harassment, Abuse, Alleged by College Student

Lack of Sex Harassment Training May Boost Liability Claim

Sex Harassment Allegations Force Radio Host Off Air

Chino Sexual Harassment Claim Garners Federal Attention

Chino Sexual Harassment Claim Garners Federal Attention

Aaron Rentals Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit With EEOC

Sexual Harassment Victim Wins Important Appeal In Second Circuit

Whirlpool Employee Awarded $1 Million In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Racial and Sexual Harassment Results in $1 Million Plus Judgment Against Whirlpool

Sexual Harassment Allegations Hit California CEO a Second Time

A Single Instance Of Harassment Can Be Enough To Constitute A Hostile Work Environment

A Single Instance Of Harassment Can Be Enough To Constitute A Hostile Work Environment

Court Finds That Nurse Who Was “Pantsed” May Have Workplace Harassment Claim

Crowell Pays $21,500 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Lafayette College Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit for $1.2 Million

U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds Same-Sex Harassment Claim

Southern California Sex Harassment Lawsuit Plaintiff "Sickened"

Sexual Harassment Cases At The Illinois Human Rights Commission

County Worker Awarded $150,000 For Sexual Harassment

Sex Harassment Claim at California Park Settled for $200K

Prison Pays $1.3 Million to Settle Sexual Harassment Case

Pizza Parlor Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $35,000

WilcoHess Pays $215,00 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Sex Harassment Suit Filed Against California Electric Firm

Napoli's Serving More Than Meatballs--Sued For Sexual Harassment

Is Being Denied A Promotion For Reporting Sexual Harassment Considered Retaliation?

Another Pattern or Practice Problem: Harassment Cases Don't Fit

Chicago Hostile Work Environments For Reporting Sexual Harassment

Watching Porn In A Chicago Office Could Be Sexual Harassment Of Co-Workers

California College Students Allege Sex Harassment By Coach

Hotel Settles Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Lawsuit For $30,000

U.S. Military Members File Sexual Harassment Lawsuit in California

Certification harassment? 6th Circuit rejects claim under FMLA

County Pays $1.59 Million To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Nurse Suing Hospital For $1 Million In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

EEOC Must Pay $4.5 Million In Sexual Harassment Case Gone Wrong

Sex Harassment Rampant in CA Video Game Industry, Women Say

11th Circuit Orders Rehearing for another Sex Harassment Case

IRS Agent Seeks $6 Million In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

IHOP Pays $105,000 in Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Whopper of a Settlement in Burger Franchise Sex Harassment Case

Largest Sexual Harassment Verdict in History – $168 Million

In Chicago Can A Waitress Sue For Sexual Harassment If Her Boss Is The Harasser?

“Creepy” Conduct By Co-Worker May Be Grounds For Sexual Harassment Claim

Largest Sexual Harassment Verdict in History – $168 Million

Sexual Harassment Cases At The Illinois Department Of Human Rights

Mark Spognardi writes for Inside Counsel on harassment claims

Lafayette College Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $1 Million

Vance v. Ball State University - SCOTUS to Take on Harassment Issue

Credit Union Settles Sexual Harassment Case For $75,000

4th Circuit Rules for Employee in Same-Sex Harassment Case

Waterford Township Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $95,000

Maryland's “Disclosing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Act of 2018"

Patton Archery Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $21,000

Harassment complaints don’t require a “perfect" response, just a “reasonable” one

Verizon Technician Raises Triable Claim Of Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment lawsuit settled against the Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Sexual Harassment Cases Create Hostile Work Environment

The punishment fits the crime – appropriate corrective action in harassment investigations

Jury Awards $451,000 In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Securitas Security Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $65,000

Largest Sexual Harassment Verdict in History – $168 Million

Hollywood Producer Ordered to Pay in Sexual Harassment Case

Follow these 6 easy steps to avoid harassment and retaliation liability

Sexual Harassment Case At The Illinois Human Rights Commission

How does the Howard Stern Show handle sexual harassment training?

