Search for salary labor laws

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AALS Section on Employment Discrimination and Section on Labor Relations and Employment Law 2013 Newsletter

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ABA Section on Labor and Employment Law Ethics Committee Meeting

Academic Labor Unrest Spreads to Maryland Colleges

Acquittal in Agriprocessors Child Labor Case

Additional Labor and Employment Bills Introduced

Adopt Modern Technology by Ordering Labor Law Posters from our Online Store

AFL-CIO, Global Unions Applaud New Egyptian Labor Movement

After a Long Defeat, Labor Is Rising from the Ashes


Agencies Issue Final Rule on Project Labor Agreements

Agenda Set for Seventh Annual Colloquium on Labor and Employment Law in Chicago

Agreement to Include Overtime in Salary Trumps California Labor Code (Surprise)!

Alberta Labor Relations Board Constitutionalizes Mandatory Dues Check Off

Alberta Labor Relations Board Decision on NHL Lockout


America’s Two-Tier Labor System is a Glaring Outlier Among Wealthy Nations

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An Important Amendment to Take Effect Under New York Labor Law

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Another California Court of Appeal Finds California's Special Protections for Labor Picketing to be Unconstitutional

Apparently, “information security” is now an unfair labor practice

Appropriations Committee Discusses Federal Contractor, OSHA Issues with Labor Secretary Perez

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Are You An Employee or an Independent Contractor? A California Labor Lawyer’s Perspective (2024)

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Atal on Increasing Women's Labor-Market Participation

Attorney General Supports Increased Whistleblower Protections Under Federal Banking Laws FIRREA

‘Bellwether’ for unions: Amazon battle could transform Biden’s labor revival

‘The president’s committed to raising the minimum wage,’ Labor Sec. Marty Walsh says. He should be

“Hairstyle discrimination” laws: a solution in search of a problem

“Salting” the wounds of labor organizing

“The Algorithm Made Us Do It”: How Bosses at Instacart “Mathwash” Labor Exploitation

“Unpaid” Summer Internships May Violate Federal Labor Laws

“Unpaid” Summer Internships May Violate Federal Labor Laws

Baning salary discussion bans

Bankrupcy, labor unions, and remaining union free

Banks on Trade Agreements and Labor Law

Basic federal labor regulations would definitely help

Become Compliant with State Labor Laws with our Alabama and Alaska Labor Law Posters

Bernie Sanders Is Actively Running for Labor Secretary

Bernie Sanders makes a play for Biden Labor secretary

Bernie’s labor support snowballs

Bernstein & Leonard: "Progressive" Labor/Employment Legislation Was Anything But

Biden has an Obvious Best Choice New Labor Secretary

Biden picks Boston Mayor Marty Walsh for labor secretary

Biden’s Department of Labor proposes significant new independent contractor regulations

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Big Monday at the Court for Labor & Employment

Bill Amending New York Labor Law § 193 Awaiting Governor's Approval

Bill Would Abolish the National Labor Relations Board

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Bill Would Ban Use of Foreign Labor After Mass Layoffs

Bill Would Provide Labor Secretary with Greater Review Over State OSH Plans

BLS to Eliminate Labor Comparisons Program

BNSF Railway Co. Agrees to Revise Personnel Policies That Violate Whistleblower Protection Laws

Bodie on Labor, Corporate, and Political Speech

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Breakfast With Your Labor Lawyer - Fall 2011 Seminar Series

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BREAKING: NLRB publishes final rule on mandatory posting of labor rights

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Britain to Relax Employment Laws in Effort to Increase Employment

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Business, Forced-Labor in China, and the ILO

Busy Beltway Labor Law Day: NLRB Nominations and DOL Secretary Committee Vote

Busy Day at the U.S. Supreme Court (Labor and Employment Law Edition)

Buy All Mandatory Federal and State Labor Law Posters from our Meticulous Online Poster Store

Buy Arkansas and Arizona Labor Law Posters with a Few Clicks

CA Division of Labor Standards Issues Opinion Letter re Internships

CalChamber's List of New California Employment Laws for 2014 and Beyond

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California Department of Industrial Relations and Labor Commissioner Create Complaint Hotline

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California Governor Brown Signing More New Employment Laws at End of 2014 Session (Part I)

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California Minimum Wage Increase has Ripple Effect on Other Laws

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California Supreme Court Upholds Peaceful Labor Picketing on Private Sidewalks

California Supreme Court Will Not Review Fixed Salary Contracts Case

California Supreme Court: Arbitration Agreement Can Waive Labor Commissioner Hearings. I think.

California Wage Laws Apply to Non-California Residents Working Temporarily In The State -- Sullivan v. Oracle

Call for Articles for the American University Washington College of Law Labor & Employment Law Brief

Call for Papers for American University Law Labor and Employment Law Forum

Call for Papers for Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal Symposium Issue on ACA and ADA

Call for Papers for Seventh Annual Labor and Employment Law Colloquium

Call for Papers Reminder: AALS Section on Labor Relations and Employment Law

Call for Papers: China Labor Market

Call for Papers: NKLR Symposium on Labor/Employment Law & Informatics

Call for Papers: SEALS New Voices in Labor and Employment Law Program

Call for Proposals for Eighth Annual Colloquium in Fall 2013 on Current Scholarship in Labor and Employment Law

Call for Proposals for Fifth Annual Colloquium on Current Scholarship in Labor and Employment Law

Call for Proposals for Sixth Annual Colloquium on Current Scholarship in Labor and Employment Law

Call for Proposals for the Seventh Annual Seton Hall Employment & Labor Law Scholars' Forum

Call for Proposals for the Sixth Annual Seton Hall Employment & Labor Law Scholars' Forum

Cambridge Handbook of U.S. Labor Law ... Now in Paperback

Can Nontraditional Labor Orgs Represent Workers?

Canada Labor Laws Support Workers’ Freedom to Form Unions

Canada: Labor Market Opinions Only Valid for Six Months after Issuance

Canadian Labor Arbitration Awards Related to Covid-19

Car washes face Los Angeles employment lawsuit alleging unfair labor practices, wage violations

Car washes face Los Angeles employment lawsuit alleging unfair labor practices, wage violations

Card-carrying union member Walsh, Biden’s Labor nominee, wins businesses’ respect

Celebrating Juneteenth, Labor Finds Its Voice for Racial Justice

Celebrities Sued Over Allegations of Labor Conditions at Los Angeles Restaurant

Changes in the Chinese Labor Market

Changing Demographics of the Labor Movement

Charles W. Pautsch and Jesse R. Dill write article in Thomson Reuters News & Insight Legal on social media and Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act

Charles W. Pautsch and Jesse R. Dill write article in Thomson Reuters News & Insight Legal on social media and Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act

Charles W. Pautsch presents on labor and employment topics

Charles W. Pautsch quoted in IndustryWeek article on labor union changes in the year ahead

Charles W. Pautsch writes on buying a U.S. business with labor issues for Financier Worldwide magazine

Charles W. Pautsch writes on buying a US business with labor issues for Financier Worldwide magazine

Charlie Sheen and the National Labor Relations Board

Chart Summarizing Maryland's Leave Laws

Chart Summarizing Maryland's Leave Laws

Check Laws to Learn if You Can Take Time Off to Vote

Checking the pulse of the American worker on labor unions as we enter Labor Day Weekend

Cherry on Working for (Virtually) Minimum Wage: Applying the Fair Labor Standards Act in Cyberspace

Chicago Teachers Didn’t Win Everything, But They’ve Transformed the City—And the Labor Movement


Chipotle settlement highlights child labor issues

Citing Unfair Labor Practices, 1,300 Steelworkers Strike in Five States

Civil rights champion Thomas Perez being nominated for labor secretary

Class on Labor and Employment Issues in the Health Care Industry

CLE on Plausibility in Labor and Employment Cases

Clean Slate Laws

Climate Activists Can’t Afford to Ignore Labor. A Shuttered Refinery in Philly Shows Why.

