
As a result of the employment relationship, employees are entitled to certain benefits as a matter of law, such as retirement and disability compensation. In addition, once an employer offers a pension or health insurance, federal law requires the employer to provide the benefits offered, without interference.

Federal and state law do not require employers to pay employees for time away from work, such as vacation, holiday or sick time off. When employers offer paid time off from work, state law typically answers questions of employee entitlement to paid time off benefits. Similarly, certain compensation benefits, such as incentive plans and stock option plans, are primarily creatures of state contract law and depend on what the employer chooses or agrees to offer.  Incentive and stock option plans may, however, have serious federal tax consequences.

Statutory Benefits

Statutory benefits, meaning benefits required by law, include:

  • retirement and disability benefits, like social security;
  • unemployment compensation benefits; and
  • workers compensation benefits.

Employers are not required to provide retirement and disability benefits. However, federal law requires private employers, and state law requires public employers, to collect, match and remit a certain percentage an employee's payroll to the federal or state treasury to fund the retirement and disability benefits.

Welfare Benefit Plans- ERISA

Employers may, but do not have to, provide pension, health insurance, disability insurance and severance benefits.  Employers who provide benefits under a plan are free to modify or terminate the plan.  However, under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1976 (ERISA), employers who provide such plans must provide the designated benefit to the covered participant upon the happening of the specified event. For example, once a covered employee becomes seriously ill, an employer cannot refuse to provide health insurance coverage. Similarly, ERISA prohibits an employer from terminating an employee for the specific purpose of preventing or interfering with the employee's use of the plan. ERISA also imposes fiduciary obligations on certain administrators and sponsors of ERISA plans.

Vacation, Holiday and Paid or Sick Time Off

Employers likewise have no obligation to provide paid time off from work. For those that do, state law answers questions about vacation, holiday or paid or sick time off, such as:

  • when and how an employee accrues paid time off; and
  • whether an employee is entitled to accrued but unused time off at termination; and

In Ohio, for example, courts do not impose vacation, holiday or paid or sick time obligations on employers. However, if an employer has a policy of providing time off, Ohio courts will hold the employer to it, even if the employer did not include the paid time off policy in an employment agreement.

Compensation Benefits

Employers may also offer employee incentive plans, stock option plans or other  forms of non-wage compensation.  State contract laws govern most compensation benefits and the employer's plan, or an agreement between the employer and employees, controls the timing, amount and conditions of payment of compensation benefits.

Stock option plans are subject to federal tax laws that discourage stock option awards at strike prices below the underlying stock's fair market value at the time of the stock option award.  See Guidance Under § 409A of the Internal Revenue Code.

Relationship between Employee Benefits and Leave Rights

Employee benefits such as disability insurance, vacation or other paid time off, provide an employee with compensation or other valuable benefit when he or she is away from work.  A related but different employee right is to restoration to his or her job when he or she is ready to return to work. An employee's restoration rights are found primarily in the Family and Medical Leave Act, the USERRA Military Leave Act and similar state laws.

As a result, an employee's absence from work often implicates two separate sets of law. Specifically, one set of laws will determine what, if any, benefit the employee may receive while he or she is on a leave of absence. The other set of law determines what rights, if any, an employee has upon his or her return to work.  Benefit and restoration questions arising out of an employee's absence from work while on leave are thus some of the thorniest and confusing questions faced by employees and employment lawyers. 

Questions and Answers (1,278)

Is there any way to challenge the state's failure to pay unemployment compensation benefits?
My wife lost her job in June 2007 when her employer moved his laboratory from Cleveland, Ohio to Buffalo, New York. Since she lost her job through no fault of her own, she qualified and applied for un... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can fertility benefits be denied to an employee and offered to another?
I am a benefits manager at a company. Also, female, Hispanic and lesbian. My employer does not offer fertility benefits. However, the HR Director and President wrote a check to a heterosexual, white, ... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

NJ Unemployment benefits pended, is this due to my 401K withdrawal?
I was recently laid off from my job 3 months ago (employed with same company for 10 years) and have been receiving unemployment benefits in NJ at the maximum amt. In Nov 2016 the benefits run out and ... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

If my employer appeals the EDD decision am I eligible to receive the benefits that were unpaid
I filed for unemployment benefits. the EDD awarded them to me, then my ex-employer filed an apeal and benefits were unavailable until a hearing was had and a decision made. The judge found in my favor... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can you collect benefits and accept a severance after you've been terminated if you accepted the severance AFTER applying for benefits?
I was laid off last year and immediately enrolled the same day for unemployment benefits. I did not sign and accept my severance package until 20 days after I enrolled for unemployment benefits. Now, ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can an employer deny an employee eligibility for health insurance benefits due to a low evaluation score when it does not state anything about it in the company benefits guide book ?
The company benefits guide only states that full and part time employees are eligible for health insurance benefits after a 90 day wait. applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

holiday and vacation pay benefits vary inner office
I understand there is no law stating employers must offer vacation, holiday and sick day benefits in the state of Illinois. But what if some employees with less weekly hours receive these benefits, wh... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

How would I go about negotiating an employer contributed IRA when the employee turned down benefits?
My new employee waived health benefits (she already has coverage) but wants to know if we can take whatever percentage we were prepared to offer for her health-benefits, and contribute to an IRA she a... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

How can I start an at-home business and collect UC benefits?
I am currently collecting benefits. I understand that I could lose my benefits if I take any action towards being self-employed. Before I was laid-off I started a small portrait business. But now I wa... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

relocation repayment
Hi, I have questions regarding repayment of relocation benefits upon leaving a job early. I received cash bonuses and temporary housing service as part of my relocation benefits when I joined a compan... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Does Severance Agreement Disclude Unemployment Benefits?
I am concerned that if I sign a Severance Agreement offered by my employer, that the agreement might exclude me from otherwise being eligible for Unemployment Inusrance benefits. Specifically, does th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Are there lawyers that can fight to get the EDD benefits someone is owed.
I was finally granted EDD benefits 6 mos. after I became unemployed do to a simple EDD employee error. This person told me that my last employer was not my last employer. This took so long to clear up... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was eligible for unemployment but took a contract job. They did not pay into unemployment benefits. I was laid off. Can I still get unemployment benefits?
I was eligible for unemployment benefits but took a contact job that didn't pay into unemployment benefits. Now they laid me off. Will I still get unemployment benefits from my previous job? applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Lump sum, release-of-claims severance agreement: any impact on SDI benefits?
Hello. I was fired from my job at the end of 2015. I have been receiving SDI benefits for a disability, and the benefits are set to run out in July. I am contemplating signing a severance agreement to... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Severance packages effect on work comp benefits?
I am curently collecting workers compensation for a herniated disk. My employer has decided to permanemtly outsource my job due to the uncertainty of my return, or ability to perform upon return. A se... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Should i pursue the company for my retirement benefits.
I was on disability when the corporation i worked for closed the site. I was offered severance or retirement since i was with the company for 15 years. I selected retirement due to my age, i continued... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Is a position change while on FMLA legal if it changes benefits?
My employer changed my position while I was actively on FMLA (did not wait until I returned) and as a result, my benefits changed. I am on FMLA for a spinal issue, but my anxiety is making it impossib... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

When to file for Florida benefits when I have a severance agreement
I have a question about the timing of when to file for unemployment benefits in Florida. I have a severance agreement that will pay me an equivalent of eight weeks of work. Currently, currently Florid... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can an employment lawyer help me with issues like health benefits and 401k package ?
I have been employed for this company for almost 13 years. I have been paying for medical/dental benefits and into a 401k package. A couple years ago I filed a Workers Comp case (which still hasn't se... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Employers paying unemployment benefits after termination
I'm a small business with an employee who needs to be terminated. Current employee is no longer a fit for our company and cannot complete current job duties as the job has expanded beyond the employee... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

i left a job for over a year, which i had for over 4 years and was rehired, am I entitled to benefits and
i was recently rehired a job that a left over a year ago, but had 4 years into the company, want to know do i qualify for benefits or do I'm consider a new employee again, without benefits applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Can benefits be selectively changed for a small group
I work for a large US company, part of a multi-national. The company has US-wide benefits policy for all 20000 employees. The company purchased a small company. My unit with 125 employees was integrat... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an employer take back benefits that they offered to you in the offer letter?
When I was hired I signed an offer letter from my employer specifically stating that I would be working part time and that i am eligible for medical/dental/vision benefits, 401k, vaction time accruals... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Taking benefits and dropping my position after returning from FMlA
I have been on sick leave through my company many times during my 8 yrs with them. I recently hurt my ankle and was once again placed on sick leave and the fmla to run concurrent. My question is that ... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

I am being offered a 10 week severance pay. if I am still unemployed how will this affect my unemployment benefits in arkansas?
I am being offered a 10 week pay severance package. to be paid on regular paydays. either in one lump sum. or. 3 installments at employer discretion. my question is how will this affect my unemploymen... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

dont understand my rights
I got a call from HR today and he stated that I no longer have a position. That I am not terminated but when I come back to work they will try to find me something to do. While I still out do my benef... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Afraid of Losting Unemployment benefits please read details pane. Thank you.
I started recieving unemployment a couple of months ago. I've been looking for work but recently my gradma has become ill. She needs my help for which I am a home care provider but she lives in anothe... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Is COBRA Option for Employer?
I was terminated from my position less than 30 days ago (not for cause, for failing to meet performance guidelines -- although there were no performance guidelines). My benefits were cancelled three d... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Full time job w/ benefits and a contract position simaltaneously
Can a person work full time as a marketer for an agengy with benefits and take on a contract position that is doing marketing in a different area at the same time if there is no non compete----in othe... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Company shutdown unemployment benefits state DOL looking to reclaim these benefits
My company has a summer shutdown every year. I've been with my company for over 10 years. We all know about this showdown way in advance. However, our company offers to file on our behalf for temporar... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Benefits Question
I live in Florida. When I started working for my employer nearly 9 years ago, upon hiring I was offered retirement pkg, free health insurance(myself only) cost of living raise every year, and bonus up... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was recently denied Unemployement benefits for an entire week because I was out of the
See Question above. Bottom line question: where does the ORC state that one cannot leave the local labor area for one or more days in order to be eligible for unemployment benefits? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Ifiled for unemployment but got denied, now i got a letter from the colorado BPC saying i improperly reported earnings while recieving benefits, i never received a penny
I filec for unemployment, got turned down never recieved a penny, my ex employer told the comission i had my own bjsiness and they said i may mot have properly reported earnings while receiving benefi... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Can I sign up for unemployment benefits if I am on a severance package
Can I get unemployment benefits if I am on a servencepackage applies to California  ·  2 answers

my employer reduced my FT hours to 25 and mandates I use 5 hours vacation pay to make up difference for my benefits, is this legal in Ohio?
My employer today informed all employees that they are cutting back hours to 25, this leaves a difference of 5 hours now to qualify for benefits, they are mandating us to use 5 hours of vacation each ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

If I go on temporary disability due to an illness in NJ can my employer stop my company paid medical benefits that I also pay into.
I might need to go on temporary medical disability in New Jersey due to an illness that is preventing me from working. I receive health benefits from my employer that I also contribute to. Can my comp... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Reimbursement of paid benefits?
I have been employed for a company for close to two years. After Christmas break I did not return to work because of medical issues. They kept me on the hook until today, 3/18/19. I sent a letter of r... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

I work as a home care provider I asked my Human Resoure department if I'm illigable for Benefits but I worked for them for 10 year and she said no this is in Michigan
I've been off work because I had surgery.I won't to know if I'm able to receive Benefits I've worked for the company for 10 years applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

can an employer reduce health insurance benefits if they were included in a job offer letter after employment has begun?
Can an employer reduce health insurance benefits if they were included in the original job offer - the company later decides to offer some benefits as voluntary applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Hi - can an employer offer benefits in exchange for work? For example my employer who I already work 40 hours for said they will provide medical benefits if I do several tasks each week
See above applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is it possible to collect unemploymemt benefits after receiving a severance pkg?
I received a severance pgk when i was laid off. Can i still collect my Unemployment benefits? applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

I got approved benefits from one Job but denied from 2 other jobs can I still receive benefits from the job that approved me
I've work 3 jobs the first one was for 2 years before they closed down the second one was for one month and the 3rd one was through a temp service which I currently work for if they have any job assig... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

An 80 year old man born in Mexico but worked in the USA, moved and now resides in Mexico. He never applied for SS benefits after retirng and moving. Can he now apply and possibly start collecting SS benefits?
Visits his 2 daughters, and is currently visiting them in SLC. UT.. but he and his wife currently reside in Mexico applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Do my unemployment benefits freeze during an employer appeal of benefits.
My employer says I violated company policy because another employee shredded personal papers on the day she was terminated while I was retrieving personal property for her. I was unaware of this actio... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I've worked for a company for 22 years and had earned up to 5 weeks of vacation, 3 personal days, and 40 hours of sick. Today I looked my benefits up and the company isn't granting what I've earned, Can a company change benefits without informing their em
yes applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Where can I find how to prepare a Brief to Appeal Disqualification for Benefits.
Today is the deadline for filing a brief to Appeal Disqualification of Unemployment Benefits which had originally been granted to me but appealed by my employer. The reason was termed: Grossful Miscon... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

do i have a opportunity to win my unemployment case?
i quit my job and they denied my unemployment benefits. i have a hearing soon and i want to be prepare,this job was very stressful,they want me to work sunday they change my position without telling m... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Same job description w/different job title, less pay, and less benefits
Can an employer hire 2 people to do the same job but have them classified differently where one employee would receive less pay and less benefits? applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can my employer terminate my Medical Benefits while I'm on Short Term Disability?
I was hospitalized from 2/25/11 - 3/31/11 for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. I was put into a medically induced coma for 10 days & lost most of my muscles. I was incapacitated & sent to inpatien... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Sorting through benefits / options when
04/06/09 - Thank you for the forum this website offers! My father was let go from his 42-yr position as salaried employee at age of 61 last week! He is reading a litany of info provided by company re ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can employer withhold 401k &/or social security benefits because of unpaid health insurance payments while i was on FMLA?
My doctor gave me work restrictions & my employer put me on FMLA while trying to place me to another job which they did not so now i have been layed off. I did not keep up my health insurance payments... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

My boss was angry and wrongfully discharged me. I was granted unemployment benefits and told I was let go for no misconduct related to my job. The same day I was granted benefits my boss called me back to work I reluctantly excepted because I did not want
I was let go from a job of 10+ years Because my boss flew off the handle and fired me for no reason I was capable of doing every job in the company and had done so at one or another and consider mysel... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Terminated & received 3 extra wks pay, employer demanding repay, but i lost unemployment benefits?
I was terminated this March 6th but my former employer erroneously made payment through the end of the month and has requested 3 weeks of repayment or will pursue legal action. As a result of the over... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

can i claim unemployment benefits in arizona if i move to wisconsin?
The place where i work in Arizona is closing in september and i will be unemployed. I plan on moving from Arizona to Wisconsin. Can I still claim unemployment benefits in arizona if I move. Or could i... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I was off on a 12 week approved FMLA for migraine treatment. I normally worked 32 hours a week and was eligible for health care benefits. On my return the company told me that they are cutting my hours down to 20/wk and I will loose my benefits as I am no
Is this legal under FMLA laws? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can my employer cut my benefits if I fall under 40 hours if they do not provide enough work?
I work for an out source company based in Florida that does contract work for hospitals all over the United States. I work as a remote coder from home and I live in Virginia. In the past few months we... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Is a Change of Position while on FMLA legal if it changes benefits?
My employer changed my position while I was actively on FMLA (did not wait until I returned) and as a result, my benefits changed. I am on FMLA for a spinal issue, but my anxiety is making it impossib... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was laid off after 24 years with my company. I received a year of severance pay. When I applied for unemployment I was denied because of the income. I never received a notice advising when to reapply. I didn’t apply again for almost 2 years and then w
Was initially advised that I was ineligible for benefits then reapplied and again denied benefits. applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Was terminated on March 23, 2018. I was told it was for misconduct cursing. I have yet now 30 days later to receive any cobra information to extend my medical benefits can they do this? I have called numerous times left messages With no rest messages with
I am trying to find out about what do I do when I'm not offered COBRA benefits within 30 days from termination? applies to California  ·  0 answers

Who needs to be listed as the last employer for unemployment benefits?
I have been told my husband may qualify for unemployment benefits from his last employer. On the unemployment application he has to certify he has not worked, but he did as a contractor. who does he l... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can my employer deny me TA becasue I am eligible for VA TA benefits?
Tuition assistance is available for everyone at the company, but those who earned GI Bill benefits are not eligible. The thought process being that they have other school funding available and this wo... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Returing to work long enough to not have to reimburse benefits paid by employer after FMLA leave.
If I decided I don't want to return to work after FMLA maternity leave, I understand that I would have to reimburse my employer for my benefits they paid while I was off. How long would I have to work... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Termination letter
My husband's position was eliminated but his terimination letter says he is terminated Does not have the cause anywhere in the letter but it does talk about the severance pay and benefits continuation... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Termination letter
My husband's position was eliminated but his terimination letter says he is terminated Does not have the cause anywhere in the letter but it does talk about the severance pay and benefits continuation... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Termination letter
My husband's position was eliminated but his terimination letter says he is terminated Does not have the cause anywhere in the letter but it does talk about the severance pay and benefits continuation... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Termination letter
My husband's position was eliminated but his terimination letter says he is terminated Does not have the cause anywhere in the letter but it does talk about the severance pay and benefits continuation... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Because of the pandemic, my hours were cut from full to part time so I applied for partial unemployment. During this time I was receiving partial unemployment benefits, I did not know that my former boss is selling his company to new owners. One day, on m
Unemployment benefits applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

My severance agreement does not include all the benefits previously agreed upon, do I have recourse?
Our company was merged. As part of the merger all employees were offered jobs at their current pay with the job description left TBD. If employees chose not accept these new job offers, they could ele... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Filed for unemployment while briefly out of country
I'm a NY state resident / US citizen. I tried to claim unemployment benefits for a week during which, for 5 days, I was in the US applying for jobs; for the last two days of the week I was in Europe. ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I quit a company after working a year and I got a higher paying job in my area of expertise however, I was terminated in two weeks. I talked to my lawyer she recommended that I apply for unemployment benefits. Can I get unemployment benefits?
I quit a company after working a year and got a higher paying job in my field however, after two weeks I was terminated. Can I still get unemployment benefits? applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

I received a severance package and want to receive unemployment benefits. My benefits are being postponed for 6 months (this is the amount of severance I received) I can appeal but need to use the correct wording as to why I should receive them. Any help
Texas - I was laid off on Oct 3, 2017 and just now received a severance pay. My unemployment benefits were postponed for 6 months, due to the severance. I want to appeal. Do I have a case and if so I ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Will I qualify for Unemployment Benefits in Illinois if I'm receiving a pension from Indiana?
I lost a great job in Illinois after two years due to funding cuts. I have a letter from my employer indicating that I may qualify for Unemployment Benefits. I'm unsure how to answer the following que... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can an employer cancel health benefits according to a severance package prior to term in contract?
I was offered benefits for 3 months following my termination date according to my severance package, the qualified for COBRA. The insurance plan notified me that the employer canceled the plan after 2... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Does severance pay end if you take an hourly paying job with no benefits?
If I take a seasonal job with no benefits does that cancel out my severance pay? applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Severance package accepted but employer wants to deny unemployment benefits can they do this?
My employer has offered a severance due to closing their facility. I work for a union shop and the first agreement is to offer a severance package and not to contest unemployment benefits. That was ag... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Seeking advice on how to cut employee benefits
Health Insurance Questions: 1) Is it legislated what percent a company must pay of employee medical benefits? 2) Can we go from paying 50% of all insurance (employee and family) to paying 50% of emplo... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Do I have to payback lump severance? I was tricked to retire retroactive to severance day.
I was involuntarily terminated. Later I signed the severance agreement and I received a severance lump sum and other severance benefits. After that, I believe I was tricked to change my retirement sta... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

my employer was having an adulturess affar and but me in the middle of it and i quit will i be eligible for unemployment benefits
i was working with an employer who was a friend of mine as was his wife. He began an affair and put me in a position where I had to lie to his wife to cover for him and i quit. I did not want to be pa... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Do I get 14 weeks unemployment payment or full 26 weeks after my 12 weeks of severance?
I work in Rhode Island. My location is closing Dec 31st and I will be getting a severance package of 12 weeks paid. It will be paid each week like my normal check. They have said to apply for unemploy... applies to Rhode Island  ·  0 answers

pregnancy and benefits
Hello, My husband and I are wanting to try and start our family. I am graduating from college in December and I have had a few job offers from other companies where their benefits are set to start on ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

If my severance letter says I resign am I still eligible for unemployment after my severance pay expires?
In my state I can receive unemployment benefits after the entirety of my severance has been paid. However, my severance package says I am resigning due to workforce reduction. If I resign I'm ineligib... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Am I eligible for unemployment benefits if I refuse to sign a non-compete?
My company just got bought out and the new owner has asked us to sign a non-compete. The contract states that failure to sign could lead up to termination. I work in the state of Georgia. Will my term... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

How can I be a "temporary worker" after nearly 4 years at the same job, same place?
I worked for a security company that has contracts for most of the security for Shaw Industries. Shaw has been replacing their own security guards (who are fully benefited, well compensated employees)... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I am currently collecting unemployemnt benefits, however my former employer is appealing the benefits for misconduct. I was let go for not meeting sales a revenue quota. Is this considered misconduct?
I snot meeting set sales quotas considered misconduct? applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

can my daughter be asked to resign her job and then go on maternity leave?
My daughter recently secured full-time employment (3months ago) She has found out that she is pregnant. She understands that she will not be covered under the Family Medical Leave Act but her employer... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case?
I worked for a company in Staten Island from 2002-2005 and was treated unfairly. The employer, knowingly, treated me as an independent contractor from the start to avoid in paying necessary taxes and ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Loss of benefits
I was in a car accident and as a result took an extended medical leave of absence from work. I was just told after being back in my old position for 3 weeks that the day I came back to work was my fir... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Will I lose unemployment if I decline outsource position?
My company is closing the warehouse & outsourcing to another one 30 miles away. HR says if I am offered a position at the new warehouse and do not accept, I will be ineligible for unemployment benefit... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

umemployment benefits
if I agree to a "VOLUNTEER CALL OUT" from my CO. I'am I agreeing to be layoff and therefore not eligible for unemployment benefits after my 26 week severance pay? the layoff is permanent with no chanc... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My employer may be selling his hotel and he has already deactivated his unemployment insurance, will I still receive my unemployment benefits if let go??
I believe my boss is selling his hotel and has not told anybody. His UI number is inactive. Will I still receive unemployment benefits if laid off? applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Can an employer cancel employees health insurance with less than 30 days & with a contract in place
I have a contract that states employer will provide health benefits to myself and my family. I received a letter on November 25th, dated Nov 18th that my healthcare benefits will cease Dec. 1st. Is mo... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Will income coming out of stock trading disqualify me from getting UI benefits?
I'm going to apply for unemployment benefits. Though I'm still unemployed I do have some income coming out of my stock trading that I do mostly all days by buying and selling stocks in a few minutes e... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Am I entitled to severence?
I work for a company who was just recently bought out by a larger company. We have been having layoffs due to the merger. The department that I work in, is outsouced, so if I keep my job, I will be on... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I have worked for the same co for 35 years earning 5 weeks vacation. I was told i was grandfathered in for these 5 weeks after they changed the co policy to 4 weeks max. They asked me if I wanted to work 32 hours a week with no loss in benefits. I said ye
9 vacation days taken away after they offered me 32 hours per week with no loss in benefits just because I now have every Friday off. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I have been laid off my job for 3 months now and I am currently receiving unemployment benefits. My company has offered me a voluntary separation agreement. If I sign the agreement will I still be eligible for my unemployment benefits?
I have been laid off my job for 3 months now and I am currently receiving unemployment benefits. My company has offered me a voluntary separation agreement. If I sign the agreement will I still be eli... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Do I lose benefits if forced to resign because I cant relocate to a different state?
My company may be asking all remote workers to report to an office and if they do not live near one they are required to move. If unwilling to relocate you must resign and take severance. What does th... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Severance & Unemployment Benefits
Akron Ohio employer is closing up at 12/31/2006. They are offering one week severance pay for each week of service. How will the receipt of this severance pay impact employees' ability to collect Ohio... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Unemployment Benefits NJ
I live in NJ and my last day of work was 7/31/2015 I was laid off as my position was eliminated. My severance package states that I will paid 1 week salary which ended 8/7/2015. I am trying to file my... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Collecting unemployment while on maternity leave if already collecting benefits before leave
Question Currently collecting unemployment due to losing 1 of my two jobs. I will be going on maternity leave in a couple months will I still be granted unemployment benefits even if I am still active... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can an employer go back on promising not to contest unemployment benefits?
I was informed by my former employer that my position’s salary would be cut in half & i could either (1) take the drastic pay cut or (2) sign a release of claims with a severance payout. my former e... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

If you have a bargained severance agreement, where you agree to release the company from any future liabilities. Are you eligible for unemployment the day you separate from the company?
When do unemployment benefits begin? Since there is an exchange of my rights as an employee to not hold employer liable, can I receive unemployment benefits the week after the separation date plus the... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

unemployment benefits eligibility
I worked for a company for just under 1 year.Our paychecks came from a different company. I was layed off due to down-sizing.I've been collecting unemployment benefits for 3 months. I got a letter in ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I work for a franchise and my boss has never carried unemployment insurance and she has fired me can I apply for benefits and can she get legal action taken against her
I have worked for a private franchise owner for 3 years and paid by a check but no taxes are taken out and she has not ever had unemployment benefits she has fired another employee that has worked 28 ... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Notice pf Proposed Termination
I am a San Bernardino County employee for the last 4.5 years. I have been served a "notice of Termination" They have given me two choices, meet face to face with the elected official who has proposed ... applies to California  ·  3 answers

Am I able to pursue a lawsuit for wrongful termination while receiving unemployment benefits?
I was terminated from my employment while on an approved documented medical leave. A few days later, I applied for unemployment benefits and was determinate eligible. On the day that I was expecting t... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Employer's late bonus payment might screw up my unemployment benefits!
I was terminated from my job for reduction in workforce. I have applied for unemployment. I am worried that I won't be getting the top amount allowed by unemployment because of something my employer d... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

I have been given a "notice of proposed termination" from the department head. The skelly hearing would be with the same department head (seems unfair) The only option I have been giving by my hr offi... applies to California  ·  2 answers

If a person was let go from their job, received unemployment , and after unemployment was done then got a severance package, would they have to repay unemployment?
after using all unemployment benefits { 6 months } my ex company called and told me i was getting a severance package with benefits, will i have to repay unemployment? applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

I have a tenure related question. My company offers attractive healthcare and stock option benefits to employers with 25 years tenure or above. Benefits include a reduced employee cost to maintain healthcare after retirement and instant vesting on stock o
I think was concise above but would add that I work for a Fortune 500 I have a tenure related question. My company offers attractive healthcare and stock option benefits to employers with 25 years ten... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can my employer tell me I am not eligible to file for benefits due to a reduction in hours?
Employed by a Virginia Company for a job in Baghdad Iraq. Came back to the states for a 30 day leave and was suppose to return on February 1st. My employer contacted me to say my visa was not issued a... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can an employer fight unemployment benefits if they gave the employee a promotion a week before?
Salaried employee was fired from Akron based company after 5+ years of work. At time of firing, Employer gave Employee letter outlining reasons for firing which were minimal infractions at best (e.g. ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Am I entitled to California unemployment benefits?
My husband was transferred to California from another state. I resigned my position to move with him. On my last day, my employer asked if I would stay in my position and telecommute from CA for 2 mon... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I worked part time with a municipality, and part of the state pension system with no benefits. I am returning after 11 months to same municipality but as a full time employee with benefits. What are my rights as far as vacation time and how it's calculate
I worked part time for 7 years prior and left for 11 months. applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I worked part time with a municipality, and part of the state pension system with no benefits. I am returning after 11 months to same municipality but as a full time employee with benefits. What are my rights as far as vacation time and how it's calculate
I worked part time for 7 years prior and left for 11 months. applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I was hired it work a 20 hour a week position, my medical benefit cost was based on that position. 4 months age my hours were increased to 32 hours a week. This is considered a full time position, my medical benefit costs should have been decreased signif
Hired June 2015 to work a 20 hour a week position. Approached spring 2016, either increase your hours in September to 32 hours a week or you will no longer have a position. I contacted the benefits de... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Hi, my name Is Equilla what can you tell me about how to go about finding the guidelines that the government have when it comes to self-employed workers receiving unemployment benefits
I have been working as a self-employed worker for 16 years as a caregiver. I am in school now trying to do a research paper on unemployment benefits not given to the self-employed worker. I am wanting... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

Am I being cheated?
I've worked for this company for 2 years full-time. I originally started as a temp employee. I then applied for a open position and was told i was hired for it. I dont get vacation time or any of the ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

4 Months Pregnant & Laid Off
Currently I am 4 months pregnant. Just received notice that my employer is laying me off by the end December 2015, based on the company's financial issues. The lay off affected a group of people. Is i... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

How enforceable is this non-compete in PA?
I have been offered a position with a company in PA. They have sent me an offer letter as well as a non-compete they would like me to sign. The non-compete seems to have overly restrictive covenants a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Salary getting cut in half, benefits taken away, being harassed. Is there anything I can do?
I was sought out by a company that wanted to hire me right away for 80k a year plus benefits. It was more then I was making at the time so I accepted. I did not sign a contract or anything stating wha... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

can an employer still appeal an unemployment claim after the first 21 days?
When I filed my unemployment claim in March,I was informed that my former employer would have twenty one days to appeal it. They did not so I received benefits. I have recently become aware that the c... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

How do I know I am a full-time employee?
My employer has me as a part-time employee yet for the past year I have been working forty-hours a week. Yet since I am a part-time employee I do not get the benefits of a full-time employee such as v... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Why does Florida limit unemployment to 6 weeks and maximum benefits $3000. my daughter has an advanced degree and the type of job and title she is looking for in Florida hasn’t been available without moving away and right now she can’t leave because o
If federal laws provide 6 months unemployment and more than $5000, then how can Florida stop benefits at 6 weeks and $3000. I have tried and tried in my field to get a job but other have already gotte... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Once FMLA runs out and an employer fires you, can you still continue to receive STD benefits?
My daughter suffers from chronic migraines and stress related panic attacks. Her employer started recording her missed time under FMLA, and last year her doctor put her on Short Term Disability leave.... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Previous employer is appealing my benefits after they was effective
I was found eligible for unemployment and have been receiving my weekly check, I got a letter in the mail saying i was a party to an appeal by my previous employer, It stated in the letter that they f... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

If my company closes due to underperformance, can i get unemployment benefits after my maternity lea
i will stop working 4 weeks before my due date (I have a long drive to work) my office has 3 employees; another location in GA has about 20 employees. it appears as though my office will close while I... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

What unemployment benefits am I qualified for I'm being "forced to resign"?
I recently moved form San Jose to Los Angeles due to my husband's work. I was able to work remotely for 6 months and was hoping to continue this arrangement. My employer said they wanted somebody onsi... applies to California  ·  3 answers

I have been on furlough for 1 month and have been asked to sign a VSP equal to about 1 years salary will this effect my Minneasota unemployment benefits?
I have been on furlough for 1 month so far my employer is asking me to sign a VSP equal to about 1 year salary which I feel compelled to do due to previous VSP offered to other employees. Will my Minn... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can my employer fire me because I have a Dr's slip limiting me to 32 hours instead 40?
Because of a debilitating illness and medication that I am on for severe grieving( I lost my husband of 32 yrs. a few months ago) My doctor wrote a letter requesting my company to cut my hours back to... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Denying benefits/payroll change
I was denied full time benefits when the company did an addendum. I've seen an attorney who confirmed under the terms I was hired as well as the new terms I qualified under both. This affected my vact... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

I was permanently laid off. Benefits terminated, PTO paid out. Less than a week of getting a letter of my position being eliminated, someone else is in my role. Is that legal? What can I do?
I received a letter saying my position was eliminated. Benefits ended and my vacation was paid out. Less than a week later, someone else is in my previous role. Is that legal? What can I do? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Previously fired from my company by the women owner in 2012, paid 3 months severance salary and benefits. Rehired by the same company by the male owner post divorce and award of business. Rehired under the verbal agreement of same salary, benefits, and se
Hired on husband and wife company wife 51% holder. Marriage dissolved May 2012 let go by wife paid 3 months severance salary and benefits. September 2012 husband awarded company in divorce, I hire bac... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

In the case of termination due to store closure, can insurance benefits be canceled without notice?
I worked for a major retailer, more specifically at one of their NJ locations which recently closed. The health insurance and dental insurance benefits were canceled 3 days after my last day without a... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

my companies receivables were sold to another company but I can't work for the new company...will that affect my benefits?
Company I work for's receivables have been sold and the man who bought them is offering positions in his company. I cannot work the hours he has scheduled. Will that affect my unemployment benefits? applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Do I have grounds for defamation law suit?
So I have worked for a company for about 6 months, the supervisor and I got into plenty of arguments and did not get along for most of the time. At some point when I thought things are going good, the... applies to California  ·  1 answer