A court was not having it when lawyers tried to victim-blame a sexual harassment plaintiff

Carole Pannozzo Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $30,000

Steakhouse Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $250,000

How does the Howard Stern Show handle sexual harassment training?

Largest Sexual Harassment Verdict in History – $168 Million

Criminalization of Online Harassment May Help Employers in "Cyberbattles" with Disgruntled Employees

Marriott Las Vegal Resort Sued For Sexual Harassment

Country Inn Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $85,000

Charlene Miles Files Sexual Harassment Lawsuit With EEOC

Secretary Files Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Kezjar Motors

DiMare Ruskin Farms Subjecting Women To Sexual Harassment

Lack of Sex Harassment Training May Boost Liability Claim

Sex Harassment Allegations Force Radio Host Off Air

Chino Sexual Harassment Claim Garners Federal Attention

“Despicable” does not always equal “severe or pervasive” in a racial harassment claim

Court of Appeal: "Me Too" Evidence of Harassment Admissible to Prove "Intent"

A Hotline Garment Workers Can Call When They Face Harassment on the Job

Largest Sexual Harassment Verdict in History – $168 Million

Omnicare Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $195,000

Subway Franchise Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $55,000

Glancy Binkow & Goldberg Sued For Sexual Harassment

Employer Loses Case after Retaliating against Harassment Victim’s Supervisor

Request Your Personnel File When Filing A Sexual Harassment Complaint

Chicago Bar Tilted Kilt Sued For Sexual Harassment


Carole Pannozzo Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $30,000

Why would a company wait a year to implement an anti-harassment program

Flirtation and Brief Touchings Are Not Sexual Harassment, Eleventh Circuit Rules

McDonald's Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $50,000

Celebrity Owned New York Restaurant Sued for Sexual Harassment

Deputy Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $900,000

Italian Restaurant Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $25,000

Calista CEO Matthew Nicolai Sued For Sexual Harassment

Female Sheriff Gets $211,000 In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Wal-Mart Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $27,500

Lane County Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $82,000

Clearing a path to complain is a key part of any harassment policy

Jury Awards $451,000 In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Hostile Work Environment Can't Be Based On General Harassment In Illinois

Huntersville Searford Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $86,000

Chicago Sexual Harassment Cases Involving Senior Management

Sexual Harassment Claims May Arise As The Result Of Workplace Affairs

Coronavirus Update 11-18-2020: WFHH (work from home harassment)

Trying A Sexual Harassment Case Before The Illinois Human Rights Commission

Largest Sexual Harassment Verdict in History – $168 Million

Court finds no liability for conclusions reached during harassment investigation

Prison Guard Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $75,000

Meet the Warehouse Worker Who Took On Amazon Over Inhumane Conditions and Harassment

Employee harassed after coming out at work loses harassment lawsuit

Saline Township Illinois Responds To Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Sexual Harassment lawsuit settled against the Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Days Inn Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $50,000

LAPD Hit with $2.3 Mil. Sexual Harassment Jury Verdict

Prison Guard Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $75,000

“Ted Lasso" and the difference between illegal harassment and legal (but still wrong) bullying

Maryland's “Disclosing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Act of 2018"

Landwin Management Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit for $500,000

Lafayette College Pays $1 Million To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Allstar Fitness Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $150,000

Washington State Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $375,000

California Sexual Harassment In National Guard Prompts Federal Probe

Former Grayville Illinois Mayor Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $17,500

Jury Rules in Favor of KBR in Jones Sexual Harassment Suit

Tavern On The Green Pays $2.2 Million To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Should You File Your Sexual Harassment Case With The Illinois Department of Human Rights?