Colombia Adopts Regulations to Implement its Data Protection Laws

Colorado employment laws new for 2021

Colorado employment laws new for 2021

Colorado Labor and Employment Law 2019 Legislative Session Review

Colorado Labor and Employment Law 2019 Legislative Session Review

Combating Labor Trafficking At Home and Around the World

Combating Labor Trafficking At Home and Around the World

Commuting in Company Vehicle May Be Compensable Under California Labor Code -- Rutti v. LoJack

Commuting in Company Vehicle May Be Compensable Under California Labor Code -- Rutti v. Vermillion

Comply with all labor related laws with our Arizona and Arkansas labor law posters

Comply With Federal and California Laws with Appropriate Compliance Posters

Comply With Federal Laws with Prominent Hand Washing Posters at Your Workplace

Congratulations to Charlie Sullivan, Recipient of Second Annual Paul Steven Miller Award for Scholarly Contributions to Labor and Employment Law

Congress Continues to Introduce Labor & Employment Bills

Congress To Review New Employment Discrimination Laws

Congressional Hearing Examines Problems with Fair Labor Standards Act

Congressmen Ask New Labor Secretary for Ruling on Worker Centers

Contradictory News from the Labor Statistics

Cooper Brown joins Department of Labor's ARB

Coronavirus is a huge labor issue, this week in the war on workers

Coronavirus Update 3-21-2020: Treasury, IRS and Labor announce plan to implement Coronavirus-related paid leave for workers and tax credits for businesses

Coronavirus Update 9-9-21: Don’t forget about overtime laws when paying employees pandemic-related bonuses

Corporate Spies Keep An Eye On Organized Labor

Court of Appeal: Employees Who "Retire" Have Quit Under the Labor Code

Court of Appeal: Exhaust Administrative Remedies Before Filing Whistleblower Claims under Labor Code Section 1102.5

Court of Appeal: Labor Code Provisions Don't Apply to Public Entities Unless They Expressly Are Made Applicable

Court Okays Labor Department Rule: Guestworkers Must Earn Prevailing Wages

Court Recognizes Broad Geographic Reach of New York State and City Human Rights Laws

COVID-Related Labor Arbitration Awards

Craver & Secunda Say Labor at Crossroads

Current Trends in State Labor and Employment Law

Cut In Salary Usually Does Not Void Non-Compete Clause (Leibowitz v. Aternity, Inc.)

DC LERA Program: Labor Rights & Global Supply Chains, 12/15/21

Defense Reauthorization Bill Includes Amendment Banning Project Labor Agreement Requirement

Definition Of Marriage Affects Many Federal Laws

Definition Of Marriage Affects Many Federal Laws

Definition Of Marriage Affects Many Federal Laws

Dellinger v. Science Applications International Determines Retaliation Provision Of Fair Labor Standards Act Applies To Current And Former Employees

Dellinger v. Science Applications International Determines Retaliation Provision Of Fair Labor Standards Act Applies To Current And Former Employees

Democrats’ lackluster performance in Senate spells trouble for labor

Department of Justice Settlements a Good Reminder of Employer Obligations under Employment Verification Laws

Department of Labor Announces New Compliance Strategy

Department of Labor Announces new I-Phone App

Department of Labor Announces Proposed Rules to Raise the Minimum Wage for Federal Contract Workers; Federal Contractors Should Consider Making Their Voice Heard During the Notice and Comment Period

Department of Labor Announces Return of Summer Jobs Initiative

Department of Labor Calls to Raise the Minimum Wage

Department of Labor Changes Will Result in More FLSA Lawsuits

Department Of Labor Considers Inclusion Of Home Care Employees Under The FLSA

Department of Labor Cracking Down On Employer Violations Of Overtime Pay and Minimum Wage Requirements

Department of Labor Drafting Rules to Finally Protect Home Care Workers Under Federal Labor Laws

Department of Labor Extends Family Medical Leave Act Coverage to Same-Sex, Non-Traditional Parents

Department of Labor Extends Federal Wage and Hour Laws to Home Health Care Workers

Department of Labor Extends Federal Wage and Hour Laws to Home Health Care Workers

Department of Labor Issues A New App to Track Overtime

Department of Labor Issues A New App to Track Overtime

Department of Labor Issues Aggressive Memo Going After "Misclassified" Independent Contractors -- Administrator's Interpretation No. 2015-1

Department of Labor issues game-changing guidance on the administrative exemption and loan officers

Department of Labor Issues Guidelines on Unpaid Internships

Department of Labor Issues New Fact Sheets on Retaliation

Department of Labor Issues Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in Connection with Family and Medical Leave Act

Department of Labor Issues Orders in Response to the Dissolution of the Employment Standards Administration


Department of Labor May Raise Wages for Disabled Federal Contractors, After All

Department of Labor Program Connects Employees to Lawyer Referral Service

Department of Labor Proposes New Reporting Rules to Expand Reach of "Persuader Activity" Regulation and Narrow the Advice Exemption

Department of Labor Proposes New Rules Affecting Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements

Department of Labor Proposes Rule Extending Overtime Protection to In-Home Health Care Workers

Department of Labor Proposes Rule Extending Overtime Protection to In-Home Health Care Workers

Department Of Labor Questions Homebuilder Minimum Wage And Overtime Pay

Department Of Labor Questions Homebuilder Minimum Wage And Overtime Pay

Department of Labor Releases Smartphone Application for Tracking Employee Work Hours

Department of Labor Requires Employers to Use Updated Form I-9

Department of Labor Sues Washington Prisons for Overtime Violations

Department of Labor Sues Washington Prisons for Overtime Violations

Department of Labor Sues Washington Prisons for Overtime Violations

Department of Labor Sues Washington Prisons for Overtime Violations

Department of Labor Targeting Health Care Overtime Practices

Department of Labor targets enforcement of rules against unpaid internships

Department of Labor to Provide Information and Documents from Wage-Hour Investigations to Employees and Plaintiffs' Attorneys

Department of Labor Tries to Leverage Social Media to Solve Unemployment

Department of Labor Walks the Walk

Department of Labor, and its Wage and Hour Division, set 2010 regulatory agenda

Deploy the Girl-Scout-cookie offensive to ward off labor unions

Dept of Labor Goes Off the Grid

Dept. of Labor Clarifies the Definition of In Loco Parentis for FMLA Leave?

Dept. of Labor Fails to Protect Workers: “We have a crisis in wage theft”

Deputy Secretary of Labor Harris Featured in WSJ Article on DOL

Dimick on Labor and Liberalism

Dimick on Paths to Power: Labor Law, Union Density, and the Ghent System

Diminishing the Harmful Effects of “Cultural Cognition” in Labor and Employment Litigation

Direct Elections for Labor Leaders Make for More Militant Unions

Dirty Labor Laundry On-Line

Dirty Labor Laundry On-Line

Discrimination Laws in California

Display Federal and State Labor Law Posters for Complete Compliance

DLSE Opinion Letter re Reducing Salary and Workdays

DNC expresses hope that labor dispute will be defused ahead of this week's debate

Do I Need a Lawyer for the Labor Board?

Do we need labor unions anymore?

Do you know? The Department of Labor updates its strategic plan for the next five years

Do you know? Unfair labor practice strikes

DoD, GSA, and NASA Adopt as Final DOL's Notification of Employee Rights Under Federal Labor Laws Rule

DoD, GSA, and NASA Adopt Final Rule on Notification of Employee Rights Under Federal Labor Laws

Does Colorado have anti discrimination laws?

Does Colorado have anti discrimination laws?

Does craft beer have a labor problem?

Does Federal Law Actually Preempt Relaxed State Marijuana Laws?

Does India have sex discrimination laws?

Does the Fair Labor Standards Act Hate Home Care Workers?

Does Wal-Mart Use of Check Cards for Pay Purposes Violate Wage Payment Laws?

Does your social networking policy violate federal labor laws?

DOJ Plans to Expand Civil Rights Division, Enforcement of Antidiscrimination Laws

DOL announced proposed rule to increase salary threshold for white-collar exempt employees

DOL expands wage and hour laws to home care workers

DOL expands wage and hour laws to home care workers

DOL Increases Penalties for Child Labor Violations

DOL Issues Child Labor Report

DOL Issues Final Child Labor Regulations for Non-Agricultural Work

DOL Issues Proposed Rule Requiring Federal Contractors to Notify Employees of Their Rights Under Federal Labor Law

DOL Labor Secretary Discusses Companionship Rule, H-2B Visa Program at Appropriations Hearing

DOL Labor Secretary Nominee Thomas Perez Addresses Senate Committee

DOL Reports on Child Labor and Forced Labor Throughout the World

DOL Rulemaking to Focus on Labor-Management, Occupational Safety and Health Issues

Domestic Partnership Laws for 2010

Donning and Doffing Equipment, Off the Clock Labor, and Overtime Under the FLSA

Doorey and Leibman's Canadian and American Undergrad Survey on Views of Current Labor Issues

Doorey In Defense of Transnational Domestic Labor Regulation

Doorey/Sachs/Block Webinar on the Future of U.S. Labor Law

DOT Reiterates that Marijuana Use by Safety-Sensitive Transportation Employees Is Not Authorized, Regardless of Recent Passage of State Recreational Marijuana Use Laws

DOT Reiterates that Marijuana Use by Safety-Sensitive Transportation Employees Is Not Authorized, Regardless of Recent Passage of State Recreational Marijuana Use Laws

Draft Immigration Proposal Calls for Biometric Employment Verification, Increased Penalties Against Labor Law Violators

Draft Immigration Proposal Calls for Biometric Employment Verification, Increased Penalties Against Labor Law Violators

Drummonds on Reforming Labor Law by Reforming Labor Law Preemption Doctrine

Drummonds on The Public Policy Exception to Labor Arbitration Award Enforcement

Duff on ALT-Labor, Secondary Boycotts, and Toward a Labor Organization Bargain

Duff on ALT-Labor, Secondary Boycotts, and Toward a Labor Organization Bargain

Duff on Labor and the NFL Antitrust Exemption

Duff on Labor-Management Conflict

Dynamics of Public Sector Labor Bargaining

EEOC Guidance: Using an Individual's Criminal History in Hiring Decisions May Violate Anti-Discrimination Laws

EEOC labor trafficking suits

EEOC Provides Guidance on the Application of Employment Discrimination Laws to Instances of Domestic Violence, Stalking

EEOC Rules Federal Laws Ban Transgender Discrimination

EEOC Rules Federal Laws Ban Transgender Discrimination

EEOC Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit With Mid Valley Labor Services Inc.

