All Blog Articles about Overtime

Is an Intern Supposed to Get Paid?
Enter your article here Many times a student intern is working for an employer without getting paid for the hours worked. In addition, when the intern is not paid as an employee, they are also not ent...
0 comments  |  posted by Scott Behren  |  Jun 4, 2010 8:24 PM [EST] in Overtime  |  applies to All States

Tipped Employees Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
Enter your article here In many instances these days, employees are coming to my office with questions about tips, what hourly rate an employee who gets tips must be paid and whether an employer may r...
0 comments  |  posted by Scott Behren  |  Jun 4, 2010 8:22 PM [EST] in Overtime  |  applies to All States

Hard Rock Cafe Servers Claim Illegal Tip Pooling
Enter your article here Well the national chain of Hard Rock Cafe restaurants have recently been hit with a lawsuit under the FLSA complaining about its tip handling procedures. The allegations of the...
0 comments  |  posted by Scott Behren  |  Jun 4, 2010 8:21 PM [EST] in Overtime  |  applies to All States

Should I Be Getting Paid Overtime as a Salaried Employee?
Enter your article here On many occasions, employees come to me who are working dozens of hours for their employers, but are not getting paid overtime. I ask them why and the response is , I'm salarie...
0 comments  |  posted by Scott Behren  |  Jun 4, 2010 8:14 PM [EST] in Overtime  |  applies to All States

Is My Employer Required to Give Me Meal or Break Time?
Enter your article here The general answer, under Federal law, is no. However some states have their own rest or lunch break statutes for employees, which as of the posting of this blog, include: Cali...
0 comments  |  posted by Scott Behren  |  Jun 4, 2010 8:10 PM [EST] in Overtime  |  applies to All States

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