Chicago Based RJB Properties Sued For Sexual Harassment and Retaliation

Gay Man Fired For Complaining Of Harassment Can Bring Retaliation Claim

If your workplace has “No bra Thursday,” it’s time for some harassment training

Mayors Administrative Assistant Gets $50,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Student Files Sexual Harassment Complaint Against Ohio University Professor

SDI Athens East Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $70,000

Male Deputy Awarded $350,000 In Sexual Harassment Case

Cake Shop Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $220,000

Court of Appeal: Employee May Use Ralph Act in Certain Sexual Harassment Cases

Washington Public Lands Commissioner Addresses Sexual Harassment Allegations

California Sex Harassment Allegations Force Tech Titan to Step Down

Cheesecake Factory Dishes Out $345,000 For Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Creating alternate avenues for employees to complain key to harassment prevention

Analytic Stress Relieving Inc. Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $75,000

Kane County Illinois Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $75,000

Creating alternate avenues for employees to complain key to harassment prevention

Money Mart Ordered To Pay $30,000 For Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Analytic Stress Relieving Inc. Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $75,000

Repeated Racial Slurs And Threatening Behavior Constitute Race Harassment

Supreme Court Adopts Narrow Definition of Supervisor for Harassment Law

Female Prison Guards Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $2.5 Million

Former Police Officer May Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $700,000

Diane Trujillo Receives $28,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Cicero Pays $675,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

City Pays $230,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Case

Car Dealer Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $500,000

Where’s Waldo? She teaching you a lesson on the high cost of sexual harassment

Court of Appeal Affirms Summary Judgment on Sexual Harassment Claim and More

Heavy Machine Operator Awarded $47,000 in Sexual Harassment Case

EMS Workers Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $142,000


Dave's Supermarket Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $300,000

Lowe's Pays $1.72 Million To Settle Retaliation and Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Sexaul Harassment Claim Allowed Based On Spankasaurus And Gabbygail Comments

City of Shippingport Pays $70,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Pacific Airport Services, Inc. Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $65,000

Referring To A Female Police Officer As "That Chick Cop" May Be Sexual Harassment

Illinois Firm Pays $8 Million To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

California Sexual Harassment a Daily Battle for Immigrant Farm Workers

California Sexual Harassment a Daily Battle for Immigrant Farm Workers

EEOC busts a quartet of hospitality employers for pervasive sexual harassment

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit With Marina Materowski Settles For $305,000

U.S. Security Associates Inc. Pays $1.95 Million To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Where’s Waldo? She teaching you a lesson on the high cost of sexual harassment

Los Angeles Yoga Instructor Accused of Sexual Harassment, Abuse

Sexual Harassment of Lesbian Officers Ends in Million-Dollar Settlement

Straight Talk on Harassment from EEOC Regional Attorney, Robert Canino

Monica Everson Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $235,000

More Sexual Harassment, Retaliation Claims, Made Against Silicon Valley Firm

The Spud Seller Inc. Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $255,000

A Dollar General Pays $50,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

United States Post Offices Has Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Dismissed

Former Canton-Potsdam Hospital Nurse Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Wine Makers Squeezing More Than Grapes As Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Is Filed

CDF Announces 2010 Dates for Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

LAPD Supervisor Faces Allegations of Sexual Harassment in Los Angeles


Farm Pays $14,500 To Settle Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Lawsuit

Illinois Firm Pays $8 Million To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

The 6th nominee for the “Worst Employer of 2022” is … the sexual harassment ignorer

Illinois Sexual Harassment Cases Have Strict Time Limits For Filing

Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawsuits May Prompt City Audit

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit By Police Against City Settled for $405,000

Gail Wilcox Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $180,000

Hilton Hotel Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $500,000

Former Police Woman Gets $275,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

LensCrafters Pays $192,500 To Settle A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Terminix Pays $140,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Oasis One Dry Cleaners Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $43,000

Jury Awards Three Employees $500,000 In Sexual Harassment Case

Sex Harassment & Retaliation Verdict of Nearly $900,000 for Woman

MMS Resources Inc Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $365,000

Kentucky Bourbon Company Missing the Mark on Sexual Harassment and Retaliation

Jury awards woman $870,000 in sex harassment case

Police Officer Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $150,000

Jesse James Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $725,000

Can I File A Sexual Harassment Complaint If The Service Technician Asks Me For Sex?