Eight Circuit Issues Important Sports Law Labor Ruling on Substance Abuse Suspensions of Two NFL Vikings Players

Eighth Annual Seton Hall Employment & Labor Law Scholars' Forum

Emerging laws protect the internet privacy of employees and students

Employees Cannot Sue Under Labor Code 351 for Alleged Tip Pooling Violations

Employer Access to Salary History Helps Explain Gender & Racial Wage Gaps

Employers Violating Overtime Laws On The Rise

Employers’ summer of discontent: Obama labor board pushes anti-employer agenda

Employment and Labor Law News

Employment and Labor Law News

Employment and Labor Law News

Employment and Labor Law News

Employment and Labor Law News

Employment and Labor Law News

Employment and Labor Law News

Employment Discrimination Laws Now Don't Apply to Churches

Enforcing Environmental Laws During The Pandemic

English Only Laws May Constitute National Origin Discrimination

Ensure a Compliant Workplace with Colorado Labor Law Posters

Ensure Arizona and Arkansas Labor Law Compliance with our Posters

Ensure Complete Compliance with our Alabama and Alaska Labor Law Posters

Ensure Compliance with Up To Date California Labor Law Posters

Ensure State Compliance with our California Labor Law Poster

Estreicher on Labor Strategy

Estreicher's Strategy for Labor Revisted

Eugene Lee Wins $500k Labor Appeal

Excerpt from "Learning from Down Under: Where Labor Policy is Center Stage"

Exhibit A: Federal Courts Don't Understand Labor Law

Extra Staffing Leads to More Enforcement by Department of Labor

FAA Funding Hung Up Over Labor Issue

Facebook and Labor Law

Facebook firing causes unfair labor practice double play for NLRB

Fair Labor Standards Act Protects Your Right To Overtime Compensation

Fair Labor Standards Act Protects Your Right To Overtime Compensation

Fair Labor Standards Add Value

Fall 2023 Online Labor Law Class?

Farm Labor in Mexico

Favorite Labor/Employment Blogs

Federal appeals court orders NLRB to determine whether workplace harassment laws trump the National Labor Relations Act

Federal Bill Seeks to Expand Computer Employee Exemption Under Fair Labor Standards Act

Federal Court Determines Anti-Retaliations Laws Protect Federal Employees In Diggs v. HUD

Federal District Court Affirms U.S. Department of Labor's Position that Healthcare Providers Participating in HMOs for Federal Employees are Subject to Federal Contractor Affirmative Action Requirements

Federal Labor Laws Protect All Workers

Federal Workers Need a Functioning Federal Labor Board

Feuer on How the Supreme Court and the Department of Labor May Dispel Myths About ERISA’S Family Law Provisions

Fifth Annual Seton Hall Employment & Labor Law Scholars' Forum

Financing Forced Labor in the Cotton Fields of Uzbekistan

Fink on the State of American Labor Law

First Annual American University Labor & Employment Law Forum Symposium: "The 'New' American Workday: How 9-5 has become 24/7"

Fletcher, Fort, & Singel on Tribal Disruption and Labor Relations

Flurry of Labor and Employment Bills Introduced in First Weeks of New Congress

Flurry of New Employment Laws Regulating the Use of Criminal Records Continues with Expanded Restrictions in Indiana, North Carolina, Texas, and Buffalo, New York

Flurry of New Employment Laws Regulating the Use of Criminal Records Continues with Expanded Restrictions in Indiana, North Carolina, Texas, and Buffalo, New York

Foreign Labor Unrest and the Future Here at Home

Former Law Prof Seth Harris Appointed Acting U.S. Secretary of Labor

Forum: Labor Rights of Non-Standard and Excluded Workers

Fourth Annual Seton Hall Employment & Labor Law Scholars' Forum

Free Pamphlets on Labor and Employment Laws

Free Video Tutorials on Employment & Labor Laws

From Civil War to Labor Vision

Future of California Labor Law to Be Decided Next Month

G-20 Labor Leaders Meet at AFL-CIO for Labor Summit

GAO Questions the Effectiveness of Labor Department's Whistleblower Protection Program

GAO Questions the Effectiveness of Labor Department's Whistleblower Protection Program

Garden and Leong on So Closely Intertwined: Labor and Racial Solidarity

Garden on Citizens, United and Citizens United: The Future of Labor Speech Rights

Garden on Non-Labor Litigation by Unions

Get all Alabama and Alaska Labor Law Posters at a Single Site

Get all your Colorado Labor Law Posters from a Single Online Source

Get Ready for Janus 2.0, Which Could Devastate Labor More Than the First

Get Ready for Labor Code Changes

Gleeson on Immigration Status and Labor Enforcement Agencies

Global Labor Ramps Up Campaign to End T-Mobile’s Anti-Union Tactics

Global Labor Responses to Covid-19

God’s Work: Labor in the Church

Goldberg on Noel Canning Recess Appointment Decision in Labor Notes

Got a T-Shirt? Chances Are Child Labor Was Involved

Governor Appoints Labor Commissioner Angela Bradstreet to San Francisco County Superior Court

Governor Brown Signs End of Session Employment Laws Part II

Governor Vetoes Bill to Extend Collections Period for Labor Code Penalties

Governor Vetoes Bill to Extend Prevailing Wage Laws

Greater Boston Labor Council Makes History with Latest Election

Guilty: Conspiring to commit forced labor

Happy ADEA Day (to me). Now let’s rewrite the age discrimination laws.

Happy ‘Enlightened’ Labor Day

Happy Labor Day


Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day - Sortof.

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!!!

Happy Labor Day, Much Like Last Year

Harry Kelber, Labor Activist and Critic, Dies at 98

Harthill Leaves Florida Coastal for U.S. Department of Labor

Have you listened to Labor Relatedly yet?

Henderson: Crisis in Law Schools is a Labor Market Issue

Herbert on Public Sector Labor History

Herbert on Social Media & Public Sector Labor Law

Herbert on Techology Issues in Labor and Employment Law

High-Risk Trial Begins in Labor Fight Between Hostess Brands and Teamsters


Hilda Solis Resigns as Labor Secretary

Hilda Solis Resigns as Labor Secretary

Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal Call for Articles

Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal Symposium

Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal's 30th Anniversary Symposium

Honoring the Worker: What are you doing this Labor Day?

Hot off the press: 6th Circuit holds that discrimination laws apply to a teacher at a religious school

House Approves Appropriations Bill without Project Labor Agreement Restrictions

House Committee Questions Solis on Department of Labor Policies and Priorities

House Democrats pass pro-worker, pro-organizing labor bill, this week in the war on workers

House of Representatives Passes Preventing Greater Uncertainty in Labor-Management Relations Act

House Panel Considers Labor-Related Legislation

House Subcommittee Discusses Pending National Labor Relations Board Issues

How “Right to Work Shirk” Laws Kill Jobs – and Hurt All of Us

How Do Wage and Hour Laws Apply to Telecommuting?


How the Deep Roots of Farm Labor Solidarity Helped Wisconsin Survive the Pandemic

How the NBA Should Have Handled the Recent Labor Dispute

How the Pandemic Changed U.S. Labor Organizing

How to File a Report of a Labor Law Violation in California

How Unions Can Bridge the Gap Between Climate and Labor Movements

How Will Brown's Win Impact Labor and Employment Law?

Howard Zinn, Noted Historian and Labor Rights Activist, Has Died

Hyde Says Labor Theory is Bunk

I’m honored to be one of LexisNexis’s Top 25 Labor & Employment Blogs

If it feels like labor unions are having their moment, it’s because they absolutely are

Illinois employers face challenges with new laws

ILO Conference on the Future of Global Labor Rights

ILO's Maritime Labor Convention Approved

Immigration Processes with the Department of Labor Indefinitely Suspended Due to Federal Shutdown

Immigration Processes with the Department of Labor Indefinitely Suspended Due to Federal Shutdown

Impact of the 2010 Election on Labor & Employment Policy

In the Wake of Oslo Attacks, a Path Forward for Labor?