What should I expect if edd says my account is temporarily suspended as it is tied to fraud?
I have been receiving benefits and all of a sudden edd suspended my claim stating it may be tied to fraud and they need to verify my identity. I was originally laid off as a substitute teacher, but la... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can my employer extend my probationary period indefinitely? Its been over 2 years!
My salary was supposed to increase by $2000/month and I was supposed to be provided medical benefits after a 90 day probationary period. I've been there 20 months now and my salary and benefits have n... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Position elimination vs Quitting
My job was eliminated and then I was given a servance package; and now my former employer is denying my unemployment benefits. I was originally getting unemployment benefits, but then 2 months later u... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  4 answers

Wrongly Classified 1099: IRS Determination in my Favor: Need Help Suing and Recovering Lost Benefits
I was wrongly classified as 1099 and sent in my SS-8 to the IRS in 2010. I have just received my IRS determination letter siding with me that I was in fact wrongly classified and was not a 1099 IC but... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Will I be eligible for unemployment benefits if I do not accept the position with the new company?
My company is merging and relocating. It seems that I will be offered position with the new company. My new position will be a demotion with a possible pay cut and will add about 20 miles on my commut... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

If I have a signed severance agreement stating that I am receiving 15 weeks pay and benefits and the $$ will be paid out in bi-weekly installments until paid in full, and then after a few paychecks, they pay the balance out in a lump sum (effectively canc
The signed separation letter states 15 weeks pay, another e-mail from the VP of Human Resources (who write the separation letter) states benefits are part of the severance. Letter says the sum total w... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Are there any exceptions for long term employment to receive severance pay?
I had been working for the same company for over 22 1/2 years and the last 7 years I worked from home doing billing and collections for them. This past September I was laid off due to the company havi... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can they deny benefits to "freelance" employees?
First, thank you for providing the opportunity to make the following queries: I am employed at a large law firm in NY. I am considered a freelance employee of the firm in the proofreading department... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Took new job and got laid off in 2 weeks. I am denied benefits, how can I appeal this?
Worked a job for over 2 years, and left to take a better paying job. Worked 7 12s for 2 weeks and got laid off due to lack of work. My benefits are denied because I wasn't at my new job for over 3 wee... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I was laid off on October 28, 2016 and HPE direct deposit my benefits check twice.
I received my benefits warn check via direct deposit, 3 days later I got a second direct deposit in the same amount. I spoke with someone else that was let go and they too had received a second check.... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Does signing a settlement allow mw to collect unemployment benefits?
I have been told that if I signed a Separation and Release Agreement that for AZ unemployment purposes, my severence pay of two weeks would now constitute a 'settlement' and I should not count it as S... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Allocation of Severance pay
I am receiving Severance Pay from my employer over a period of weeks. I am being denied unemployment benefits because of the severance pay. When I questioned the Unemployment office the said that my e... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was employed full time for the last 20 years at my job. They eliminated my position so they did not have to pay me benefits and wanted me to do my same job and responsibilities for 25 hours a week instead of the 40 I have always been paid for. Is this l
I work at a school that is losing money. They wanted me to do my same job and responsibilities for part time money with no benefits or insurance to save money. I worked full time 20 years there. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I am being asked to resign or be terminated. What are my rights?
I have been working at my job for 5 months and my boss has told me that she does not think I am the right fit for this position. I spoke with HR and he said I can resign with 4 weeks notice and get my... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have any recourse if my job is going from full time to part time?
I have just been told one of our locations is closing in 8 weeks and my job as the accountant is now going from full time to part time (so no benefits). I understand that I can have insurance through ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Does COBRA paid by my former employer affect my unemployment benefits?
I was laid off in September. My employer offered me 2 weeks severance and I had 2 weeks leave - these were both paid to me on the regular pay schedule with deductions that were supposed to continue my... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

What can be done as we are being accused of receiving unemployment benefits while husband was employ
My husband is being accused of receiving unemployment benefits from the State of IL while working in 2009. When the letter was initially received we sent a letter to the IDES from an attorney immediat... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can employer change what is said in my deployment letter signed by me and ED?
I received an offer letter for employment. It says I will make $41000 per year and that $11000 had been set aside for benefits package. It also said that the benefits package details would come later ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can I reopen an unemployment claim after doing contract work?
I was laid off in April. I opened an unemployment claim, within weeks accepted a sales job at a firm HQ in GA. While is was to be a regular employee position, they have only paid me via straight check... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Got severance, denied unemployment. Can I win?
I am being denied unemployment because the company has stated that I was discharged, but I was told I was laid off. -I worked for a subsidiary company in with 65 employees with a much larger parent co... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

By refusing to sign my non compete, will this restrict me from receiving unemployment benefits
I have been working for my company as a satellite technician for 10 1/2 years. My employer now wants me to sign a non compete. It restricts me from working with any competitor for 2 years and within a... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

denial of long term disability benefits because fired
I have an accepted worker's comp claim. My physician took me off work. I was paid total temporary disability payments through comp. The company has a benefits program that pays 100% of salary for 8 we... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I get social security diability and had a parttime job. can I draw unemployment benefits if I get laid off
I draw social security disability and had a partime job. can I draw unemployment benefits if I get laid off applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Hi I signed a non compete 15 years ago, don't they have to be renewed at some point an d expire as pay and benefits were drastically cut
I singed a non compete in the state of Mass 15 years ago, since what we sell and what I am paid has changed many times over , He then started downsizing and cut my pay and benefits to where I was in a... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

Same job, differen pay/benefits
I worked for a company that is a legal subsidiary of another company. There are employees who are paid by the subsidiary company and employees who are paid by the parent company performing the same jo... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

If my employer didn't renew my 1 year contract, can I receive unemployment benefits?
I was given the option to resign 2 months early or finish out my contract as they were eliminating the position, but the HR Director and subsequent work environment was so hostile, I felt pushed out. ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Emplyer's Refusal to give Letter of Termination
My friend recently got a letter from the NYS Dept. of Labor telling her that her request for unemploymeny benefits was denied because her former employer contends that she voluntarily quit on Dec. 24,... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

How does it work when you have a warn letter and employment goes past the date on this letter?
The first warn letter we were given stated employment would end at the end of this month. I was given another warn letter extending the employment out until the end of June. There was nothing signed, ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

In the State of Florida, if you are paid severance for a number of weeks in a one lump sum, are you allowed to collect unemployment or do you have to wait until the severance weeks are depleted?
I was laid off due to a reduction in workforce. My employer offered a severance agreement of 9 weeks payable in one lump sum. Can I still collect unemployment benefits during those 9 weeks or do I hav... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Will I still receive benefits?
I was injured on the job on Feb 4th, 2011. I have not yet reached MMI and have been out of work since that date. I broke my right fibula and cannot drive. I have no means of transportation to and from... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I was recently laid off with an option to receive severance if I stay on for an additional month. If I deny this option and choose to leave sooner, will I still be able to qualify for unemployment benefits?
I was laid off due to the role not being a "good fit". The company asked me to stay on for an additional period of time, after which I would receive a small severance, however the workplace environmen... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Should I pursue appealing denial of unemployment compensation due to lump sum severance pay?
I received a year's wages in one lump sum in a severance pkg upon leaving my job due to office closure. I filed for unemployment benefits (TN) but was denied due to severance pay. They informed me of ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Company says I wont be paid my PTO due to system error. (That they were aware of)
I recently resigned my company and as such am entitled to my remaining benefits (aka vacation time). Our company uses ADP for payroll and benefits tracking and has a portal for employees to login and ... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Is this non-compete still valid?
I started with my company as a computer consultant in 1999. I was verbally told there wasn't a non-compete to sign the day I was hired. A year later I was asked to sign one in consideration of a salar... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

How is not providing an employee or agent of a company benefits and paid time off legal if the hours are full time? I work in property management. I accepted a position as a part time assistant property manager working 18 hours a week. I accepted the part
I am working 40 hours a week between different properties but I am not receiving any perks of being full time (pto, benefits, sick days). I need to know if this is legal. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

My ex-employer has been complaining about having to pay my unemployment costs after letting me go.
I got laid off from my job and was at first, denied unemployment. I appealed and I won. I am currently receiving benefits and have been contacted by multiple old co-workers that my old boss consistent... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

My employer is about to terminate me because the doctor placed unknown as a return to work date. If I am terminated, can I receive unemployment benefits?
I received the forms and had the doctor fill up the forms. On the question about what date I will return to work, the doctor responded with unknown. I received an email from HR stating that my FMLA ap... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Should I have received a W-2 and reimbursement of FICA and Medicare taxes?
I was laid off in 2010 by my employer and was initially denied unemployment benefits because I had been classified as an independent contractor (without my knowledge). On appeal the ALJ found in my fa... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Hostile work enviroment
My question concerns eligibilty for unemployment benefits. My wife has worked for a privately owned company for the past 4 years. She has been extremely successful with her sales, but was recently sev... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Breach of Severance Agreement
My employer terminated my employment without cause 90 days after I started work. The two-year contract clearly precluded termination except for specified causes (mostly violations of law)for at least ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

No severance because of job offer
The company I worked for was sold. I was on a list of transferred employees and offered a job. The offer said comparable employeement and benefits. They were not comparable the benefits were HMO and I... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

How is Concurrent Short-term Disability with Continuous FMLA affected by a Severance Agreement
I went on short-term disability for breast cancer the day before my employer terminated my entire department. Under the STD insurance, I can receive up to 12 weeks of income at a reduced rate (75%) an... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was terminated and given a severance package along with Cobra being paid by my employer. However, the first severance pay was received and benefits were withheld. I was the payroll specialist and never withheld benefits from previously termed employees.
I was the payroll specialist at my former employer so I have a working knowledge of how we would handle termed employees. They have processed payroll and continued to withhold medical, dental, vision ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

current poolicy - FT employee is working over 30 hrs could this be changed to 36 hours just for 1 de
non-profit residential facility for developmentally disabled - we have state mandated ratios to be met to care for our individuals. Current policy states a PT employee can work up to 29 hrs each week ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What can I do if employer threatens to withhold pay if contract is not signed with their stipulation
I have worked for a Private Higher Education institution for 13 years. I meet all the requirements necessary for my job description. When hired for this job I was not required a PhD. I'm currently wor... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is sick leave the same as FMLA?
I was out sick for 5 days with Flu and Strep Throat. My employee benefits include short term disablity benefits with full pay. My employer sent FMLA forms home for me to fill out. They indicated I has... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I just started collected unemployment in PA. However, I was lucky and started a new job on February 13, 2017. Can I still claim my unemployment benefits for the week prior, before I started my job? Only the one week, not the week I started my new job.
I just started collecting unemployment in PA. However, I was lucky and started a new job on February 13, 2017. Can I still claim my unemployment benefits for the week prior, before I started my job, w... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I terminated an employee based on hearsay
I own a Temporary Staffing Agency in Georgia. I terminated an employee on 07/31/09, based on outside information that this employee was selling applicant's personal identification information to illeg... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Employer can't meet payroll obligations
I am a salaried professional in a small (less than 10 employees) company (LLC). My employer could only meet 1/2 of the payroll obligations last month (for 2 pay periods) and 0 of the obligation thus f... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete applies to the new company?
I'm an employee of a consultanting company. I've assigned and worked for the same client as a contractor for more than a year. Now, my employer is being acquired by a competitor. I do not like the com... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What law authorizes states to withhold UI payments as a penalty for failure to attend a RESEA meeting?
It looks like the UI RESEA program was amended on Feb. 9, 2018. In part, this strengthened audit requirements for states to reduce the amount of time people collected UI benefits. Most states institut... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

What law authorizes states to withhold UI payments as a penalty for failure to attend a RESEA meeting?
It looks like the UI RESEA program was amended on Feb. 9, 2018. In part, this strengthened audit requirements for states to reduce the amount of time people collected UI benefits. Most states institut... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Do I have legal grounds to appeal the LTD discontinuation/denial? If yes, how?
I am currently receiving workers comp benefits from my company in New York and not working for 1 year now. Three months ago an Independent Medical Exam determined that I'm 25% disabled. My company acc... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can a person collect unemployment if they quit their job after not getting paid for 2 pay periods?
employer who hasn't paid her or other employees for two pay cycles, claiming that he is waiting for a check from a client. My sister-in-law is an hourly employee (not on a set salary), and her pay per... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

severance and unemployment benefits applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

am i entitled to unemployment benefits?
applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Could I qualify for unemployment benefits?
I recently resigned a position. After speaking with my supervisors, I reconsidered & rescinded the resignation, which both encouraged me to do & told me would be no problem. When I decided to rescind,... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Intermittent leave through FMLA
My wife works for a company located in Louisville, KY. She has been empolyed there for 26 years. Our son who is 14 and is autistic is in need of after school care. Would she be eligable for intermitte... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Do i need a lawyer
Hi,I'm trying to contact you about a problem I'm facing due to becoming unemployed. Immediately after becoming unemployed I filed my unemployment claim only to find out I am unable to claim what I'm e... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

If offered a lower wage, or work 2 more months to find different job at same pay, if I don't find a different job in 2 months, will I be eligible for unemployment benefits?
Boss hired me on at a decent wage to lure me from my previous job. After 10 months he's decided I'm not doing my jobs up to his standards, so wants me to look for a different job and he'd pay me for 2... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

South Carolina. Do I qualify for unemployment benefits if I cannot work for my employer for a period of 6 weeks because of Carpal Tunnel surgery. My employer doesn't have FMLA and isn't firing me but isn't paying me.
I have had elective surgery for Carpal Tunnel syndrome (although I probably could not continue to do my job unless I had it) in South Carolina. My employer does not offer FMLA (less than 50 employees)... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Wrongful Termination?
My mother, who worked as a housekeeper for HealthCare Services, recently got terminated for not signing a contract with her employer. My mother, who only has an 8th grade education asked her employer ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have two jobs. If I lose my part-time job, will I be eligible for unemployment benefits?
I work full time. I have also worked part-time for roughly 14 years at Borders books and music. They're on the ropes and are likely to declare bankruptcy. If they close my store, and can't find me emp... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

can you get unemployment benefits if you buy cobra insurance
can you get unemployment benefits if you buy cobra insurance applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Can an employer stop paying health benefits because they have decided that you are part time without notice and deduct the full amount from your check without authorization?
My employer decided that my work from would no longer keep my full time status. This was probably over a month ago. I was told to get my hours up to get my benefits back but my health insurance was st... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

My employer told me that the benefits of my plan will not be the same when I convert to COBRA. Can she just change the benefits as she likes?
My plan termed on 1/31/16. The plan was a hdhp with a 3500 deductible beginning in Jan. However, we allowed our employees to see our providers for "free." they were not charged for the visit, but the ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Do I have to report termination if I was rule to be terminated without just cause?
I was terminated from my at-will position as a teacher with a Delaware school (technically a state of Delaware employee). The Department of Labor ruled that I was "discharged without just cause" and I... applies to Delaware  ·  0 answers

Unemployment benefits being denied, Wrongful Term, No COBRA offered
Hello there. I was terminated from my position as a general store manager for a large retail chain after 6 years of excellent performance reviews. I never received a single written warning or discipli... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Unemployment benefits for day to day layoffs???
The company which I work for has been rather slow for the last few months. To compensate for our lack of sales a 12 hour shift was eliminated. I was on this 12 hour shift and have lost a great deal of... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does a 28/28 rotational schedule qualify me as partially unemployed for the 28 days I am not working
A lot of people at my company filed for unemployment in Texas. We work a 28/28 day rotation. We received unemployment for the time we were not working or being paid for the 28 days off. The company ap... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Does a 28/28 rotational schedule qualify me as partially unemployed for the 28 days I am not working
A lot of people at my company filed for unemployment in Texas. We work a 28/28 day rotation. We received unemployment for the time we were not working or being paid for the 28 days off. The company ap... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I worked 35 years and entitled for retirement pensions. If my company found that I had some misconducts or violated standard codes of conduct, can they deny my pension if I'm fired
Company has retirement benefits and I worked 35 years and qualified. If company found I violated the standard codes of conduct (outside employment without disclosing) can they deny my retirement benef... applies to California  ·  0 answers

If I sign my severance agreement, can I stil get unemployement benefits?
applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

How does servance pay affect unemployment benefits in arkansas
How does servance pay affect unemployment benefits in arkansas applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Unemployment Benefits
I told my boss on a monday i was unhappy with my work situation and was thinking about resigning.She told me that she wanted me to stay with the company I was a great worker,etc.On Wed I was told we'v... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Relocation Reimbursement
Our company is relocating its headquarters in CA to another city that is farther than the current location and it has triggered an actionable event situation. They gave everyone a notification letter ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My legal rights using sick/FMLA time
I have been using sick time and FMLA from a large corporation for treatment of severe depression and anxiety for the last 2 months. My doctor has filled out ample forms requested and recently was aske... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

how long can an employer schedule some-one full-time hours before they pay them full-time wages and benefits?
i am working full-time hours but am still classified as part-time. How long can my employer schedule and work me full-time hours(hourly non-exempt) be fore they must pay me full-time hours and full-ti... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

am i eligible for UI benefits if my employer gave me 2 weeks notice with pay?
Am I eligible for UI benefits if my employer gave me 2 weeks notice with pay? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Not notified of policies now stuck in the middle
I was notified today that my Aetna medical insurance was terminated on 03/31/08. I have been out on short-term disability as well as FMA since 01/05/08. I have not received any notification of my insu... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If the employer I work for retires, I am left without a job, can I get unemployment benefits? In Colorado.
If the employer I work for retires, I am left without a job, can I get unemployment benefits? In Colorado. applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

COVID Layoff, then a lump sum payment (likely PPP loan related)...should I be claiming unemployment?
COVID-related: I was given a lump sum intended to equal my pay from May 31 until July 31. Some posts on here advise I do not qualify for unemployment benefits until after July 31, others suggest the d... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Collect Unemployment while reviewing Severance Agmt?
I was recently terminated due to "gross misconduct". However, they were unable to provide me proof of said action. They offered four weeks pay for severance (been there five years). In the Severance A... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Dental insurance maxed out before resigning my county job. Three months later I applied for a new position with the same county. Does mom y dental insurance start new again?
PPO Dental insurance was maxed out before resigning my county job. Three months later I applied for a new position within the same county. All new testing, background and new enrollment period for ins... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Do I have recourse for not accepting comparable job?
I just found out my position is being outsourced to a third party company. We will be offered positions to work for this company and given a few days to accept, and if we decline, we will be out of a ... applies to Rhode Island  ·  0 answers

Leaving Employer with Tuition Reimbursement Agreement after a Pay Cut
I am leaving a job where I received tuition reimbursement. I am 2 years into the 3 year period in which I owe money back if I leave and the company has requested I pay back a significant portion of th... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Our son was promised by a State sponsored full-time position that he would received medical insurance within 90 days of employment. Even though he filed all the paperwork as he should have, after 8 months of employment, he still hasn't received his medica
Our son is working for a Washington State sponsored organization. In his manual that he received upon taking this position, he was promised full medical benefits within 90 days of employment. After 8 ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers


Discrimination because of ADHD and # of Children?
I am currently 32 weeks pg. I was laid of yesterday 6/28/05. It was stated that there was a lay-off in many departments and I was chosen as I had no completed training. I have ADHD and my previous bos... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Relationship with boss, FMLA pregnancy leave, retaliation?
I had a relationship with my boss, and became pregnant. He told me he was in the midst of a divorce. In August, he went on FMLA leave after finding out he had testicular cancer that spread. In late Se... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can I be entitled to Unemployment Benefits due to Hostile Work Environment?
I feel that based on the description of a "Hostile Work Environment" I should be entitled to Unemployment benefits if I quit my job. I truly feel I have no other option. I am the only woman that works... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Can I be entitled to Unemployment Benefits due to Hostile Work Environment?
I feel that based on the description of a "Hostile Work Environment" I should be entitled to Unemployment benefits if I quit my job. I truly feel I have no other option. I am the only woman that works... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

terminated vs lay off (benefits still paid.)
I was layed off from my job due to work cut back. I was a full time contractor in the computer Industry. My company confirmed my lay off with the unemployment office when I filed stating that I was NO... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

My CDL was suspended. I offered to work in another department until I could get it back. My employer never responded and Texas Unemployment Insurance found that I was let go for misconduct for my license being suspended and denied my unemployment benefits
CDL suspended / I offered to work as swamper until I got Licensed back/ employer never responded / Texas Unemployment Commission found in favor of employer and denied me benefits on the grounds of mis... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

can my employer require me to pay for my benefits while off on fmla due to surgery?
non union government employee applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

How do I keep from owing?
AnonymousJune 30, 2018 at 1:57 PM I am on FMLA (12 wks job security) and STD (50% average pay for 12 wks). STD is set at 6mo. While this is not work comp (although I did file a security report which w... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Unlawful demotion? I feel i am being discriminated against, and demoted unfairly.
I am a 2 year employee at a bank and have always risen far above what is expected of me at my position. Have always recieved exemplary evaluations, thus recieving several promotions. My fulltime posit... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I handed my resignation 2 weeks in advance and was told I can stay and work it out. 10 days before my resignation date I was asked to leave and that I would be paid in lieu. No benefits were discussed or final pay given (which they had done for others). I
I handed my resignation 2 weeks in advance and was told I can stay and work it out. 10 days before my resignation date I was asked to leave and that I would be paid in lieu. No benefits were discussed... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

I have been providing cleaning services for a company for the last 11 years. 7 days a week. Never once have been paid any benefits such as paid vacation, health insurance or overtime. (We are not on the clock, I come in after hours and get paid a salary)
Worked 11 years for the company 7 days a week. 364 days out of the year. Not once have they paid me benefits. (Paid vacation, Overtime, Health insurance.) Not under contract. For the first couple of y... applies to Nevada  ·  1 answer

My daughter went to jail and I had to go get her baby because he has only her and I I called my job 2 hrs before my shift and explain my daughter and baby he fired me i have worked there 4 yrs I signed 1 write up in 4 yrs can I get unemployment benefits
My daughter went to jail and I had to get the baby I called 2 hours before my shift and explain what happened and manager told me if I was there for my shift I would be fired I got fired the baby has ... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Can my employer stop paying me for benefits once I've worked 2080 hours in a year?
testing, I'm not posting any links! applies to California  ·  0 answers

I resigned from my position of 19 years due to health reasons I was denied unemployment for not having just cause however a week later went to my physician and was given a medical letter stating that my employment was going to cause serious health issues
I voluntarily resigned a position after 19 years due to health reasons. I was denied due to unjust cause. Approximately one week later, I went to my physician, was given a letter, stating that if I st... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Am I Approved or Have I Been Denied?
Hello, I requested unemployment benefits on 8/14/2016 after realizing just how horrendous this company was. I was employed for 32 days, including weekends and holidays (yeah, it was that bad) and rece... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Retaliation for reporting illegal employment practices.
I worked as the Director of Human Resources for a pain management clinic and was terminated after reporting several illegal business practices. For instance, we have over 20 contractors overseas who a... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

What are legal rights with company transfer?
My husband is employed by a company which sold the area he where he works. Another co-worker and he put in for a company transfer prior to a contract between the buyer and his company. The other emplo... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

my current company was replaced by a new company who chose not to hire me, do I qualify for benefits?
my current company was replaced by a new company who chose not to hire me, do I qualify for benefits? applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

i lost my job and was also denied unemployment benefits in nj is there a program that can help me until I am able to find another job ?
i lost my job and was also denied unemployment benefits in nj is there a program that can help me until I am able to find another job ? applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

If I gave my employer 4 weeks notice before I quit to move across country, can they require me to sign a form stating I can be fired at any time between then and now and will be unable to get unemployment benefits? Is it legal for them to make me sign thi
I finally got the date of my families move set and planned and let my employer know, I gave them 4 weeks notice. Today in my tip envelope they had given me a form to fill out stating my final day and ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

If you receive 60 days pay as WARN payment are you eligible for unemployment benefits in Pennsylva?
Laid off due to plant closure. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Will I qualify for unemployment benefits?
I was discharged on 8/12. I filed immediately for unemployment. I was told that I could put whatever I want about the seperation from the company on any application moving forward. HR Told me I could ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I sue for being fired the day after I presented my employer with a letter demanding benefits?
I started a new job may 2010 and was eligible for health benefits according to the company plan after 90 days of employment. I started inquiring about it that august and continued to ask to be put on ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Truth-in-Hiring what are my rights?
I was interviewed by a company for a position and was hired the same day. I was advised that we would currently be in a call queue, they were hoping until the end of December but that it may not happe... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

should a vet working for va pay higher health premiums
A vet working for the VA as part-time, but has worked 40 hours since day one pay more for health benefits, because they are officially scheduled fro SAT. and Sun., so it does not matter they work the ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can an employer take back a relocation package agreement after the confirmed job offer processed and accepted, and after relocation agreement received and signed?
A month ago I revieced a job offer that advised relocation benefits applied. After accepting the offer stating the do apply I revieced my official confirmed offer also stating relocation benefits appl... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Is it normal for an employer to send out a cobra letter if you're currently employed?
I am currently working. I am a new employee and my health benefits don't even begin until January 1, 2020. applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

im currently getting unemployment i have ony received 2 checks i was offed a job that i have experience at if it doesn't work out can i return getting benifits
receiving benefits again after employment applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

A demotion without cause? How is this legal?
I have been in a salaried position, with the title "Assistant to the Dept Director", with benefits, since 2006 with my current employer. My record is exemplary. I have no written disciplinary actions,... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can An Employer Stop Paying Health Benefits Because They Have Decided That You Are Part Time Without Notice?
Worked for 20 years for same bank. Paid based on production. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Health Insurance Benefits Terminating
One year ago, while working at my previous place of employment, I contracted an illness (unrelated to the employment). For the past year, I have not worked and have had my treatment covered by the com... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Reverse Discrimination Lawsuits based on benefits
I am trying to find out about lawsuits stemming from higher paid employees whose benefits are not adequate to provide equal coverage as those who are lower paid. Example would be a corporate disabilit... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

does my employer should give me some money after i work for him for 16 years without benefits?
have been working for a construction company for 16 years, I'm 42 right now and I just quit cause applies to California  ·  0 answers


What happens when unemployment runs out in NJ
My unemployment has run out . Will I be able to get additional weekly benefits. applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I am preparing a counteroffer of my severance agreement. The agreement states that all benefits
applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

If I forgot to date my letter of resignation can it be sent again expedited.
Resigning. From teachers union school year ending sooner than the 5 months to process. Worried about benefits being denied applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was placed on long-term disability from my employment in April 2016. I recently applied for Social Security benefits. I was told if I received a lump sum payment from Social Security, I would need to repay the amount of money I received from long term i
I have had seven spinal surgeries. I have been declared by long-term insurance as being totally disabled. I was told by the long-term insurance company I needed to apply for Social Security benefits. ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

COBRA eligibility
Am I required to give two weeks notice when voluntarily leaving my position in order to be eligible for COBRA benefits? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Uphill Battle for Unemployment Benefits
What do you do when your state Unemployment Commission fails to acknowledge a request for rehearing when new evidence is submitted? applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I was denied benefits because I said there was lack of work and my employer said i quit
Il request to appeal the decision made regarding the denial of my unemployment compensation benefits from the State of New York the letter sent, dated May 11, 2016, states that I was not eligible for... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Employer refusing to pay relocation allowance as mentioned in offer letter
Dear Experts, I recently moved to US from India on Blanket L1 Visa. My employer in India informed me that they are moving me to US only five days before US joining date. I came to US as instructed. As... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Expat employee involuntarily terminated overseas
I am employed by a US multinational (at will)in Bangkok. Due to global downsizing, tens of thousands of emp are being involuntarily terminated. I have verbally been told that I will be off roll 15/12/... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

What to do if my former employer is defaming about me stealing from his company?
I am in Florida and my former employer tell to Florida unemployment that he didnt fired me that I resigned when he talked to me that I was misusing company funds at my favor, he claimed that I was add... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Enforcing a No Compete Clause / Unpaid Bonus
I was offered and accepted a position in which I was given a signed agreement letter that promised me a set salary and benefits package. In return, 9 days later I agreed to sign a "Covenant Not to Com... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I am in a union shop, we get a week off every year for the annual shutdown. They do take volunteers to clean shop but if we sign up and dont get chosen to work we are told we are unable to collect unemployment benefits for lack of work because the union v
I work for a union shop, and each year we have a 1 week shutdown and per contract if we sign up to work the shutdown and are able we can save a weeks vacation. If we dont work we have to use that one ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I have been disallowed u.c benefits on redetermination in the state of ohio and am appealing They included that additional issuesmay fall withinthe purview of theOhio administrative code rule 4146-5-03 can you tell me what that means and how to fight it?
applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Aloha . My name is Francisco young. Question is. If an employee so called violates county policy and receives disciplinary action. Part of the discipline is to sign a last chance agreement. 6 months later he gets discharged for violation of that agreement
Hawaii administrative law 12 -5-51 Aloha . My name is Francisco young. Question is. If an employee so called violates county policy and receives disciplinary action. Part of the discipline is to sign ... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

Termination for Inquiry of Unemployment Rights
I recently was terminated from a small mom and pop company for bringing to the work place information concerning unemployment benefits. The company is a fundraising company that works with the local s... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-compete, same client, two temp agencies
I worked for a temporary agency in NY for the same federal client for 5 years. I moved to AZ and found an identical position here with the same federal client, only represented by a different temporar... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Diagnos. with cancer worked thru chemo took a 2mo. disability w/radtion hours & benefits cut
Would it be considered medical discrimination if: My daughter returned to work after a 2 month disability absence only to find that the office had cut her hours from a full 8 hr. day 5 days a week to ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I worked for an assisted living company and they dont have benefits to us employees at all. I finished my probationary period and I ask them if I can take my 2 days pto and the HR said I dont have pto yet and my other coworkers have it. is this legal?
I worked for an assisted living company and they dont have benefits to us employees at all. I finished my probationary period and I ask them if I can take my 2 days pto and the HR said I dont have pto... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

will i quilify for unemployment benefits if i quit my job based on retaliation in oklahoma?
My husband filed a claim with the labor board against the company I currently work for, I helped him with his claim (of course) the company was ordered to pay him, since that time I feel I have been a... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

This applies to NJ unemployment laws. My employer in bringing in an outside company to run it's kitchen and I was offered a job for less hours, 1/3 less pay and 1/2 the benefits. I would make the same amount collecting unemployment. They also want me to s
This applies to NJ unemployment laws. My employer in bringing in an outside company to run it's kitchen and I was offered a job for less hours, 1/3 less pay and 1/2 the benefits. I would make the same... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

My employer of over 9 years informed me after 5 months of being furloughed that my position was no longer available and gave me the choice between accepting a different lower paying seasonal position or resigning. I felt coerced into resigning so that I w
I worked as a salesperson at a Nordstrom location in Los Angeles and was in contact with my manager during the period of furloughment during the pandemic. We were led to believe we would be asked to c... applies to California  ·  0 answers

how does accrued vacation and sick time effect UI
I was "eliminated" as of 6/30, after 15 yrs with a non-profit prek-12 special needs educational institution. I was a salary exempt professional - my employer verbally said I was outsourced, but the do... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

State Unemployment office is claiming I was paid for 30 hrs for a job I never took. Even if the business did send me a check, I never received any money or check...but the Unemployment office says I am responsible for THREE weeks of benefits to reimburse,
The State Unemployment Office is coming after me a YEAR later, claiming I had committed fraud. They claim a job had paid me for 30 hrs that I didn't claim...except I never worked for the job beyond th... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

Can I file for unemployment if i resigned.
I applied for unemployment, I received 3 checks. Now they tell me that I dont qualify for unemployment benefits, I resign because of medical conditions. applies to California  ·  0 answers

Non-compete for contractors
I read your FAQ on non-compete. It mentions "employees" several times. Can a contractor who receives a 1099 and no benefits be held to a non-compete? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can former employer violate oral agreement to list as rehire status
I worked for a state agency and had conflict at a new position. I was given a choice of being fired or resigning. The HR director offered me some severance pay, to help me get UI benefits, and to "...... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

older worker severed
factory closing with one year left of current labor contract.have worked there 30 years,am now 50 years i entitled to any benefits other than a very low severence pay? applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Am I able to pursue a suit for what I believe to be wrongful termination
I was an exempt manager for a major chain store in Pa. and I believe wrongfully terminated for theft. Am I able to pursue this legally? And if I do are they able to stop my unemployment benefits while... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Termination due to cost of healthcare benefits? is this possible?
I was working as a registered nurse in an emergency department. I was on my 6 month initial employment probationary period. my healthcare benefits started as of June 1, 2016. I am obese and a smoker. ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Benefits Unreasonably Denied
My wife has worked for a fortune 500 company for 9 years. We had our second child about 7 weeks ago. Before going on leave she contacted HR to make sure she had all the paperwork in order, including t... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I am on disciplinary suspension at work while I wait for my court hearing as I have been charged (not yet convicted) of DUI. While I was off work I injured by wrist resulting in surgery. My employer has denied my short term disability benefits as they not
I am on disciplinary suspension at work while I wait for my court hearing as I have been charged (not yet convicted) of DUI. While I was off work I injured by wrist resulting in surgery. My employer h... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