Tony's Restaurant Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $75,000

Lakemont Homes Inc. Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $267,000


Filing A Sexual Harassment Complaint With The Illinois Department Of Human Rights

Chicago's Tomayo Financial Services Sued For Sexual Harassment

Abandoning job because of harassment does not support retaliation claim, says the 6th Circuit

Something Fishy At The Fresh Market--Sexual Harassment Case Settles For $95,000

Broccoli Packing Company Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $48,000

Oasis One Dry Cleaners Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $43,000

Cobra Pavers Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $125,000

Illinois Based Company Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $65,000

JP Morgan Chase Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $1,450,000

Restaurant Pays $170,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Prof Sues George Mason Law School for Sexual Harassment

Firing Employee Day After Complaining Of Sexual Harassment May Be Grounds For Retaliation

Braun Electric Pays $82,500 To Settle A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Adams Brothers Farm Sued By EEOC For Sexual Harassment and Retaliation

McDonald's Pays $50,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Settles For $120,000 Between UPS and EEOC

Settling A Sexual Harassment Case At the Illinois Human Rights Commission

Failure To Stop Customer Harassment Of Workers May Consitute Employer Negligence

winning Your Sexual Harassment Case At The Illinois Human Rights Commission

Magazine Distributor Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $162,400

Sangria' Mexican Cafe Must Pay $51,700 In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Family Dollar Pays $45,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

College Student Settles Sexual Harassment Case For $130,000

Basta Pasta Settes Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $200,000

Planet Ford Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $160,000

Verdict Report: $168 Million For a Single Plaintiff Harassment Case

McDonalds Franchise Pays $15,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Paula Deen Sued for Sexual Harassment and Hostile Work Environment

Davis Typewriter Company Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $11,000

Tactics Chicago Human Resource Departments Use in Sexual Harassment Cases

Police Officer Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $750,000

Construction Company Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $125,000

Interior Decorator Settles Sexual Harassment Case for $250,000

Illinois Church Ordered To Pay $63,045 In Sexual Harassment Case

Cactus Grill Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $150,000

Sooner Copy Machines Pays $97,000 in Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Washington Public Lands Commissioner Addresses Sexual Harassment Allegations

Washington Public Lands Commissioner Addresses Sexual Harassment Allegations

Apple Granted Patent On Sexting--New Development In Sexual Harassment Lawsuits

Everdry Marketing Pays Almost $500,000 In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Appellate Court Upholds Gender Harassment Verdict, But Reduces Award

Patterson v. Domino's: Can Franchisor Be Held Liable for Sex Harassment in California?

EEOC Finds Female Firefighter Suffered Sexual Harassment and Retaliation

Possible Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in Louisville, Kentucky Public Works Department

Former Police Officer Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $275,000

Fry's Electronics Pays $2.3 Million To Settle A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Former Finance Officer Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $250,000

Washington Public Lands Commissioner Addresses Sexual Harassment Allegations

Argentine Township Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $400,000

Filing A Sexual Harassment Complaint With The Illinois Department of Human Rights

Chicago Housing Authoring Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $99,000

Aqua Tri Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $462,000

Everdry Marketing Pays $471,096 In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Dirty jokes on sex harassment plaintiff’s computer ruled in play

Otsego Township Pays $60,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Judge Orders Sex Harassment Plaintiffs to Hand Over Facebook Passwords

Should You File Your Sexual Harassment Complaint With the Chicago Commission On Human Relations?

Illinois Business Owner Pays $49,000 In Sexual Harassment Case

Blythe Amenson Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $400,000

Former Pharmacy College Students File Lawsuit Against Professor For Sexual Harassment

Mount Vernon Mills Inc. Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit for $70,000

Twenty Years Later, Workplace Sexual Harassment and Anita Hill Still Linked

Police Dispatcher Seeks $250,000 In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Female Farmworkers Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $300,000

Billboard Company Pays $55,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against City Administrator Settled For $600,000

Kentucky Sexual Harassment Case to Cost City over $250,000

House Of Gyros Ordered to Pay $17,400 In Sexual Harassment Case

Female Employee Awarded $127,713 in Sexual Harassment Case

Car Dealer Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $125,000

Court of Appeal Imposes Franchisor Liability for Franchisee Harassment Claim

Why File A Sexual Harassment Claim At the Chicago Commission On Human Relations?