Inaugural Issue of the American University Labor & Employment Law Forum

Independent Contractor Laws

Independent Unions Are Great—And Proof of Labor’s Broken Institutions

India: Although 1% Cap on Foreign Worker Visas Lifted, $25,000 Salary Requirement Remains

Installing webcams an unfair labor practice?

Insurance Company Special Investigators are Exempt Under Federal and State Laws, Ohio District Court Rules

International Labor and Employment Conference in NYC October 29-30th

IRS Case to Affect Labor Law?

Is a labor union liable for damages caused by its members during a strike

Is Maryland's Labor Climate Improving? It Depends How You Spin It.

Is Maryland's Labor Climate Improving? It Depends How You Spin It.

Is organized labor finally making its resurgence?

Is the Conservative Case for Organized Labor an Oxymoron?

Is the Labor Department Dragging Its Feet On Promising Anit-Wage Theft Measure?

ISO Chapters on Foreign Labor and Employment Laws

It's 100% legal to close your business to avoid a labor union

Italian Labor Law Prof Receives Death Threats

It’s the final countdown: How the government shutdown affects labor and employment law

It’s the Final Countdown: How the Government Shutdown Affects Labor and Employment Law

It’s the final countdown: How the government shutdown affects labor and employment law

It’s the final countdown: How the government shutdown affects labor and employment law

Jackson Lewis snags leading labor law practitioner from Littler

Jason Tremblay speaks on best practices at seminar on Illinois workers’ compensation laws

Jewish and Labor Leaders Flock To Defend Teachers at Perelman Jewish Day School

Jon & Kate Plus 8 Reality TV Show faces Child Labor Investigation

Judge Defers Suit on State Secret Ballot Laws

Keep your Employees Informed with Appropriate Labor Law Posters, Forms, and Pamphlets

Kentucky Seeks Labor Law Visitor

Know Which Laws Come Under California Labor Law Poster Compliance?

Kolben on Labor Rights as Human Rights

Labor & Employment Law Roundup

Labor & Employment Law Roundup

Labor & Employment Law Roundup

Labor & Employment Law Roundup

Labor & Employment Law Update & Happy Hour - Fall 2010

Labor & Employment Law Update & Happy Hour - Fall 2010

Labor & Employment Law Update & Happy Hour - Spring 2011

Labor & Employment Law Update & Happy Hour - Spring 2011

Labor & Employment Law Update - New York

Labor & Employment Law Update: New Year, New Posters, New Laws

Labor & Employment Law Update: New York

Labor & Employment Roundup

Labor & Employment Roundup

Labor & Employment Roundup

Labor & Employment Roundup

Labor & Employment Roundup

Labor & Green New Deal Symposium

Labor & Industry Revises New Active Search Requirements for UC Eligibility, Drops "28 Calendar Days" Recall Requirement for Temporary Layoff Exception

Labor 101 for Undergraduate Workers Seeking To Unionize

Labor and Allies, Surprised By Obama’s $9 Minimum Wage Proposal, Scramble to Coordinate

Labor and Employment attorneys present seminar on the nuts and bolts of employment law

Labor and Employment Bills Before California's Governor

Labor and Employment Comes (Slowly?) Into the Electronic World

Labor and employment law bills proposed in the 2019 Colorado legislative session

Labor and Employment Law Listservs for Law Professors

Labor and Employment Law Moot Court Team Advances

Labor and Employment Law News

Labor and Employment Law News

Labor and Employment Law News

Labor and Employment Law News

Labor and Employment Law News

Labor and Employment Law News

Labor and Employment Law News

Labor and Employment Law News

Labor and Employment Law News

Labor and Employment Law Prof Job Posting at New Canadian Law School

Labor and Employment Law Update and Happy Hour Fall 2012

Labor and Employment LawProf Hiring: University of Mississippi School of Law

Labor and Employment Roundup

Labor and Employment Roundup

Labor and Employment Roundup

Labor and Employment under the Obama Administration

Labor and Obamacare

Labor Attorney Eugene Lee Wins $500k and $235k Appeals, Defeats $10 mil. Lawsuit

Labor Attorney Eugene Lee Wins $500k and $235k Appeals, Defeats $10 mil. Lawsuit

Labor Attorney Eugene Lee Wins $500k and $235k Appeals, Defeats $10 mil. Lawsuit

Labor Attorney Eugene Lee Wins $500k and $235k Appeals, Defeats $10 mil. Lawsuit

Labor Bills Reintroduced in Senate

Labor Board Deals Blow to Fired Immigrant Strikers in Wisconsin

Labor Board Delays Labor Rights Poster Rule as a Result of Lawsuit

Labor Code Protections Do Not Apply To Government Employees -- California Correctional Peace Officers Assoc. v. State of California

Labor College President To Step Down

Labor Day 2013 – It’s Time to Stand Up

Labor Day 2013: Things Have Never Looked Worse for Workers—Or Brighter

Labor Day Celebrations

Labor Day Roundup

Labor Day, A Day After - Should We Put This To A Vote?

Labor Day’s Legacy: A More Inclusive America

Labor Department Announces Members of New Whistleblower Protection Advisory Committee

Labor Department Regulations on Tip Credits and More

Labor Department reports 36.5 million unemployment claims over 2 months

Labor Department Seeks To Get Fair Wages For Home Care Workers

Labor Department Seeks To Get Fair Wages For Home Care Workers

Labor Department Unveils Regulatory Priorities for 2010

Labor Dept. Announces $100 Million in Green Jobs Training Grants

Labor Did Not Get Much in the Good Years

Labor Employment Law Blog

Labor Furious About Site of 2012 Democratic Convention

Labor Is Pioneering a New Kind of Relief Effort in the Twin Cities

Labor issues when you acquire a company with a union

Labor law developments unfold before 2014 elections

Labor Law Group Meeting in Lake Arrowhead

Labor Law Loses Its Watchdog

Labor Law Makes an Appearance on The Good Wife

Labor Law Roundup

Labor Law Roundup

Labor Law Roundup

Labor Law Roundup

Labor Law Roundup

Labor Law Roundup

Labor Market Flexibility and Economic Growth

Labor Movement Growth: Its Seeds are Spreading

Labor Movement in Tucson Demands Freedom for Mexican Labor Attorney

Labor Movement Rolls Into Wall Street Occupation

Labor Needs To Embrace Social Justice Unionism

Labor News from China

Labor Outsourcing; Comparative Scholarship

Labor Professors Targeted

Labor Professors Targeted

Labor Relations Internships at ADAPT in Italy

Labor Rights and Geospatial Data

Labor Rights as Human Rights

Labor Roundup

Labor Roundup

Labor Secretary Discusses Persuader Rule, Overtime Regulations, OSHA Actions During House Budget Hearing

Labor Secretary Scalia Wrongly Rejects Federal Role in Enforcing Unemployment Rights of Workers Who Refuse Unsafe Work

Labor Secretary Solis Reaffirms Commitment to EFCA's Passage, DOL Enforcement Efforts in AFL-CIO Speech

Labor Secretary Solis Resigns

Labor Troubles at Tavern on the Green

Labor Troubles at the Sun-Times

Labor unions are doing just fine without the NLRB’s help

Labor Unions Champion More than Union Members

Labor Unions Were Crucial in Bernie Sanders’ New Hampshire Victory

Labor watchdog backs calls for binding Covid-19 workplace safety standard, slams Trump’s policy

Labor's civil war over 'Medicare for All' threatens its 2020 clout

Labor's Litigation

Labor-Management Conference at NKU

Labor/Employment Practice Is "Hot"

Labor: Developing formal orientation programs for new employees

Latest Update on Eighth Annual Colloquium on Labor and Employment Law at UNLV Law

Lessons from Just One Day's Daily Labor Report

Lessons from Just One Day's Daily Labor Report

Let’s set the record straight on unions this Labor Day

Levinson on Labor Arbitration of Employment Claims

Lewd and Lascivious Behavior Laws: A Milwaukee Story

LexisNexis nominates the Ohio Employer’s Law Blog for consideration as one of the top 25 Labor & Employment Blogs

Liebman on the Future of Labor Law

List of Shame: Goods Made with Forced, Child Labor

Littler's Tammy McCutchen Examines Department of Labor FLSA Enforcement Issues at Congressional Hearing

Lizzo’s Story is About Labor

Long live Anchor Brewing! We'll have to wait and see about its labor union. ⚓ 🍻

Lynk on CBC's Lang O'Leary Report Discussing Canadian Labor Landscape

Maine Amends Child Labor Laws

Major reform to Ohio’s discrimination laws introduced in state senate

Make your Colorado Business Compliant with the Latest Colorado Labor Law Posters

Marijuana Laws Liberalized in Colorado, Washington, But Effect on Workplace Policies Likely Small