How do you deal with the corruption of an Arizona EEOC case such as this one?
I have a case from Arizona where the company and insurance carrier did a forced termination of employment and benefits due to health complications from a colon surgery and their managers hostile and e... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I feel wrongfully demoted?
My boss has recently hired his friend to get my position. Never was i informed about new positions available, he is getting a hire pay i have senority, we work full time no benefits and feel like it's... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Was given a letter with date contract ending left before contract ended and new employer came in. Submitted resume to new company but was never called for an interview. Denied unemployment benefits
Is it a waste of time trying to appeal the decision applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Was given a letter with date contract ending left before contract ended and new employer came in. Submitted resume to new company but was never called for an interview. Denied unemployment benefits
Is it a waste of time trying to appeal the decision applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Urgent question I have migraine and vertigo and have been on short-term disability for six months my employer is notified me that all my benefits including medical will end at the end of my 26 weeks my doctor told me this is not legal as I have been under
Help asap applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Retention agreement - what happens if I do not sign?
I have been verbally told my position is being eliminated and sent to another facility (out of the state). I was also verbally told that I will receive 60-days notice of my end date, what the severanc... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If my employer offers a voluntary severance to reduce the employees, would I still qualify for umemployment benefits in MO.
Employer is offered voluntary before the involuntary. applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

ADP TotalSource has messed with the unemployment insurance benefits wrongly
My wife and I had both worked at a sales company in Aguora Hills, CA. We have both moved to where we are now because she is pregnant and to take care of her disabled mother and sister. She had been re... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I'm 57. The CEO offered me a 28% reduction in pay or take a severance package.
The dynamics( age range ) in the IT Department have change dramatically in 3 years. I use to be the ONLY person in the Department too. If I quit, would I have a case for unemployment benefits at least... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Part time worker not picking up extra shifts, implied termination
Hello, I had a question about my wife's part time job. She is currently a nurse in an assisted living facility. She works a position called the Baylor shift. She works saturday and sunday 7 pm to 7 am... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

Afte 15.1 of FMLA/STD I was told return to your job or resign. Ay 12 weeks- no job. Now resign?
I was off 15 weeks FMLA/STD. I was told at 12.1 weeks to apply for any job at the hospital because mine would not be held. I did apply for another job. I lapsed my ACLS/BLS while off. The first RTW da... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Can I work and not get a paycheck?
Can I work to allow my s-corp business to rebuild capital and pay off credit cards before writing myself a paycheck (and endng unemployemnt benefits)? I am the only employee applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Hello i was injured at work back in June and badly damaged my knee, it still isn't right. My employer cut off my workman's comp benefits and started burning my sick leave and vacation until i was able to be released by the doctor (that they paid good mone
What's my recourse. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

State Unemployment Benefit Eligibility
In Illinois, if an individual is let go from his job and he accepts a severance package that includes a year's pay, is he still eligible for unemployment benefits from the state? applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Big severance "carrot" taken away
My wife worked for a company 19 years. She had stellar performance throughout her career and was the corporate secretary for her last 5 years. She was on the company's lucrative supplemental benefit p... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I've been sick with flu for three weeks unable to work but they don't have any benefits for there fulltime employees and they wont let me come back to work till I'm fully better. What can I do my bills are do and I have no money
What can I apply for to get temporary money applies to California  ·  0 answers

Hi, I live in NYS and due to a company merger, I was laid off. A severance agreement was signed offering me a month of salary and 3 months health benefits, I would pay the COBRA premium and then the Company would reimburse me. It has been two months now,
Hi, I live in NYS and due to a company merger, I was laid off. A severance agreement was signed offering me a month of salary and 3 months health benefits, I would pay the COBRA premium and then the C... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

The resturant was purchased and has to close for up to two month am i eligable to collect unemployment benefits and if so who does the claim goes against?
The resturant was on the market for three months. The new owner has offered me the same position once he has finished re-modeling which hes guessing will take 2 months applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

I was terminated in NV. Unemployment ruled that I was not terminated for cause and I received benefits. At the time of termination I had 80 hours of vacation and was not paid for it. Do I have a case?
I understand at will employment, but can the employer refuse to pay earned vacation legally? applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

I was Laid off on good terms and also received unemployment benefits. 10 yrs later i re apply at the same job and they told me i was fired. Can i use my unemployment documentation that i received back then as evidence that i was at no fault and that the e
I was laid off after the district manager was laying off most of the employees. To my knowledge i left on good terms. I accepted the lay off and was offered references to get another job. I applied fo... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Harassed since standing up for an agreement for benefits which was later denied then allowed.
My family and I were moved from near Richmond VA. back to Ohio (by the employer and housed as agreed) from which origionally came. This company had promised health benefits through the previous HR Man... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have a heart pacemaker and defibrillator. I need to start collecting medical benefits, my ability to work is lessing as I am now 59. Stress is causing black outs at work and I have passed out three times, I'm up ladders and lift heavy items I just don't
I am now 59 and having episodes of passing out applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I was off work for knee replacement surgery. My supervisor postion was eleminated but picked up by another supervisor. i was offered a different job postion but lost my paid insurance. Is it legal to make a job offer with less benefits while begin off for
I was off work for knee replacement surgery. My supervisor postion was eleminated but picked up by another supervisor. i was offered a different job postion but lost my paid insurance. Is it legal to ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was accused by my former employer of theft & then bullied/ forced into signing a statement under duress. I was then indeff-initely suspended. I've recently tried to file for unemployment benefits & my former employer told my unemployment rep. that i was
**DETAILS ARE IN THE QUESTION** applies to Montana  ·  0 answers

expiration date and change in terms
I am in sales for a local roofing company. I signed a no-compete agreement to continue working for the company. I have since become unhappy with the work environment and want to look for another job b... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Holding Hostage
I posted a question last week and recieved usefull feedback, but have run into yet another situation with my law firm upon termination..and demand of a resignation letter. I received a voice mail mess... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Retaliation in Iowa by my employer if I file for partial unemployment benefits?
I was hired by a doctor's office as part-time 3 years ago. I then became full-time after a full-time employee quit. Eventually I was made salaried full-time (40 hour week). Another part-time person wa... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

neneed urgent answer re FMLA , etc. before April 11, 2001, please!
Please help! I was attacked by a fellow crewmember on a ship and required major spine surgery December 8, 2000, and have been on leave since then (16 weeks more or less) receiving 60% of my salary thr... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I work for a home care agency in MI. I was rehired full-time. I have 90 day probation before I will get full benefits. My 90 days is up and due to my client being hospitalized two different weeks I only worked 12hrs one week and 24 the next week. And one
Details in question applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Unfairly denied unemployment benefits. Appeal hearing Tuesday, need advice.
I left my employer of 7 years in August. There is confusion determining if I was fired or if I quit. I feel like the term "Involuntary Resignation" may apply to my circumstance. My boss accused me of ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

pay cut
dear mel, two questions for you. boss recently informed me that i do a great job but he demoted me and cut my pay. do i have to accept this cut and if i quit, would i possibly be eligible for une... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Uc Benefits
In a written letter from my manager he stated I was no longer needed and no reason was stated for my dismisall, n two months later he filed an appeal and and in his appeal he stated five lies on why I... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I have been harassed and discriminated against racially from a billion dollar corporation as a customer what I should base my suit amount upon knowing any judgement in my favor makes me uneligible for my disability and medicaid benefits for the rest of my
I was called racial slurs by two employees and harrassed they tried to attack me I was a customer applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I am a farm worker in Oregon and was hired almost a year ago as a seasonal worker. My boss said I would be promised a full-time position with benefits. I then got lead on for months and lost wages and have since put in my 2 weeks' notice. My boss has been
see above section applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

I'm 53 years old, I worked in a nursing home for a little over 10 years. I'm prone to getting respiratory infections due to allergies. Now with this Covid19 threat I quit my job due to the fact I am scared of catching it and passing it to my family. Am I
Am I eligible for unemployment benefits? applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

no compete convenant
i worked for a house cleaning co. for 3 years, recently new ownership took over and i lost my health benefits, i had to sign a non compete agreement or they would have let me go, i made it clear that ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Required to repay relocation if job is different than agreed?
I'm an at will employee of a North Carolina firm, working in St. Louis, MO. When I agreed to join the firm, my employment was contingent upon my signing a contract stating that I would repay the firm ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Who can I contact in Fort Worth Texas about an ongoing discrimination case against my previous employer
I was discriminated against by the Vice President of Operations in my previous employment. I was awarded unemployment benefits and filed an EEOC claim that is ongoing at the moment. I need representat... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I tried a new job for 2 days. I have MS. I left due to my physical illness. How can I get my unemployment benefits back. The job was so stressful and my doctor now wants me to apply for a less stressf... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

If I accept the mutual separation agreement, does that disqualify me from unemployment benefits?
Employed 2.5 years, promoted, now being offered a demotion or a mutual separation agreement with one month severance package. applies to California  ·  0 answers

Do i qualify for unemployment if my hours got reduced by 90%
I have been working for a dental office for almost 5 years, recently my boss told me that she could not afford me any longer, so she would have me there a few hours a week, do i qualify for unemployme... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Negotiating a 30 hour work week
If I approach my employeer to negotiate a 30 hour work week, are there any laws stipulating what benefits must be provided in such a case? applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

A employee accuses a co worker of stealing prescription drugs from her purse and then quits because I didn't reprimand the accused employee and now ex employee wants unemployment benefits
Would a employee be able to receive unemployment benefits because I did not reprimand their co worker that they accused of stealing prescription drugs from her purse in her office. The accuser quit be... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Loosing health insurance that was promised when disabeled.
PLEASE HELP I FOUND OUT TODAY I WILL BE TERMINATED ON MONDAY JULY 23. I suffered a stroke in 1988 and am permanetly disabled from most jobs,(this fits the description of disabled by my disability insu... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Full time reduced, company blocking my unemployment benefits. Can they, if so, can we go to court ?
my full time employer has me on reduced hours and have apparently prevented me from receiving unimployment insurance pay applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Can I still receive unemployment benefits, etc?
Can I Receive Unemployment For Not Renewing Contract Work? I live in CA, and we were acquired by a company from the east coast in May of this year. The company addressed that they would be closing our... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Unemployment at the end of a contract??
I recently took a 6 month contract to hire position and want to know if I don't get hired on from that employer or other employment - would I be eligible to collect unemployment benefits? This would b... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

I work full time for a company in sales. I currently get a salary + commission but they want to change me to commission only. That’s not enough money to live on. I might be able to convince them to lay me off. To complicate matters, I have a part time L
Can I use my LLC as a contractor for the commission and not jeopardize my unemployment benefits? applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Do I qualify for unemployment benefits?
I receive a pension from the State Teachers Retirement System. For the past 5 and 1/2 years I have worked parttime for a non-profit organization. We have been told our division is closing down by late... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I drew in unemployment Feb thru july. I took a job crack with the same company I was fired from in Jan, worked sept into Oct, and told they were letting me go due to budget cuts. Can I draw unemployment, again?
Drew my full UE benefits for 6 months. Can I redraw after they let me go after only working a month? applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I work for a small business. When I originally was hired, I was the office manager, I did the AR/AP, benefits, basically everything to run the office smoothly. The owners terminated the salesmen in 2007. Since their termination, I took on doing sales as w
I work for a small business. When I originally was hired, I was the office manager, I did the AR/AP, benefits, basically everything to run the office smoothly. The owners terminated the salesmen in 20... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Full time plus additional work?
I run a nonprofit organization. I have an employee who works FT in one program on salary. He wants to work in another of our programs several hours in the evening, seeing therapy clients (he is a Mast... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Denial of Severance Previously Promised
My state is an "at-will" state, however, since the company is one of the nation's largest media corporations, they have a company severance policy. On May 14, our department was notified of a reorgani... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

does bricklayers, mason union of fort lauderdale, FL have a pension or benefit to be paid after death to wife?
I found husbands books of payments being made to union for years, never thought anything about it. Also saw that I was listed as wife. Just wondering if they do give benefits to wife? also how long is... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

My company asked me to move to another office. I can not. Should I get servence and unemployment?
April 2011 - My company (located in Berkeley, CA) was acquired. I had worked there for 8 years. June 2011 - the new owners (located in Southern CA) laid off 1/3 of the company with severance. They pai... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I voluntarily quit a job adter19 months because employer involved in fraudulent billing and HIPAA violations. Have been denied benefits but am still pursuing that with UIA hearings. Now after 4 mo. My former employer says he was going to fire me anyway fo
I also received a letter that former employer wrote to judge stating that he was "shocked" by my resignation. Now accusation of embezzlement!!! I'm so confused applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can my employer require me to exhausted my PTO before using disability benefits?
cfr 825 207 (d) says substitution of accrued paid leave is inapplicable when on disability leave employer said they front load vacation, we don't accrue so the regulation does not pertain to us. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

A fellow employee advised me today that an ex-supervisor of mine, now a specialist, but still a salaried employee, is plotting to have me fired in order to cancel any and all retirement benefits I am ... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Release of harmful information
I have a situation I hope someone can advise me on. This is as brief as I could be. There are a lot of details. Earlier in the year, I was fired from a private company for what they decided was gross ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

should I take it or not, I really don't want it because I don't want to lose my unemployment benefits. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Validity of a Non Compete
I have an employee agreement that has a non compete clause. The employer has made real changes to monitary benefits without modifying the agreement to reflect the changes. Would this make the agreemen... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Im new to Las Vegas , Is it legal for an employer to withhold taxes on a self employed subcontractor?
Self employed flooring contractor, subcontracted work from a flooring shop and hes withholding taxes, medical, and social security. Yet im not being paid overtime, or getting any company benefits! applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

failure to notify about COBRA
I was laid off and my employer failed to notify me of my rights under COBRA (I've just found about it). Now it is too late for me to apply for COBRA benefits. What are my rights here and can I sue the... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Would NOT accepting job offer w/Non-compete prevent me from collecting current unemployment benefits
The position I accepted did not include, nor was there any mention of a non-compete agreement until I was ready to fill out the employment papers. The previous employee in this position told me that h... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hello, I work for a company that one of their benefits offered to Full Time employees is PTO. I recently requested and filled out the PTO request forms for a few days in Sept. 2017 and also for this month (Nov) for 2 days. The other day i received my payc
Worked for this company since 2013 applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can I get unemployment benefits if I resigned due to abuse at home
I am in an abusive relationship and let my employer an co-workers aware of the situation. I became really depressed and withdrawn etc. The supervisors and two other individuals are a clique who talk b... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Hello I am Sale Manager at Motorcycle Dealer shop in NJ which I get paid hourly and commission. I have no contract and just got demoted to salesman again I wanted to ask you if by demoting to saleman is that give me the chance to quite and collect full pa
Basically I want to know if don't want to accept the offer of saleman can I quit and collect full benefits right away? applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

My employer offers health insurance to all full time associates. They also offer paid time off (Sick, Vacation, Personal...) they claim that because they offer benefits we cannot fall under 40 hrs a week. Is this by law or is this to protect themselves fr
If I want to take a day off and want it unpaid... HR tells me I cannot and I need to use one of my PTO days... is this a law? applies to Nevada  ·  1 answer

Hi. I was recently let go from my job after putting in my two weeks notice. Is this grounds for unemployment benefits?
I was at work 8/18/2017 and after my boss yelled at me and degraded me for the last time I put my two weeks notice in. They let me go that same day. Is it impossible to file for unemployment as to the... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Unemployment benefit for 1099 workers?
Hi. I am receiving regular unemployment benefits in Illinois since May 2020. I just received a 1099 offer for an independent contract role for 6 weeks. What benefit can I receive during and after thos... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I work for a Public library, when I first started I was hired as a full-time employee for one of the branches. After I was put to work in the bookmobile and at the branch still full-time. They decided to get rid of the bookmobile and with that they also d
Benefits applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Temporary Employment
I am considered a temporary employee. This basically measn I have no benefits and do not acquire seniority. I have been a temp for 14 months. At some point, does my company have to convert me to a per... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My daughter was fired she was a technician and was a commission employee. The owner asked her if she could work a few weeks as an hourly in the office as an hourly employee while he looked for a secretary. He also told her She can work as a technician wit
Am I still entitled to benefits applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

lump sum payment
i received a lump sum payment when my plant closed. It was not a pension and not severance. my paperwork even stated so. It was stated as such on my paper work. Is this deductible on a weekly basis or... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I received a severance package for 26 weeks from my former employer. I took a seasonal job which I no longer have. My severance will end at the end of February along with all my benefits that I had with my former employer. The last day I worked at my form
I live in New York, I worked for the company since 1999. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was at a job for over a year and was paid cash. I am claiming my pay on taxes this year. The owner fired me for no reason do I qualify for benefits
This bar owner pays everyone in cash so I am pretty sure he hasn't paid into unemployment. I tried to get on a payroll he just never did it. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers


Are there circumstances in which an employer is required to layoff his/her employee?
My husband is currently working for someone who will not lay him off. His boss only calls him approximately one time a week to work. He has been trying to find other employment but has had no luck. Is... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

non-compete and non disclosure for contract employees
I am a nurse that signed a non compete and non disclosure agreement. However I am a contract employee that does not get paid benefits nor do they pay taxes on me. Am I held to this agreement? applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

I was laid off in may 2016. Collected unemployment for a month before finding new job. Was let go after 2 months and have been collecting from new job. Haven't been able to find new job as of yet and only have 2 months left on unemployment. If I don't fin
Unemployment benefits from lay off applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Paid non-compete and unemployment benefits
Hi I am getting a severance package of 2 weeks from my employer in NJ. However I also have a non-compete for 1 year. They are going to pay me during the 1 year non-compete and preventing me to work at... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Eligibility for unemployment
The owners of the business I worked for,for 15 years sold it. I was given my final paycheck and my paid vacation days I had not used. I have to apply for a position with the new owners, I was manager ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I have been employed for 2 years with my employer, no vacation, no paid holidays, no benefits at all. I also work overtime for regular pay, and RARELY take a lunch! They are now telling me I have to c... applies to California  ·  2 answers

why don't we have a choice as to paying into unemployment. I worked 19 yrs for the same company and was terminated and denied benefits.
I was terminated because I failed a drug test. I was cleaned before I smoked, had an accident 3 days later, which was not my fault. I understand being fired. I don't think I should have been denied af... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

eleigible again after 6 months of employment?
Regardiing eligibility. I collected IL unemployment insurance for the full 26 weeks of eligiblity ending in February 2005. I've been employed since December of 2004 and properly reported those earning... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

can you get benefits if you are getting social security if the social security is not enough to live
applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Exempt to non-Exempt to avoid severance payouts
Changing from exempt to non-exempt so not to have to pay Severance benefits ? --- Is it legal for public US based company with offices/employees worldwide - to abruptly just reclassify/change with onl... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

part-time employee rights
Is it legal for a classified part-time employee to repeatedly work fulltime hours without being given fulltime benefits? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

UI taxes taken out of my severance. Can I file a new claim?
My severance package was paid by out over 6 months as a payroll check and had UI insurance taxes taken. My question is: Considering that my initial claim for UI benefits was based on prior work and si... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I would like to demote myself from management and go back to a cashier position I'm not being treated fairly can I take my management pay
It is a private owned company a liquor store no benefits no holiday pay and I work too hard so for what he's paying me I rather just be a cashier there are cashiers there that make a dollar less than ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can I reopen an unemployment claim after doing contract work?
I claimed unemployment in May after getting laid off. After only several weeks of benefits, I accepted a contract (1099) position with a firm. My contract has expired, and the new one they are offerin... applies to California  ·  0 answers

severance compensation for commissioned salespeople
I am being offered a severance package for my 18 years of service based on my salary alone. A bulk of my income came from commission. This is not being reflected in my benefits package. Do I have any ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My husband’s signed severance package included 6 weeks of medical and dental from his last date of active employment (12/29/17). His benefits would end on February 12, 2018. I went to the dentist 3 times in January 2018. The insurance denied the claims
My husband worked for Verizon. He is currently in Kuwait. His severance package was generous but this is a big error. applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can a 2wk notice be required and if not offered wave unemployment benefits
It has been requested that a new policy be noted that a 2 wk notice is required if leaving the organization - if not offered the employee would be waving their right to apply for unemployment. Is this... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

can unemployment not pay me now for severeance pay that i will not recieve for two more months
i got laid off at end of year and unemloyment stated that my employer says im getting severance that covers January but i wont get this check until March due to the employer's process so can unemploym... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Am I eligible for unemployment?
My employer, Kmart is closing and if you are over 50 yrs of age with 10 yrs of service they are classifying you as "retirement-unit closing" rather than just store closing or unemployed. I have asked ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Severance Pay and Unemployment after resignation.
I signed a severance agreement with my former employer when I resigned. I applied for unemployment benefits and they are questioning my reason for leaving. How does the agreement I signed affect what ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Does anyone take on wrongful termination claims and unemployment appeals on a contingency basis?
I was wrongfully discharged for no cause, they held my last two checks for 4 months, and when they paid them they changed my W9 without my knowledge or signature. They appealed unemployments decision ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Quitting job based on salary misrepresentation, is it "just cause"
I have a job in sales. When I was hired they quoted me an "average" salary I could expect based on commision. In reality I am making less than half of that amount. Is this reason "just cause" to quit ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Severance pay for maternity leave
Is it legal for an employer to lay off pregnant employees before/during/after maternity leave without additional compensation for medical leave of absence benefits in their severance agreement even th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Quitting job and cobra eligibility?
I left the company I had worked for six years and started working at another company. Five weeks into the job, I have realized it isnt the right fit and i would like to quit. My only concern is now he... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Quitting job and cobra eligibility?
I left the company I had worked for six years and started working at another company. Five weeks into the job, I have realized it isnt the right fit and i would like to quit. My only concern is now he... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Do I need to appeal
I was denied benefits for severe misconduct at company X. After being fired from X I got work at Co Y but only lasted 3 weeks until they let me go for no license. However, they knew that at time of hi... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

If an employee has vacation & personal time available can they still collect?
If an employer takes a few days off & an employee has a very fair amount of vacation & personal time available, do they have to take those days before being able to claim benefits? I have been unable ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

K-1 as wage basis for unemployment compensation?
I am a Partner is an LLC, not paying into the State Compensation Fund. The LLC, tied to commercial construction is now defunct. LLC distributioms are my sole source of income. Am I eligible for Unempl... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

If on Ca UI and I take temporary work for one week, was 1099 d, should I tell UI of this
I am going to be 1099 for one week of work - how will my benefits be affected? applies to California  ·  0 answers

Chose not to renew employment contract, am I eligible for unemployment?
in PA company was sold, but I signed a contract w/new owner to help him for two weeks (renewable if agreed by both parties). I chose not to renew, and he never offered. Am I now not eligible for unemp... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If the relocation benefits repayment is only a company policy and not included in the relocation agreement, can the employer force payment?
The relocation agreement only made reference to "eligible for relocation benenfits per company guideline" without specifying the terms of the repayment. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

company offered tuition reimbursement in benefits now stating they no longer offer tuition reimbursement without notice
Company did not honor tuition reimbursement, but its in their policies that they do, we are in California and the company is now not paying applies to California  ·  0 answers

Same employee used by two separate entities under same parent company ownership
Using same employee (part time) in two different entities or LLC owned by same individuals or parent company Do they qualify for overtime and benefits of full time. applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

I understand the $600 a week covid benefits has stopped. But I'm owed and getting back pay from the weeks I wasn't paid. Will I continue to get them even though they have stopped ?
I'm just wanting to know if I'll continue getting my back pay for the $600 even though there stopping it ? applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

My workers comp has ended my job terminated me about 2 weeks after my injury, and I'm disabled.
I was hired for a truck driving position in Texas by a company headquartered in N. Carolina. I filed and received workers comp, which is now depleted now. Two years and counting now workers comp says ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers


Boss saying it was a mutual separation — but nothing signed
Hi, I was recently fired (in person) - being told that I could leave that day or stay through the end of the month. I wrote an email to confirm termination and now my boss is saying that it was a mutu... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Need first/next step to take when they have constructed termination due to retaliation.
I need to know next steps to take, Placed on PIP, being retaliated against, I'm on partial FMLA, which I had to set up to get time off for Dr's. appointments. What do I need to do now so that I won't ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Vacation Policy change
Is is considered a legal change in vacation benefits if we are notifed via an email of this change ? Such as: We (company) will no longer pay any accrued vacation time at the time of an employee leavi... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

FMLA once laid off
I am pregnant which my employer is aware of. If I am laid off while pregnant (prior to going on leave), does my employer have to still provide me with my leave benefits once I give birth (short term d... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

I'm in the advanced stages of pregnancy and was let go from my job. I was offered 6 months of severance at 50% of my salary and medical benefits. However, one of the conditions was that I remain available to consult if they had any questions. I'm concerne
8 months pregnant let go by company due to elimination of position. They are going to have my assistant try to do my job and want me to consult if they have any questions. This is a condition of my se... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Getting out of relocation obligation
My company has a policy requiring employees to repay and relocation expenses if they quit or are fired in less than two years from the date of relocation. After being relocated, the company changed ce... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can you be re-hired by a company that has paid you a severance package?
My husband received a severance package from a company that closed the plant that he worked at for 32 years. Now, a year later, they called and asked if he would be willing to come back to work for th... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Domestic partner: do I qualify for FMLA intermittent leave to care for my long time heterosexual domestic partner during cancer treatment?
I have lived with my "unmarried spouse" for years. We are heterosexual, but I know my company offers same sex sex partners the ability to partake in family insurance/ benefits. Are they then required ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

COO eliminates the Severance Benefit 3 days before it's due
On 7/10/01, it was announced that my last day is on 8/10/01. There were also emails and verbal commitments that a 2 week per year of service will be paid out for our severance package. On 8/7/01, our ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

If I resign my position, is my employer obligated to provide medical coverage for any length of time
Just wondering If my employer is obligated to provide medical benefits for a grace period after I resign? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I collect Unemployment due to forced resignation?
I recently lost my RN license for 1 year and therefore was asked to resign from both of my nursing jobs. I did not quit, but the stipulations of the career Im in require an RN state license. By beiing... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

Business sold, is it or am i as owner liable for unemployment claims?
Hi, my business was sold 6 months ago but has yet to dissolve and that will not happen until March 2017. In meantime, i have an ex employee that is filing for unemployment, is my business liable for a... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Earned vacation not paid?
I have worked for a temporary agency for 1 1/2 years. I have accrued enough hours to receive vacation benefits with this temp agency. The temporary agency recently sold the contract to another tempora... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can my employer deduct payment for insurance coverage I did not have?
I was laid off in January for about 3 weeks. I lost my health benefits at that time. When they called me back to work (full-time)they never re-instated my insurance. Whenever I asked about it they gav... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can they cut my pay?
i work for a company that contracted me out to another company. I get paid 20hr and they are trying to cut me 8%, saying that they had absorbed the cost, due to ObamaCare. I have never received any be... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

My position @ work has changed to per diem, company wanting me to sign a volunteer resignation letter if I do not accept the position. Please advise
Company is a medical company and per HR the volume of business is down and a full time position for my job is not warranted based on volume. I will loose all benefits and I work with Covid environment... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

I was previously on intermittent FMLA leave and had multiple surgeries in 2013. In 2014 I was hospitalized with a collapsed lung and a tuberculosis diagnosis and was out of work until mid May. I was fired because I had exhausted leave but am currently sti
I was on intermittent FMLA for my heart condition. In the year 2013 I had different surgeries for non related conditions endometriosis and I had an oral surgery from a wisdom tooth. In January 2014 I ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

helped a friend did a W2 in 2018 but his recently got fire by his new job he apply unemployment
I helped my friend make a W2 2 years ago. Now he lost his job in another unit. Now he goes to the unemployment center to apply for unemployment benefits and ask my company for compensation. What shoul... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Haven't got and answer from my employer I turn in my FMLA paper work 15 days ago .. When I contact corporate benefits they said they never received any paper work... I turn it in to hr Dept at the loc... applies to California  ·  0 answers

How does severance pay affect unemployment benefits?
My husband is losing his job after 25 years. They are offering him a year of severance pay that will be paid out in a lump sum on January 3rd, 2014. Will he be able to file on January 4th and start co... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I had been working as an administrative professional for 15 months. I was hired as an employee and then last minute they changed me to a contract employee. 10-11 months in the company split into two groups and I was added to payroll. Am I eligible for une
Am I eligible for unemployment and how with this affect my benefits. As I understand it from the business' new accountant I should have been on the payroll the whole time. I was hired in 11/14 and jus... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

terminated for ending an affair with boss
My wife just informed me of an affair she was having with her boss, the owner of a school/camp. It lasted about a year and turned sexual about 2 months ago. My wife broke down and ended it recently. T... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What union rights do I have as a "casual" employee?
I am a "casual" employee for the New York Times Newspaper. I am a driver and work in their union shop. I have been working at least 40 hrs a week for them for over 8 years. At this time I am not affor... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Unable To Pay Back Relocation
I recently left a position with a company because it was costing me money to stay and an oppurtunity became available elsewhere that would put me closer to my family. I had been through a relocation w... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I have been a permatemp for 7 years, is this legal?
hi, I have been working for an appliance company in Los Angeles, CA. for 7 years. They have me filed as a temporary employee. My pay check from the company says A&S temp. Which is a company owned by t... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can i collect unemployment for being fired for having an affair
I am a contract employee place at a hospiral and the person i had an affair with as well was a contract employee. We are no lo ger seeing each other. But my company found out about the affair and term... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was a consultant for a hospital for close to two years. When they were bought out by a larger organization, they hired myself and one other consultant at the higher hourly rate we were making and with benefits. Now they want to cut back on the pay. But
I am the loser here being terminated, not because of any wrong doing but to save money, and being asked to stay on but be employed by another firm knowingly aware that this is a way to pay me less tha... applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

my last emplyer of 45 days reduses to pay me my last weeks salary bc I left
I worked for approx 45-60 days and found a better paying w/benefits job. so I gave an approx weeks notice. but it was very uncomforatble so it ended up being 3 1/2 days. they were mad so they are refu... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Why is my employer against me getting unemployment benefits?
I have been working for a Dr. in Nassau County for 6 years. I am a surgical assistant.I am under the suspician he is doing things he shouldn't be doing to his employees. I get paid by the surgery. Usu... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If I was collecting unemployment benefits after being let go from a 12 year long job. I took a job with a 60 mile commute one way on rural county roads. It was winter when I started and with the winter weather. And road conditionsthe week I started ibeing
What time frame or length of employment does an employee have to work that the employer assumes responsibility for unemployment. What is the minimum or maximum mileage that unemployment requires applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

If I was collecting unemployment benefits after being let go from a 12 year long job. I took a job with a 60 mile commute one way on rural county roads. It was winter when I started and with the winter weather. And road conditionsthe week I started ibeing
What time frame or length of employment does an employee have to work that the employer assumes responsibility for unemployment. What is the minimum or maximum mileage that unemployment requires applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Was I a freelancer or an employee?
I was employed by a major publishing entity for 3-1/2 years (from 4/01 to 9/04), working exactly like staffers, but considered freelance and denied all benefits, including health insurance, sick pay, ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I live in FL and receiving a lump sum sev pkg, do I have to wait till Severance depleted to collect?
I am losing my job due to re-allocation of position to another state. I will receive a severance pkg in one lump sum. This will be equal to one years pay, do I have to wait one year before I can colle... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Minimum Amount of time at job to get Cobra coverage
I left the company I had worked for six years and started working at another company. Five weeks into the job, I have realized it isnt the right fit and i would like to quit. My only concern is now he... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

laid off with written guarantee of pay
My husband took a job with a company that had a written agreement with him outlining guarantee pay and other benefits the company offered. After 6 weeks his manager called (who signed the agreement) a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I resign during the probationary period when I signed a non-compete agreement?
I signed a non-compete employment contract, but there is a 90-day probationary period. I am about 60 days in and looking to take extended time off for a medical issue. I do not have access to benefits... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Worried about signing Seperation Agreement
5/10/07 I was told I was "Permanently Laid-Off" and was presented with a "Separation Agreement & General Release" document. Item #1 states "Employee will resign their employment effective May 10, 2007... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Resigned and was terminated on spot
I am currently a manager at a small medical collection firm. I am about to give my notice 8 weeks in advance. The owner of the company has a track record for letting people go as soon as they give not... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can I get short term disability benefits from 2 separate employers in NY state ?
Can I get short term disability from 2 different employers in NY state , can it add up to more than $170 a week? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My employer has less than 50 employees what are my options as far as a Leave of Absence goes?
My employer has 5 employees, I work 30 hours a week with no benefits. I am stressed to the point I can't perform my job properly. I don't want to get fired for poor performance so I was thinking about... applies to California  ·  1 answer

with a company buyout am I eligible to draw unemployment?
My employer just sold the company to an individual. It is a private company, no stock involved in the sale, assets only. The new owner has offered me a job, same position at the same rate of pay, but ... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Employer is eliminating my job. Will I be eligible for unemployment?
In June, I was handed a Performance Improvement Plan which was supposed to be reviewed 30 days later. Now, they are asking me to sign a letter stating that they haven't seen the desired level of impro... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

denial of benefits, other
Recently placed on medical due to injury to right arm requiring surgery, not work related. I was informed by my company's HR department that during my leave, I would not be allowed to use the facility... applies to New Hampshire  ·  1 answer


