What recourse do I have against an ex-employer who refuses to pay profit sharing after termination?i

Upon being hired I was informed of the company's profit sharing policy, which said an employee must work 1000 hours in a season (I managed a golf course) to become vested. I worked 3 years and was terminated after the 3rd, but easily surpassed 1000 hours each year. That means I was vested after year 1 and received contributions for years 2 and 3. I was never shown any paperwork, or given anything to sign. I was simply told about this by the general manger on numerous occasions. I no longer work there and, naturally, my ex-employer is refusing to honor his own policy in regards to me being paid my profit sharing. What recourse do I have, if any?

0 answers  |  asked Feb 9, 2020 08:29 AM [EST]  |  applies to Massachusetts

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