Mark Spognardi writes Employers’ Summer of Discontent: Obama Labor Board pushes anti-employer agenda

Mark Spognardi writes Employers’ Summer of Discontent: Obama Labor Board pushes anti-employer agenda

Mark Spognardi writes for Inside Counsel on labor law developments

Maryland Department of Labor Publishes Maryland Wage Lien Act Forms

Maryland Department of Labor Publishes Regulations Implementing Wage Lien Act

Maryland Department of Labor Publishes Regulations Implementing Wage Lien Act

Maryland Department of Labor Publishes Regulations Implementing Wage Lien Act

Maryland Department of Labor to Push Bill Increasing Penalties for Mislcassifying Employees as Independent Contractors

Maryland Legislature Passes New Employment Laws

Mastering Labor Law

McConnell blasts labor nominee Perez as a 'crusading ideologue'

McNees Labor & Employment Group Ranked Tier 1 Practice By U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers

Meal Period Legislation Among New Laws Signed by California's Governor

Merry Christmas employers—NLRB proposes posting of federal labor rights for ALL covered employees

Mexican Federal Labor Law Reform: What Companies Doing Business in Mexico Need to Know

Michael Weiner Scholarship for Labor Studies

Minimum Wage Laws Help Local Economies

Misclassification As Independent Contractor May Be A Violation Of The Fair Labor Standards Act

Misclassification As Independent Contractor May Be A Violation Of The Fair Labor Standards Act

More Jurisdictions Are Adopting Unpaid Interns Laws

More Jurisdictions Are Adopting Unpaid Interns Laws

More Labor News . . . .

More New California Employment Laws... Anti-Bullying Training and Unpaid Intern Harassment

More Recent Labor News

MSHA Says Massey Blast Shows Need for Tougher Safety Laws

My one question for Joe Biden: labor unions and the NLRB

Myanmar Labor Update

National Hispanic Heritage Month Profile of Labor Leader Ernesto Galarza

National Labor Relations Act

National Labor Relations Board Cannot Make Decisions With Only Two Board Members

National Labor Relations Board Disapproves Gag Orders in the Workplace

National Labor Relations Board Files Its Largest Complaint Ever Against Wal-Mart

National Labor Relations Board Issues Social Media Report

National Labor Relations Board Proposes Rule Requiring Posting of Employee Rights

National Labor Relations Board Rules That Wal-Mart's Efforts to Intimidate Workers Are Illegal

National Labor Relations Board To Consider Whether Graduate Student Assistants Can Unionize

National Labor Relations Board Wants Employers to Post Notices of their Rights

Navigating Labor Disputes: Essential Strategies toProtect Your Rights at Work

Navigating the Path Through Labor Disputes: A Worker’s Guide

NBA Labor Dispute Ends; Owners Appear to Win Big

NBA Salary-Cap Inequality

NBC Labor Dispute Threatens Rockefeller Center Christmas Special

Need State and Federal Labor Law Posters – Visit LaborLawCenter

Nevada’s Labor Movement Comes Together to Support Each Other

New ADAPT International Bulletin on Comparative Labor and Employment Law

New Bill Clarifies that Non-Exempt Employee Salary Covers Only Regular Non-Overtime Hours

New Book on Canadian Constitutional Labor Law

New Book: American Labor Struggles and Law Histories

New Book: Worldwide Labor-Related Responses to COVID

New California and Federal Labor Law Posters

New California Bill Allows Labor Commissioner to Award Liquidated Damages

New California Bill Clarifies that Non-Exempt Employee Salary Covers Only Regular Non-Overtime Hours

New California Employment Laws Start Jan. 1, 2013

New California Laws Restrict the Discretion Employers Have to Inquire Into and Use Criminal Record Information

New Child Labor Laws Proposed

New Data Security Breach Laws in Alaska and South Carolina Take Effect July 1, 2009

New Department of Labor Personnel Policy Bars Gender Identity And Pregnancy Bias

New Developments in Labor Law (2008)

New Edition of Craver/Crain/Hayden's Labor Relations Law

New Edition: Harris et al. Modern Labor Law

New Employment Laws on the Horizon in California

New Employment Laws that Will Affect California Private Sector Employers

New Executive Order Targets Contractor Labor Law Violations

New Federal Law Would Extend Fair Labor Standards Act to Independent Contractors

New Hampshire Amends Wage and Hour Laws to Permit Greater Deductions and to Adopt the Federal Minimum Wage

New ILO Database on Int'l Employment Laws

New Issue of American University Labor & Employment Law Forum

New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development Requires New Handout/Poster

New Jersey Department of Labor Authorizes Deductions for Health Club Memberships and Child Care Services

New Jersey Poised to Enact the Most Aggressive Social Media Password Protection Law to Date, Adding to a Patchwork of Conflicting Laws Across the U.S.

New Jersey Poised to Enact the Most Aggressive Social Media Password Protection Law to Date, Adding to a Patchwork of Conflicting Laws Across the U.S.

New Labor and Employment ALI Members

New Labor Code § 925 Limits Contractual Choice of Law in Employment Contracts

New Labor Film

New Labor Law Casebook

New Labor Research Center Opens at GWU

New Labor Split? Trumka Refuses to Denounce Obama Chamber of Commerce Speech

New Laws and New Year Compliance Obligations in New York & New Jersey

New Laws for 2017 - Shaw Valenza's Annual Employment Law Update

New Laws in Maryland, part one

New Littler Blogs: Labor Relations Counsel and Digital Workplace Blog

New Littler Blogs: Labor Relations Counsel and Digital Workplace Blog

New Littler Blogs: Labor Relations Counsel and Digital Workplace Blog

New Littler Blogs: Labor Relations Counsel and Digital Workplace Blog

New Maryland Employment Laws Taking Effect on October 1, 2013

New Maryland Laws

New Maryland Statute Further Complicates Patchwork of "Credit Privacy" Laws

New Medical Marijuana Laws Threaten to Clash With Employer Zero Tolerance Drug Policies

New Midwest Labor and Employment Law Prof Listserv

New Report Finds High School Textbooks Ignore or Distort the Role of Labor Unions in American History

New Report from the Center for WorkLife Law: The Growth of State and Local Laws Prohibiting Family Responsibilities Discrimination

New Speaker Series in Labor and Employment Law

New Speaker Series in Labor and Employment Law at Marquette Law School

New Twinkies Will Have a Missing Ingredient: Union Labor

New Year Brings New Fullerton Employment Laws

New York "Interns" Seek Unpaid Wages for Hard Labor

New York Governor Signs Legislation Broadening Scope of Permissible Wage Deductions Under New York Labor Law

New York Increases Damages Potential for Workers with Amendment to New York Labor Law

New York Senator Schumer Introduces Bill to Cover Over-the-Road Bus Drivers Under Fair Labor Standards Act

New York Significantly Expands Protections For Employees Under Whistleblower Laws

Newsom has an organized labor problem

NFL Response to Player’s Cardiac Arrest is a Labor Rights Issue

Ninth Circuit appeals court holds Wal-Mart cannot be held liable for foreign suppliers' labor violations

Ninth Circuit Defines Limits of Labor Law Antitrust Exemption -- State of California v. Safeway, Inc.

Ninth Circuit Holds Class Action Waivers in Employment Agreements Violate the National Labor Relations Act

Ninth Circuit Holds that Federal Securities Laws Preempt California Labor Code's Ban on Forced Patronage at Brokerage Firms

Ninth Circuit Issues Strong Rebuke to Department of Labor, Upholds Outside Sales Exemption for Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives

Ninth Circuit Liberally Interprets Standing Provisions of Federal Anti-Discrimination Laws

Ninth Circuit Rules California Meal and Rest Break Laws Not Preempted by FAAAA

Ninth Circuit Thwarts End Run Around California Labor Code

NKU 30th Annual Labor-Management Conference

NLRB Applies Hoffman To Employer That Knowingly Violated Immigration Laws

NLRB Decide Class Action Waivers Violate the National Labor Relations Act

NLRB Holds Class Arbitration Waivers Are an Unenforceable "Unfair Labor Practice" -- D.R. Horton, 357 NLRB No. 184

NLRB Issues Holiday Gift to Organized Labor

NLRB Labor Appointment Rulings Create Regulatory Uncertainty

NLRB revises independent contractors test for federal labor law rights

NLRB Truth: 10 Reasons Why the National Labor Relations Board Matters

NLRB: Certain mandatory arbitration agreements violate federal labor law

No Room at the Board?: Labor Law Meets the Vacancies Act

No Worries! Get Your Alabama Labor Law Poster As Well As Alaska Labor Law Posters From One Place!

Nobel Prize in Economics Goes to Labor Research

Not even in a terrific labor market ...

Notice to Employees of Rights Under the National Labor Relations Act

Nursing home workers strike over unfair labor practices

Nursing Mom’s Rights Under The Fair Labor Standards Act – Is Your Employer Doing What It Needs?