Can I be forced to take an hour lunch when the policy and all others are made to take 45 minute lunc
We have a 45 minute lunch. Several times I've punched in 43 or 44 minutes. As punishment I was told that I would have to take 1 hour lunches. This means I lose time and this could affect my benefits. ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

if an employer sells the company to a company that requires me to put in an application and require a covid shot and flu shot' Can I collect unemployeement benefits ?
i have worked at the private doc office for about 15 months. in a month they are selling to a hospital. we will need to put in an application. However, they are requiring covid and flu which i do not ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Im hired to work 37.5 hours, can I be scheduled to work 40 hours?
When I was hired amd for the last 2 years, I have beem scheduled for 37.5 hours a week. With recent changes in my office, we are now scheduled for 40 hours but our company is still saying we are 37.5 ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Contract says Loyalty Bonus, but it is being taken away with benefits being offered
I work for a remote company. We are all on contracts. Item 4 of my contracts states I will receive a monthly Loyalty Bonus for performing my duties. Today we were told insurance was being offered, but... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can I be fired for missing work due to mental illness?
I called out sick from work and after I disclosed that it was due to Bipolar 1 and PTSD, my supervisor stated how upset they were with me, and said they'd have to hire someone to replace me. I could o... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can I collect unemployment if my position is eliminated?
Company being bought out by a larger company. My position is being eliminated. New company told me no work at this location but "could try to find me something at another location. I was honest and to... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

company that I was enployed for just finished buy out process. New ownership has eliminated my position and offerd me a different job which I have refused. I do have a letter from previous employer that states I've been terminated. Can I qualify for unemp
Was terminanted from my privious employer because they sold it. New owners have eliminated my position and have offer me a position that is not suitable on what I was doing before, so I turned down. L... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I receive unemployment for not renewing contract work?
I opened an unemployment claim in April, and only received 3 weeks benefits prior to contracting with a small firm. My current contract with them is expired, and the new one they are offering makes no... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My boss threatened to physically assault me and I quit. Can I sue? Can I collect UC Benefits?
My boss, who is a male, approx. 6' tall & 400 lbs., threatened to punch me in my face. I am a 5'3" tall, 130 lbs. female. He was intoxicated and angry that I talked over him while he was berating all ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

company closed under warn act but am told that NYS Unemployment benefits won't be paid till my lump sum payout ends. Is that legal?
since I was laid off due to site closing and given a lump sum payment, NY Unemployment denied my claim until after money runs out. I thought payments under warn act did not affect unemployment eligibi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

can my employer terminate me after signing a non compete agreement. if so, why are some reasons
i was presented today with a non compete agreement which required my signature. iam uncomfortable with signing the agreement and want to consult with a lawyer who specializes in this field. the agreem... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I learned later, well after the statute of limitations had expired, that I had a stroke (one of several up until and since then) at the very time I was terminated. This stroke made it impossible for me to continue working. The eighteen month severance pac
A year of salary/benefits (Severance) paid over eighteen months so I could extend health insurance. For the purpose of calculating my SSDI benefit should the annual amount, 100%, be used as the last y... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Resignation or Severance Pay
my job role/ responsibilites have recently changed for the worse, and my question is: if my employer proposes a new position within the company (lateral move), and i choose not to accept the position,... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Resign or be terminated, chose to resign can I apply for unemployment?
Due to another employees misconduct and the supervisor wrongfully including me in the diciplinary action notice I was given the option by upper management to resign or be terminated. I was told by uni... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If I am receiving SDI in CA and elect to voluntarily resign, will I continue to receive SDI pay through the 52 weeks if approved by my doctor?
My SDI claim begins 11/7/2016 - I am a teacher in prison, and I didn't have enough hours to qualify for FMLA. I requested a medical leave of absence, which is at the discretion of the Warden. I don't ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is a Mn employer (less than 50 emp) required to hold a job for an employee who left to have a baby?
We are a MN private family who employs PCAs (personal care attendants) to help care for our child with disabilities. We have less than 20 employees. One of our PCAs is pregnant. Are we required to pro... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can the bank refuse to pay benefits after the sale?
My bank recently sold off a portion of itself including my branch and 5 other branches. They just told me that they won't be paying the 5% of salary contribution to our ESOP accounts because we won't ... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

I have been with my job for two years, Friday the main boss kicked a table at me and made aggressive body movements . This stemmed from a week long talk about the horrible manager who has been caught by me stealing hours from our servers instead of her te
I have never had an employer treat me like we were in a street fight I didn't know how to react so I said nothing and finished my shift and haven't returned partly due to anxiety and partly distress o... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Is it legal in MN to impose a Mandatory 15% Commission Hold Back
I work for a privately held MN company who's policy is to withhold 15% of earned commissions due its worldwide salesforce with balance paid on final year end check, with no interest. Its stated that i... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

"Substantially Equal Employment" - coercion?
If an employer sells a product line and the severance policy states "substantially equal employment" means no severance payment, can they insist that the employees concerned sign a statement that the ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

How would a lump sum from a settlement agreement affect your SDI, SSDI and SSI benefits?
If you sign a settlement agreement that waives your rights to sue and then received a lump sum for signing that document. Would this need to be reported to EDD for SDI or to Social Security for SSDI o... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My job is ending in 6 weeks due to site closing, my specific department has been sent to Mexico. Does this make any difference in my unemployment benefits in colorado?
My department is being closed out in the states and being sent 100% to Mexico. there are 4 of us currently employed in the department here in Colorado. The site is being closed March 31st, due to comp... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

If I quit my job and return two days later will my benefits be reinstated as if I never left.
I worked for my current employer for 8 years. At which point I accepted an offer from another company which didn't work out. Two days after I left my current employer I returned. My previous vacation ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

If I give my two weeks and then discover that I have a critical illness before the two weeks are up do I still qualify for company benefits such as std?
I got a job offer today as well as a surgery scheduled next week that could produce bad news. If I give my two weeks and get the bad news do I still qualify for std if my two weeks are not up? applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I am a Registered Nurse living and working in Michigan. I am employed by a nursing agency. This nursing agency offers full time benefits for employees working at least 36 hours a week (which I receive and pay into weekly) I am pre-scheduled for 3 days a w
All of the nurses in their homecare setting is being forced to work unscheduled wrk days without breaks or lunches uninterrupted away from the patient home. As much as 25 hours in one shift. applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Employment Contracts - what is the law that covers employees benefits?
I was with a firm and had an employment contract. The partners separated and I went with one of them. We verbally agreed the employment contract will remain in effect and there was no need to make a n... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case
I worked for a national respiratory company for just over 5 years. I was intially hired as a sales rep (and signed a non-compete) but assumed the role of manager within the first few months of employm... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Doing a unemployment hearing, the meditor ask the employee seeking benefits to hang up and call back, when plave the call back the employer could be heard talking with mediator
I was ask to join in a 3 man closed hearing. After the mediator closed the hearing he ask me to leave the hearing and call back, when did you coild clearly hear a conversation applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I am a salaried employee. I had surgery and was given 2 weeks off for recovery. My employer said I have no vacation pay due to that leave, is that legal?
I was out on medical leave for 2 weeks. I was told by my employer I no longer qualify for vacation time due to my leave. Is that possible? since both vacation and sick pay are two different benefits g... applies to California  ·  0 answers

If I was fired for walking out on the job but others who had done the same are still employed can i use that as means to have my unemployement reinstated ?
I was fired from my job because i chose to walk out from a meeting with my manager because I felt that if stayed the situation might escalated and i would have been fired. Two of my co-workers had wal... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

What goes on line 8, Section 2 if one lump sum?
On FL U.I. Online- line 8, Section 2 it asks for dates covered in severance (a required field ), the payout will be a one-lump sum. We have not sent in the signed severance packet because we needed ti... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

When can i file for unemployment?
My employer (based in New Jersey)deleted my part-time position as an Administrative Assistant (I worked remote from home) and they gave me a two week notice which has already passed, but they said I d... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

reclaim Unemployment benefits
I was fired from my job for missing work because I was arrested and was in jail for 14 days before I could post bond to get out since then my charges against me have been dismiss for a crime someone e... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can u quit your job and collect unemployment benefits for hostile work environment by the boss or owner
My work place. Of 20 yrs is becoming increasingly hostile. During pandemic we were made to just about beg them to file partial unemployment and had a meeting where they blew up about it. There's been ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

are construction workers that are not in a union allowed to be denied sick pay?
I asked our foreman who kept track of our sick hours that we accrued, but he said we don’t get sick pay because we are at will employees. I missed 2 days of work because of the flu and came back to ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

commissions owed/non compete valid
i went to work for an insurance agency owned by my brother. i signed a three year non-compete contract that also spelled out my salary,commission and benefits. i left a good job in an unrelated field ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can an employee refuse a bonus check?
I'm on disability and if I receive a bonus check it will put me over what I'm allowed to make that month without losing my disability benefits. Can I refuse to receive a bonus check? applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

after drawing unemployment, took job for one week. Can I still continue my unemployment that i had.
I was drawing unemployment after being laid off oilfield job. My wife and I just took a job (joint- husband/wife job as apt manager) but she can not handle it emotionally. So I must terminate my emplo... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

If employee drops FT to PT and back to FT. When does vacation eligibility begin counting?
Employee started FT 9/2016, dropped to PT 2/2017, resumed FT 8/2017. Company standard for vacation for FT employee is 1 year from start date. Is 1 year from initial employment or new time of FT status... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is claiming to work when you did not in Oregon unemployment fraud
A person claims to have been self-employed for a certain amount of time. The person was not. The person claimed to be an independent contractor that worked for a company but did not. The company has n... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Current company being purchased - have to go through re-hire
I have worked for the same company for 16 years - the company is being purchased by a larger company - we are technically promised to have a job there - each one has to go through the re-hire process.... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Breaking 1yr contract on 1099
I am on 1099 and i worked for a XXX company for few months signing 1 yr contract that i will not join client for a yr. I joined the client on 1099 after three months. Is that contract would be valid. ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

How do I get an overpayment issue resolved from HR when they ignore me?
I quit my job in March. The company continued to direct deposit paychecks into my account. I notified HR but the error was not immediately corrected. I then submitted a claim on the company's ethics s... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I didn't file any weekly claims within the first 28 days. What are my options now?
It's been two months since I filed a claim for unemployment benefits, and it turns out ive been approved. However, I have not filed the initial weekly claim. Since I'm well over the 28 days since the ... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Unemployment Compensation vs. Severance
Hello! I recently lost my job in Indiana to "corporate realignmet." Can you tell me if there is a way to collect unemployment compensation before or during my severance period (18 weeks)? According to... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

What are my rights as a Contractor?
I am classified as a contractor through my employer, but I am being told that I am to report to the office every day to work, or there will be no work from home, plus I am not allowed to pursue other ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I lose medical coverage while awaiting surgery?
I live in TN, but my employer's headquarters is in IN. I began working on 11/12/09, and benefits started 3/1/10. I discovered on 3/22 that I have a tumor pressing on my spinal cord. An April 5th date ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Separation Agreement
I was recently terminated due to a merger. I am 44 years old and was emplyed for 13y 9m. I have been offered a Special Seperation Plan (SSP) (ERISA plan - 10 pages); an addedum to the SSP providing AD... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Back in March of 2016 I was demoted from a general manager to a shift lead. I called my boss to inform her my grandmother had passed away. I asked her how does this work? Do I need to take vacation? She responded no you don't need to take vacation. You ha
March 2016 I was denoted from a general manager to shift lead. Grandmother passed away. I called my boss to inform her. I asked her if I needed to take vacation, how does this work? She said no you do... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Hired on false pretenses or fraudulent inducement.
Can I claim damages for being recruited by a small organization to lead in culinary operations? I was promised and signed a letter of intent stating that, I would lead kitchen operations, perform spec... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

What are my pension rights?
I am in the process of negotiating the terms of my severance agreement. The severance agreement currently states that I will receive all benefits for the months that I will be receiving a severance. W... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Non-compete at the point of resignation??
I recently decided to resign from my employment for famiy reasons, but also some internal personnel issues. I expressed my desire, though I did not submit a formal letter of resignation. I asked for 2... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can taxes be taken out of severance pay?
I was laid off on 10/3/01. My employer said he would give two months' pay and three months' health benefits, and that he would pay me in the next four paycheck cycles. I have asked for this in writing... applies to California  ·  1 answer

A company in the hospitality industry recently sold 1 of their properties. Associates asked us(another property of the seller) to please put them on payroll so they wouldn't lose their years w/ the company, We did, but now the part time/ on call associate
Neither property offers benefits (other than discounts) to the part time/ on call associates, but we do represent the company they wanted to stay with.(5-23yrs service vs about 2mos,) We really want t... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

My company is forcing me to do unethical things, can I quit and receive unemployment benefits.
I work for a school. They have been accepting federal student loans for students. Instead of returning the overage, they have been paying employee's and bills and then bouncing the stipend checks writ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

I worked for a company for 5 years and my job ended. They said I could take the layoff or clean bathrooms for 3$ less an hour. Now they are fighting my unemployment. Is that right or is there a law to prevent employers from offering token demeaning jobs f
They had promised me a first shift job and when the time came they offered my a bathroom job for 3$ an hour less while I was still working there or accept layoff and unemployment. Now they are fightin... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Tomorrow is the last day of open enrollment and employer has not provided any information. Are they legally required to provide information before the open enrollment date?
Tomorrow is Dec 15th and the exchange will close. My employer has not provided any open enrollment information for our company-sponsored benefits. Is this legal? applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I was laid off for 90 days due to COVID and then notified it was permanent on July 1st--but now my employer is offering severance as
I'm in NJ and was laid off temporarily from Apr-Jul (layoffs due to COVID); the layoff was made permanent on July 1st. I was collecting unemployment during the temporary layoff, but now they are offer... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Non compete agreement
I was on H4 and later switched to H1.Her employer collected money for H1 processing.It took four months for him to find her a job .He is not paying the salary which he offered while applying for H1.Ri... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Am I eligible for unemployment benefits?
I am currently unemployed at this moment, I was self employed for about 4 years. Paid taxes and reported all wages to state and federal. My profession was landscaping. Never got a state contractor lic... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Hi, My position was eliminated on 7/1/2019 my Medical, Dental and Vision coverage ended on 7/31/19. I have not received by CORA packet. I called UMH and they still have not received the information from my Employer. Do they have 30 days from the event to
Employment ended 7/1/2019 Benefits ended 7/31/2019. UMR United Health Care said they have not sent out COBRA Packet- waiting for information from Previous employer. I have waited 4 months for the pape... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Layoff regulations
I was layed off after nearly 8 years right before going on maternity leave. I was offered a job with a 3rd party doing the same job for less benefits. Others who were layed off got a severance package... applies to California  ·  1 answer

worked in TN. after laid off then moved to TX. which state to file unemployment benefits
worked in Tennessee . company laid off and my last working day will be end of may,2016 and after I heard the lay off news from company HR then moved to texas to join my family. which state do I need t... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I was laid off. Have a severance package w/ the stipulation that I sign their 'General Release'...
It states: "Employee agrees to waive any right to monetary recovery should any federal, state or local administrative agency or commission pursue any claims on employees behalf arising out of or relat... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I was dismissed from work due to lack of work and then denied unemployment
Recently I was let go from my job due to a lack of work. At least that was what I was told by the boss. When I tried to get unemployment benefits, the boss manufactured a story that I was dismissed fo... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

My employer wants to bind me under non-compete without any benefits from their side. It is simply one sided which let them free me with 2 weeks notice, 3 years non compete after I resign or they decide to leave me, no compensation during non compete perio
I am with the company since one year on their USA payroll as I immigrated to USA. Before that, I was on their UAE company payroll for more than 7 years. Recently, I am asked to sign a non compete wher... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can I receive unemployment benefits if I was off work due to getting hurt and was denied my workman'
I have been off work going on 5 weeks now but no income due to getting hurt on the job and my workman comp claim was denied can I claim unemployment applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

can I ask my HR FMLA for my mom resides full time in nursing home?
Hi there, currently my 90 years old mom is phasing the last stage of her life. she's full time residence in the nursing home. I'm not moving her residence nor her benefits. I just want to be with her ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Employer is appealing the initial determination that I was discharged without just cause, What now?
I was laid off from a job that I had worked 8+ years on 2/28. Since I had been warned of the layoff I was able to secure a new job that began in March. The description I was given of the job duties ch... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can reducing my salary in half be seen as constructive discharge
I currently work for a less than 8 employee privately held company based in GA. I am in sales, and they have just told me my salary is immediately cut in half from 40k to 20k due to the state of the b... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hired by company contracted by new company. Still get severance from previous company?
The company (A) I work for was bought out. Employees were told they would receive a severance payment for each year they had been employed (by the way there was no written agreement, just verbal). The... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

My employer did not process my STD in error during the enrollment process for which I paid the benefit. Do I have a recourse?
I completed the STD benefit portion of my benefits package; however, when I needed to file for STD my employer noted that the completed form had an "X" in the waiver section of the form. I was never m... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

quit without 2 weeks notice
I have been working as a consultant with W-2 statsu, employee with no benefits. In my contract, there is a paragraph that it is an employment at will, but I can leave with 2 weeks notice. I no two wee... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Discrimination/EEOC Mediation
The EEOC filed complaints against my former employer. Gender discr.-EPA (30k salary diff between male/female same job, gender discr. - Title VII, racial discr. (i am white) - Title VII. I have agreed ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can an employer force me to provide the name of my private insurance information to their group ins
My employer is forcing me to provide my private insurance information to their group health insurance is this legal? He is threatening to fire me....I am a Iraq Combat Veteran, I am insured I guess th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My facility is closing and the bigger Corporation healthright 360 his saying that I can apply for another job in health right 360 however I'm on workers comp and I don't know what to do from here do I apply for another job and will my workmans comp end
What do I do since I'm on workman's comp and then my job is asking me to apply for another position within the facility do I apply or do I wait until I'm off of workman's comp can they terminate me I'... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Denied Unemployment Despite Lack of NEEDED JOB Experience at HIRE.
I was term'd in my first 90 days. I was denied UE benefits because they had "just cause" under Section 4141.29(D)(2)(a), Ohio Revised Code. So stated my appeal and original determinations. I took the ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Personal safety
Hello, I currently manage an apartment complex in Kenmore and the environment has continually become more dangerous since I started working here nine months ago. I was not aware of this when I accepte... applies to Washington  ·  1 answer

Independent Contractor Non-Compete Agreement
First, Thank You for your time and reply. I am an independent 1099 health and life insurance agent. I would be working for the company in Illinois. I am considering employment with a Florida based ins... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Former employer trying to impose non-compete after the fact
I resigned from my previous employer to accept a new position. In accepting the new position, I did NOT sign a non-compete agreement. Despite a strong and exceptional track record in my position, I wa... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can an employer change hire date to re-start benefits if I moved from f/t to prn back to f/t?
About a yr ago I was employed full time with a company. I decided to enroll in school for a position that will benefit myself and the company. The company manager was informed and agreed to maintain m... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Can my employer withhold vacation pay on final paycheck?
I recently got fired. my final paycheck only had one week paid vacation when company policy said I should have two. When questioned, the owners told me that when I left for 7 months (due to a medicall... applies to Montana  ·  0 answers

I received a severance package for 28 weeks which is longer than normal unemployment benefits. Even after the 28 weeks I have been unable to secure a job. Will I then be allowed to file for unemployment?
I received 28 weeks worth of severance pay in a lump sum. I assumed I would be able to get a job in this period. Unfortunately this hasn't happened. I never filed for unemployment. Being that unemploy... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

what constitutes discrimination based on sexual orientation in IL
I quit my job due to my boss threatening to withhold my pay and made threatening comments my sexual orientation, threatening to have me on my hands and knees to get it back. Does this constitute discr... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can I still collect benefits if i didn’t call the payroll company within 24hrs of separation?
hi, I was working for a company that closed down on Jan. 7th 2011, but 4 months before closing they switched payroll companies. I filled for unemployment and now the payroll company is trying to appea... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Hired someone else with outstanding offer to me.
I received a job offer via email that requested me to start on the next working day . It was fairly vague, so I replied with a few questions about company policies and benefits. I did not receive any ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Medical disabilty then laid off
I was laid off one day after i returned from a 2 1/2 month medical disabilty (torn achilles non work related) all the paperwork was done and i recieved disabilty benefits throughout that time. Is this... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

can my work deny me fmla if i got hurt on the job and was off 5 months?
I got hurt at work ( I work at a hospital) and was off for 5 months. They recently made me come back even though the dr they sent me to didn't think it as a good time. They threw in my face that I onl... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

How do you know if your boss is breaking the law by retaliating towards you?
very disrespectful to me in front of all my employees. Several employees were upset at her behavior. When I reported this to my boss he protected her and got upset at me. I then shortly there after re... applies to California  ·  0 answers

can you keep shift bid seniority if you transfer within county from a non-competetive job to a compe
a county employee from a non- competetive union job transfered into a competetive county union job (same union) they have seniority with shift bids? I understand keeping benefits, but can you jus... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Hi if you work for New York State government and are terminated or given a lay off can you collect unemployment
Hi if you work at a job for New York State government and are laid off from job can you claim unemployment benefits? Reason I ask is I am not sure working for the government entitles you to claim unem... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

husband fault - can i apply for spousal support
my soon to be ex husband got me discharge from my job of 16 years coz he is vindictive that i filed an order of protection against him. now i have no job and no income. he also filed for divorce 10 mo... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Former employer making disparaging remarks and trying to impose non-compete after the fact
I resigned from my previous employer to accept a new position. In accepting the new position, I did NOT sign a non-compete agreement. Despite a strong and exceptional track record in my position, I wa... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

can an employer state they will not give pay increases or a longevity pay out as part of their job description? This is a full time position with benefits.
I have worked for the same hospital 21 yrs, i topped out of my pay scale, but each year prior to this i have received a longevity pay out. this year my job description changed and they are offering my... applies to California  ·  0 answers

if your company is giving you severance pay every month for a year. Can you collect unemployment at the same time. The company's division left the country
my company offered me severance pay due to the fact that they are moving our division to Mexico. So I will be receiving my normal paycheck once a month for 15 months benefits etc included. Just as if ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Can a past RMO recieve unemployment compensation
Hello, I recently disassociated myself from a construction company in which I was the RMO (Responsible managing Officer of the corporation). I was given this title about 4 months ago, but the people I... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Forced 401(k) Account from
Dear Sir, I am a self-employed individual that often contracts with large multinational firms. It is becoming increasingly common for these multinational firms to channel your contract agreement throu... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

am I entitled to unused vacation pay?
I am a police officer who was injured on duty. I have been off work for the last year and thanks to a village ordinance, have been receiving full wages and benefits while I have been off. Unfortunatel... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Termination and Unemployment
After working in a company for 4 years, I was approached by the Executive Director and forced to take another job within the company or be fired. Due to the new job within the company, I was subject t... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

colorado Partial Unemployment
Hello, my hours have been reduced from 50 to 28 the past couple weeks and will continue to be so the next several weeks at least. I live in Colorado. I have read some articles about applying for unemp... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Recently fired for being absent while my son with special needs was hospitalized!
I was recently fired for “excessive absences”? (My 7 year old special needs child was hospitalized for a chronic illness) Eligible for unemployment benefits? Discrimination case? I happened to be ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

My company cut my pay in HALF, and want me to resign, Does GA law allow me to get unemployment?
I live in CA. I was laid off in April and got several weeks of unemployment before finding a job. I was offered a regular employee position, but never got on payroll. The have been paying me via the e... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can earned vacation time be taken away in IL due to a demotion?
My spouse was informed 2 weeks ago that he was being demoted and his hourly rate was being reduced significately. He received a 1 day notice. When he got his paycheck this week the company also reduce... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can i take do anything more
The owner would say "you did not have kids when I hired you". I had to miss 3 days of work while my supervisor had missed two of those same days to go with her husband to take his father to have a col... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

To increase the odds of securing unemployment, is it best resign or wait for co. to fire me?
I filed hostile work environment (sexual harassment) claim with my employer. The company said they investigated, found no evidence (I.e., no other eyewitnesses, I assume) and have closed the case. I a... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

I am currently on a leave, due to having surgery. My employer may not hold my job for me. I'm not protected under FMLA because I only worked there 4 months. Can I apply for unemployment when I have recuperated?
My employer stated they may not be able to hold my job for me. I only worked there 4 months, and needed surgery. So, can I receive benefits when I recuperate, thus able to work? Apparently, I was told... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was wrongfully terminated by a large financial services company. In the end I was awarded a eighteen month severance at full salary and benefits after signing a non-disclosure agreement. It involved whistle blowing, sending fraudulent data
Large financial institution, wrongful termination, whistle blower, ADA issues employer settled. I signed to terms of settlement and non disclosure agreement. Employer has deep pockets and lawyers on r... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Unemployment question- New York
Hello- I had a touch base with my boss a few weeks ago because she was leaving the company. I let her know I did not think the position I was in was a good fit for me and asked if I could use her as a... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Will an LLC (my own) contract position cause a breach of severance agreement?
I am a displaced worker, and the terms of my severance state if I become employed by my company in a 'like' position, in pay/ benefits, my severance will cease. (signed agreement) If I come back as an... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Off work due to a medical issue and employer has asked me to sign a 'change in relationship' form
My doctor signed me off work from 3/11-4/2 for carpal tunnel, pending surgery. My employer just sent me a 'change in relationship' form with that time frame noted as 'Leave of Absence'. Admittedly ign... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Disabilty return to work
I am an Certified HR professional and had heart surgery and was out 6 months. When I returned even though our policy states Employees returning to work upon the expiration of their leave will be reins... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Regarding FSLA overtime exemption, I get a benefit allowance that is 10% of my salary. Does that amount count toward the minimum salary requirement to be overtime exempt?
I get a 10% benefits allowance that when included in the salary calculation bumps me over the $47,476 minimum salary needed to be exempt from overtime rules. Should that allowance be included in the c... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

If my current employer goes bankrupt, or closes the company, will I still be able to receive a settl
If my current employer goes bankrupt, or closes the company while I still haven’t settle my worker’s compensation case, will I still be able to receive a settlement, or will I loose all benefits? ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I just need to know if PA unemployment can hold my benefits due to a Stop on my account fir an overpayment. If I call they release the funds. Except for last week. Still have not gotten paid.
I wanted to know if PA unemployment can hold my payments now due to an overpayment. If I call they release the funds: except last week. Still have not gotten paid. Is this legal during thus pandemic? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Am I entitled to benefits?
I've been employed at the same place for the past 13 years, the past 9 being in a union position. My current union contract states "Employees hired after 7/1/2003 shall not be entitled to longevity pa... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

I work for a company in california who is an at will employer. I am giving a 2 week notice tomorrow but have heard they terminate people on the day they resign. Do they have to pay me for my 2 weeks?
I work for a company based in california. They are an at will employer. In the employee handbook it states that a 2 week written resignation is preferred but not required. I am resigning with a 2 week... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

can a company hire me to satisfy a contract with 3rd party,then fire me.
I was hired by a maintenance and operations contractor at a state facility. It is my belief that they hired me to satisfy the terms of their contract with a state agency which requires 3 electricians.... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Can a employer cancel health and prescription benifits if a employee is layed off for two months due to lack of work, with the employer knowing emplyee will return in 2 months?
I work for a company who employees me as a Security Officer for a school district. We are layed off in June when school ends and return in September. My question is, can my employer cancel all my bene... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

No pay for non-billables
I work for an IT consulting company. Recently, the company changed its policy on compensation. It stated that any time that is not billable will not be compensated. This is tantamount to a huge pay cu... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

demoted from salary to hourly and employer won't tell me my new wage? can I not report until I am?
I was demoted from a salary position to an hourly position and will be given a hefty pay cut. My new position has started but no one will tell me my new hourly wage. Payroll says they havent been told... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What are my rights if the company is sold and wants me to transfer?
The company was sold, and the employees were told that if transfered to the new company and not laid off, the position that would be offered would be comparable to our current position. Well my entire... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

as part of my employment agreement, i have 3 sections. 1 Base Salary. 2 Bonus, noted with subject to change . 3. Benefits including Medical, 401k, Cell Phone Allowance and Vehicle Allowance. Now after 3 years on the job the company has given me 10 days no
both offer letter and signed countersigned employment agreement list this $500 per month car allowance a a company benefit. Now they are taking it away from specific individuals even though they used ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Im a therapist who just got fired for reviewing current and discharged patient charts to learn how
other therapists manage their caseloads and address patient goals. All the charts are in the same drawer as my everday paperwork and I randomely pulled charts to skim . I didnt go by name or specific ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can a per diem employee be required to request time off..
I am a RN working for a home care agency in Florida. I am a per diem employee. I make my own schedule and work as many or as few hours as I chose based on personal preference and the needs of the agen... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Collecting Umployment on Seperation Pay
My company is laying off 8000 employees and is offering a Seperation Plan that pays out 2 weeks for every year plus 8 weeks and any vacation. This is not a lump sum payment so every 2 weeks employees ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My unemployment Benefits were denied
I started a new job and was going to have my 90 days in by Aug 2011. I had my baby in June three months early, my job told me they could hold my postion for 3weeks only. I was denied unemployment beca... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Employer breaking signed contract
I moved from California to Ohio to take a job with a local car dealership as a mechanic. I had a signed 1 year contract with the service manager stating that they would pay for my specific training wi... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

My company is eliminating my management position (it is outsourcing management to a 3rd party). I
I am a District Manager for a self storage company. The company recently agreed to a national 3rd party management company taking over the management and my position will be eliminated. I will probabl... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I was terminated and told I would be paid for my PTO on my last check and I wasn't. I had to wait an extra week just for a check for my PTO so they could take insurance that I can no longer use out of it. It does say in the policy book that you will be pa
I was terminated for absences and told my PTO would be paid on my last check instead they issued me a separate check just for my PTO a week after my last check so they could take out for benefits I ca... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Can I sue my former employer if they do not cover agreed benefits?
I live in CA and agreed to a severance package which included a payout as well as my employer covering 4 months insurance. However my employer is now giving me the run around with my Cobra premium. I ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My employer offered full retirement benefits @ 85 points ( age + years employed) We have a bargaining agreement. In later negotiations the bargaining unit negotiated and the contract passed and included a change in the full retirement age to 65. Only cert
Hired: Jan 5, 1987 85 points reached Jan 5, 2015 @ age 57 Only certain employees were offered to be grandfathered Full retirement now is 65 years of age applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

CA Unemployment & Spouse Relocation
We currently live near Los Angeles, where my husband and myself both live together. I got offered a new job, up north, over 3 hours away. My husband wants to be able to do his job from home (soon to b... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Does my employer have to hold my job when out on Maternity Leave?
Due to complications during pregnancy I was put out of work by my doctor 6 weeks before my actual delivery. I delievered by C-Section, and therefore am entitled to 8 weeks disability after delivery. I... applies to New Jersey  ·  2 answers

Promoted to a permanent position from contractor, but no emplyment contract yet.
I worked for my current employer as a contractor from and agency then was direct hired by the company. I asked for an offer letter or employment contract stating my new salary and benefits (all perman... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Non-compete demanded signed or terminated-after signing benefits and salary are cut.
After ten years of employment my employer demanded that I sign a non-compete contract or I would be terminated in one week. Two months after signing the non-compete employees were forced to pay monthl... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Non-compete demanded signed or terminated-after signing benefits and salary are cut.
After ten years of employment my employer demanded that I sign a non-compete contract or I would be terminated in one week. Two months after signing the non-compete employees were forced to pay monthl... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Unemployment compensation after severance expired
I was laid off on 1oth December 2008 and my employer paid 2weeks of severance and 1 weeks of vacation for me in 2 installments. I received my last cheque from the employer on 29the December. I claimed... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was laid off for a year and a half. I was waiting to be hired back at the factory. I worked part time for a few months. The job was not a good fit and I knew the factory would be hiring within a month or two so I quit. I was hired back at the factory an
Quit one part time job and then hired at full time job. Worked required weeks and now may not get unemployment benefits applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Ineligible for Severance in buyout situation
Our employer has the following statement in our severence plan: "You are ineligible to participate if you are offered a job with a company that purchases all or part of the operation in which you are ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I work in Florida, what are the laws in regards to PTO payout?
I worked for a company that was going through a lot of financial issues. They reduced our work week to 4,8 hours days to save money. I have since found another job and have PTO owed to me. They are no... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

leavingto care for sick dad
9/14/09 I have to talk to unemployementin 30 minutes i lived in baltimore, maryland and never have been unemployed my wife's father was diagnosed with terminally ill cancer and we had to move asap i i... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Should I contact an attorney for wrongful termination?
My former employer discharged me for reasons that were fabricated. I believe this was in part because they were changing my working hours which I was against . I was awarded unemployment benefits. I h... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

On 4/14/17 I was told I would be laid off effective 5/12/17. I've been with the company for 10 years. I was told that our legal department was working on a severance package. 5/12/17 has come and gone, and I never received any termination paperwork or sev
On 4/12 I was told by my employer that I would be laid off 5/12/17. I still have not received any termination documentation. No info for COBRA, I don't know when my health benefits expire, no terminat... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

My employer requires that if you would like vacation and pto benefits that you pay into it. I have been paying .75/per hour since the year 2004 to build up to my vacation time. This year the corporation decided to lower the cap leaving me to lose a week o
Been with company 18 years, have been paying .75/ hour out of my pay for 14 years to accumulate my full amount of vacation time...this year company took away 1 week vacation plus 5 personal days applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My company moved all of it's w2 employees to a PEO at the close of Q1 2015. Is my employment agreement still a valid contract?
At the close of Q1 2015 my employer moved all of it's W2 employees to a PEO, Trinet SOI. This PEO oversee's all benefits, unemployment claims etc. Is the employment agreement I signed under the employ... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