Who is a "Management Level Employee" for Imputing Notice of Co-worker Harassment to an Employer?

Holiday Inn Express Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $90,000

EPI Advanced Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $190,000

Restaurant Pays $170,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Woman Receives $450,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Movie Theatre Pays $175,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Hillsborough County Pays Alyssa Ogden $75,000 in Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

More New California Employment Laws... Anti-Bullying Training and Unpaid Intern Harassment

Department of Interior Ordered To Pay $149,459 In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Wilcox Farm Pays $260,000 to Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Jiudicy Inc. Pays $150,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Lawsuit

Los Angeles Police Criticized for Failure to Reduce Sex Harassment Liability

A bird in the hand? Court refuses to compel lewd picture in harassment case

Jewerly Store Pays $405,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

William Lott Files Lawsuit In Chicago Against Kenny Construction For Sexual Harassment

A supersized harassment settlement highlights the extra care employers must take when employing minors

$80 Million Sexual Harassment Suit Filed Against New York Teddy Bear Maker

Former City Administrator Who Was Seeking $11.9 Million Settles for $15,000 in Sexual Harassment Case

Dollar General Corp. Pays $27,500 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Former Vice Principal at Seattle High School Prevails in Sexual Harassment Suit

Where’s Waldo? She’s teaching you a lesson on the high cost of sexual harassment

EEOC Files Class National Origin Harassment Suit Against Hilton Hotel

Buffalo Grove Company Pays $8 Million To Settle A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit


Los Angeles Police Criticized for Failure to Reduce Sex Harassment Liability

Restaurant Worker Sues For Sexual Harassment After Hot Dog Used in Lewd Gesture

California Supreme Court Rejects Sexual Harassment and Intentional Infliction Claims

California Supreme Court Holds That Personnel Management Conduct Can Constitute Harassment

Failure To Act On Complaints Of Racial And Sexual Harassment May Lead To Substantial Liability

Senor Frog License Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $350,000

Former Vice Principal at Seattle High School Prevails in Sexual Harassment Suit

Brand Energy Solutions Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $175,000

McDonald’s Workers Charge Grotesque Sexual Harassment in New $500 Million Lawsuit

Graduate Assistant At USM Settles Sexual Harassment Case for $112,500

Former Vice Principal at Seattle High School Prevails in Sexual Harassment Suit

Where’s Waldo? She’s teaching you a lesson on the high cost of sexual harassment

Former Vice Principal at Seattle High School Prevails in Sexual Harassment Suit

NYC Commission on Human Rights Releases Online Gender Harassment Training

Taco Bell Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit With EEOC For $350,000

Police Administrative Assistant Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $188,000

Kentucky Fried Chicken Pays $1 Million To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Jury Awards $1.5 Million in Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Mid-American Specialties

University of New Hampshire Pays $220,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Edinboro University Pays $495,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Chicago-area Man Awarded $4.2 Million by Jury for Religious and Ethnic Harassment

Smile Brands Pays $175,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Car Dealer Pays $132,500 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Rock-Tenn Pays $160,000 To Settle A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Settles For $250,000--Cheaper Than Legal Bills

Bon Appetit to pay $22,500 in Settlement of Charge of Sexual Harassment and Retaliation

Promens USA Inc. Pays $225,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Spectrum Plastics Pays $150,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Austin Foam Plastics Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $600,000

U.S. Cellular Sued For Sexual Harassment For Searching Customer Phones For Naked Pictures

Hurricane Grill and Wings Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $200,000

Burger King Franchisee Pays $2.5 Million To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

School Bus Company Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $150,000

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Involving The Doctors Company Settles For $230,000

Female Police Officer Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $100,000

Hobson Air Conditioning Pays $375,00 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Two Male Police Officers Receive $300,000 In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

International Profit Associates Pays $8 Million To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Illinois Human Rights Act Trumps Title VII On Sexual Harassment

Cheaters Television Show Pays $50,000 To Settle Sexaul Harassment Lawsuit

Endoscopic Microsurgery Associates Pays $350,000 In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Holiday Specialtrees Pays $110,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Police Officers Receive $300,000 In Their Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Arizona Logistics Pays $175,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Adecco Staffing Pays $12,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Lawsuit

Man Puts Semen in Female Co-workers Water Bottle - Is This Sexual Harassment?