NWC Announces Seminar on New Whistleblower Laws

NWC Announces Seminar on New Whistleblower Laws

NY Department of Labor Releases Wage Theft Prevention Act Notice Templates

NYC LERA: NYC’s Worker Protection Laws and its Impact on the Workplace

NYU Annual Conference on Labor

NYU Conference on China's Labor Market

NYU Labor Center Events

O'Donnell Bibliography on Workers, the World of Work, and Labor Law

Obama to nominate three, including two Republicans, to labor board. Will Republicans filibuster?

Obama’s Not Alone: Inviting Cities to the Labor Day Barbecue

Office of Foreign Labor Certification FAQ on Prevailing Wage Determinations Sends Mixed Message

Office of Foreign Labor Certification Releases Statistics on the Permanent Labor Certification Program for FY2012

Office of Labor-Management Standards Proposes Rescission of Union Trust Reporting Requirements

Ohio enacts sweeping changes to state wage and hour laws

Oklahoma and Louisiana Become the Latest States to Enact Social Media Password Protection Laws

OLMS to Issue Final Rule on Notification of Employee Labor Law Rights

Ombuds Perspective on Whistleblowing Laws

On Labor Day, Work to Save the Middle Class

One is the loneliest number – unless you’ve filed an unfair labor practice charge

One Way to Boost Workers and the Labor Movement? Give Unions Power Over Unemployment Insurance.

Online Mudslinging in NFL Labor Dispute

Order That Worker Undergo Psychiatric Counseling Violates Federal Discrimination Laws

Order your California Labor Law Poster from our One-Stop Online Shop

Organizing Against Police Unions Has Invigorated Hollywood’s Labor Movement, Members Say

OSJDR Symposium on the Role of ADR Mechanisms in Public Sector Labor Disputes

PA Child Labor Act Modernizes and Clarifies Work Hour Restrictions for Minors in Time for Summer Hiring Season

Papers From 2011 AALS Labor & Employment Progam

Parental Discrimination Laws

Participate in SEALS Labor & Employment Law Panels

Patchwork of Social Media Password Protections Laws Impacts Employers

Patchwork of State Social Media Password Protection Laws Creates Challenges for Employers

Patchwork of State Social Media Password Protection Laws Creates Challenges for Employers

Patricia Smith One Step Closer to Confirmation as Solicitor of Labor

Pay attention to the industries the Department of Labor is targeting

Pearls Along the Mississippi: An Unsung Labor Hero Gets Her Due

Penn State Labor Studies and Employment Relations Program Elevated to "School" Status

Perez to be Labor Secretary

Personal Thoughts for a Long Labor Day Weekend

Personnel File Laws by State

Philip Dine - Taking Back Labor Day

Pizza Chain Fined For Violating Overtime Pay Laws And Retaliation

Pope on the Labor Meaning of "Involuntary Servitude"

Possible Vote on Smith's Nomination as Labor Solicitor

Possible Vote on Smith's Nomination as Labor Solicitor

Practical Impact of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Final Rule on Independent Contractor Classifications for Connecticut, New York and Massachusetts

Preemption Laws and Goldilocks

Pregnancy Accommodation Laws Abound

President Obama Backs Department of Labor Misclassification Fight

President Obama Directs the Department of Labor to Revise Federal Overtime Regulations

President Obama Directs the Department of Labor to Revise Federal Overtime Regulations

Prince on the Current State of Employee Classification Laws

Proposed Amendments to New York Labor Law Section 193 Authorize Additional Payroll Deductions

Proposed Rules Governing Notification of Employee Rights under the National Labor Relations Act

Protect your Business in Colorado from Penalties with our Colorado Labor Law Posters

Public education is a labor issue, even if you don’t care about teachers

Q: How many wage theft claims were filed with the Maryland Department of Labor in FY 2012?

Questions Raised About Federal Labor Law Violations At US Open

R.I.P. Willard Wirtz, Secretary of Labor for Kennedy and Johnson

Race, Labor, & the Law at UCLA

Raising America This Labor Day

Recent Changes to Federal Tax Laws Affecting Employers

Recent Department of Labor Decisions

Recent Issue of SSRN Abstracting Journal: Economic Perspectives on Employment & Labor Law

Recent Labor News

Recent Notable National Labor Relations Board Decisions

Recently Published Scholarship: ABA JLEL (formerly "The Labor Lawyer")

Recently Published Scholarship: Comparative Labor L. & Policy J.

Recently Published Scholarship: Comparative Labor Law & Policy J.

Recently Published Scholarship: Comparative Labor Law & Policy J.

Recently Published Scholarship: Comparative Labor Law & Policy J.

Recently Published Scholarship: Comparative Labor Law & Policy J.

Recently Published Scholarship: Comparative Labor Law & Policy J.

Recently Published Scholarship: Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal

Recently Published Scholarship: Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal

Recently Published Scholarship: Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal

Recently Published Scholarship: Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal

Recently Published Scholarship: Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal

Recently Published Scholarship: OSJDR Symposium on ADR in Public-Sector Labor Disputes

Recently Published Scholarship: Toledo Symposium on Public Sector Labor Law

Reddy on Reclaiming the Normative Stakes of Labor Unions

Register for the Labor and Employment Law Colloquium in Chicago!

Registeration Open for Sixth Annual Colloquium on Current Scholarship in Labor and Employment Law

Registration Now Open for 8th Annual Colloquium on Labor and Employment Law at UNLV

Registration Open for 5th Annual Labor & Employment Law Colloquium

Registration Open for the 9th Annual Colloquium on Labor and Employment Law at U. of Colorado

Relaxing child labor protections is not the solution to our labor problem

Remain Compliant with all Laws with our Arizona and Arkansas Labor Law Posters

Remain Compliant with our California Labor Law Posters

Reminder to Register for Sixth Annual Colloquium on Labor and Employment Law

Reminder: New York Interns Are Now Protected Under Both the State and City Human Rights Laws

Repeat Labor Code Offenders.

Report Finds US Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division is Utterly Failing

Report: Unsafe, Unfair Labor Conditions in California Warehouses

Republicans Accuse Labor Nominee of Fighting for Civil Rights

Request for Information for 2009 Newsletter – AALS Section on Labor Relations and Employment Law

Request for LawProfs to Join Amicus Brief in Harris v. Quinn Labor Law Case

Residents Win 15% Salary Increase after Public Campaign


Reversing Labor Laws Rooted in Slavery

Rogers on Justice at Work: Minimum Wage Laws and Social Equality

Roundtable on NFL Labor Dispute

Rubinstein on Attorney Labor Unions

Rule Would Require USDA Contractors to Attest to Labor Law Compliance

Runkel Blog Features Labor and Employment Law US Supreme Court Watch

Sachs & Secunda on Supreme Court Labor Cases

Safeguard your Colorado Business with Colorado Labor Law Posters

Safeguard your Workers Interests with our California Labor Law Posters

San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council Launches Food Assistance Program

Santa Clara Law Workshop Series: Law and Labor in the Fields

Save Time and Money by Ordering Arkansas and Arizona Labor Law Posters from Our Online Store

Scholarship Athletes May be "Employees" Under National Labor Relations Act -- Northwestern University and College Athletic Players Association

School Related Parental Leave – State Laws

SCOTUS 2013-14 Labor Law Preview

SEALS Call for Labor and Employment Panels

Second Circuit Defers Decision and Certifies Questions Arising Under New York Labor Law to New York Court of Appeals

Second Circuit Holds That Employees Do Not Have Private Cause of Action Under the Railway Labor Act

Second Circuit Holds That The Fair Labor Standards Act Does Not Bar The Enforcement of Class Action Waivers

Second Circuit Holds that Timely Arrival to Work Is not Always an Essential Function of the Job Under Disability Discrimination Laws

Second Circuit Imposes Individual Liability on New York Mayoral Candidate for Fair Labor Standards Act Settlement

Second Circuit Takes Step Back in Protection of New York Employees in National Labor Relations Board v. Starbucks Corp.

Secunda & Hirsch, Labor Law: A Problem Based Approach

Secunda on De-Biasing Labor Law

Secunda on Right to Work laws

Secunda on the Future of the Wagner Model of Labor Law

Secunda on the WI Public Sector Labor Dispute

Secunda on the Wisconsin Public Labor Dispute

Senate Committee Advances Nomination of Thomas Perez to be Labor Secretary

Senate Confirms Marylander Thomas Perez as Secretary of Labor

Senate Confirms Patricia Smith as Labor Solicitor

Senate Confirms Two DOL Assistant Labor Secretaries

Senate Democrats put off vote on Labor nominee

Senate Democrats put off vote on Labor Nominee Amid Criticism from Republicans

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: Labor Movement Fighting Anti-Asian Racism in All Forms

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: Northern Valley Labor Council Distributes Food to Families in North Dakota and Minnesota

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: Rockford United Labor Volunteers Answer Call for Vaccination Effort

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: Sacramento Central Labor Council Brings Holiday Joy to Children with Disabilities

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council Rallies for Union Organizer/Teacher

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: The Season of Giving: Labor Brightens the Holidays for Hundreds of Illinois Kids

Seton Hall Employment & Labor Law Scholars' Forum.