Is a Non-Compete clause in a contract enforceable if I signed it when I was hired as an Independent
I was hired as an IC with a 1099 for first year and half of employment (probably should have been W2 from the start). I signed a contract with a no-compete clause to get the job. It even says in the c... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Is this a case of gender discrmination or am I crazy?
I have worked as a sales rep in Houston for a New York company for 3 years. I recently resigned because I felt I was being discrminated against. The company who will remaing nameless, hired a less exp... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Employer hasn't made 401K contribution for the last two years without giving any suspension notice to employees? Can they do this? Do employees have a legal right to this match?
One of the major benefits offered by this company is a 4% company match. When hired, employees were given paperwork stating that employees would be given 30-days notice if the match would ever be susp... applies to California  ·  0 answers

the amount of severance & termination is $6500
I was previously employeed in a sales division of a company, which is state and federally funded. That division was eliminated. I was given no formal termination, but was told that I should contact th... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was recently involved in a racial discrimination investgation. A supervisor told me that her suborinate was "riding me" (harrasing me) because of the color of my skin. The company launched an intern... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is it a breach of contract by hiring someone as an independent contractor that is under non-compete
Our company has a Settlement Agreement for 10 years, non-compete with our competitor which states upon termination or resignation, you may not work for the competitor for 2 years. The ten year agreeme... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

can my employer force me to interview for new company?
I work for a hospital in NJ in mental health care. The hospital lost their state contract to a community agency after an RFP process. The hospital is only awarding severance to those employees who hav... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

What is the first step I should do contact a lawyer or who? Do I have a case?
I am almost 9 months pregnant. My boss gave me and only me a evaluation yesterday it was poor. Said that I will be re-evaluated in 30 days. if not better then I can receive disiplinary action up to an... applies to District of Columbia  ·  0 answers

I was furloughed from the hospital I work for due to their reduced business. If they call me back to work, but it will put me at risk for COVID-19, will I lose my WI unemployment benefits if I refuse to go start back to work in that job?
I'm a social worker doing face to face visits at homes and the hospital. I am in my 60's, have 3 of the 5 high risk medical conditions that correlate with severe COVID symptoms and poor outcomes, i.e.... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Non-compete clause
I signed a non-compete in around 2004 (Sales position) and was just fired for job performance issues in May 2009. By 2009 the company went through a major merger and they did not ask me to sign anothe... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

At-will employment, stock option vesting acceleration, termination without cause, change in duties
I am employed on an at-will basis. The company is now asking that I sign a statement that includes "I also understand that the COMPANY may modify the other terms and conditions pursuant to which it wi... applies to California  ·  1 answer

disciplined for not prearranging an absence (even death)
I earn Personal Time Off (PTO) for every 40 hours worked to use for vacation, sick, or personal time off. My company has just changed its PTO policy. If I call in sick or have a family emergency or ev... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Who is responsible for ensuring a "satellite" office is following state laws?
The company I work for is headquartered in a different state and does not have an HR department (they use a 3rd party company to manage the benefits program and payroll). Our small "satellite/annex" o... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Lying to the Police
I have recently applied for a police officers position, listing one of my former employers job as a reference. I had to list all previous employers for the Personal History Questionnaire, during my Ba... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Question about relocation/termination rights
My position at a high tech company is being relocated to another state (From CA to TX), and I've been offered a full relocation benefits package. However, I don't have the means to relocate (just purc... applies to California  ·  1 answer

company defaulted on severance agreement
I have a signed notarized severance agreement with my past employer for 11 weeks pay at my regular hourly rate - benefits & taxes will be taken out as usual and I will be covered by health & dental un... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

CanI lose my unemployment benefits in the state of Texas if I don't accept an offer for a job that 54 miles away and my car won't make 108 Miles round-trip every day because it is not in good enough shape
I accepted a job interviews that turned out to be 54 miles away I originally thought it was about 32 miles away. I had terrible problems with my car it's not going to make that trip all of this starte... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Severance Pay - Breach of Contract
Severance Pay - Calif Was laid off from a Financial Institution due to office closing. Was given a contract to sign for salary continuation pay & benefits. Contract was signed by myself and institutio... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is FMLA concurrent with other maternity leave?
I am a public school teacher in the state of California and I am expecting a baby early next year. The district HR department has given me conflicting accounts regarding my maternity leave benefits. T... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I'd like to appeal my appeal
I had been on unemployment from Oct to Nov. I followed the rules about job searching and documentation. Met with my case person etc. It was a bad time of year to look for a serving job and I took the ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Can an employer pay fulltime employees with same hire date different vacation benefits?
An employer is paying some fulltime employees two weeks vscation while others three weeks paid vacation. Employees have same job category, same hire date. In addition, one employee is still fulltime, ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can I claim unemployment if I leave a job in which I feel threatened?
I am the manager of a store for an owner who lives out of state. It is myself and one employee. Twice now this employee has blown up at me. I wanted to terminate him, however the store owner is refusi... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Wrongful termination ERISA for affecting Pension benefits
In PA my employer terminated my employment after 9 months service hired me from my 20 years Pension vested service by offering very attractive package. Not a good cause of performance state unemployme... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If I gained nothing, other than employment and medical bens, is it enforcable?
I have been a dog groomer for 24 1/2 yrs., the last two with a major corporation. I "initialed" a no compete clause that I was not provided a copy of at the time (but I needed a job). I absolutely hat... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

How do I find a lawyer willing to prove defamation of character, discrimination and slander destroy
I was subjected to a hostile work environment that made it impossible to do my job. My direct supervisors (The Board of Directors) board took progressive actions to undermine my authority, slandered m... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I am co-owner of an LLC in Washington State.I wa laid, is the non-compete enforceable?
I own 5 percent between 5 owners. 2 of the owners 51 shares remain in escrow until we buy them out. I was notified on October 12th buy the 3rd largest share holder that I was being laid off effective ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I just got laid off from my company after being there 15 yrs .my last day was September 30 .so I apply for unemployment on October 7 and I start working for amazon 12th and I quit amazon on October 20 because they put me to do forklift and I never did tha
I work for bbraun medical for 15yrs I got laid off September 30.i applied for unemployment on October 7 and I start working for amazon on October 12 but I quit today October 20 because I don't and nev... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Termination upheld at Skelly
I am a public employee working with union benefits. I have been served with a notice of proposed termination. Before i asked for a Skelly meeting i was offered a chance to resign and my employer would... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I lose my severance package if I request a wording change?
I have be let go from my job and offered a severance package that requires signing a document. I understand that if I send a counter offer, the company no longer is obligated to honor their original s... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have been with my company for 23 years and have written policy and there was a presedensce of former employees receiving severance. Our policy states that we receive one weeks pay for each year work if I retire, quit with at least 2 week notice, laid of
I work for a union office collecting members dues and was promised this severance package and also have it in writing in our policy. There is only myself and another employee left that were hired unde... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Gender Discrimination - Pay Rates
I was hired in July, 2002 by a company out of LA. I'm a 22 year old female college graduate w/ 4 yrs experience. My pay rate is $11/hour. A 20 year old male with no college degree and 2 years experien... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can a legal challenge be made against an employer who avoids layoff responsibilities?
Scenario: a company "offers" a fulltime workforce an across-the-board salary cut, one so eggregious that few would accept the "offer." Further, the company states that if the individual employee (as p... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Do I have any recourse when I was encouraged to not take an ERO, but then was let go.
I was offered an ERO 3 years ago, but was encouraged to not take it since I was a valuable asset to the company. I was given a significant promotion and raise in order to keep me from going to competi... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

My company has a summer shutdown every year. I've been with my company for over 10 years. We all know about this showdown way in advance. However, our company offers to file on our behalf for temporary unemployment for that week. Now the state DOL is clai
Shutdown period in question was from 7/3 through 7/9. Company paid for 7/4 holiday. Was originally paid the employment benefits. Received papers from state in August claiming I was unable to file duri... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Asked to stay longer after term date given in writing. Unemployment effects?
My wife was told she is being terminated because the medical office she works for needs someone with Medical Assistant qualifications, which she does not have, to fill her role. She was able to get a ... applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

I recently submitted my two week resignation letter & my employer is not wanting to pay me for accumulated Extended Illness Benefits & Paid Annual Leave. They are denying the pay out due to me being on disciplinary action with probation. This write up is
If a write up against me was NOT issued in good faith and based on some lies, can my employer now not pay me for my accumulated EIB and PAL due to me being on disciplinary probation from this illegiti... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I was told yesterday that my current employer sold the business. The new owner has yet to talk to us about employment all he could say for now is everything will stay the same for now. Can I draw unemployment if I am offered less money and will have to tr
lost job with current employer because sold practice now new employer cant answer any of our question on benefits- salary. if we are offered a position and our pay goes down and we are required to tra... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Non-compete as a sofware consultant
Hi, I work for a consulting firm as a w2 employee with zero benefits, they simply pay me for every hour I work. Basically they are a middleman between myself and my client. For every dollar I bill the... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

What if I feel that my termination was due to some retaliation from an earlier incident?
In July 2009, I was terminated because my boss accused me of falsifying a doctor's statement. Well, after everything was investigated, I was reinstated. I was covered under FMLA as well. Well once I w... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I have a job offer letter and completed my 1st performance evaluation-
I received a job offer letter in May 2011 to include pay increase, vehicle, gas card, cell phone, vacation-amounts are given. I completed a performance evaluation and received meets or exceeds on ever... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

It's very possible in the very near future after 7 and a 1/2 years with the Boeing company Union 751 I'm going to be medically laid off. My restrictions are so harsh that commendation services cannot accommodate me. This was a personal injury & not work r
Commendation services cannot accommodate at the Boeing company I am Union local 751 and I'm about to get medically laid off for a next an injury to my head on my own personal time period I'm just wond... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

How do I fight unemployment disqualification if it was a voluntary quit?
I worked for employer for 2 1/2 yrs. Began as 1099, then salaried, then the company started suffering financial difficulties & required me to take an Independent Contractor status. I went from a salar... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Is major depression covered under the Amerians with Disabilities Act
Met life denied my STD claim for stress/depression. The deaths of two close relatives within 30 days of each other (preceeded by multiply stressful life events in the last year) caused my depression s... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Gerrymandered schedule denies benefit of company holidays, due to policies.
I realize that companies don't have to give their employees paid vacation days. But if they do give them, shouldn't they have to treat non-exempt employees the same? I already know that our company do... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an employer adjust your date of employment after taking FMLA?
I requested 4 weeks FMLA from my employer and they approved it after I completed the Federal Medical Certification form but they also required me to spend 4 weeks accrued vacation time. So I was force... applies to California  ·  1 answer

If my NDA states that my company is an Illinois company, but the company since moved its HQ to another state for tax reasons, is the NDA actionable if never updated and re-signed?
I have an NDA with my former employer but it states they are an Illinois company but they have since moved HQ to Florida for tax benefits with a presence still in Illinois, where I worked. They did no... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Will my unemployment be 24 or 26 weeks In Ct if I received 2 weeks severance pay?
laid off and received 2 weeks severance pay Will unemployment benefits be 24 or 26 weeks applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

I am a flight attendant for Expressjet airlines in Atlanta and they are shutting down operations here. They said that I can take a position in Dallas or Chicago. If I decline to relocate and take that position, will that disqualify me from unemployment be
My Airline is closing operations in Atlanta; where I live and have worked for them for 17 years and they say that I have to relocate to Dallas or Chicago to keep my job. If I decide to refuse to reloc... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

the company i was working for moved me 300 miles and then laid me off after 6 months
I was working for a company that had moved me about 300 miles away had told me that I was on a two-year contract with a sign on bonus if I was fired or quit before then and of the two years I would no... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can an employer change your employment status prior to discharging you to avoid paying severance pay
My husband works in technical service for a major company. His position is considered a salaried/management position. Recently the company changed all technical service employees from salaried/managem... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Vacation pay being denied after the fact.
My husband has worked for a small company with no benefits booklet for 8 years. He is the manager and is salaried. The owner told him several years ago he would have 3 weeks vacation. Due to no one to... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Ohio unemployment appealing denial because of severance
I saw an answer on MEL (I-was-denied-unemployment-because-of-my-lump-sem-severance-package) Is there anyway to appeal the denial of benefits because of a lump sum severance. Ohio unemployment has dete... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Will cashing in a 401k, early with penalty, will it effect unemployment.
I was on short term disability 8/9 - 11/11 (surgery lumbar issue)released to return to work but couldn't go back (copd, emphysema, asthma)as I had VERY shortness of breath. I work in a factory, fast p... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I want to resign due to health reasons
I have been a dedicated worker to a company for many years. I received excellent reviews and outstanding performance. Last summer we were told that our department was going to either dissolve or merge... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Base rate or time and a half?
I work as a consultant for a contract firm. I am a degreed EE who designs circuits and writes low level software. In my present job, I am a W2 employee who gets a paycheck based on the hours I work. I... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Am I entitled to receive more than a week since I quit my job for this job?
I received an offer letter, accepted the offer, was given a start date, gave notice to current employer, started on given start date, midway on 1st day was walked out due to background check was not p... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My employer died. I was being paid by an estate. My unemployment was denied because the estate failed to pay the last 2 quarters of taxes. Is it possible to force the estate to pay back taxes so I can receive my benefits? Also it's benn about 3 weeks and
I was one of several women providing home care for an elderly man who needed 24 hour care. Our pay came from the estate of another person who died previously who had been providing for my employer. Ac... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Non profit grant funded program not refunded, can they force me to resign?
The grant funded program that I work with was not refunded. My boss informed me that my job would be terminated due to the program ending May 31st. About a week or so later she offered me another job ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

if notice is accepted and you are released immediately paying you for the 2 week period and final check in handed to you. can they set your termination date at the end of your 2 week noticed even though all ties are done. thus preventing you from filing f
I gave notice due to unsafe work enviroment. I later offered to move to another branch but was denied and sent on my way. they paid out my 2 week notice but informed me i was termed. they set my term ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Repay Relocation expenses
My offer letter mention very clear,that I agree repay signing bonus in case I leave company before one year. Also mention about the benefits of relocation expenses in accordance the relocation policy.... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

If I am terminated from a job in Ohio, can the employer refuse to pay me for unpaid leave balances?
If a person is terminated from a job in Ohio, and they have received their last paycheck, but the employer states they do no have to pay the remaining leave balances of personal, sick and vacation lea... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I recieved 15+ vacation days in Louisiana, then was transferred to Texas and terminated. Eligible?
I worked for a company in Louisiana and accrued 15+ vacation days. However, before I was permitted to use them, I was transferred to a store in Texas, which apparently does not require unused vacation... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Contract pay
I am a contract worker for an out-of-state company "A" that provides contract service for a major corporation "B". The job offer received from "A" in 1999 defined that holiday and vacation would be pa... applies to California  ·  1 answer

What are my rights when I'm being treated as an employed but I'm really an independent contractor?
I work in a salon and I pay rent, do my own taxes (1099). But in the last two years it has been made mandatory by the owner to go to staff meeting (one a month) and be apart of salon events. The event... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Accused of lying about injury after PD rating.
My DOI is 08/2008. Everything has been going along fine until I was determined permanent and stationary in April, as of this month I recieved notice from my claims adminisrator that I would no longer ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My position as a Director Of Operations has been eliminated. I was a full time salary employee. I also have a property management business which I run separately from my home. I am going to file for unemployment. Am I still eligible? Do I include this in
I run a business from my home and I am a full time employee. My position was eliminated from my full time employer. Do I have to claim or report my home business while filing for unemployment. Am I st... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

"Hourly, temporary contract employee" exempt status in California
I work for an agency, on a year long contract with a large company in San Diego. I am a software engineer, and earn over the threshold for overtime exemption. I am on a W-2 employee, and eligible for ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

When I retire how can I take my 252 EIB funds and my 233 PTO amounts both The hospital never mentioned about what EIB was. They say you have to use 3 days of PTO before you can get EIB benefits. I want to retire very shortly and could use the funds toward
Worked for 12 yearsat a hospital and am ready to retire. How can I collect my 252 hrs of EIB unused. Sopposed to get 233 PTO hrs. Never new I had this EIB account Hospital says need to take 3 days PTO... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can I be forced to sign a non compete clause after working without one in my present job for years?
I am an office manager in a CPA firm. I have been with the company for years (over 20) and suddenly my boss decides to make the office sign a noncompete contract, if we don't sign it, we will be termi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is a note stating person may return to work with out restrictions for all job related functions considered acceptable certification: when the doctor has a copy of employees job discription.
My doctor gave me a note to return to work. HR then required a full release certhficate. My doctor wrote blank blank may return to work without restrictions foq all job related functions. HR said that... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Can my severance benefit be stopped if I receive another job?
I work in retail management. My store is closing, and I have been offered severance benefits. I made the decision to move to Orlando and, at least at first, will be working part time at Disney World. ... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Promised Benefits
Despite the year long posting of our holiday payment schedule (we are only paid for Independence day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's), my boss has decided not to pay for Christmas or New Year'... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I live in Missouri. I have worked for a company for over 4 years and since my anniversary date of year 2 I have been granted 2 weeks of vacation. My employer is now telling me that he bases vacation time from the beginning of the year and not based on the
My current employer and I disagreed on the amount of vacation time I have left and the way it is accrued. I have been employed at the same place for the past 4 years and this is the first time it has ... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Pregnant and Work
I am currently 9 months pregnant and expecting to have my baby any day now. Im currently working for a company that has just filed for chapter 11. I received a letter in the mail from my HR and Payro... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

TN relocation repayment
I began working in Tennessee 14 months ago for a company that offered me a position which allowed me to relocate from New Jersey. The relocation terms required me to pay back any money if I left withi... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Can I collect U.I. if I quit. Company changed my Pay to Commission Only.
After 3 years of employment in my sales position, my company informs me that they are changing the Sales Compensation Program from a Pay Plus Commission Program to Straight Commission with a Draw and ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Does the Termination Clause Cancel truly because of the way it is written?
EMPLOYEE AGREEMENT TERMINATION CLAUSE? I am about to sign employment contract and there are more details in the contract but wondering if someone could say if this contract is shown as "termination" b... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was laid off today. My termination date is Jan 1, 2019. Can I start a new job before that date and still keep my severance?
I was laid off today 11/5/18. The termination date is Jan 1, 2019. I have found another job, and would like to start before Jan 1. Am I obligated to notify my current employer? I am getting a severanc... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I got addicted to pain pills after a surgery. Its been a battle in & out of rehab. I want to quit my job of 10.5 yrs to get better. Can I collect on my long term disability I pay for or unemployment benefits?
as I said i got addicted to pain pills after a bad car accident & then back surgery. Been on my job 11 yrs this October. Been in & out of rehab a few times and just feel like i need more time. I dont ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

This could be wrongful discharge leading to a poor severance package.
My husband worked for a company for 18 years, perfect record, always positive in sales, customers loved him. He used to win all contests the company put out there. exemplary in his position. a managem... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

30 Hour Work Week Health Care Benefits
I'm moving from a 40 hour/week job in Texas, to a 30-hour/week job in Florida. Here in Texas I get health benifits but in Florida I will not be provided with the company health insurance plan. The Hum... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Ive been demoted thus said my personal life but my newborn son has been in the hospital since his birth in june an my wife has been in an out as well but I came to work on days I wasnt with my wife an my son was having surgery was I wrongfully demoted
I took off to see my son born but their were unseen complication my son rushed to another hospital my wife on life support .keep my employer informed on everything going on it was fine then I came bac... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Can employer ask me to waive right to future claims in exchange for OK on unemployment benefits
My former employer failed to pay semimonthly three times in 2008, nine times in 2009 and all four times due in 2010 before separation. I left my employer after nine years when workers were told their ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Verbal agreement/non-compete enforcable?
I have been working for a consulting company for about three years now, and have been dealing with multiple issues since year one. I was hired for a position at what I believed was a good wage, until ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

i was discharged from my employment because i volunteered to copy medical records for another company on a day the employer said to take off until she decides what she is doing with the company she was managing. She told unemployment i was on her payroll
I was texted by the office manager to take off Friday and Monday until the dr decided what she was going to do about the offices she was managing. I asked if i would be paid for those days and the off... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Pregnancy related complications - is leave available?
I am 24 weeks pregnant and have a medical history of pre-term labor with my previous child. I have been experiencing pre-term labor symptoms with this pregnancy and have been ordered bed rest for the ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What happens if severance pay is offered over a period of 6 months but i have to leave the country because I have an L1-A? Can I get some tax relief since I cannot take use social security or Medicare benefits? Or is there no way out of it? It’s not an
Hi. I’m stuck in my home country due to covid-19 following 3 months of unpaid medical LOA. Since then have been offered an exit severance which will be paid out over a period of time. What are my ri... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is a non-competition contract enforcable for a PRN employee
I am a PRN employee in the medical field. I work for a small business. I was told I had to sign a non-comptete agreement in order to obtain employement. As this is a PRN job and thus I am not promised... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Me and my husband work for the same companie and one of there benefits is they offer health insurance payout and we got health insurance outside the company and now they will only give the payout benefit to my husband not me because we are married. Can th
Me and my husband work at the same company and they will only give one of us insurance payout for not using there insurance just because we are married. applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

reasonable accommodate
I have lupus & fell & broke my hip at work last August 2003. The fall has exacerbated the illness & my doctor does not want me to work full time any longer. I have inquired about part time, flexible h... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Last Paycheck/Vacation
I gave my former boss 2wks notice to resign..However, on my last day she not only gave me my last paycheck minus 2 day stating she wld give to to me on the next payperiod, but did not pay me my vacati... applies to California  ·  1 answer

non-compete VS firm offering illegal services
I am a drafter/CAD operator. I started with a new company, although I had a non-compete clause with my former employer, an engineering/surveying firm which stated I could not work for a competing firm... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

If my Company is aquired by another, but my paycheck still reads the same as always for 6 months after the acquisition, who do i legally work for? My original Company? Or the one who did the acquiring?
I worked for Guardsmark, and it was bought by a company called Universal Protection. Universal Protection officially bought Guardsmark in July of 2015. However, my paycheck stubs still read Guardsmark... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

My boss went through my personal cell phone, read my texts and tried to use them against me.
I left my cell phone in the office overnight. When I came into work the next day I asked if it was there. My boss said are you clocked in yet? I said yes than she said come to the office. When in the ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

when administrative law judge doesn't recognize constructive discharge and protected conduct?
what do you do when you follow all procedure for constructive discharge and therefore unemployment determination of deputy rules in your favor, thus you receive unemployment payments for 8 weeks but t... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Being demoted from Director to Manager or laid off after maternity leave.
As a director of my company I intended to return from Maternity leave on November 5th. My company has delayed my return until November 19th and has offered me a manager position with the same benefits... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

the company my wife and I work for waited until after my wife went on maternity leave to tell her th
My wife signed up for FMLA 7 months before the baby was born and was told she would get 12 weeks of FMLA and that since she qualified for short term disablity benefits that she would get 60% of her pa... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Why after 32 days and finding a new job, has my unemployment still not been approved?
I have filled out everything and done everything per the the process in a timely manner on my end, per Minnesota Unemployment, and from 4/12/2020 until 6/4/2020, which is today, I still have not been ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

if my employment agreement has an arbitration clause in it how do I go about filing a claim to receive the severance and benefits owed me per the contract?
My employment agreement states, "in the event of a termination of this Agreement without cause, employee shall be entitled to eight (8) weeks of severance compensation at a typical historical rate." M... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Employee misclassified as Independent Contractor
I was hired by a company to work as an employee in their IT department as a Web Developer. After almost 2 years of employment I was switched to independent contractor status and allowed to work from h... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I was moved from unlimited vacation to accrued vacation hours and wasn't told for 7 months
Shortly after I started at this company I started earning vacation hours. After a couple years the company made a change to unlimited vacation. After another year(just recently) they decided to change... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I have worked with a company for 24 years and 7 month. I got laid off but I didn't received a severance pay. Right now I'm under unemployment benefit but someone told me that I should receive at least 6 month of Severance Pay for my length of service. The
the company that I worked for (Texins Fitness Center) for 24 years and 7 months has let me go. I didn't received any bonus neither a severance pay. I applied for an unemployment benefits and they acce... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Do reporting staf misconduct in the workplace constitute whistleblowing if you were removed from job
On June 26, I received a letter stating that I was on Prn status/ and that my rate of pay dropped at my job becauseit was reported to the CEO of the company that I and several other employees reported... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Wrongfull Termination
I have been working for this employer for the better part of two and a half years. Having no sick days available points were collected as a consequence of calling off or coming late. This was a new po... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Severance Pay Negotiation
My husband has worked for his company since 1989. 6 years ago he left the company and was rehired and reinstated for all benefits. When he returned, the company gave him a letter stating that his adju... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Employer denies involuntary leave in layoff with severance choice
I was recently laid off and offered a severance package. There are two options, take a lump sum payment or a weekly payment. If I take the lump, my employer states that they will consider this a volun... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I collect UI from another state from contract work, but quit a local seasonal job?
Specifically, I quit my job and moved from the Midwest to Washington state, and I was not employed for about five months. Then I worked a contract job for five months based out of Colorado, made reall... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

What are the consequences if I don't accept a per diem position in collecting Unemployment
I was notified by my employer that as of 1/30/10 I will no longer have my F/T, Benefitted, Hopice Social Work position. First I was informed that my work was not acceptable and that I made mistakes on... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Relocation Payback
Trying to determine if I am obligated to pay back my relocation expenses. I started July 26, 2010. I have been paid a lump sum, expenses, and house closing costs through June 15, 2011. I am planning o... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Will my non-compete hold even though my position was reduced to part time
My position was recently reduced to part time as needed. I have a non-compete with this company and a portion of it states: "For a period of 1 year after termination of employment for any reason whats... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Can we get this job back?
My husband was terminated from his job after less than a week of working at it. He was accused of "lying" on his application. When he asked what his employer was referring to, he was told that he left... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can I be denied severance pay if I accept a position that is not comparable with my current package?
My company has lost the support contract with the company I have supported for 20 years+. There is another company that has won the contract. My company does have a standard severance package that all... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Employer asking to repay relocation benefits given after leaving the organization
Hi, I am IT professional. My previous employer is asking to pay $8,500 on account of relocation and recruitment charge as i left after working for 8 months. Air Tkt - 1395 Accommodation & Car Rental -... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Severance pay, Vacation time pay
Three months ago we were told our division in the company would be put up for sale. Shortly thereafter we met individually with HR and were given documentation on what our severance qualifications wou... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My unemployment benefits have been pending for 5 weeks
I am just wanting to check all avenues. I was terminated for interviewing with another law firm on my own time after work hours (how they found out I do not know), but the policy manual states seeking... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Taking Accrued Vacation Days Before Time Useable
I gained my 1st five days vacation in 2008, to be used by 2009. 'Company got sold, salesman bought it, saying we only get 5 paid holidays and 5 paid days a year now for: personal time,vacation, bereav... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I'm off work on medical leave pending placement. The company just announced it will be shutting down the plant permanently in November 2015. If the company pays out severance can they exclude me while I'm off on medical leave? UAW is saying nothing at thi
I work for Mitsubishi Motors North America and I am currently on medical leave I was called in on July 17, 2015 for lite duty. I was back at work for a week when the company of 1,200 workers announced... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I had a medical problem and lost my job i was on disability my doctor released me from disability so i signed up for ui it looks like i may lose ui because i am unable to pass a physical because of range of movement and repetitive motion i have an appoint
I am 61 and can draw ssi at 62 until then i need to survive. I had a medical problem that caused me to lose my job. I was on disability until i was well my doctor cleared me to work so i signed up for... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Terminated while on FMLA
I was terminated from work while on FMLA. I submitted the paperwork that the doctor filled out. They said it was not filled out correctly and needed the doctor to redo it. They said they mailed the fo... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Hi, My position was terminated end of July due to budget cuts. I immediately filed for unemployment and told them that I expected to receive a severance, but no agreement had been signed. They told me to go ahead and apply for unemployment benefits. Three
I was terminated July 20 with pay to Aug 2. No agreement was signed and a severance/vacation pay/PTO, etc. was all in negotiation until I signed the agreement on Oct. 23. I applied for and collected u... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

My company closed its doors in Dec 2016. Can I opt out of the search for jobs if I have cancer?
Hello, In December 2016 the company I had worked for since 2007 closed it's doors. It was a great company and my job was part-time 20 hrs per week. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Cancer and had 6 months... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Do I qualify for unemployment benefits?
Currently a Flat Rate technician (mechanic) making $18/ flag hour. I have been in this position for 2.5 years. Management informed me 3 days ago that they were moving me to a different department and ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My employer cut my holiday pay in half without giving me any notice stating I didn't work enough hours that pay period, I have been a full time employee here for 1year 6month.
My employer cut my holiday pay without giving me any notice stating I didn't work enough hours in the pay period. I been employed 1 year 6 months. Holiday pay as in Christmas. Our office was closed on... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

What should I do? Can I get unemployment?
My boss pulled me into the office Thursday to discuss my position as well as if there standards were being met. We talked for an hour at least. I realized in this time I needed to tell him that I have... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

They want me to waive any future claims.
In Oct. of 2002 I complained to supv. re: Overtime/comptime. I and the 2 workers I supervised were salaried. All the DOL guidelines say we should not have been. My supervisor was "pissed" and the HR p... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Truth in hiring Steak N Shake Brunswick, GA
My son was hired for full-time employment. It is an hour away and he had to buy uniforms and attend unpaid training. They gave him less than 10 hours per week andwere doing this to other employees. He... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can severence be rescinded after signing to receive it over an unreasonable job offer?
My company is consolidating branches, and offices are closing. As a result, I was approached by HR with an internal job offer. This offer was considered to be unreasonable as it would reduce my positi... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

while waiting for my first unemployment check i got a job with another firm, however, the money is not what i spec ted and after 3 weeks i am only making about half of what i did before so falling behind and not able to pay my housing or bills. can i quit
while waiting for my first unemployment check i got a job with another firm, however, the money is not what i spec ted and after 3 weeks i am only making about half of what i did before so falling beh... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My employer changed my benefits after I signed a noncompete? Is this legal?
Hello- My employment contract states that my employer will fund a HealthSavings Account, which is tied to the company's health benefit plan. The contract has a non-compete clause which kicks in after ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

In 1997 I was an employee of Time wARNER cABLE in Middletown, NY. I was diagnosed with basal joint diseas and Des Quervain's in both hands. I was approved for Comp and had unsuccessful surgery on both... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Job overpaid me after I quit- sent them check to repay- how long do they have to cash it?
I recently quit my job with appropriate notice and my employer did not take me off payroll right away. I ended up with a couple extra paychecks. I finally got their attention to stop paying me, and th... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

"effective date of hire" vs "actual start date"
Hello, I was hired in Feb. 2020 right before the pandemic. My employment contract states that my "effective date of hire" was dependent on me getting my security clearance. Normally that would take 2-... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

My company closed down so I was laid off, during the period prior to my termination I took part time work with another company who treated me as a independent contractor, the job did not pan out so we quit on cordial terms. I tried claiming for UI benefit
I worked for the company for 5 years as the sole employee, we had a great relationship but the owners were old and business was slow so they decided to wind the company up. During the winding down per... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Repaying relocation benefit
I'm an individual contributor at a company in MA. When I joined, the company offered relocation benefits. They sent me a "Relocation Agreement" along with my offer letter and a copy of the company's r... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Pension funding dropped in partnership buyout
I have been an employee of a company for 23 years receiving funding for a pension which provided unreduced retirement benefits (with a medical benefit) at age 55 for me. Four years ago I took a positi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is this a legal tactic
I have been working for my current employer for 3 years now without a written or sighned contract. I started working for him for a set weekly rate which meant if we didn't work I didn't get payed by h... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Working Full time and Part time benifits denyed after loss of Part time employment. What can be done
For the past three years my gross annual income has been approximately $64,000. It was derived from full time employment annual $ 54,000 and a part time salary of $ 10,000 annually . I took the part t... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I have been with my employer for nearly 10 years. I am involved with a competitive industry but my position is one in which I have no direct client contact. I am mid-level management in operations for... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete contract in Ohio under duress?
I am concerned about a non-compete contract that I was forced into signing. I have been reading the site scrupulously and I have not found particular information from Ohio law. I have read about cases... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Union's lack of assistance in
In Dec. 2004, I won a favorable "make whole" arbitration ruling against a San Francisco Bay Area municipality. Within weeks after the ruling, and prior to my reinstatement, the municipality's and Unio... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I worked for a major company for 13 years. I quit my job so that my fiance' could get a higher paying job at the same company in human resources, because I was a union worker and was told it would be a conflict of interest. I later applied for a company j
I worked a union job for a major company for 13 years and quit so that my fiance' could get a human resource job at the same company making 6 figures. I applied for a company job and was told that I g... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Upon accepting my new position my first contract had a clause that states "if you voluntarily terminate your employment within one year of employment or within one year of your relocation to your loca... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

If I refuse to sign a non-compete contract and get fired can I still collect unemployment benefits?
I have been employed at my current company for over a year. I work in fine jewelry sales as a sales associate in a privately owned jewelry store. My company recently decided to draft and force us to s... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Laid off after telling employer I was going on disability
In July of this year I took ill with a respiratory infection. I had been working on a helpdesk and had been working several weeks while suffering from this infection. Eventually the manager at the fac... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is my employment contract, namely non-competition clause, still valid?
I am a veterinarian in New York. I have worked for my current employer since February 2005. My employment contract specifies a non-competition clause for a 50 mile radius lasting 3 years from the end ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

