Answers Posted By George Allen

Answer to I have been taken off work by my doctor for mental health issues and want to apply for short term disability. Can my employer fire me while i am on leave by my doctor and can that effect me receiving my std? Im in California

Your employer cannot legally terminate you because of a medical/disability leave IF the employer is large enough to be covered by the disability and/or medical leave laws.

posted Sep 9, 2016 4:07 PM [EST]

Answer to defamation of character?

This sounds like a potential case of defamation and retaliation. You should speak with an experienced employment attorney. The membership listing at is a good resource for locating an employment attorney.

Good luck to you.

posted Aug 31, 2016 08:51 AM [EST]

Answer to Any recourse for under the table employee and breach of contract, unpaid wages?

Yes, you have potential grounds for a lawsuit against your former employer. If you didn't declare and pay taxes on the "off the books" income, you'll have to clean that up.

posted Aug 9, 2016 10:15 AM [EST]

Answer to i was fired because i returned the wrong memory a customer returned to me he was dishonest!

I assume your question is whether your termination was illegal. If you are a non-union employee in the private sector, you are most likely an "at-will" employee. If you are an at-will employee, your employer has not violated the law in terminating you for this return. Sad but true.

posted Jun 8, 2016 11:17 AM [EST]

Answer to Ret. Behavior, Harassment/Hostile Work Envmt, Age Discrim?

This certainly sounds like a potential gender-based hostile work environment case, better known as "sexual harassment" (SH). SH is harassment based on gender, and does not need to involve explicit gender-based comments or actions (e.g., talking about sex, body parts, etc.). It is illegal to terminate an employee for complaining about illegal harassment. You should definitely review the situation with an experienced employment attorney. Good luck to you.

posted Jun 2, 2016 3:14 PM [EST]

Answer to Can I file being an independent contractor against an employer for wrongful termination on me speaking my mind about wrong doings and sexual harassment.

Yes. The Fair Employment and Housing Act protects independent contractors. You should speak with a qualified employment lawyer.

posted May 22, 2016 08:54 AM [EST]

Answer to i want to use this opportunity to thank the Great [DR nosa] for helping in bringing my husband back to me, i have been in great pains until the day i contacted [DR nosa] he casted a love spell for me and told me to wait for just 24 hours that my husband w

Thank you so much for this valuable information. I have a problem that the Great [DR nosa] might be able to help with. Although I am a US resident now, my native country is Kryzikinastan. In my country, I was a prince. My father, the good and benevolent King Facile, was overthrown by thugs, in a mercifully bloodless coup. We fled in the night, with only the clothes on our backs. Fortunately, my father had the foresight to grab the crown jewels on his way out of the palace. When dear father passed on, I inherited the jewels. I am desperate for money, but cannot sell the jewels as that would allow the thugs who perpetrated the coup to locate me. I am willing to sell the jewels to the Great [DR nosa] for a fraction of their true value, which is estimated to be 11 to 12 billion Kryzikinastan Foofers (KF currently trading at about 126=$1US). Please get in touch, and thank you.

posted Mar 23, 2016 09:52 AM [EST]

Answer to I recently started a new job as an Assistant Manager in a department that employs 15 female food service workers. Recently, it was brought to my attention that one of the employees, who had breast augmentation and a tummy tuck, has been showing her cowork

The sexual harassment laws only prevent unwelcome conduct. Since you don't mention any complaints about tummy-tuck's conduct, I'll assume there aren't any. However, there may be an employee(s) who is offended, but hasn't voiced a complaint. You would be doing everyone (including tummy-tuck) a favor by telling her to knock it off.

Your employer's policies may prohibit this conduct, whether or not it is unwelcome, and may obligate you to take action. There's no way for me to know without seeing the policies. Good luck to you, and kudos for being pro-active about a potentially problematic situation.

posted Dec 9, 2015 11:26 AM [EST]

Answer to i quit my job i received my final paycheck, but i earned sales commission and did not get paid, is this legal?

If you did everything required to be eligible for the commission, you have a good argument that you are entitled to it, despite quitting. The old saying is "He who shakes the tree is entitled to gather the fruit." Some important factors are what the written commission plan says, and the nature of your sales work. Definitely worth reviewing with an attorney.

posted Sep 9, 2015 4:55 PM [EST]