Binghamton University Pays $280,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Burger King Franchise Pays A Whopper To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Genlyte Thomas Group LLC Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit FOr $30,000

Oak Lawn Illinois Female Awarded $4.1 Million in Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Adam Brothers Farms Pays $27,500 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Merrill Pine Ridge LLC Settles Sexual Harassment Case For $41,000

Female Police Recruit Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $170,000

EEOC Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit With Mid Valley Labor Services Inc.

River Point Farms Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $150,000

Rafael's Italian Restaurant Pays $25,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

1 in 4 Women Have Faced Sexual Harassment at Work in Newport Beach, Poll Finds

Adult Novelty Company Pays $500,000 in Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Few And Far Between: Court Decides Female on Male Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment Case

Warehouse Company DB Schenker Sued For Sexual Harassment and Hostile Work Environment

Deana Perry Received $100,000 To Settle Her Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Concrete Company Pays $325,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

ACCLAIM Charter School Pays $41,125 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Joe-Ryan Enterprises Inc. Pays $15,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

American Laser Centers Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $125,000

Veterinary Center Pays $101,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Former Human Resource Manager Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $600,000

Dona Ana County Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit for $150,000

Human Resource Manager Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $600,000

Four Latino Workers Receive $150,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Church Pays $192,500 To Settle Retaliation and Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Los Angeles Police Criticized for Failure to Reduce Sex Harassment Liability

Fire Departments Pays $494,150 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Female Police Officer Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $130,000

Adam Brothers Farms Pays $27,500 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Peter's Diner Pays $27, 500 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Mobile Community Action Pays $65,000 To Settle Retaliation and Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Instances Of Harassment Not Raised At Administrative Level Allowed In Civil Sexual Harrassment Lawsuit

Rally's Hamburgers Settles Teenage Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $150,000

College Sexual Harassment, Assault, Takes Center Stage at Start of School Year

Is It Sexual Harassment to Require Employees to Submit to Pat-Down Searches that Involve Inappropriate Touching?

Garfield Medical Center Pays $530,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

New York State Issues Awaited Proposed Model Sexual Harassment Policy and Other Resources

Jay Medicar Transportation LLC Pays $70,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Hal Leonard Publishing Company Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $150,000

Court Permits “Public Policy” Constructive Discharge Claim Based on Sexual Harassment

Monterey Gourmet Foods Pays $535,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Prologix Distribution Services Pays $162,400 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Hal Leonard Publishing Company Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $150,000

Grays Harbor Community Hospital Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $125,000

Auto Parts Distributorship to Pay $175,000 to Settle Sex Harassment Lawsuit

Chicago Area Jimmy's Charhouse Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $200,000

California Supreme Court: Franchisor MAY Be Liable for Franchisee's Employee's Sexual Harassment Claim*

Court Permits “Public Policy” Constructive Discharge Claim Based on Sexual Harassment

EEOC Files Sexual Harassment and National Origin Lawsuit Against Knouse Foods Cooperative

Chicago Based Help At Home, Inc. Pays $302,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Sexual Harassment Policy Critical to Fostering Proper Work Environment in Orange County

Havre Eagles Club Pays $193,502 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

College Sexual Harassment, Assault, Takes Center Stage at Start of School Year

Internal Sexual Harassment Complaints are Protected by Anti-SLAPP statute -- Aber v. Comstock


Chief Financial Officer Gail Busbey Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $93,000

A “wet one” renders him gay? 5th Circuit to reconsider same-sex harassment case

Thomas Dodge Subaru Pays $132,500 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Eagle Wings Industries Pays $428,500 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Havre Eagles Club Pays $193,502 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