What criteria must employers consider in termination for failure to perform job duties?
The situation is that an employer terminates employment of a long-term senior employee. The employee has an exemplary performance record and is a very well liked employee. The employee begins experien... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I worked for a company for 5 yrs in Minnesota, I started looking for s new job just to do it. I found one and it sounded really good. Then 6 days later my mom had a stroke. I was still at my old job. I thought my mom was going to go into hospice so I told
I worked for a company for 5 yrs in Minnesota, I started looking for s new job just to do it. I found one and it sounded really good. Then 6 days later my mom had a stroke. I was still at my old job. ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I want to start my own business and may have signed a no-compete clause, will it hold up in court?
I've worked for a sign shop for 9 of it's 11 years and have been instrumental in the growth of the company. Last year during a slow time my boss asked to meet with me and told me that nothing (employm... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Can I be forced to sign a Non-compete / confidentiality agreement?
I am paid as and considered a 1099 contractor by the company I am working for. They do not withhold any federal taxes or provide any benefits. Other than the way I am paid, they treat me as an "employ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Current company being purchased / possible hire/ being harassed at current job
If I am offered a job by passing the physical and drug screen - and I don't accept the job -- could I still apply for EDD benefits? I have two chronic conditions that make hard to be to work on time -... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Peers review your FMLA certification. absent four days.
I have worked with the employer for 3 1/2 years without attendance or performance issues. I had some personal problems and was overwhelmed and stressed. I called in to my manager, who is also the bene... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

We are independent territory reps paid only commission on our sales. We are looking start our own type of business and the company we contract under has a non compete. Can this be upheld in the state of Nebraska. Again we are only paid commission there ar
We are independent territory reps paid only commission on our sales. We are looking start our own type of business and the company we contract under has a non compete. Can this be upheld in the state ... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

Nevada lump sum severance pay
State: Nevada I was recently laid off. I signed an agreement with my employer that includes non-compete, non-disparagement, non-disclosure clauses as well as a waiver to the right to any commissions o... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Do I have a strong case against my employer for breach of confidentiality?
My employer gave me 4 days to decide if I would resign or be terminated due to the fact that I do not have certification needed for the position I have been in for nearly a decade. I turned in my forc... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

DISALLOWED unemployment
I was DISALLOWED my unemployment I was collecting for a few months and the year was up from the first claim and had to reapply. I did that and now I was informed I was DISALLOWED. I went back to work ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-compete invoked by one subcontractor against another
I'm currently under contract to a subcontractor, who pays my salary, and 1/2 health benefits, to provide tech support for a company (heretofore referred as the client.) The client is moving operations... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I am employed under Avisbudget group . 1. Started under Avis car rental . 2. Transferred to different location for 1 year in a different department but was always classified as local 856 teamsters . 3. Went back to Avis rental car . Lost my seniority went
Seniority for shift bidding lost and than either it was purchased budget car rental or if a merge if makes a difference . But my seniority for company time not recognized when we be came avisbudget gr... applies to California  ·  0 answers

issue with non compete agreement
I'm a H1B S/W consultant. My H1B holding company is based in NJ. My company sent me to the client based in PA by subcontracting with middle vendor(prefered vendor). After about an yr, my H1B holding c... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I get unemployment check after making a mistake in saying that I get lay off than fired!?
I was afraid go say in my unemployment application fired so I made a mistake by saying laid off instead of fired. Does that mean I will be rejected meaning I won't get unemployment checks? I was fired... applies to California  ·  0 answers

breach of contract in the midst of a buyout
My husband was just involved in a buyout at a local University. He was a contract employee (3 yrs. - only 8 months of which has been worked). He was terminated based on "restructuring" verbally stated... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Personnel Policy Benefits Being Denied
In my company's written personnel policy that was given to all employees, it states that if there is an involuntary separation due to a reduction in workforce, all full-time employees will be given a ... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Unpaid commission wages (employment contract breach), employee in Texas, employer in California
I live in Texas, but work for a California employer (public company). I am an executive with salary and commission structure as part of my compensation agreement, among other benefits. When repeatedly... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is an offer letter considered a contract?
I have an Amendment to Offer of Employment, signed by a Human Resources Manager that reads, in part, "Based on the employment negotiations for your position, you have been credited with nine years of ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

What can be done when a third parties intentional interferes w/ a personal contract
Situation: I am a director of a group of schools that have 7 members on a board Member 1- offers a proposal to the group- the proposal breaks the by-laws but the chair allows member 1 to go forth with... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Labor on military base
I work for a pizza buisness that has franchises in wilmington, southport, jacksonville & camp lejeune. My job is cashier. My employer pays me 500.00 (I'm listed as salary) every two weeks. I am requir... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

I have had poor attendance the past year and a half. I had to leave early on Monday may 8th to take my wife to the emergency room for a sprained foot, Went to work the next day and they gave me an ultimatum to go from full time to 29 hours and lost all my
I have had poor attendance the past year and a half. I had to leave early on Monday may 8th to take my wife to the emergency room for a sprained foot, Went to work the next day and they gave me an ult... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

No severance offered after position eliminated
My position was eliminated due to budget restructuring. My letter of termination stated it was a company decision and was through no fault of my own. I was told my pay and position effectively ended r... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Could I get unemployment benefits if I choose to leave my job?
I am manager of a small business and gave birth to my son a year ago. My son was born with many health problems and I was not able to go to back to work on a full time schedule. President of the compa... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

My employer recently asked coworkers to report potential FMLA abuse. Can this be considered work place retaliation and potentially create a hostile workplace for those with legit FMLA status.
Recent section of a memo from my employer. "Moreover, employees who misuse FMLA are hurting their coworkers. Misuse of FMLA forces other employees to work additional hours and/or on days that they wer... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Withholding of Pay
I was hired into a new position as a Business Development Director. The company I was working with had limited success in the past and they were looking for an established salesperson. The sales cycle... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

If I was laid off because of the pandemic, am I required to return to work if I don’t feel like it’s safe returning? I have two parents with pre-existing health conditions that I’m home with and a nephew I have been caring for since his parents are
I live in the state of Texas and my employer (dental office) laid everyone off due to the pandemic. Now that our governor is opening things back up slowly, my employer wants to open back up but I don... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

If I was laid off because of the pandemic, am I required to return to work if I don’t feel like it’s safe returning? I have two parents with pre-existing health conditions that I’m home with and a nephew I have been caring for since his parents are
I live in the state of Texas and my employer (dental office) laid everyone off due to the pandemic. Now that our governor is opening things back up slowly, my employer wants to open back up but I don... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

If I was laid off because of the pandemic, am I required to return to work if I don’t feel like it’s safe returning? I have two parents with pre-existing health conditions that I’m home with and a nephew I have been caring for since his parents are
I live in the state of Texas and my employer (dental office) laid everyone off due to the pandemic. Now that our governor is opening things back up slowly, my employer wants to open back up but I don... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My employer is trying to sell the company after 35-55 years in business. Dayton Ohio. We were just told last week on Thursday. Now this week I had jury duty. I am in my probationary 90 days. I was told on Tuesday (my probation (90 days) ended on Thursday
My employer is trying to sell the company after 35-55 years in business. Dayton Ohio. We were just told last week on Thursday. Now this week I had jury duty. I am in my probationary 90 days. I was tol... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Is an unemployment appeal worth it for havimg weeks disqualified due to being out of town?
I left my job in December to take care of my mother. I had no idea at the time how long I’d be, but did try to work things out with my employer. They were very understanding and as how distressing t... applies to California  ·  0 answers

What chance do we have to get a favorable result with a TILA error in our mortgage?
We have been working with Certified Mortgage Audit of New York. In the Forensic Mortgage Audit, an error was identified. We also have many email and telephone conversations saying something that is de... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I was receiving workers comp when covid19 broke out and they closed all surgery centers.
I was right about the middle of receiving workers compensation when covid 19 broke out and they closed all surgery centers. By the time they reopened them my work comp ran out, so I asked my WRK/ CMP ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

my employer is trying to deduct unemployment from my full back pay award
Hello Mel, I was so happy to have ran across your web site it's very useful. I live in Ohio, I was working for a hospital and I was terminated for unjust cause. The case was arbitrated by my union and... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Yes, I was laid off about 2 months now and have been seeking work back in my field of IT work, I worked as a equipment operator in the oil fields for 1 year. Now former company wanting to hire back at lower pay and is threatening to have my unemployment b
Yes, I was laid off about 2 months now and have been seeking work back in my field of IT work, I worked as a equipment operator in the oil fields for 1 year. Now former company wanting to hire back at... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Fraud and Age Dscrimination
I was recently hired by a roofing company as an offer manager. I applied for the job through a online job board. I was contacted by the roofing company�s HR department, negotiated my starting wage, ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Hello, I am a full time regular employee at a privately held tech company in the San Francisco Bay Area. In my offer letter, there are provisions for a sabbatical that as of today has been rescinded. The reason stated is that this is a cost cutting measur
Hello, I am a full time regular employee at a privately held tech company in the San Francisco Bay Area. In my offer letter, there are provisions for a sabbatical that as of today has been rescinded. ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I wanted to know if I am entitled for a volunteer separate program that was offered four months after I retired (without one). I retired on July 31, 2018 and in November 2018 they offered other executives in my department a volunteer separation program wi
I wanted to know if I am entitled for a volunteer separate program that was offered four months after I retired (without one). I retired on July 31, 2018 and in November 2018 they offered other execut... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Can an employer in NYS force you to use PTO for a doctor’s appointment that is scheduled outside normal hours (I.e. during OT hours)?
My spouse’s company has implemented a “new policy” regarding doctor’s visits. Their “normal hours” are supposed to be 0500-1330 M-F; however, they’re in a “to completion” job meaning... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I negotiate a severance package if I am being forced to report to a manager who made slanderous statements about me during my leave of absence?
While I was on my leave of absence for a medical disability, my manager told my colleagues she was "suspicious" of my leave of absence since I seemed fine to her and that she felt it was due to stress... applies to California  ·  3 answers

Retaliation as a witness in an unemployment appeal hearing
A close friend of mine was recently denied CA unemployment benefits due to conflicting reasons for termination by her former employer. At the time of discharge, she was told that the reason was for ne... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can I Receive Unemployment Benefits If Fired For 1 No call No Show
There was high demand for vendor pick ups fat my job. I do logistics coordinating. Not enough time during the day to get everything done so I would work at night to finish and cover everything for the... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Not employed long enough
Started as temp-hire august 1, 2011 during first 4 weeks was asked about forklift history, and asked if I would be interested, which I said yes. and proceeded to tell me its basics . was trained in sh... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I sign an employment contract stating that I would work on a rotational bases . I am an aircraft mechanic and I would work overseas for a extended period of time ,and then be off for the same time in this case they told me a (3 months) rotation. which was
I sign an employment contract stating that I would work on a rotational bases . I am an aircraft mechanic and I would work overseas for a extended period of time ,and then be off for the same time in ... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Can an employee lose access to their paid time off bank completely under new managemnt/ownership
This question applies specifically to nursing home employees being told the home is now changing benefit policies under a new leader. Employees were issued a letter giving 24-hours notice to respond w... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Question regarding severance pay in Nebraska.
Hello, I have a question regarding severance pay in Nebraska. I was recently laid off from my company. On Wednesday, February 14, 2018 I was given a letter from my company that stated due to current b... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

I was just informed yesterday that I was receiving a 20% pay cut from my employer. No reduction in hours. A drastic reduction in commissions. I work at a call center and was told the campaign I was working on is no longer active. I was called into my mana
I was just informed yesterday that I was receiving a 20% pay cut from my employer. No reduction in hours. A drastic reduction in commissions. I work at a call center and was told the campaign I was wo... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Let go by corporation after 20 years (realigning the department) but 22 staff pressed out of service. Severance package was a a benefit but was not offered. Much mischief ensued in last weeks of job by OOT managers. Received unemployment but wonder if I s
Corporate Realignment, 22 staff left due to ethics concerns, (whistleblower has a court date), state licensing boards say corporate was unethical but not asking staff to do any thing illegal. This sta... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Can my boss take discounts for clients out of my Commission
I am a licensed Hairstylist in Honolulu Hawaii I work on strictly commission base I have no benefits at all I left my job and I am in a labor dispute with the labor board regarding this Here it is I w... applies to Hawaii  ·  1 answer

Was it legal for my employer to swtich me to 1099?
I have worked for this company for more than 10 years. In the past 2 years there were many changes in how the business was run, including change of ownership. Originally I worked in Denver, but was re... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

I have proof they are giving negative comments from the job I hired to prove their negat
I have been a very good employee for a very good friend of mine for the past 10 years. I don't have medical/dental benefits. I began a job search, my employer (friend knew of this, I had nothing to hi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete and Corp-to-Corp relationships
I have a corp-to-corp relationship with a vendor company ("ABC") to provide financial IT consulting services to client company ("DEF"). Vendor company ("ABC") is not my employer, nor have they provide... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

Re-employement disability law?
Hello: I will try to make my question brief so you won't delete me.:) I am a 46 hearing impaired woman who resigned from Citibank in 1996 due to what I considered harassment from a new female executiv... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have any rights as being accused of Harassment?
I am a male over 40 years old and I work with primarily women. I have known the accuser for about 8 months. I see her at school and work. She would come up to me and touch me on the back say Hi and I ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How can I protect myself against untrue written warning of unacceptable performance?
I have received a written final corrective to improve performance. I have been working very diligently to meet their expectations however the rules seem to change to ensure that I will never be able t... applies to North Dakota  ·  0 answers

I work as a technical contractor through an agency, for a financial institution. I have been given my two week notice and informed that October 2nd will be my last day. My contract agency indicates that they won't pay me my final check until the next pay
I work as a technical contractor through an agency, for a financial institution. I have been given my two week notice and informed that October 2nd will be my last day. My contract agency indicates th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Unauthorized stoppage of 401K contributions and severance overpayment
I was on a severance plan from my employer. The terms of my severance included continuation of 401K contributions on both my part and my former employer. Due to some sort of "hickup" in the the system... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is my demotion unjust?
I work at a job in which it is only one person on the clock at a time. (I've been here for a little over a month now.) I had a terrible nose bleed that caused me to almost pass out. I called my manage... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I was laid off for a mass layoff/buyout due to covid 19 and entered the 2000180 code into the Ohio Job and Family Services Claim. My employer recently paid me for my unused vacation time for three weeks and will also give me a lump sum severance based off
I was laid off for a mass layoff/buyout due to covid 19 and entered the 2000180 code into the the Ohio Job and Family Services Claim. My employer recently paid me for my unused vacation time for three... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Employee Records?
I was employed as an assistant manager for a national company in the entertainment rental business. In September 2002, I was rather abruptly terminated from this position. I understand the concept of ... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

I was assaulted by a coworker n called 911 and then fired the next morning?
Working for the past 3 years for a retail wine and spirits shop in NYC. I was assaulted by a co worker who has been there for 12 years. She grabbed me by my shirt on the upper collar and bruised and s... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Demoted for a younger less experienced male.
Out company has created a new position called agency partner. This doesn't require this man to produce sales, help the phones, he can come and go as he pleases and doesn't have to work Saturday's. I w... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

I was fired for sexual harassment and need help please.
I just read article by Neil Klingshirn about Sexual Harassment and the Rights of the Accused. I read it because last Friday I was fired for sexual harassment. I need your help. I'm in New Hampshire an... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

After joining the company - my designation/title was downgraded
I have been hired by a Fortune 500 Company for a senior manager position via hiring agency. After 9 months - I was told that they hired me at a higher salary grade and i need to work at the lower desi... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Questionable Employer Ethics and Compensation Questions
Hi, I've been working at a company for over 10 years and have noticed several areas of questionable discrimination, although I don't know whether that term can be applied legally to these situations: ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Do I need to sue for my benefits or discrimination?
I have worked for this company for 8yrs at various studios in the area. In Aug 2005, I returned to my home studio where I was the studio manager. The 1st company got aquisition by another company whos... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Returning to work from WC Disability, was told my position was filled.
I was injured at work after a hard fall in 2010. I have been off work since then and have exhausted all WC benefits (AME doctor said I was PS 10%, even though my treating doctor still recommends I be ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-compete across multiple state lines?
I signed a non-compete agreement upon joining Company A in late 2001. Company A's HQ are in TX, though I signed the non-compete in CA upon joining a division of Company A that was based in CA. I left ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Unemployment compensation appeal by former employer.
I was terminated for violating company policies in April 2009, and had to have a hearing with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (telephone hearing) to determine if they would pay my unemp... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Federal EEO (US Postal Service) attorney who can take a case in Utah on contingency?
Unfortunately I'm finding it very difficult to find an attorney who handles federal at all. I developed a spine condition and reported it to my supervisor with my doctors notes, and filed for FMLA. I ... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Breach of employment contract by employer-not honoring designation/title mentioned in offer letter
I have been hired by a Fortune 500 Company for a senior manager position via hiring agency. After 9 months - I was told that they hired me at a higher salary grade and i need to work at the lower desi... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can your employer require you to update your all social media accounts to reflect that he is no longer employed with the Company within five (5) days of the Separation Date. It seems that they shouldn't be asking you to update Social Profiles, like Linked
I am accepting separation package due to downsizing and layoffs. My employer is asking me to update my social media to reflect that no longer employed. I don’t think that they can require or enforce... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Benefits, pay increase given to male colleagues only
My boss has decided after 23 years of impeccable service that I am a poor employee due to complaints from my male colleagues that it isn't right that I make more money than them. Since I started this ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Can return to secondary part-time job affect main part-time job’s disability payments?
Prior to starting short-term disability due to a sudden medical event, I was working the same 2 part-time non-sedentary jobs concurrently for several years. The STD payments are through Job A and base... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

how long is the time frame to quit when a employer changes your work conditions and pay over an extended period of time
I was promised 600/week salary, living quarters on employers property and use of a car. For the first 12 weeks i was paid only $400/week, aprtm. and car. Finally after 2 and a half months employer beg... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

How can I proving a wrongful termination for work injury when employer states I was never an employee and din't turn in my paperwork to the state or federal government?
Worked as an apprentice learning a new industry. My boss was getting ready to retire and looked at me to buy the business. I worked overtime and mirrored his schedule to master the business. He admire... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Settlement Amount
I've sued the county due to sexual harassment and a hostile work environment. The lawsuit was filed in federal court by my ex-attorney. I am now without counsel and the county has scheduled a settleme... applies to California  ·  4 answers

I was fired for sexual harassment and need some answers to my questions please.
I was recently fired due to a sexual harassment claim by a coworker. The reason I was fired was because my coworker and I were texting inappropriate messages to each other. My question pertains to the... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can an employer not pay commision on a 100% commision job after you quit?
I recently quit a 100% commission job. An employee gets paid when a job gets installed, not when payment is collected. I quit before several large deals went in the ground (I had to), but contracts we... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

My boss and co-workers are acting like high school kids
I need someone's help... I started working for a pet stoe back in January of this year. Everything was going fine for a while and my job was great. I was basically allowed to do what I wanted and beca... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Company didn't notify of COBRA or insurance termination and now stuck with $9500 ER bill. Help!
My fiance resigned from his job in August after 6 years faithful employment, and ended up rejoining the company about a month later due to new position not working out. During this time he was not sen... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

I was laid off from a temp agency and no work was available. Will my non-compete still hold up?
I worked for Job "A" in Tamaqua, a staffing agency of which I signed a non-compete policy which stated I could not work for another staffing agency for up and until a year had transpired after my term... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

laid-off and then fired
I volunteered for a permanent layoff around August 16,2002. My job was to pay me 26 weeks of sub-pay and I also would receive unemployment pay. My last day of work was to be Sept. 13. I called into wo... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

I am new in a small town and am working as a chef. I quit a position at a different restaurant that was paying $55k and accepted a position closer to home that was an offer of Chef and $45k. Upon accepting the new position and starting, the restaurant GM
I am new in a small town and am working as a chef. I quit a position at a different restaurant that was paying $55k and accepted a position closer to home that was an offer of Chef and $45k. Upon acce... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

out on medical job eliminated
I have worked as a manager at a tavern for a year and a half. In July I hurt my back and ended up in the emergency room. From there on I followed their diagnosis and treatment but didnt get better. In... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

What is Gross Violation? And I believe I was set up to be fired- what can I do?
I had been with a big pharmacy for a little over 5 years and recently in February transferred to the store I just got fired from on December 19, 2010. Previous to this, I had been written up for takin... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Medical/Dental Benefit Changes for LTD recepients
I've noticed the many responses to acquiring the Benefit SPD and then in finer print the Plan. The latter is much more informative while the Summary is just that - summary and seldomly touches upon al... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Is it worth fighting an emplyer for unemployment when they lie about the circumstances?
I was employed at a chain grocery store and had to call off sick one day from work. My company handbook states that if you need to call out the procedure for calling off is to call the manager at leas... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I am paid X amount on the books but more in cash and i think im going to be fired soon?
I have worked for my employer for well over 15 years. There was a dispute in the company between owners. The majority owner the one that runs the day to day operations thinks that i gave information t... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Will cashing ck relieve xemployer of bonus earnings
It has been 1yr since I was laid off. I was offered a severance for yrs served, which I accepted the severance for years served, but indicated I could not sign agreement because other bonus earnings w... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Was I discrimated because I requested Health Insurance?
I was terminated today for unknown reasons; I worked as a Director of HR for a family owed Footwear Company in NYC for almost 1 1/2 years as a permanent P/T employee working 24 hrs per wk. I was told ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

RIF and pregnancy discrimination is this right?
In February of this year the job that I was hired for went down and was “supposedly” going to start back up in April of 2020. I asked my manager if I could take an voluntary layoff (I had just fou... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Gender discrimination and retaliation?
I worked as a department supervisor for a large retail company for 8 years. I worked very hard earning excellent reviews. I became a procedural specialist and was asked by district managers to help ot... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can I get my job back?
I was terminated from an employer due to a recommendation from an EAP counselor, saying I was "non-compliant" with they had set up for me at my employer's request. What made me " non-compliant" to thi... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Refusal to pay wages, overtime and in timely fashion
I recently took the position of "Assistant Manager" with an hourly rate of $10/hr at a new Restaurant/Sports Bar/Ale House in the NW suburbs of Chicago on November 8th. I kept record of the hours work... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Im in louisiana and am working for a contractor small buisness in a food refinery. Hes never copied my drivers license or given me a w2 or 1099 and i work 2 months usually without a day off i get no benefits or overtime there's no health insurance nothing
Sorry my question was so long this is my first time posting a question i didn't know about the details box anyway. I've worked for this man for 5 years and ive watched and had to work with a physical ... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Im in louisiana and am working for a contractor small buisness in a food refinery. Hes never copied my drivers license or given me a w2 or 1099 and i work 2 months usually without a day off i get no benefits or overtime there's no health insurance nothing
Sorry my question was so long this is my first time posting a question i didn't know about the details box anyway. I've worked for this man for 5 years and ive watched and had to work with a physical ... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Im in louisiana and am working for a contractor small buisness in a food refinery. Hes never copied my drivers license or given me a w2 or 1099 and i work 2 months usually without a day off i get no benefits or overtime there's no health insurance nothing
Sorry my question was so long this is my first time posting a question i didn't know about the details box anyway. I've worked for this man for 5 years and ive watched and had to work with a physical ... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Wrongful termination
I was terminated from my position as an Instalaltion Manager on 9/5/06. This was upon return from a scheduled vacation. Seven days prior to my vacation, I had an extreme anxiety attack at work brought... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Constant stress in the workplace caused by manager who won't manage
I work for a large University in Michigan as a non-union, at will employee. Very long story short, my immediate supervisor is a manager who doesn't usually manage. He appears to put a desire to be lik... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Non-compete clause validity for a subcontractor
I worked for a consulting firm with no maternity leave policy. The firm only offered to hold the job for 90 days. I started working in August 1999 and at the end of my maternity leave (Nov 2002) i was... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I have a question .. 1 st missed day of work was Sept 8 th 2014 I used Eib time n then went on a Fmla my surgery for me was female stuff .. Dr didn't have an opening Untill Dec 8 th but had a cancel and got me in on Oct 20 th 2014 put me off work for 8 fu
I have a question .. 1 st missed day of work was Sept 8 th 2014 I used Eib time n then went on a Fmla my surgery for me was female stuff .. Dr didn't have an opening Untill Dec 8 th but had a cancel a... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I want to seek justice from those that had a direct impact on my current finanicl condition.
False reference by an supervisor Do I have a case? My division was being terminated due to consolidation. Therefore, we were false to seek employment in other areas of the bank. As a result, I and oth... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Job offer was rescinded due to incorrect info on background. Info was corrected. What now?
On December 1, 2016 my wife was offered a job in writing from hospital A. The offer letter states that the start date was to be January 9, 2017. It also listed the salary, benefits and that the offer ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

FMLA - coercion
I was out on FMLA from my job of 2+ years at an NGO while my terminally ill brother was in the hospital and when I returned to work after 9 weeks they had hired a new director in my sub-dept. We do no... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Unpaid overtime, overpaid taxes and constructive termination.
I was trained to be a serviceman for a vending company in Texas in January of 2002. I was paid an hourly wage of $10.00, that went to $12.00/hr in January of 2003, after being rehired (I worked for an... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Can a non compete agreement signed with a middle vendor (in a long chain of vendors) be enforceable?
I need advice on a Non Compete Agreement I signed with a Middle Vendor. I am on H1B and here is the arrangement: Client -> Preferred Vendor -> Middle Vendor -> Employer -> Poor Old Me. So being the ha... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Harassment - Age, Physical, Psychological, Power, Retaliation, Bullying
My supervisor bullies and uses authority to manipulate and fabricate performance issues. Two coworkers and I notified HR with many examples of bullying issues 5-6 years ago. HR so called “worked” ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Terminated and them wanting me to pay invoice
Here's the issue - I was let go or fired if you will, from my previous employer - I was DENIED my unemployment benefits because somehow my employer said I was abusing the internet during business hour... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non compete in employee hand book.
I have a former employer who had a non-compete clause add to a new version of his employee hand book. It as added at the end of his employee handbook. We all had to sign the handbook at the end of a m... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

What rights and potential remedies are available when an retaliated against due to FMLA
I was approved for FMLA leave to care for a serious health condition of my spouse. I was terminated by my employer due to a no-fault absence policy, but this termination was reversed after some of the... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

employer discriminated against me during pregnancy and terminated me without just cause
In the early part of 2001 I informed my employer that I was pregnant and due in November. Almost immediatly afterword I suddenly found myself being witten up and placed on warning after warning. All o... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hello, I had just graduated and had 10 months w very light experience w a very low level of responsibility at one client. I was an intern to entry level employee. I signed a non-compete for only one month’s compensation and could not (even more so now)
-Near entry level (intern) -Laid off early Covid -Low responsibility -Narrow scope of work -Information technology -Non-compete states I cannot compete for a job with any of their employees or competi... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Defamation/Non-compete/and wrongful termination
I was recently fired for "gross misconduct" for being insubordiant to an Operations Director hired as a consultant for my company. It was never communicated to me that he was my superior or that I rep... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Defamation through a professional organization network
I left a position for several reasons and was offered a separation agreement, severance and three months health insurance. The situation was to be kept confidential by both parties - at least that's w... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

What can be done when you know you were set up in being fired, but have difficulty proving it?
A new GM was assigned to my store while I was in training. On his first day of work, he displayed outright hostility towards me. I was treated as unequal. He had me doing things that were everything b... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Severance Pay
I currently work for a laboratory that is owned by the parent Engineering firm. The Engineering firm will be selling us very soon to another laboratory (we are being bought out). Part of the sale agre... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Wrongful Termination
Do I have any chance of winning a wrongful or constructive termination case based on the following: Wrongful constructive termination I live in a community in PA. It is a HOA. For the period of 5/05 -... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I was transferred to Mexico after 2 years of working in California. My boss is the general manager for both plants Tecate Mexico and in California . My boss and I got along great I requested a personal loan and was placed on Mexican Payroll because accord
I was transferred to Mexico after 2 years of working in California. My boss is the general manager for both plants Tecate Mexico and in California . My boss and I got along great I requested a persona... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My company closed my home office while I was away on an expat assignment. Now they are pressuring me
My company closed my home office while I was away on an expat assignment. Now they are pressuring me to accept a change to my assignment and a new agreement that is less favorable to me. I am an Ameri... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Existing employees relocated then laid off 4-months later
Let me first give you my situation. I worked at a company's Salt Lake City office for two and a half years and then the company closed that office. Continued employment was offered to all the employee... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

Resigned, then terminated, policy for vaca pay differentiates between vol/invol
In Pennsylvania, an at-will state, a 7-year management employee resigns and provides the required 4-week notice and is immediately terminated. Written formal Policy Manual is in place and states payme... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

overtime and benifets
My boy friend has worked for the same company for 19 years. It was at one time a family business but was sold about 8 or 9 years ago. The main office is up north and where my boyfriend works there are... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is this a disablity discrimnation case?
I was just wondering if anyone could enlighten me and elaborate on a situation that I’m experiencing. The situation is I was working about a year ago and encountered an off the job illness, which I ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Non compete gives me little choice in employment
I signed a non-compete upon employment with an evaluation company 3 years ago (appraisals, evaluations, ect..) and worked in the Quality Assurance/Control aspect of the business. I had never spoken wi... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

civil suit for forced retirment, slander and loss of employment and pension.
I worked for a large well known company for over 5 and half years, for 4 plus years I was one of the top agents, and always made the goals they set to us in order to keep our income from decreasing. t... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I have right to sue from Defh without any proper intake to reviewed my case can I still sue? I have all doc to support wide range of discrimination and need a lawyer who ready and understand the best option to start
32 years old Asian American us citizen and father of 3 young children; was raised by strong hard working parents who gave me foundation to do your job the right way through my work ethics but always b... applies to California  ·  0 answers

please see details
I am a machine builder, more specifically building custom automation, working on the electrical side, or as an electrician. I have worked 11 yrs in the field of building/wiring the machines, and the p... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

My question is if I have grounds to seek compensation for wrongful discharge and defamation?
Two female co-workers that I had relations with, contrived to get me fired, and HR not only allowed it, but appears to have facilitated it. Woman (A) filed a harassment complaint as a result of woman ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can i get my job back or more for being falsely accused for stealing based on the color of my skin?
I worked for a certain company that needs their employees to walk out of the warehouse(floor) through metal detectors on their way out. I was walking on the way to the metal detectors and i was like 1... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Falsified Review
Okay...for all those attorneys that may be in response to my dilema (of which I am truly appreciative and gratefull)or in review: here is the latest update. A true test for your profession. -My law fi... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Are they terminating me?, Unemployment with LTD or do I have wait until terminated? What can I do?
I been working at a big box store for 10 years I when out for surgery Dec 7 2012. I came back t o work March 7 2013 my manager approved my release from my dr. When my GM came back from a trip he told ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Wrongfully discharged?
I have been in Sales and Sales Management my entire career and have recently found myself unemployed from what I believe to be unfair practices. I was working in the Cleveland area and had been recrui... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

do i have a case if I was fired for missing a call on the on call phone while driving.
Four weeks ago I put in a formal complaint about verbal and physical harrassment from a co-worker. This co-worker is a favorite of the president of the company and did nothing when I put in the compla... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Discrimination, Wrongful Termination and Wage Dispute
My husband was terminated from ******* as a result of absences resulting from my ADA covered illness and hospitalization. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy Type 1 in 2005... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

is it my responsibility to inform the employment agency if the company the send me to has me doing a different job/position than I was sent to do.
I was sent on an assignment to be an inspector/packer for a company. About 1 week into my assignment I was asked if I would like to do a utility/material handling position, that I had previous experie... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Seeking Defamation Attorney for Libel, Slander, and Personal Injury from unlawful, inaccurate drug testing in relation to Workers Compensation Law as a constitutional violation of law under Eighth Amendment Search & Seizure.
Dear Sir or Madam: I am referred to you by the internet as a law firm which engages in Constitutional Law, and/or has a Pro Bono Program to help those with major constitutional issues. I have been dis... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Am I entitled to unemployment while seeking an attorney to represent me in wrongful termination
I started with Carbonair Environmental Systems in June 2016 and effective January 01, 2017 Carbonair was Purchased by Proact Services Corporation. My position was Controller/Administrator for the Sout... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can I receive unemployment if my current employer dissolves or do I have to take a job with the new?
The employer I currently work for is a medical practice that is dissolving. The 4 partners are splitting into two new medical practices. Half of our staff has been offered jobs with one business, the ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

If I got laid off from full time job but still work on call for different employer am I disqualified
I got laid off from my 40-hour week job. Simultaneously, i am an on-call worker for a retail store. I still work there but have been told that my on-call status with the retail (as opposed to part tim... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Back surgery
I fell off a work stand and had bck surgery in August of 2001. I ws laid-off from my job this May of 2003. I can not due the job I have done for over 36 years due to the pain and the limited movement ... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Employer fraud
I was recently laid off and collected about 4 weeks of unemployment, which the employer tried to fight. I am now an independent contractor, not collecting unemployment, and want to roll over my 401k t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How soon can an employer pay unemployment insurance on a reduced pay package after implementing it?
I am facing a reduction of pay on Dec 1st of 50% or annually. If I accept the offer my fear is that my employer is looking to then fire me and only pay reduced unemployment insurance. Is this possible... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What are, if any, rules about withdrawing from a traditional IRA while on EUC. applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Vehicle use for employment
I have a maintenance job that involves travel. The company I work for provides a vehicle but, there are rumors that they may be getting rid of these vehicles. When I applied for this job 6 years ago, ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