Seventh Annual Labor & Employment Law Colloquium Update

Seventh Circuit Reaffirms Complete Salary Forfeiture Principle (Gross v. Town of Cicero)

Seventh Circuit Upholds DOL Regulation of Labor Certificates

Several Federal Laws Protect Seasonal Farm Workers

Should I File A Wage Claim with the Department of Labor?

Should we have unified federal workers' compensation laws in each state?

Shout Out to New Labor and Employment Law Blog: Ross Runkel Report

Shout Out to Sachs and Goldsmith's New "On Labor" Blog

Shout Out to the New Wisconsin Labor and Employment Law Blog

Silence on Salary

Simple Guide to Ensure California Compliance Laws for Your Business


Slater on The Strangely Unsettled State of Public-Sector Labor in the Past Thirty Years

Smith Confirmed as Labor Solicitor

Social media background checks : off-duty conduct laws :: oil : water

Social Media Password Protection and Privacy -- The Patchwork of State Laws and How It Affects Employers

Social Media Password Protection and Privacy -- The Patchwork of State Laws and How It Affects Employers

Solicitor of Labor Patricia Smith speaks about policy

Some Thoughts on the Meaning of a Second Obama Term for Labor and Employment Law

Some Thoughts on the Meaning of a Second Obama Term for Labor and Employment Law

Somebody Needs To Boost Their Labor Practice

Southwest - Air Tran Merger Hinges on Labor Issues

SSRN Top-10 List of Recent Employment & Labor Downloads

SSRN Top-10 List of Recent Employment & Labor Downloads

SSRN Top-10 List of Recent Employment & Labor Downloads

Starbucks broke the law more than 200 times in effort to squash union organizing, labor board says

State Gun Laws And Public Opinion

State Laws on Military Leave

State Laws on Voting Leave Policy/Time Off to Vote

State of the Union Address Emphasizes Job Creation, But Not Organized Labor

State Recreational Marijuana Use Laws Do Not Impact DOT Prohibition on Marijuana Use by Safety-Sensitive Transportation Employees

State statutes forbidding injunction of peaceful labor picketing are unconstitutional (2-1)

State Voting Laws Update

State Voting Laws Update

States Seek To Extend Overtime Laws To Protect Farm Workers

Stay Protected from Penalties with our Federal Labor Law Posters

Strikes Are Stronger and More Stubborn Than Laws

Strippers File Overtime Compensation Lawsuit For Violations Of Federal Labor Law

Supreme Court Review on Labor Law Cases (Noel Canning and Harris v. Quinn)

Supreme Court to Consider Labor Issues Next Term

Supreme Court To Review Whether Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives Are Exempt Under The Fair Labor Standards Act in Christopher v. SmithKline Beecham Corp.

Symposium: Labor and Employment Law under Obama

Symposium: The Creeping Legalism of Labor Arbitration

Take Back Labor Day - The “Lost Decade” of Young Workers

Take That, You Tax Types (aka Labor Day Factoid)

Tammy Johnson Leads Wyoming’s Labor Movement, Fighting for Struggling Workers and the Unemployed

Tammy McCutchen, Former Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division and Littler Shareholder, Comments on the Abolishment of the Employment Standards Administration at the U.S. Department of Labor

Teaching Employment and Labor Law

The 2012 Election and the Fate of State Labor Law Initiatives

The 2nd nominee for the “Worst Employer of 2023” is … the child labor abuser

The 9th Circuit Does Their Part On Oracle Case, Extending California Labor Laws

The ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law

The Amazon Labor Union Victory Shows That Jurisdiction Is Dead

The Amazon Labor Union Victory Shows That Jurisdiction Is Dead

The Bad Edition: On Bad Faith and Bad Laws (Courtesy of Judge Posner)

The California Labor Commissioner Updates Its Wage Theft Forms

The California Supreme Court Rules Employees Working in California Are Protected By California Overtime Laws in Sullivan v. Oracle

The Conflation of Labor & Employment Arbitration

The Current Status of [Online?] Labor Arbitration

The Dearth of Recent Labor Law Films

The Department of Labor Issues Its Very First "Administrator's Interpretation" -- Mortgage Loan Officers Are Entitled To Overtime

The Department of Labor Issues Its Very First "Administrator's Interpretation" -- Mortgage Loan Officers Are Generally Entitled To Overtime

The Department of Labor Publishes Final Regulations Regarding 408(b)(2) Fee Disclosures

The Department of Labor Should Have Followed the Rules: D.C. Circuit Court Vacates DOL's Interpretation on Mortgage Loan Officer FLSA Exemption

The DOL’s “Fair Labor Data Challenge” presents an interesting strategy, but is it fair?

The DOL’s “Fair Labor Data Challenge” presents an interesting strategy, but is it fair?

The DOL’s “Fair Labor Data Challenge” presents an interesting strategy, but is it fair?

The Failure to Unionize the Tech Industry Will Eat the Labor Movement Alive

The Fair Labor Standards Act – How Does Anyone Know What It Means?

The False Claims Act and Related Laws “Make Reporting More Likely”

The Federal Agency Designed to Protect Workers Is Trying to Destroy Unions and Weaken Labor Rights

The Filibuster Is a Labor Issue

The Hidden Labor of Sex Work

The Impact of DSM Revisions on Labor/Employment Laws

The Importance Of Reporting Unfair Labor Practices Immediately

The Increase of the Workplace Chaplain or Another Reason for Federal Anti-Captive Audience Laws

The labor market mess awaiting Joe Biden

The Labor Movement Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month

The Labor Movement Has a Game Plan for the Biden Era

The Labor Movement Hasn’t Won Anything Yet

The Labor Movement Is a Lot Bigger Than You Think

The Labor Movement Is Ready to Ensure that Voting Rights Are Fully Restored

The Labor/Employment Angle on Immigration Policy

The Lie that Helped Kill the Labor Movement

The Long-Neglected Online Labor Organizing Space Is Getting More Crowded

The Most Important Labor Story Right Now Is in Minnesota

The Most Important Labor Story Right Now Is in Minnesota

The Most Important Labor Story Right Now Is in Minnesota

The Most Important Labor Story Right Now Is in Minnesota

The National Labor Relations Board 2013 Year in Review

The National Labor Relations Board Sheds Useful Light on Key Social Media Policy Provisions

The NBA's Labor Law Lesson

The New Labor Movement Is Young, Worker-Led and Winning

The New Labor Movement Is Young, Worker-Led and Winning

The New York State Department Of Labor Issues Guidelines, Instructions and Model Notices For New York's Notice of Pay Law

The NFL Bounty Scandal Is a Labor Issue As Well As a Safety Issue

The NFL Commissioner Asks for Labor Law Reform?

The NFL Commissioner Asks for Labor Law Reform?

The NFL Salary-Cap Side Agreement

The NFL Salary-Cap Side Agreement

The number one reason not to have a labor union

The Peggy Browning Fund's Take on the Academic Future of Labor and Employment Law

The Post-Election Scenario for Labor Law

The Price of Cheap: Slave Labor, No Jobs

The Sixth Circuit Finds That Registered Nurses Are Supervisors Under the National Labor Relations Act in GGNSC Springfield v. NLRB

The Sixth Circuit Finds That Registered Nurses Are Supervisors Under the National Labor Relations Act in GGNSC Springfield v. NLRB

The U.S. Department of Labor Urges Second Circuit to Deny FLSA Overtime Exemptions to Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives

The UAW Challenges the Labor Movement to Get More Ambitious

The War on Gaza Is a Labor Issue

The War on Gaza Is a Labor Issue


The Year That Labor Hung On By Its Fingertips

There Is No Labor Shortage, Only Labor Exploitation

THIS is how you respond to a group of employees organizing and forming a labor union