National Food Corp. Pays $650,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Paper plant settles case of egregious racial harassment with EEOC for $385,000

National Food Corporation Pays $650,000 To Settle A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

PetSmart Throws Bone To EEOC and Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $125,000

Asarco LLC's MIssion Mine Must Pay $868,750 In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Chevrolet Car Dealer Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit With EEOC For $110,000

Court Permits “Public Policy” Constructive Discharge Claim Based on Sexual Harassment

BBQ Owner Agrees To Pay $449,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Western State Hospital Pays $995,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Court Permits “Public Policy” Constructive Discharge Claim Based on Sexual Harassment

Alleged Kentucky Sexual Harassment Incident Included in Police Officer's Lawsuit

Illinois Elks Lodge Pays $107,500 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Auto Parts Distributorship to Pay $175,000 to Settle Sex Harassment Lawsuit

Instances Of Harassment Not Raised At Administrative Level Allowed In Civil Sexual Harrassment Lawsuit

Will the Supreme Court (re)define employer liability for harassment by supervisors? Vance v. Ball St. Univ.

Hewlett-Packard's board shaken up after sexual harassment complaint forces ouster of CEO

Hal Leonard Publishing Co. Pays $150,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Grocery Store Pays $325,000 To Settle EEOC Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Lumber Supplier Biewer Cutting More Than Wood: Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $55,000

Two Bloomington-Normal Public Transit System Workers File Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

East Georgia College Pays $50,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Involving A Professor

Brand Energy Pays $110,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Lawsuit

EEOC settlement provides expensive lesson on including social media in your anti-harassment policies and training

Nassau County Ordered to Pay $604,589 after Losing Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Lawsuit

Mason County Forest Products Pays $900,000 To Settle A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

American Laser Centers Pays $125,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Lawsuit

Roberts Truck Centers Pays $300,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Lawsuit

Fisher Sand & Gravel Co. Pays $150,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Supreme Court Ruling Protects Employees Against Retaliation For Assisting Internal Sexual Harassment Investigations

College View Donuts LLC Pays $290,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

sonic Drive-In of Los Lunas, Ltd. and B&B Consultants Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $2 Million

Fox News CEO Accused of Sexual Harassment and Retaliation -- Gretchen Carlson v. Roger Ailes


New York State Finalizes its Sexual Harassment Policies and Training Requirements After Receiving Comments from Employers

Coronavirus Update 12-8-2020: Tipped restaurant and other service workers at high risk for “maskual harassment"

Nancy Lopez Former Parking Authority Clerk Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $300,000

Supreme Court Ruling Protects Employees Against Retaliation For Assisting Internal Sexual Harassment Investigations

Westlake Village sexual harassment suit alleges romance with boss lead to special treatment

Were You A Sexual Harassment Victim Of Bill Gothard And The Oak Brook Based Basic Life Principles?

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Settled for $188,000 Against Kendall County Illinois Sheriff Department

Mercury Air Centers Gets Cleaned By EEOC and Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $600,000

Ruby Tuesday Dishes Out More Than Food and Pays $225,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Nissan Car Dealership Pays $455,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Lawsuit

Paul Big M's Grocery Store Must Pay $1.2 Million After Losing Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Supreme Court Ruling Protects Employees Against Retaliation For Assisting Internal Sexual Harassment Investigations

Supreme Court Ruling Protects Employees Against Retaliation For Assisting Internal Sexual Harassment Investigations

4th Circuit Determines An Assistant Manager Is A “Supervisor” For Purposes Of Filing A Sexual Harassment Claim

Strict Liability for Harassment Is Limited to "Supervisors" Who Can Hire and Fire -- Vance v. Ball State University

UPS Driver May Maintain Racial Harassment Case After Co-workers Left Banana Peels In His Truck

Monmouth County Employee Carol Melnick Awarded $470,000 in Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Eagle Wings Industries Pays $428,500 To Settle Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Lawsuit

The South Loop Club In Chicago Pays $100,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