She has worked at Taco-bell for 24 years, and is now a Manager. Taco-bell went from being Corp, to a Franchise this month, they told my wife, they will have to get her to fill out a application to rehire in the new Company, she has a Pension with Taco-bel
Do they have to pay her the pension for the 24 years? applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Was given a choice of layoff or severance pay, how will either affect unemployment
In Ohio, how does layoff vs severance pay affect unemployment? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What is the maximum number of hours an employer can keep me for as a part-time worker?
My employer does not have guidelines for how long they can keep a part-time employee. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Unemployment benfits for quitting
I have worked for for same company 15 yrs. As a Quality Manager. 2 years ago we were bought by large corp. The turnover has been trememndous. I am doing mutiple jobs, working 12-14 hrs a day. We have ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Unemployment questions
Dear MEL: i recently quit my job working for an egg ranch.I have filed 4 weeks strait and havent recieved a dime.Is this fair i pay there wages and when i need help i take it and dont get squat.Is it ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

paid day of pain
My boyfriend cut his thumb and the nerve in his thumb on the job. They stitched it up and he has to go to a specialist to see if the nerve can be repaired. The hospital stated he could go back to work... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

i live in new york state. Charter bought Time Warner. The purchase took place May 18, 2016. My position is being eliminated 1/8/17. Since it is under 1 year, am I entitled to severance?
I live in New York State. Time Warner was sold to Charter on May18, 2016. My position as a work at home ends 1/8/17. I am over 50 miles from a call center. I believe that by law I am entitled to sever... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Am I eligible for unemployment?
I am a certified nursing assistant and was working for a nursing home I've been an aide for 5 years now and was the lowest paid aide in the facility so I asked for a raise and they told me they would ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I emailed my manager my resignation date, from my NYC job, to be effective April 14th. My manager decided to make my resignation date as of April 11th. They did not tell me if I was terminated, laid off or what. Now, I want to claim unemployment in Florid
I moved to Orlando, Florida as of April 19th from Jersey City, NJ. I worked in NYC, as a contractor from December 1, 2014 until management took my resignation date effective April 11th, 2016. My resig... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Am I eligible?
I have been very recently terminated from my previous full-time employer of 3 years because of an accidental firearm discharge (self-inflicted wound) on company property, NOT during regular business h... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Can I get unemployment?
I currently hold a back office position working 35 hr as week earning salary of $30,000 a year with 10days PTO. My employer currently sold the company. The back office will no longer be needed. He sai... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

In NYS is there a statute of limitations for filing for unemployment if you left your job due to lack of work?
If an employee left our company 2 years ago can they still file for unemployment from us? Is there a statute of limitations for this type of thing? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Employee Misclassified as Independent Contractor
I was hired by a company to work as an employee in their IT department as a Web Developer. After one year and 10 months of employment I talked to my employer about plans to move approximately 100 mile... applies to Texas  ·  3 answers

I resigned my position am I entitled to unemployment compensation.
Am I entitled to Texas unemployment compensation if I quit my job in an office after over 10 years? I am almost to retirement age with several health problems. Due to stress and repeated demands to wo... applies to Texas  ·  3 answers

Can I start a company as I am on H1?
can I start a company as I am on H1? if so how? and what kind of company can I start? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Due to Covid-19, my employment in PA stopped. UC application was denied.
In PA, my application for UC was denied because I didn't meet the credit weeks in my base year. I am not working due to school closure from Covid-19. Can an exception be made, or will these requiremen... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

What is law for between terms for school teachers if laid off from full time job?
applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was RIF'd on June 20th. I have 45 days to sign my severance agreement. Can I collect unemployment in those 45 days? This is in Florida
In Florida. I was RIF'd on June 20th and have 45 days to sign the severance agreement. If I wait to the 45th day to sign, can I collect unemployment for day 1-44? applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I am a truck driver from NY. My employee refuses to give me and my coworkers vacation time. I dont really care if it has to be paid or unpaid. I just need 1 week vacation to go visit my family back home. I've asked many times for this and the answer i get
I am a truck driver from NY. My employee refuses to give me and my coworkers vacation time. I dont really care if it has to be paid or unpaid. I just need 1 week vacation to go visit my family back ho... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Severance Policy changed same day my position eliminated
I am employed by a national nonprofit organization which, via a Board decision, elected to eliminate its severance plan. The organization historically has had a written severance plan and made full se... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Unjust Discharge
My unemploment determination stated: After a review of the facts, this agency finds that the claimant was discharged without just cause under section 4141.29(D)(2)(a), ohio revised code. What does thi... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Older workers benifit protection act
Does the employer have to individually negegotiate a severance offer under the older workers benefit protection act? Can they offer a seperation agreement without offering "compensation over what is e... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Recently been terminated after 7 months of work and believe this termination was unjust. My question is can I collect unemployment and sue the company in the state of New York?
Recently been terminated after 7 months of work and believe this termination was unjust. My question is can I collect unemployment and sue the company in the state of New York? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I gave a two week notice, then the following day in was told by my manager that corporate said that I needed to leave and not finish my two weeks notice, I live in Ohio can I file for unemployment
I gave a two week notice, then the following day in was told by my manager that corporate didn't want me to finish and to leave, can I collect unemployment, I was with this company for ten years applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am being let go in Ohio and am going to receive 45 weeks of "severance"
It is my understanding that the "severance" will be paid in a lump sum. Am I correct in assuming that I can apply and receive unemployment compensation after declaring this lump sum on the first week ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Splitting hairs on the word
My current employeer of 21 years infomed me in March that I will be downsized as of July 1st and that I should look over the severance policy as I will be offered a severance should I fit the policy. ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I was working under a W2 on a 6 month contract. When the contract ended I took another position on a night shift. After 2 weeks I can no longer continue working these hours, can I still claim unemployment from my previous employer?
Both positions were on W2's and I would be leaving the second job of my own accord. applies to California  ·  1 answer

Would I be eligable under both situations employer is making me choose?
I am full time and my company is going through a merger where we were bought out by an out if state company. My supervisor is asking each member of my team to chose hour reduction (Full Time to Part T... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can a company change a severance package if no contract has been signed?
My husband's company lost a key account that will come into effect in September. They sent out an email saying that, of course, layoffs will happen but so will severance packages of a decent amount. I... applies to California  ·  1 answer

lay off while pregnant
I am going to be laid off July 1st, 2005 but I am 4 months pregnant and my due date is July 3rd. This way I am unable to go on maternity leave. I would like to know if the company should pay for my ma... applies to California  ·  1 answer

"Temporary" layoff and severance
5 of 6 (not the manager) salary employees were layed off after being given 2 weeks verbal notice. I have a contract with the company that requires 90 days written notice or payment in lieu of. There i... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

workman's comp / termination / personal injury
While at work, I injured my shoulder during physical training, which 1 hour each shift is required by my employer. My employer is trying to terminate me for another matter, am I still eligible for wor... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

domestic violence situation - wrongful termination
am in a domestic violence situation. i have an order of protection against my soon to be ex husband whom i left his house. he then retaliated and wrote a unanimous letter to my company. my company sus... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Hi I would like to know I'm being laid off with a lump sum severance, can I apply for unemployment?
I'm getting a lump sum this month would like to know if I can apply for unemployment? applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was laid off in Nov 2016 with a call back date in april 2017. Will i still get my vacation days coming, March 28th, of 2 weeks or did i lose that because i was laid off but remained on schuele. Thanxs! Note: upon return(s) after layoffs, other employyee
See above applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my employer change the percent I am vested in my 401(k) after firing me?
I had 7 years and 10 months with the company. The company 401(k) policy states an employee is 100% vested after 6 years. When I checked my account to roll over, they are only awarding 80%. Is that leg... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Termination - With or Without Cause?
Does an amployer - at the time of termination - have to state whether the termination is "with" or "without" cause? I was terminated by my employer, who refused to take a position on the reason for my... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Severance Pay and Disability
I am in a union and have a severance policy in place for the last five years. It does not address my situation. The policy states you must apply for the severance by October 15 and request your retire... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

What are our grounds for appeal of this denial?
My son was laid off in March 2009 from full time employment at CNG Financial. He has been receiving unemployment since then, including all extensions. He has gone back to UC to get his BA. This summer... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Am I entitled to a severance package if I only worked 1 year?
Can I receive a severance package if I only worked 1 year? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Am I eligible for unemployment?
I was offered a job at a distant location for less pay and part-time. I was full-time. They also offered a severance for 9 weeks pay. They informed me that my position was eliminated a week after havi... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

forfeiting 1/2 of severance pay if hired by another organizaiton.
My employer has outlined some provisions regarding severance packages. One is that if an employee receiving a severance package is hired by another organization, they will only receive 1/2 of their re... applies to Minnesota  ·  1 answer

Letter stating I will not return to work.
I have been on medical leave for 10 weeks. My doctor extened me another 5 weeks. When I informed my employer of my extension, they reminded me that after 12 weeks they can no longer hold my job. Then ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Unemployment Claim denied due to Remuneration
In June 2008 the delphi plant was closed and we were offered SAP packages to leave. We were told by union reps that if we accepted the package we would receive unemployment and training. As the people... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can I get back on unemployment with the following occurrence of "just cause"?
I took a job while I was collecting unemployment after about 2 and a half months. The new job did not work out and I quit after an employee I had to work in close proximity with was hostile and did no... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and that they distributed my duties to other personelle and th
Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and tha... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is it legal to take away vacation time for not completing ridiculous mandatory overtime requirements?
My wife is with a company that has mandatory overtime requirements of 8-10 hours per week on a consistent basis. It seems to me they are just avoiding investing in more employees to cover the work the... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Being Disciplined for Being Sick?
If I have completed my 1 yr probationary period at a company, and there was no notice prior to this or on the date that I had completed my probationary period given to me that my attendence had become... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Unemployment Questions
Dear Mel, I have worked in the same industry for over 15 years. I have worked for my current employer for 2 years. Recently, we were given goals at the beginning of the year. Since my industry is in t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Severance pay and Ohio Unemployment
I received a lump sum severance where it states it is the cash equivalent of 6 months of my gross base pay. ODJS is stating I cannot collect unemployment until after the 6 month period since the sever... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am seriously thinking of retiring at the end of this FY which is June 30th. If I give this notice today what might my employer do? If I am let go earlier could I collect unemployment?
I know it will be difficult to replace me in 30 days and I do like my manager and want to give them enough time to fill the position and transition - I expect I will give notice at the end of March gi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

i have been working for the same company for 7 years. Just recently a new company came in and bought them out, and is demanding that I sign a non-compete. My old employer never had me sign one. If I refuse to sign and they say that I must or I can't work
see above.....working for same company for 7 company buys them out and demands a non-compete. If I refuse and they let me go, can I claim unemployment? applies to Florida  ·  3 answers

Have been working as a Dental Assistant for the past 28 years with the same doctor, I'm the only employee. My boss decided to retire within the past couple of months and told me that he would like me to stay until the end of the year, but now the papers a
Being the only employee, do I have any rights even though this is a private practice and there is nothing in writing or a contract. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My employer gave me the incorrect paperwork, was given FMLA instead of disability form,. Physician filled out FMLA and submitted, employer call to say they were terminating me, finally faxed the correct form to physician, but said it was too late. I have
I have been out of work for over 4wks due to severe Meniere's disease. My employer provided me with paperwork for my doctor and then contacted me to tell me they were going to terminate me. I spoke wi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I got 4 weeks of Severence pay, when should I apply for Unemployment
I was working for one company till Aug 9th and my new job started only on Sep 16. Then I was let go with Oct 28th being my last day for budget issues. I am getting 4 weeks of severence pay and I had a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I recently failed probation for the Ca State.i am on UI. On appeal,employer wants letter of resignation. Will this result in payback to UI?
State of Ca. I appealed and received UI. Would I have to payback UI I have collected? applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is this a case to bring to court?
So I just got fired from walmart because of my points. I got the termination letter in the mail today and on letter it states that my termination was involuntary but in another one it states that my t... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

In Florida, how does unemployment work after receiving lump sum of severance?
I am in Florida. I was laid off and given a severance package for 3 months to be paid out biweekly. It has been paid out bi-weekly until 1/15 when the company decided that it would pay out the remaini... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Am I due my vacation pay
I was trying to disipline a subordinate where I was a supervisor. The employee refused to perform a tasks wich I assigned her to do and walked out. A few days later my supervisor called myself and the... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

quit job with just cause. but only worked 1 week
I worked for a company for over 7 years. I left this job for other employment. I started the new job and only worked for this company for 1 week. I quit this company after one week because they did no... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

i recently got laid off with a severance pay. 3 days after i filed for unemployment ,i was asked if i was let go with severance pay i told them i did.she then said that i had a hearing schedule to det... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

Can I take them to Small Claims Court ?
Dear Mel! I was terminated in October from my job of 5 years. I have taken them to the unemployment board since they denied my unemployment. The board found that I was not responsible for the separati... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

I use my own cash, credit card for approved, allowed business expenses such as gasoline, T/E, Office,Printing supplies, etc. I am using my own funds, but reimbursements are NOT made in a timely manner... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Law in NY?
Recently, my fiancee got layed off from a company he worked for for nine years. They called him into the office and handed him only a check for one week severence and sent him on his way. I have been ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Am I eligible for unemployment
I was recently told that I needed to improve my performance at my job. I was give 3 weeks unpaid leave to sort out my personal issues. After the 3 weeks I was informed that nature of my work had been ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If I hand in my resignation to a facility where I have been employed for 29.5 years and then they decide to fire me will that stop me from getting my pension
After employment of 29.5 years I handed in my resignation only to be terminated then by employer will this affect my pension applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

can ex-employer withold pay for minor contract changes.
I worked for a small consulting firm which sent me to work for the client for abt 5 weeks, the employment letter had one sided clauses. I made the foll. changes to them before signing: 1)employer can ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer


Is it true that Ohio residents over 65 and terrified of a high risk job (dentistry) do not have to return to work and can stay on unemployment. For how long.
Dental hygiene— high risk of contracting disease due to aerosol spray applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is there a way for employers to not have to pay unemployment if they comply with Employment-At-Will?
Employment is entered upon "at will." Are there cases where this relationship has held up for unemployment cases - meaning that the employer can terminate the employee for good cause, bad cause, or no... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Wrongfull termination
Becuase of poor office ergonomics my neck and upper back as well as extremities have developed acute pain. I have been seeing a physical therapist for about 2 months now. I discussed with my managemen... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Employee rights on company asset sale
My company recently sold some of its assets (not a takeover) and wants to transfer me to the transferee company. I would like to retire and take any severance pay that my company can offer. Will I be ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Job terminated whil still on Work Comp tretment
I am a senior computer engineer. I was diagnosed with carpol tunnel injury. My company accepted this injury as work related and since then I am on work Comp insurance. I am still going through treatme... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

not offered family leave and fired for missing too many days.
my husband had stroke. missed time from work. became sick in hospital for one week my self. fired told due to work performance. now denies my unemployment. never offered family leave act is this a vio... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Should I file my weekly unemployment claims during the four weeks I will get severance pay?
I was laid off end of November 2015 in OHIO. I immediately applied for unemployment. I will also receive 4 weeks of Severance Pay, allocated through December. My weekly severance pay will be greater t... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can my employer change my position from part time to full time
I have been working at my company for 10 years. The last 5 of those years have been part time (24 hrs per week). I was told on Monday that they no longer want part timers and that I can come full time... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

demanding that severance be returned
My wife was recently laid off. As part of the process she signed a severance aggreement/ contract and recieved her severance. A couple weeks later she was offered another position within the same comp... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

do i have some kind of case against my own company?
Dear Mel, I had the most abusive day today, my sales manager, not only verbally abused me with many "F" words, but also slapped evrything off the top of my desk in a rage, and even went as far to aski... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can a salaried employee be docked vacation time if late?
I am a salaried employee at a hospital. I have been told that if I arrive late now that I will be docked pto time. I am the only one in my departement given this stipulation after being late a few tim... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is there a case when being threaten by an employer if you apply for unemployment after firing you ?
My son was fired a few weeks ago. He was working at a bar/restaurant in which it did not have a problem with give out free drinks, half price for meals etc. On this particular day he was schedule to w... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If I accept the severance package will I still be eligible for umemployment when it runs out?
applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Enplyer won'
My employer won't put me on payroll on the claim that I am not an employee, but a consultant. I certainly *am* an employee. What can I do to make my employer comply? Is there a governmental department... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my supervisor pull my time sheet and repremand me about my FMLA time?
Back in June, my new supervisor(but worked here for years) had my co-worker go to personnel and ask for my last six months of timesheets. Then my sup called me into her office, and started showing me ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I called all agency I could find on internet.
THE WCB advised me to file WC Discrimination papers. When I was fired due to being injured, I filled the papers. Had a hearing on August 16,2002. Judge told me to get a lawyer and postponed untill 11/... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If I give notice and it is accepted, can I be let go before the agreed date?
I gave a longer than normal notice for a job I am leaving. My boss knew it was coming and asked me to give more time because the holidays were coming and there were concerns we would not get it all do... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Overtime & Comp Time
Should I be considered a salaried employee or hourly? When I was hired at my current place of employment I was hired as a salaried employee. I have a written agreement for a salary amount. When my pay... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can an employer discharge you for excessive absences without a previous counsling
I worked for a company that has recent discharged me due to excessive absences. I was never written up for these absences and provided a doctor's note due to the fact most absences more medically rela... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Boss says that I quit, and I never quit! (I have another question)
Sorry, I couldn't find a way to add a comment to the previous post. Thanks so much for your quick reply! You have no idea how much I appreciate the help. When I file, if it asks me if I was fired or i... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can I take pre-approved PTO during my two week notice period?
I gave my two week notice on 9/5/2017, making my last day 9/19/2017. I have preapproved PTO scheduled (a half day this week and a floating holiday next week). My manager told me that if I take this ti... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Signing a contract to not get unemployment benefit !!
I am losing my job soon , as the business I work for ( an independent jewelry store) is going out of business. They want me to sign a contract that I will not apply for unemployment benifits if I exce... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

3 months ago, I resigned and told my employer that my last day will be June 30. This morning, my employer told me that today is my last day. Can I ask to be paid until end of June?
I am Global Sales VP. I live in FL and my company head office is in California applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I suggested to submit notice of my leaving my organization but was then given two weeks by my employer. I do not wish to quit and communicated this. Can they do this?
In a difficult time I suggested that *maybe* I should quit my organization. I retracted my statement but my employer then gave me until June 6th. I did not officially submit notice nor did I giver her... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

If an employee puts in their resignation letter, but you want to release them a week prior to resignation date. Can you file for unemployment?
If an employee puts in their resignation letter, but you want to release them a week prior to resignation date, Can they file for unemployment? applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Can an employer prohibit employees from comparing personnel evaluations and salary increases?
My employer's Code of Conduct forbids employees to share information about about annual performance evaluations and salary increases: i.e., I cannot say to a co-worker "I received a 2 rating and a 3% ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I receive unemployment during my non compete period?
Was working at a company for a while and decided I wanted to be closer to family. Accepted a position at another company, but it is a direct competitor of my previous employer. I signed a non compete ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I was sick and took FMLA leave. After I came back I was fired. I am now disabled and lost my disability coverage when fired. They did not give me the option to extend coverage on my own. Do I have a case? In Illinois.
I was sick and took FMLA leave. After I came back I was fired. I am now disabled and lost my disability coverage when fired. They did not give me the option to extend coverage on my own. Do I have a c... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Severance Pay Discrimination
I was recently laid off. When I asked about a severance package they gave me $7,000 for now. They are suppose to let me know about my severance package. The last employee who was laid off received 1 y... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Lump sum severage payment promised on last day not received. Told 6 wks. Unemployment?
Hello Mel: I did look at your severance FAQ section but I don't believe the unemployment question was addressed. I worked nearly 5 years as a full-time employee for a major company here in Phoenix. I ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Hello, Can you please answer a question for me. I have worked for a company for 3 years. Another company recently acquired us on 6/27. We will be on their payroll starting 7/24. They gave us an offer letter that basically says our role will not be continu
Hello, If we sign this offer letter(which we have really no choice) are we still able to collect unemployment in PA after 12/27? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can a company deny vacation which has already been approved?
Can a company deny vacation which has already been approved? applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I hired an employee with an offer letter with salary, bonus eligibility, PTO, etc. in Dec. 2017. The employee resigned Dec 2018 and was rehired Jan 2019. No new offer letter was given. Do I have to honor the original offer letter since the employee resign
The employee resigned again Jan 2020. applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Forced Medical coverage/deduction
My company provides each employee $750 annual benefit credits to apply towards the cost of medical coverage. The rule is that if you waive coverage you keep the credits and are taxed accordingly. Howe... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Termination for Health Problems
I was terminated from my job today. My boss said the reason I was terminated was due to it not working out. Earlier in the morning I called out HR dept and asked about short term disability because I ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I was laid off today and my last day is at the end of this week. I was offered severance. If I accept the severance, will I still be able to file unemployment?
severance pay and unemployment applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

In Florida, are employers required to pay employees after they give a two week notice? I gave a two week notice to my employer and they told me not to come in for those two weeks. Are they required to pay me for those two weeks because I gave them notice?
In Florida, are employers required to pay their employees after their 2-week notice? I gave a two week notice and my company said to not come in for those two weeks. However, are the still required to... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Fired for having an accident
I worked for a Private Carting/Sanitation Company. I was fired for having an accident with the truck while working. A police report was not made. My boss made me return to finish my route after the ac... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Company closure over Holidays
If an employer closes their buisiness for two days over a holiday, are they required to pay their saleried employees for both days? Can they require the employees to use vacation or sick time in order... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my former employer sue me for collecting unemployment?
i was alerted by my former employer that she is taking me to small claims court and suing me for collecting unemployment after being fired. is this legal? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

i work for a company in Florida but they use an employment agency to handle their payroll so my W2 says I work for the Alabama company, not my Florida company where I report to work. What state do I file unemployment in?
I work for a Florida company that uses an Alabama based employment services company which is what appears on my W2 and in the employee handbook as my employer. I went to my employer in December as the... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Hi am GO I have an issue currently in my office and it has to do with demotion both in title and pay check. My company has been new acquired by a new company and the new company without ending the pre... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I be fired after I submit paperwork for my retirement?
I was given a notice for poor performance. I’m going to give them six weeks of notice, and ask to stay until my retirement date. Can I be fired after I submit my retirement notice? Thank you. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My employer is relocating more than an hour from my house. I need to be home at a certain time for my kids. Can i collect unemployment? I would not have taken a job thatvfar away.
I live in commack, ny and currently commute to plainview. The company i work for went bankrupt and was taken over. The new company is moving my current office over an hour from my house. I noe comkute... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Variable Comission without prior notice
Hi, I joined my company 3 yrs back with base pay at 15% was a fairly new company and i was the first sales manager too. In span of 3 yrs, every year our revenue has ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is the a set amount of time with a company before you can file for Un-employment
E applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for employer to pay the raise for all working hours after every 6 months?
My employer(vendor) gave me a raise lately because client promoted me to the new position and my employer says that they will pay me the raise for all my working hours after every 6 months however the... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is it legal in Florida to put someone on leave who is under a doctor's care. I have been put on leave because someone overheard I was taking pain medication prescribed by my surgeon
I was told that I am on administrative leave last Thursday because someone called my corporate office in Iowa and told them they overheard me say I'm taking pain medication prescribed by my surgeon. I... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

my position was eliminated and I was offered another position at approx. the same pay, but this job is a physical job that I haven't done in over 20 years and have never done for this company, if I refuse this position, and they have nothing else comparab
I left my last job of 29 years to help my new company rebuild a portion of a failing service dept. in a commercial truck dealership, 4 months in they wanted me to take on more responsibility due to my... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

suspended from work without any notice, what can I do about this?
Was told I was not going to be needed at the place of work by a fellow employee not a boss. Didn't get notified by phone call or in writing to know if I was suspended or terminated. applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Vacation and Sick day.
Hello, I worked for a couple of hours, 5 days a week right after my employment for a janitorial service to earn extra income. The company is from Topeka. They lost the bid early December or November s... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Will I receive a tax statement from Unemployment ?
If I have been on Unemployment since April 2010, will I receive anything stating how much I paid to the State, and Federal Government for taxes last Year? If so, when will I receive it? Thank You, Bre... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my employer require repayment of all tuition reimbursements
I worked for an employer for 18 months and during that time I received tuition reimbursement. In my original offer of employment letter it stated "Please be advised that any educational fees reimburse... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

legality og hiring 10 part time employees rather than 5 full time employees to avoid paying benifits
applies to California  ·  1 answer

Florida employee. Unemployed now. Received lump sum severance at termination time (RIF) to equal two months' pay, but no current payments or income. Can I receive unemployment now, during 2 months following termination?
Florida employee. Unemployed now. Received lump sum severance at termination time (RIF) to equal two months' pay, but no current payments or income. Can I receive unemployment now, during the 2 month ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I am full time hourly plus commission employee.i am going to be offered part time hourly or straight commission which I cannot survive on. Can I file for unemployment in either case
I am a full time hourly plus commission employee. I am being cut to part time or straight commission. I cannot survive on that 2 children. Can I file for uemployment. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I recently applied for FMLA after a sudden event. The FMLA was needed to care for my aging mother after the death of my brother. I requested that the FMLA run from 12/11/17 to 1/8/18. A medical certification needed to be completed and returned by 12/15. M
Employer is citing unexcused absences for the week of 12/11 to 12/15. How can this time be considered unexcused when the request for FMLA is being processed? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

By boss Threaten me If I fell out A work comp claim He will fight me Tooth & Nail He also Said to me I have nothing against you people And I'm not a racist But you would lose If you go any further with this
Inmate report 2 Corporation Nhr And nothing is being done We retaliate against me When I came back to work Took me out of one position And put me in another position Knowing I have restrictions in pla... applies to California  ·  1 answer

When does short term disability start?
When should my short term disability begin vs regular sick days? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

former employer getting scary
I hope you dont mind. I have a question/problem... I was permanently laid-off by my employer om 3/1 She told me her husband wanted her to do the bkpg and didnt want to hire me in the first place. She ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I work for a company that has approximately 500 employees. Their 401k plan is set up that the employees are eligible the first of quarter following 90 days probationary period. I started in October 20... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Company reloacted, offered severance unless employee agreed to relocate. Agreed but resigned later.
As a result of a merger, in September 2002, my company offered a severance package for those that did not wish to relocate in the town that the company was moving everyone which was 1200 miles away. E... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

new York in on fmla for stress & anxiety with intermittent leaves where I have flare up, outburst, and erratic behavior. when I went to work as a Forman getting my work duties the previous supervisor stated that a co work on my shift was out yesterday and

harassment by manager
Though I have good reputation in my company, I am facing harrasment from my manager on a daily basis. Ever since he has been promoted to the manager position, he is relentlessly harrasing me in variou... applies to California  ·  1 answer

breaking "policies and procedures" when there isn't any in place, can i be released from my job?
I live in texas, if I was released from my work, for "not following policies and procedures" but there isn't any policies and procedures in place, or signed documentation for the actions they released... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

What can I expect from my ex-employer's unemployment appeal?
I was fired from my job on January 26th of this year. It was during an audit that my district manager fired me because as a cashier my drawer was turning up short quite a bit that month but I know for... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Employer Vacation Rules
Are employers(with 25 employees or more) are required to grant vacation time? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I work in property management and my complex went on the market and were being offered a
Is it a "bonus" to foolishly get those to sign it but really something with a fluffy name that misguides the employee and therefore will make them in eligible for unployment? applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

my stop payment
I was working for a firm in Fifth ave 47th st. on july 2nd i told my employer that i am quiting my job and gave him a 30 days notice. my status there was H1 visa. In return he got wild on me and start... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Filing for Unemployment as remote-based employee of non-Ohio company?
I recently was let go (severance separation due to company downsizing) from a remote-based consulting position with a company based outside of Ohio. I have been seeing conflicting and incomplete infor... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have been taken off work by my doctor for mental health issues and want to apply for short term disability. Can my employer fire me while i am on leave by my doctor and can that effect me receiving my std? Im in California
I have been taking off work by my doctor for 4weeks, I plan on applying for sdi right away. Can i still be fired while out with a doctor note or on disability? applies to California  ·  2 answers

2 Weeks Notice - company terminated me
This morning, I gave 2 weeks notice to my employer as requested through the company handbook. My manager called to let me know that today would be my last day and that I would not be paid beyond today... applies to Connecticut  ·  2 answers

I was granted unemployment compensation and now my former employer is contesting that decision.
I was terminated from my position as a social worker in a local facility. There had been occasions when my employer wanted me to sign for payment for services that I did not provide. I am licensed, an... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Unfairly Treated?
I worked as Acting Housing Program Manager and saved the program from being shut down. For four months I asked for more money, no compensation. After working 50-60 hours a week and literally working m... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Several questions
My employer is under the impression that as long as she is paying you for your lunch period she can require you to work. Specifically she allows you enough time to eat a sandwich, but then expects you... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

NSF paychecks getting to be a habit
My employer (a lawyer) keeps issuing me bad paychecks drawn on his attorney business account. When I take my weekly paycheck to his bank to cash it (I no longer take a chance on depositing it to my ch... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

What is the employer required to compensate if your position is eliminated?
If your position is eliminated, does the employer have to give two weeks notice, or subsequently compensate you for the two weeks' salary? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I file for unemployment if employer was planning to lay me off and lead me to resign instead?
My company was going through a reorganization and my position was on the chopping block to be dissolved. Work was being taken away from me and employees were not speaking to me. It was miserable for 8... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Laid Off
I am writing on behalf of my son (my son has Asperger's Disorder, a high-end form of Autism). He worked part-time for CVS for 11 months. He had no disciplinary or any other problems at work. Since Jul... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

If you request a LOA can they terminate you?
I have not been feeling well and told my boss the prior week that I was going to have a nervous breakdown. He comes in the next day and asks me all kinds of questions, calls me to his office Monday an... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

terminated while on fmla and short term disability
I am on fmla leave,while being paid short term disability.when i contacted my employer i was told i know longer have a job.was told that my contact where i worked at wanted to keep the new manager my ... applies to Arkansas  ·  1 answer

Company was bought out. Received an offer to work for this new company but might not want to take it
The owner of the business I work for is retiring and has sold his company to a competitor looking to absorb the employees, machines, and clients from our current boss. Tomorrow is our last day, our cu... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Do I have ANY recourse against the owner of the company for forcing me to give his grandson my job?
The grandson is 21 and has already been fired once by our production manager for attitude, tardiness and absenteeism,last August. The owner brought him back just a couple months ago, WITH a pay increa... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I be terminated because of one incident in my 38 months with employer?
On 9/30/11, I had a meeting with the Director of an agency and the client working in their facility. The Director wanted to end the program with the client because he failed to perform his duties to t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am being layoff and my employer wants me to sign a letter which states a four week notice prior to my last day of work and the option to apply for other jobs within the agency, will this prevent me from collecting unemployment?
I work for a non-profit applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is this discrimination?
I called off sick from work and was suspended 3 days. Another employee who calls off pretty regularly called of sick and was only given a written warning. I have never used a sick day and we are given... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Missed payroll in CA
Hello, I work for a small company (40 employees) The boss did not pay wages to any of the employees last pay period due to lack of funds. We also have collection agencies calling at all hours and have... applies to California  ·  1 answer

No notice of termination - Severance Pay?
Hello. I hope that you can answer my question? I was informed at 4.45pm on a Monday 07/25 that I had to be "let go" because finances were tight and they could no longer afford to pay me. I was given n... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

NT applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

nanny overtime
I have a nanny who is scheduled to work 40 hours a week, with 1 wk sick, 1 wk vaca and paid holidays to start. Our family takes more than 1 week vacation every year, but cannot afford to pay her for t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Harrasment and/or discrimination due to race, gender or disability?
I went to my interviews when I was 9 months pregnant. I have informed them that I had a particular accent because English was my second language. I also disclosed that I have ADHD but that did not int... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I'm a 20 year veteran surgical ICU nurse who went above and beyond all job duties including asking supervisory nursing to get out of the way I'm a huge patient advocate in a situation patient was coding supervisory nursing did not know what they were doin
As stated above applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I quit my job, due to office relocation, travel time. I haven't filed for unemployment, since I didn't think I would get it anyway. However, shortly after leaving, my co. offered me a severance agreement/separation agreement. did they do something wrong,
Due to a conflict w/ another employee at work, my Pres. advised that I needed to move to another location, since the 2 of use couldn't get a long. I then relocated to the Devon Pa office over 1 1/2 ho... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I was denied unemployment because of my lump sem severance package
I was laid of in February from my full time job because of lack of work, My severance was based on my pay and the number of years that I worked for the Company, the Company did not fight, but Ohio une... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does new COBRA rule apply to me?
There are new COBRA rules (part of the Economic Stimulus Act) allowing for a 65% subsidy of a terminated employee's COBRA premium. I am trying to determine of I am eligible for this benefit. I was inv... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Kmart not paying bonus to it's employees..
Kmart three weeks before it was to pay our bonus decided to pay only 54% of it to all all store management except pharmacy.. Our unsigned agreement with kmart was on performance of the store, not on h... applies to Minnesota  ·  1 answer