THIS is why craft breweries need to pay very close attention to labor unions

This Labor Day, Starbucks Workers Host Union “Sip-Ins” Nationwide

Thomas Perez Nominated as Labor Secretary Amid Controversy

Three Year Run Ends for Labor and Employment Law Blog

Top 10 Labor & Employment Law Stories of 2009: Numbers 10 and 9

Top 10 Labor & Employment Law Stories of 2009: Numbers 2 and 1

Top 10 Labor & Employment Law Stories of 2009: Numbers 4 and 3

Top 10 Labor & Employment Law Stories of 2009: Numbers 6 and 5

Top 10 Labor & Employment Law Stories of 2009: Numbers 8 and 7

Top 10 Labor & Employment Law Stories of 2010: Numbers 10 and 9

Top 10 Labor & Employment Law Stories of 2010: Numbers 2 and 1

Top 10 Labor & Employment Law Stories of 2010: Numbers 4 and 3

Top 10 Labor & Employment Law Stories of 2010: Numbers 6 and 5

Top 10 Labor & Employment Law Stories of 2010: Numbers 8 and 7

Top 20 SSRN Downloads for Labor and Employment Profs - Jan 18, 2010 Edition

Top Five Ways Employers Violate Maryland's Wage Laws

Top Labor and Employment Law Blog Nomination

Top-10 Labor & Employment Recent SSRN Downloads

Top-10 Labor & Employment Recent SSRN Downloads

Top-10 Labor & Employment Recent SSRN Downloads

Top-10 Labor & Employment Recent SSRN Downloads

Top-10 Labor & Employment Recent SSRN Downloads

Top-10 Labor & Employment Recent SSRN Downloads

Top-10 Labor & Employment Recent SSRN Downloads

Top-10 Labor & Employment Recent SSRN Downloads

Top-10 Labor & Employment Recent SSRN Downloads

Top-10 Labor & Employment Recent SSRN Downloads

Top-10 Labor & Employment Recent SSRN Downloads

Trade & Labor Policy in a Biden Administration

Transforming the Labor Landscape: The Working People Weekly List

Trucking Industry Laws Get Overhaul In Driver’s Favor

Trump appointees hand McDonald's a win in labor case, this week in the war on workers

Trump Labor Department gives big companies the go-ahead to exploit franchise workers

Trump’s Anti-Worker Labor Board

Trump’s Labor Dept. Has Declared War on Tipped Workers

Twitter Post Reprimand May Lead to Labor Complaint

Two Laws Affecting Group Health Plans Will Take Effect in October

Two Leading Labor Activists Receive Global Recognition for Work

Tyson Foods Inc. Subsidiary Sued by U.S. Department of Labor for Sex Discrimination

U. Cincinnati Looking for Labor/Employment Prof

U.S. Department of Labor Issues Guidance on Family Leave to Care for Adult Child

U.S. Department of Labor Provides Guidelines for Nursing Mothers

U.S. Department of Labor Releases Bulletin on Tip Credit Regulations

U.S. Department of Labor Releases Fact Sheet on Retaliation under FLSA

U.S. Department of Labor Releases Fact Sheets on Retaliation

U.S. Dept of Labor to Cut Overtime Exemption for Home Caregiver Agencies

U.S. DOT Rejects State Laws Re Marijuana Legalization

U.S. House of Representatives Passes Compensatory Time Amendment to Fair Labor Standards Act

U.S. Supreme Court Clarifies Railway Labor Act Arbitration

U.S. Supreme Court Holds that Anti-Retaliation Protection of Fair Labor Standards Act Applies to Informal Complaints

U.S. Whistleblower Incentive Laws Spur Calls for Reform in Australia

U.S. Whistleblower Incentive Laws Spur Calls for Reform in Australia

UAE: Transition to Single Application for Visas, Labor and Identification Cards

Understanding Labor Law

Understanding the legal issues of the NFL labor problems

Undocumented Workers Protected by the Fair Labor Standards Act

Unfair Labor Practice Charges Increased Slightly, Representation Election Petitions Decreased Significantly in 2009, According to NLRB Report

Unfair Labor Practice Charges Increased Slightly, Representation Election Petitions Decreased Significantly in 2009, According to NLRB Report

Unfair Labor Practices Continue to Plague Non-Union Employers

Unions disagree over Biden’s Labor secretary pick

United States Department of Labor and California's Division of Labor Standards Enforcement Clarify Rules Governing Compensation for Interns

University of Colorado Law School to Host 9th Annual Labor and Employment Law Colloquium in Fall 2014

University of Texas School of Law and Labor Law

University of Wisconsin Law School Conference: The Constitutionalization of Labor and Employment Law?

UNLV to Host 8th Annual Colloquium on Labor and Employment Law; Update on 7th Annual Colloquium

Upcoming Events at St. John's Law Center for Labor and Employment Law

Update on Eighth Annual Colloquium on Labor and Employment Law at UNLV: Abstract Deadline July 15th

Update: New York Department of Labor Releases Proposed Wage Deduction Regulations

Updated Federal Child Labor Rules

Updating 20th century laws for the 21st century

US Department of Labor Stats on Leaves

US Labor Department sues Texas state agency for failing to pay 800 workers for overtime hours amounting to more than $1 million in back wages

US Labor Department sues Texas state agency for failing to pay 800 workers for overtime hours amounting to more than $1 million in back wages

US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions: Hearings - Hearing

USCIS Ombudsman Makes Recommendations Regarding H-1B Filings Stalled by Wrongly Denied Labor Conditions Applications

USCIS Temporarily Accepting H-1B Petitions with Proof of Timely Filing of Labor Condition Application

USDA Withdraws Rule Requiring Contractors to Vouch for Labor Law Compliance

Using Film Clips in Labor Law

Uyghurs are the Slave Labor for Global Companies; Tax Dodgers Love to Knee-Cap the IRS

Vaporizing employment laws? The results

Ver Ploeg on an Alternative Model for Labor-Management Dispute Resolution

Violations Of Overtime Laws On The Rise

Violations Of Overtime Laws On The Rise

Volume 30, Issue 1 (Fall 2012) of the Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal

Voters pass pro-worker laws where the Congress lags, this week in the war on workers


Wage Laws and Tipped Workers – What Are Your Rights?

Wage Laws and Tipped Workers – What Are Your Rights?

Walmart Workers Across the Nation Go On Strike to Protest Wages, Unfair Labor Practices

Walmart Workers Across the Nation Go On Strike to Protest Wages, Unfair Labor Practices

Want To Build the Labor Movement? Get a Job at a Union Workplace.

Washington Insider Update: What are the Labor and Employment Implications of the Senate's Recent Activities?

Washington State Department of Labor & Industries Approves Housekeeping Revisions to State Wage and Hour Regulations

We Need the Labor Movement To Organize Worker Fightback in the Face of the COVID-19 Crisis

Webinar on Arbitrating Global Labor Disputes

Webinar: How to Protect Your Organization Without Sinking in the Quagmire of New Background Check Laws

Webinar: Labor Rights Under the USMC (the new NAFTA)

Webinar: UN Agencies During COVID-19 Recovery Efforts Related to Labor Policies

Welcome to the Employment and Labor Law Insider Blog

What are right-to-work laws, and should you care?

What Constitutes Retaliation In A Fair Labor Standards Act Case?

What does Project 2025 mean for employers? Labor law edition

What Does the Assault in Gaza Say About U.S. Labor?

What Is Illegal Retaliation Under The Fair Labor Standards Act?

What Keeps You Up at Night? An in-depth discussion of developments and hot topics in domestic and international labor and employment law

What Labor/Employment Blogs Do You Follow?

What might a Biden presidency mean for labor and employment law?

What might a Biden presidency mean for labor and employment law?

What’s at Stake for the Labor Movement on Election Day? Everything.

When Bonus Payments are Protected by the NY Labor Code

Where did our workers' compensation laws originate?

Where Have All the Labor Writers Gone?

While Washington Dithers, Labor Brings Jobs and Equity Home

Why are labor unions are having their moment?

Why the Revival of US Labor Might Start with Nonunion Workers

Why U.S. Labor Laws Need a Major Update—The PRO Act Is a Great Start

Widiss on Labor Arbitration of Statutory Discrimination Claims

Wisconsin Cell Phone & Driving Laws

Wisconsin Recall Post-Mortem: Implications for Labor

Wisconsin Recall Post-Mortem: Implications for Labor

WJLGS Publication of Symposium on The Constitutionalization of Labor and Employment Law

Women Are Taking Over the U.S. Labor Movement

Women in the International Labor Market

Work then, work now, and organizing to win: Five books about labor in the United States

Workers Need Stronger Labor Laws Now More Than Ever

Workplace Prof Moves: 2013-2014 Edition and Call for Conference on Academic Future of Labor and Employment Law

World Congress on Child Labor and Exploitation

WorldatWork’s Work in Progress podcast—Episode 118: A Conversation with Employment/Labor Attorney Jon Hyman

Would You Like Fries . . . and an Unfair Labor Practice Charge with That?

WTO Finds China Broke Trade Laws, But Steelworkers President Says Action Not Enough

You're Invited to Write for “Taking Back Labor Day”

You, Too, Can Apply to be the Secretary of Labor for the State of Maryland

Your Paycheck Is Late Again — Collect Your California Labor Law Penalties.

Zimmer and Bisom-Rapp on The Role of Canadian and American Scholarship in U.S. Labor Law Reform Debates

[Un]Vaccinated Workers in the Labor Market

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