School teacher's termination upheld due to failure to complete mandated sexual harassment training

EEOC Wins Maryland Jury Verdict of $350,000 for Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Victims

Unpaid Intern Cannot Bring Sexual Harassment Claim Under NYC Human Rights Law, Judge Rules

Doctor Subjected to Sexual Harassment and Hostile Work Environment by Clinic Owner, Fourth Circuit Rules

Retaliation Claim Allowed In Egan v. Freedom Bank Where Vice President Is Fired After Complaining About Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Victim must allege a work sharing agreement or file with the state agency within 180 days

Metro Special Police & Security Services, Inc. Pays $155,000 To Settle A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Warning – vulgar language ahead: 11th Circuit decides whether tasteless workplace behavior is actionable as sexual harassment

Auto Company Pays $1.505 Million to Settle Sexual Harassment, Gender and Age Discrimination Lawsuit With The EEOC

Jason Tremblay writes article for Inside Counsel on handling defamation and reverse discrimination claims when investigating harassment

UPDATE: New York City Council Enacts Package of Legislation Aimed at Strengthening Anti-Sexual Harassment Policies

If your company just agreed to pay $2 million to settle a horrific sexual harassment lawsuit, maybe don’t trash the plaintiff on social media

Federal appeals court orders NLRB to determine whether workplace harassment laws trump the National Labor Relations Act

NBA Security Director Files Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Suit in New York State Court Against U.S. Olympic Team Coach

U.S. Supreme Court Narrowly Defines "Supervisor" in Harassment Cases

Sexual harassment lawsuit in Los Angeles leads to sexual discrimination allegations

Sexual harassment lawsuit in Los Angeles leads to sexual discrimination allegations

Abuse of Power? McCormick Comments in Newsweek on Male-Male Sexual Harassment

McDonalds Franchisee Pays $1,000,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Criminalization of Online Harassment May Help Employers in "Cyberbattles" with Disgruntled Employees

Law Prof Sues Law School in Reverse Harassment Case

Female Law Partner Sued For Sexual Harassment Of Female Associate

Federal Court Says No Questions About Sexual History In Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Sexual Harassment "Blueprint" Restricts Campus Conduct

Morgan & Morgan Law Firm Sued For Sexual Harassment

Tipped workers face added sexual harassment during the pandemic, this week in the war on workers

Employee Rights Short Takes: Wage Discrimination, Race Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and More

Friday updates on prior topics: ADA turns 20, Nursing Mothers and Male on Male Harassment

Village Pays $75,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Village President Thomas Kempinski

Is A Co-Worker Looking At Porn On His Work Computer Sexual Harassment If I See His Computer

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit From Student Teacher Sexual Relationship

Court Says "Me Too" Evidence Admissible in Harassment Case

Impending Sexual Harassment Notice and Training Requirements to Affect New York State and New York City Employers

Chevrolet Dealership Pays $120,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment, Gender Discrimination and Racial Discrimination Lawsuit

Sacramento State Professor Who Cost The University $900,000 To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuits Now Sues The University

Are Sexual Comments Enough For Sexual Harassment Complaint In Chicago?

EEOC suit claims male-on-male harassment

Doctor Sues Hospital and Doctor For Sexual Harassment

Are Sexual Text Messages Sexual Harassment In Illinois?

Workplace Bullying vs. Workplace Harassment: Is There a Difference?

Male On Male Sexual Harassment Cases

EEOC claims male-on-male harassment

Are Sexual Comments In Chicago Sexual Harassment?

Electronic Workplace Harassment Does Not Always Happen at the Workplace

It Is New Jersey, But Business to Business Sex Harassment?

Sexual Text Messages = Sexual Harassment

Are Sexual Comments Sexual Harassment in Illinois?

Religious Institution May Not Engage in Religious Harassment

Are Sexual Comments Sexual Harassment?

Workplace romance vs. workplace harassment

Business-to-Business Sexual Harassment in NJ

National origin harassment depends on the national origin of the harassee

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