Can a employer call you into work even tho I'm on FMLA. She the manager told me I would have to work cause they don't pay her enough to work two shifts. I just had knee surgery
I had knee surgery and was told by the surgeon that I needed at least two weeks off to heal. I had enough vacation time so that s not the problem. The problem was I had to work that Sunday even tho I'... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I signed a non compete 4 yrs ago wirh my current emplyeer. since then no other nurse I have worked with has had to sign one when they started. Is mine still valid if the company is no longer making new employeyes sign these or even mentioning them?
None of the other nurses I have spoken with had to sign a non compete. I had to when I was hired in 2013. But all the nurses since then say they never had to and it was never brought up. Would mine st... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My pay was cut in half so I quit. Do I receive up unemployment comp?
I have an unemployment question. My fiance has worked for a small business for 14 yrs. They have decided to reduce expenses by "offering" him a job at half the pay he's receiving now. This is the exac... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Abuse at work.
Recently, due to the actions of a slick office politician, my employer laid me off two months ago. This individual made inspiring speeches to the staff about how everyone was going have a role in the ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My company is closing down and has offered severance and 25% stay on bonus weekly.
However this is to be paid out weekly after termination has begun. Not as a lump sum. will this prevent us from receiving for unemployment untill these miniscule payments stop? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

in new how soon after being terminated must I receive my accrued vacation pay
I was terminated in ny on 3/11 without reason being given. They paid me my last weeks salary on 3/17 but not the 154 hours of PTO I was owed. They tell me they will pay it to me on 3/341. I'm concerne... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Compete Agreement after 3 years
I live and work in the state of Florida. I have been with my current employer for 3 years. I was recently offered a job working for a client of my current employer. My boss got wind of this and demand... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

If I am scheduled to work until 6pm is my boss allowed to make me stay later than that even though it is written down on the schedule that I am out at 6 without any warning ahead of time?
I was scheduled to work until 6pm. I work at a Taco Bell and I was operating the register and when 6pm rolled around I was told I had to stay and count the money in the drawer. Even though I have alwa... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Can my employer write me up if I gave them a month's notice that I was going out of town for a week on my birthday? I tried to use PTO but they say someone else already has those days off. I am in Florida. Please help.
I am going out of town for my birthday and I was approved for 2 of the 4 days that I requested off. My boss says other people have off the other 2 days so he cant let me have off. My boss says that If... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

boss told me the comp can let me go w/ bonus & severance now she seems to be avoiding the option.
meeting with me to tell me that people think I'm applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I take withdrawal of cash balance pension and still receive UI?
I lost my job in August and currently am receiving unemployment. Just last week I received a letter from former employer, stating it was not in their best interest financially to maintain my cash bala... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My boss bullied me into resigning. Is this constructive discharge or wrongful termination?
Six weeks ago I made the mistake of going into my boss's office when I was upset about a perceived miscommunication (she always gave the impression that her staff was welcome to do so) and made the ev... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Sudden Demotion, pay cut, and being told to take it or leave. Help?
I work for a Verizon call center where I am (was) a QA Auditor. Recently, I've been told that they no longer have "part time" so they will be demoting me to the sales floor (cold calls - which is wher... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

harasssment abuse
i had been contacted by a temp agency saying they found a great job for me. they offered full time employment and a lot of money. at my first day on the job, the building was disgusting,dirty inadequa... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Lay Off and Health Insurance
My husband was laid off on Tuesday 9/14/10. His employer cancelled our health coverage within 2 days. We have not received any information yet about Cobra and he was not given any information regardin... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Do I have a chance to sue even after signing waiver (under duress)?
Hello, Worked for two years for a company. in mid-town New York City. Last year around March became ill with what was then an unknown issue. Had stents put into my heart, but still had issues where I ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

hiring commision only salesman
I am a small business owner out of Pennsylvania, I am looking to open up a sales department. My plan is to hire commission only salesman, I need to know what my responsibilities are, what am i liable ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  5 answers

how will a 401k distribution effect an UN-opened claim
I was laid off last tuesday and on friday had a pre-scheduled meeting to roll over my 401k, to my local bank, into an IRA. The intention was to be able to take a lump sum payment, due to serious econo... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

FMLA ?'s
My wife has recently returned to work after a leave of 9 weeks due to the birth of our third child. Upon returning she was not returned to the same position and hours she held for the previous 3 or 4 ... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

How does unemployment compensation and severance payments work?
I will be receiving a 6 month severance package to be paid out every two weeks (company relocated and I did not). Do I need to file for unemployment starting that first week I am unemployed but collec... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Salaried Employee docked pay for 1 day off.
I am an exempt salaried employee. My duties include supervisory, administrative and I am also on call 24 hours a day for emergency situations. I work in a Customer Service Help Desk. This year I was i... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can a former employer Recall your Severance Package?
Former employer gave me a Severance Package at the end of my employment, October 2010. The package was a 2009 Lincoln MKX, at that time he said that he would continue to pay the lease payments until t... applies to Nevada  ·  1 answer

My employer sold the company to a new company and laid everyone off wihout previous notice. They made us re-apply to the new company the next day, but if you didn't get hired on they gave you severance pay, but shouldn't everyone get severance pay since w
On Monday January 12,2015 my employer sold the company to a new company and laid everyone off without previous notice. They made us come in the next day which was Tuesday January 13,2015 and they told... applies to Nevada  ·  1 answer

My supervisor informed me by email a month ago, that my job was eliminated.I haven't received any separation papers. What is my recourse?
I've been employed in Phila., Pa, for 34 yrs. at a hospital. Supervisor emailed me a month ago stating that my job was eliminated. At that time, I was working at home. I haven't been notified for an e... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Is it legal to be terminated after giving 2 weeks notice?
Just gave my 2 weeks notice with current employer and he terminated me on the spot, I am curious if there is any sort of compensation to make up for the 2 weeks I am unemployed. applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

wrongful termination
hello, my name is Kelly P and my question is this, in Dec 2003 I was terminated (w/out just cause according to the ohio unemployment office). My situation is quite lenghty to explain,i apologize. In N... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Had surgery do i qualify
I just recently had sholder surgury and i was released to light dutie ,but my employer does not have any light dutie work .they said that they would let me draw unemployment .My question is would i qu... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employer terminate employment without providing proof of why you're being discharged?
My employer terminated me today, she stated that she was told by the old D.O.N (who is no longer employed at our facility) that I was verbally told that 2 absences in my 90 probationary period was an ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

std disability
my husband was out on workers comp and now has to return to work so he does not loose his job. he will work two weeks and then be out again for surgery. is he eligible to apply for std disability whil... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I am my grandfather primary caregiver
my grandfather has Alzheimer's and dementia and he is also a tube feeder I am a nurse I Have been trained also by his internist office to give him his feeding last year I had FMLA for my grandfather h... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Terminated before probation period ended
When a person is terminated during a 9 month probation period, note the probation period does not end until 10/18/00 and termination is to be 10/6/00 because employer states that employee has been una... applies to All States  ·  1 answer

Is my company required to pay me accrued vacation time upon leaving?
Hi, I work for a small, privately owned business. I recently put in my 2 weeks notice and was asked to leave at the end of that first week. Does my employer have to pay me for my unused days? I have a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If my fmla time is not enough top cover the rest of my medical leave can I lose my job. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Retaliation/wrongful demotion?
Sam has worked between 44 and 50 hours each week. Regardless of how many hours he works, he's paid $3000 per month. He questioned his supervisor about this and was told that he is not entitled to over... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Does my employer have to save my job?
I'm currently out of work on disablity incurance The incurance is a benefit i pay for through work.I am out due to a mental health issue. I am allowed 26 weeks of paid leave. does my employer have to ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

if i can be fired for not working mandatory ot can i take vacation time on the over time day
we work every weekend and get writen up for not coming in applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Physician Non-compete when practice sold
I am an employed physician working for a large hospital primary care clinic system. Recently the hospital changed the employment contract from salary and bonus to pure production. The non-compete what... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Question on suspension
My district manager suspended me, he said I was showing inappropriate texts. I have never been wrote up. And when he suspended me I still was not wrote up or told what the text was applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was fired from my job because they say I was stilling time what should I do
I was accused of stiealing time me and my boss don't get along she came in on her off day just to right me up for stealing time applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Everything changed when i was hired and then when i ask my job was threaten
So I found what I thought would be a cool Job and I had a job that was paying me about $21 an hour to drive Bus with a CDL B. They would pay for my CDL training plus their company traing for $500 a we... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I live in NY, and I was offered a generous severance package, however the company is in bad financial shape. I was part of a group layoff and I am over 40 years old, and have 45 days to sign and 7 days to revoke. Should I wait 30 days to sign it and get t
I live in NY, and I was offered a generous severance package, however, the company is in bad financial shape. I was part of a group layoff and I am over 40 years old, have 45 days to sign and 7 days t... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was terminated yesterday for not reporting to work while under doctors orders to remain off of work until Sept. 19th. My employer had the proper documentation from my doctor, as well as speaking to my doctor over the phone. I was still terminated?
I was order off of work from Sept 8 through Sept 18th by my doctor. My employer was notified, and given the proper doctors statement. Upon returning to work, i was fired for no show. Is this... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I need to know if I have been wrongfully terminated and what my options are.
I have been recently terminated from my job. They wrote dishonesty as the reason. I had used gift cards for purchases for work which usually they have a company card but there was not one available. A... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can a person still be eligible for UI in CA after terminated b/c random drug screen misunderstanding
If an an employer does a random drug screening and the employee was asked to give another sample at the clinic due to temperature issues, and the employee quickly went to the car to get cell phone and... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I be "laid off" when returning from medical leave at the same time 4 new nurses being hired?
I have been with this company for 6 months. I am a full-time 3rd shift nurse. I had to go on medical leave due to a fall which resulted in a broken bone and needed surgery. I was off initially for 4 w... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

After returning from an uprotected medical leave (not FMLA), do I have to accept a lessor position?
I've been out for 4mo. on unprotected medical leave (not FMLA) and have now been released. However, they could not hold my outside sales position. They do not have a similar position available for me ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

What is the current status of PA Unemployment law with respect to severance when received in return for signing a
My wife is one month away from her termination. She will sign a "release of claims" agreement in return for a severance payment. I know MA law regards such payments as substantially different from sev... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I worked for a factory for 2 years. I found a closer job so I quit and started my new job. My first week there I was fired due to a supposed personal conflict. It was about an altercation that previously happened, over two years ago. I didn't know the per
My employer initially said it was low performance then added how the other employee felt threatened or worried about my presence there. We worked seperate shifts and I never even knew he was there unt... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-compete employment issue
After working for my company for roughly 1 year I was forced to sign a non-compete. In brief the non-compete said I can not work in the internet related field for 1 year within a 100 mile radius. Howe... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Constructive discharge due to hostile work place
I resign from my job last week. To be more realistic I feel as though i was forced to quit on my own. I felt oppressed,and intimated in many different ways . Under my old supervisor management five gi... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can I do my unemployment orientation online or in another state? I got a job interview in Florida?
Receiving unemployment in NY job interview in Fl same day as mandatory orientation in NY applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I collect NYS unemployment if I worked in NYS for six months after my NJ unemployment expires
My NJ Unemployment expires in Jan 2017. I worked for six months in NYS. Can I collect NYS unemployment after NJ unemployment expires? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If I refuse to sign a "separation agreement and release" does this disqualify me from receiving UI?
On Jan 2, 2012 I was terminated but given a "Separation Agreement and Release" document that gave me the choice to work through Jan 31 to help them through this transition. If I chose to work through ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Severance Policey - Descrimination or not?
I work in IT that will probably be outsourced. I would like to know if this is descrimination. I had been employed there for 21 years and due to my pay scale I will receive 1 weeks pay X 16 weeks. Ano... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Commissions due after Voluntarily leaving job
Greetings, I am a software sales person who left my prior employer voluntarily Jan 1st of 2004. At the time I left my previous employer owed me approx 13,000.00 in commissions earned. After leaving th... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Can you be charged for vacation time upon leaving w/ a Front Loaded vacation policy?
My company switched from an accrual based vacation policy to a "front loaded" policy. However, upon notice of leaving in March a colleague was asked to pay back a portion of that vacation she had used... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

can earned vacation time be taken away from an employee in new York state
works for a bank in Delaware county new York. what happened the bank added more work details to meet a deadline and the bank decided that in order to meet deadlines all vacations will be eliminated! applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can a temp agency tell me work slowed down, but tell the unemployment office that I was terminated?
I was working for a temp agency I worked at a place for 7 months for them. the recruiter called me to tell me work had slowed down and to not report to work where I was tempting. I filed for unemploym... applies to California  ·  1 answer

When is severance pay issued when agreed upon by all parties?
I was dismissed from my duties as a library director with 2 weeks severance pay on Sat., May 21, 2005 by a seven-member-board of elected trustees. I called the library today, Wed., May 25 to inquire w... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I was hired for a market research position by a pharmaceutical company in the Philadelphia area. When I started, I was directed to complete tasks that were more appropriate for a data scientist/analytics professional and for which I had no skill. Six mont
I was hired for a market research position by a pharmaceutical company in the Philadelphia area. When I started, I was directed to complete tasks that were more appropriate for a data scientist/analyt... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

What does it take to prove Constructive Discharge
I've been subjected to constant harassment by my boss all year. He made me the project leader at the start of the year on several large projects (everyone else had hardly anything close), then pressur... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Exempt salary employee has been laid off due to lack of work
I am an exempt salary employee and was just informed I was being laid off. I get paid on a bi-weekly basis. Is the company required to pay me my full bi-weekly salary amount if I worked part of one we... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

I received a lump severance payment in the amount of $30K. My former employer miscalculated my deductions by $5K. I have written twice to the employer to see about fixing this mistake with no answer. Do I have any recourse? This took place in NY.
I was terminated by employer but my employment contract provided for a 3-month severance package in the amount of $30K. My employer mailed me the severance check, but it over deducted by over $5K. Now... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If an employee gives their two weeks notice and then retracts it, do I need to accept it?
I have an employee who gave his two weeks notice by email. My boss spoke with him and asked him to take a day to think about it. If he comes back and says he wants to stay, do we need to accept the re... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Would this be consitered a hostile work enviroment
Forced to change shifts because of Manager Evaluation Form History: I was hired at Verstgroup, a 3PL warehousing company, on Dec. 14, 2009. I'm in charge of the inventory. That is counting and adjusti... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If you resign with 2 weeks notice and the company terminates you before your last day?
If you have accrued vacation & Sick Time shouldn't the company pay you for the time? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I have an employment offer which I accepted 1.5 years ago which states
In addition to cutting back to 10 paid holidays, they have also handed out pretty weak bonuses even after revenue was doubled this year. It is a small company and I like it there. I feel that they are... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If I deposit my severance check after 30 days of termination will that affect my unemployment?
Hi, I live in New york. I recently got laid off. Last day was 8/27. I am going to recieve a severance check by mail next week. If I deposit it after 9/27 will that affect my unemployment? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What's an Independent Contractor?
What makes an "Independent Contractor" an Independent Contractor (vs. some other kind of contractor or consultant)? Any specific suggestions on where to look for this info? Thanks! applies to California  ·  1 answer

I just returned back from maternity leave and after 32 business days they let me go due to downsizing in the company. Come to find out they gave my job to another EA in the company as the consolidation process. Is there anything I can do? What is the mini
I just returned back from maternity leave and after 32 business days they let me go due to downsizing in the company. Come to find out they gave my job to another EA in the company as the consolidatio... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If I give my car dealer employer a 30 day notice of retirement and he lets me go can I collect unemployment ? This employer never had anyone retire before. Some have left for other employment with a notice, and being told just to leave. Most seem to leave
Just trying to decide whether to give a reasonable notice or no notice applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Discrimination or Favoritism?
In April 2008, I accepted a position of Account Sales Manager with my employer. After a month in the position, I knew the physical and time requirements made this an a rough if not impossible long ter... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Cursed at and threatend with a corrective action (write Up)
My supervisor(Resident Manager) started cursing and acitng out due to me asking him a question about my leave request. I got upset and walked off the job. I then called his supervisor and explained th... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Wrongful termination?
What exactly qualifies "wrongful termination"? In August, I left my job of nearly two years to work for my father's company. Two weeks after I began working for my father, he left the house - and walk... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Please advise, I was fired due to not meeting standard- quota system established 2yrs ago. Would this fall in the category if 'Fired for cause'?. I worked for this company 13yrs and offered nothing.
I was an employee of FCNY for 13yrs up until 11/3/16. I was abruptly terminated in my opinion, a week prior my supervisor informed me in what we call, one on one's that my quota was good, keep up work... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If my daughter does not get paid tomorrow can she contact UE and reopen her claim from October?
My daughter was laid off in Oct. and collected UE until late Nov. when she started a new job. The new job is very shady and has been staggering pay dates. My daughter is supposed to get paid every 2 w... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I have been working for this company for almost six years. Last year, I was promoted into management and was sent to Illinois Upon my arrival, it was clear that things were not going to work out.I hav... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can my employer open up an FMLA claim for me without my approval after an on the job injury?
As a flight attendant my friend had an on the job injury, and after a few weeks found out that her airline opened an fmla claim on her behalf instead of workmans comp. Please advise. applies to New York  ·  2 answers

In New York State, can my employer force me to work a new schedule under threat of being fired if I don't agree?
My wife's employer is changing her schedule to make her work weekends and until 1 am instead of Mon-Fri 9-5. One of the reasons for taking the job in the first place was was to work regular hours. Thi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

FMLA Violations
I know I have a FMLA case, with proof them falisfying hours as FML in order to fulfill their FML obligation, and "for my best interest, released me of any obligation to return to work." What is the FM... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Can I sue employer for withholding my check wrongfully or is there penalties in New York state?
I quit my job October 17th the next payroll was generated October 28th which I should have had my last check. I contacted her November 1st she said it was mailed out I have yet to receive it. I'm wait... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Wrongful Termination
I was permanently laid off from my job. The reason given to me was that the employer needed to make room in the payroll so that he could hire his brother who was just released from the military. I wan... applies to Colorado  ·  2 answers

wrongfully terminated
I told another employee that I would kick her ass if she didnt stop spreading rumours about me so she got in my face and said lets go so I Pushed her away from me because she was so close to me that s... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

CAN YOU HELP ME WITH THIS, PLEASE applies to Hawaii  ·  1 answer

My employer did not win bid, contract ends, they state they do not have to pat accrued pto time
New contractor will be taking over on May 21st. Our contractor states they will not pay our pto time that we have already accrued. Is this legal? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

RE: Asked 3 questions and no responses for months. Anyone out there?
In response to Jim Barna: Can my employer deny my leave which is potentially FMLA qualifying after adequate notice without asking me further questions or for medical certification and not providing ri... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

State and Federal laws with respect to damages
It is my belief that I was terminated seven months ago due to my reserve military obligation. I feel there is a clear-cut USERRA discrimination case. I have pursued the matter via the Department of La... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is this a case of gender/pregnancy discrimination?
I am a Correction Officer at a Prison. The contract between our union and the employer states that: "The employer will make a good faith effort to provide alternative, comparable work and equal pay to... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Thirteen month ago I had been fire because one of my employees said I hit her and that wasn't true I could'it have unemployment I had been working with this company 8 years Can I do something about this Thanks
Let me know if can do something about it applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is this be Family leave retaliation?
I work in the state of California. I recently took three weeks off to care for my wife as she is having a very troublesome pregnancy. Her doctor completed the standard fmla certification form that I w... applies to California  ·  1 answer

What remedies should I consider re my former employer not paying contracted severance pay?
Our employer offered an early retirement incentive plan, which included severance pay offered on a sliding scale, based on years of employment. Agreements were signed, and the exit interview form spec... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Can I fight this evening if I'm in CA. with a new employer?
Worked as Manager for co. that relocate to CO. in May from CA. Did go to CO. for two monthes was informed about relocation cost would be covered if stayed for a year or given credit for every month st... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Typical Length of Time at one client
I have a quick question regarding the testing for independent contractor v. Employee Status. I have reviewed the IRS 20-factor test for determining if an individual can be an independent contractor. A... applies to California  ·  2 answers

I'm the LOA focal/disability manager at Boeing Satellite Systems.
We at Boeing Satellite Systems (BSS) are asking for opinions/solutions to a dilemma that has arisen. The issue: Boeing's Corporate physician is hesitant to allow BSS in El Segundo, CA, to continue mai... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an employer force an employee to take vacation, whether or not they have the vacation time accrued, because the company shuts down between Christmas and New Years?
Company closes between Christmas and New Years - can the company force an employee to take vacation, even if the employee has no vacation time accrued? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

defamation or slander
i have been injured on the job and i am currently out on disability but my coworkers are continuously saying that i do not want to work that i am on welfare is that defamation and can i sue applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I collect unemployment if my employer repeatedly did not pay me in full on the regular payday?
I have already filed a claim with unemployment in PA after I quit my job. I am waiting to hear their determination. In the questionaire, I cited multiple dates over a four month period of paydays that... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  4 answers

Can Executive Grade employees be discriminated in amount of payment of Severance Pay.
My company is being taken over by another company. To save the jobs of employees, current management has approved a Severance / Compensation Policy for Executive Cadre employees of Grade 7 to Grade 14... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

I was wrongful terminated by my boss who was intoxicated
My boss showed up to the work site drunk to bully and intimate me. I stay on site and put up with his attitude. I left the site with all my tasks complete AND hand delivered the samples to the lab. He... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Breach of Contract?
Let me start by saying that I posted once already and was responded to very helpfully, thank you. I think we've reasonably established that I have not signed a non-compete form. So my new question is,... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

Replaced with Younger employee
About 2 months ago my company hired a Field applications Engineer for the west cost . Since this was also my title, I asked my supervisor if he really thought that we needed two FAE''s on the west coa... applies to California  ·  4 answers

defamation/wrongful termination
I was terminated suddenly after 6 weeks of work. I wanted a reason, and I was told they would not discuss it with me. I never had any discipliary action or warnings. Management met me in my office one... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Commission only employee
I would like to hire a few commission only employees. Can I hire them as exempt or do I need to hire them as non-exempt and pay overtime? For the non-exempt answer, how would I calculate the overtime ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Pay after giving resignation
IF i gave my resignation on Monday and On tuesday they tell me that my services is no longer needed are they entitled to pay me up til my resignation date? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

forfeit severance pay if refuse transfer?
Our company based in MI is laying off the entire department in Burbank, CA. We haved an agreement guaranteeing us severance pay upon termination. They have recently offered other job "opporttunities" ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am disabled now and had to leave my place if employment in Sept 2015. They terminated me March 2016. I was there for almost 19yrs. I live in PA and when I worked there in 2014 I had a boss who one day took me in his office and said very rudely.....DO YO
I am disabled now and had to leave my place if employment in Sept 2015. They terminated me March 2016. I was there for almost 19yrs. I live in PA and when I worked there in 2014 I had a boss who one d... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

money owed on promised raise?
Am owed money for the months I waited for a raise granted in nov. 2000 but not received until may 2001? I was promised I would get my raise and the retro after the "new system" was in place...I receiv... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am a salaried employee and work 45+ hours per week. I am required to work one Saturday (5 hours).v
I am a salaried employee and work 45+ hours per week. I am required to work one Saturday (5 hours) per month. I missed one Saturday since I was in the Hospital, now my employer is telling me I have to... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Cannot get over death at work
On Oct. 13, this year an employee that works with my wife had a heart attack and fell in the floor. No supervisor was there and the office was locked. there is no address on the building. My wife call... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

I was recently given severance pay for 12 weeks. The agreement stated if I get a job I must notify them. I will be doing substitute teaching. Is this considered a job?
I was recently offered 12 weeks of severance pay. My job has been eliminated. Agreement stated if I get another job I have to let them know. I have recently been offered a short term 8 week substitute... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

severance/ unemployment
My job was recently eliminated and thus I am now unemployed. I was offered a perty standard severance package. The two questions I have are as follows: 1) Should I have an employment lawyer review the... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

severance package disguised as a buy-out offer
I work for a newspaper and I found discrepancies in accounting. Several customers (large stores etc.) had credit balances and I was told not to bring it up. I was told another time that if I had any p... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Good evening, I been working for my employer for 5 years. 3 weeks ago they started to cut off hours. I was one of the employee they cut hours when they had another person still getting his 40 hours when he only been working for them less than a year. I ne
Good evening, I been working for my employer for 5 years. 3 weeks ago they started to cut off hours. I was one of the employee they cut hours when they had another person still getting his 40 hours wh... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Is it unlawful to retaliate/fire employee who blewwhistle w/o knowledge of companywrogdoing
I was terminated from position on Nov 4th/10 for "not being a goodfit", not understanding my job responsibilities and for telling a Manager ( whom my company has a contract with) that a procedure for ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

For 19 years I have worked at a company that has offered, under contract a severance package of x months severance for y years. We are facing a reorg next week and today they issued a severance package that is 1/2 of what was previously offered. What are
For 19 years I have worked at a company that has offered, under contract, a severance package of x months severance for y years. We are facing a reorg next week and today they issued a severance packa... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Will Non-Compete be enforceable if the employer not paying the salary during the Non-Compete period
Hello: My non-compete says a few month non-compete period, but did not say whether the employer to pay the salary or not during this period. So will they pay during this non-compete period, if not pai... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Is my non-compete valid when I had my pay cut and benifits cut ?
I signed a non-compete with my employer after I got another job offer and gave my two weeks notice. The next day my boss called me in and offered me more money to stay,so I did. A few days later they ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my employer pay severance to my coworker but not to me?
My coworker received a severance pay when he was laid off a month ago. I was laid off last week and received none. I have been working longer than him. Can my employer choose to whom they give severan... applies to Rhode Island  ·  1 answer

I was recently fired. It was not because I broke any employment rules, my boss said he was simply looking for something
I was recently fired. It was not because I broke any employment rules, my boss said he was looking for something "different". I know he hired someone else who was there last week. Yesterday, he called... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Awareness of Discrimintory Action
I have been working for a government subcontractor as a temporary since April of this year. Towards the end of May my supervisor decided to request that the position be made permanent and conqeuently ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

was laid off late February 2018 and employer instead of lump sum severance kept me on payroll for 6 months. While receiving the monthly payments I have applied to over 160 jobs and have no offer of employment. Was told I could not apply for unemployment u
Was laid off late February 2018 and employer kept me on payroll for 6 months, rather than giving me a lump sum severance. Have applied to over 160 jobs with no offers. Was told I could not apply for N... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have recently resigned from my job as a transportation associate due to being verbally abused by my boss. he informed me that he will not give me my last paycheck (this coming Friday) unless I sign a form stating that I will not speak of his behavior. I
I have recently resigned from my job as a transportation associate due to being verbally abused by my boss. he informed me that he will not give me my last paycheck (this coming Friday) unless I sign ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I be fired (without notification) while on maternity leave?
I had my son 8/24/12, I was not due until 9/15/12. I had sent in all required FMLA paperwork, even had my Mother fax it to ensure it was there a monthy ahead of due date. While I was off I recieve a l... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Employee No-Hire Clause
I work for a Company A which is the one that pays me, but I am assign to a Company B which is the place where I do all the work. In my contract there is a No-Hire clause. Now the Company A lost the ou... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

Should I accept or decline
I worked at a big retail company in Ohio for two years. On March 19th, 2006 I was injured on the job and I had to go to the hospital (standard procedure according to this retail company) to have the b... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I started a working in a company A Feb 20, 2016 it was job full time overnight most like on weekends. Soon after I found another job company B on March 23 2016, full time during daytime, related to my... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

should i still get 25 hours a week?
i am considered a part time employee i was working a steady for 25 hours a week before i went on medial leave or until the job was done witch gave me a lot more hours then 25. i had been working the s... applies to California  ·  2 answers

how can my boss assume i quick my job?
I came into work as usual on a monday, when i came in someone from the other office was there in my seat, then clinic supervisor came up and took me in his office. he stated you took your pictures hom... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

fired while on workers comp.
while on workers comp my job fired me saying they eliminated my position, i have worked there for 15 years and my position cannot be eliminated, impossible, someone else is doing my job right now, is ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Forced 401k plan
The company i was working for was bought out by somebody else.I knew I was going to get a pay cut, but it is a lot more than what I was told.The benefit package that we were promised still isnt togeth... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Sexual Harrassment and Unemployment
I work for a very small company with 4 employees. The owner of the small company I work for has been looking at porn at work. Every time I move from my desk I see awful images. He sometimes does try t... applies to Illinois  ·  4 answers

Retroactive change in vacation?
When my husband was hired by his current employer he negotiated starting at 3 weeks vacation (what he had at his previous employer) company policy a the time was an additional day for each year of ser... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can an employer hold your pension savings plan after you have been terminated?
I was terminated from my job of 26 years on Nov.7 2000. I asked for my pension-savings plan to be released so I could turn it over to my financial advisor. I was told there was a block on all the empl... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Company can write down any condition on the back of my last salary paycheck.
I left the company which I had signed non-compete contract and working still same client, since company didn't pay as they agree, cancel my medical coverage. Now they sent me last paycheck after almos... applies to California  ·  1 answer

can they make me go back to the job i had
what if my fce says clearly this patient does not meet the requirements for return to work applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

FMLA leave and use of own sick days
Dera Mel, I am a Northeast Ohio school teacher. I recently gave birth to a son four weeks early on July 18. My intentions were to use 30 days sick leave and 6 weeks of upaid FMLA and return to work No... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is alright for my employer to make me stay on maternity although I am ready to go back to work?
I work for a small organization that does not have to comply with fmla. I have been working for the organization for over 2 years. And once I found I was pregnant, my employer granted me an unpaid mat... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Please help with assault , workplace violence, & bullying by management
Hello, I need some guidance and possibly representation on a workplace violence, harrassment, bullying, and assault issue. My daughter was physically assaulted at work by a member of the management te... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

wrongful discharge and unemployment compensation?
My husband was terminated without notice today because they have accused him of changing settings on a computer and causing the computer to crash. They have three people willing to say he did it. Howe... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

can my empoyer get away with this? what should i do?
it started over a few months ago when i filed a osha compailnt anomynously about several safety violations. after they contacted him, he then fixed some but not all of them. i then discovered some mor... applies to Illinois  ·  3 answers

Can they refuse intermitent leave because they have no part time jobs?
My daughter has developed pregnancy anemia in her seventh month of pregnancy. Her doctor prescribed a reduced work day "no more than six hours per day. She is under FMLA for her doctors visits already... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

I'm short $2,500 to= 1/2 my highest paid Qtr in 2016 for eligibility, anything I can say in hearing?
Hello, I worked doing security last year $300 a week, then coached in the fall & received my stipend in Dec. thus my highest Qtr came to $9500. in Dec 2016. I was done with coaching & working security... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

How your severence pay is paid to you.
My question does the employer have the right to withhold your severence until they want to pay you. Do they have the right to make installments to you on your severence pay. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I need some help please
I was wondering if you could tell me if I should pursue a case against my ex-employers. I walked into an office with no staff manager etc....I was hired as the administrative assistant...hired in all ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Which Contract Controls?
I was a highly valued employee for a large media company for 12 years. During that time, it had three different owners. For ten of those years, I had a contract that clearly stated that if I were term... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

Can they refuse intermitent leave because they have no part time jobs?
My daughter has developed pregnancy anemia in her seventh month of pregnancy. Her doctor prescribed a reduced work day "no more than six hours per day. She is under FMLA for her doctors visits already... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

45% pay cut and reverse discrimination
My husband is a sales executive for a fairly large company. He has been paid a salary + commission for 4 years. Friday he was told because of a negative canvass of 2% he will no longer receive a salar... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was offered a severence package and have not yet signed it. Now I'm under investigation for workplace theft. This false accusation happened post severence offer. Can they with hold my severence now
I'm under investigation for theft. They have not proven this allegation, nor can they as far as I know. Considering I did not do it. Contract was offered prior to accusation. applies to Oregon  ·  1 answer

Do I have any recourse to stop my potential termination?
From October 2008 to June 2009 my performance and work was "above average" according to my manager. This was reported verbally; was an outcome of my 2009 mid-year review; and was further evidenced by ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Can I be denied FMLA if I go over the amount of days stated on the form? Also do I have to resubmit
I was approved for FMLA for a duration of one year. The doctor stated the FREQUENCY 1-3 times per month and the DURATION 8 hours per episode. Can I be denied FMLA if I go over the amount of days state... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Verbal & Physical Abuse On Job Site
I work for a new car dealership in NY State. I am in the position where I have authority over the mechanics in the repair shop, but no actual title as manager, etc. I am the dispatcher/service advisor... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do i have to use up all my sick & vacation time before I can use FMLA time?
I will be caring for my elderly mother after she has surgery at the end of the month. I was told at my workplace that I MUST use all my sick time and all my vacation time before I can use any FMLA hou... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Isn't my job protected when on disability?
I live in northeast Ohio. I used up my FMLA time during the summer, some of that time was approved short term disability. I returned to work for a month and my doctor has put me back on disability whi... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can an employer choose when to give you the money you earned for PTO?
I earned paid time off and decided to use it for vacation with the approval of my employer. However, I didn't receive that money with the paycheck right before I went on vacation, and when I asked if ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is a job change legal when an employee is out on short term medical leave
I was out on medical leave for 6 weeks(legionelle pneumonia). Coming back to work I am told that all accounts and people who reported to me have all been removed. only explanation is they did not want... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Can an employer in California take away the remaining vacation as a disiplinary action.
Can my employer take away my remaining 2 weeks of vacation as a disiplinary action applies to California  ·  1 answer

Having it both ways....
I am a teacher for a local community college vocational school. I am salaried, and exempt. I rarely work less than 55 hours per week, and some weeks have worked in excess of 70 hours. My employer has ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Unfair Severance Package Offered to Me
If I work at a Company for 15 plus years and go on maternity leave and get a part-time position there and work 7 months part-time and get laid off and the Company offers me a package based on my part-... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Clarify separation agreement with confidentiality clause in terms of unemployment interview.
If I signed a separation agreement as part of a severance package that includes a confidentiality clause can I answer questions in my unemployment interview without violating the agreement and losing ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Fired because of injury.
I was fired 2 days after having major knee surgery. I was scheduled to go back to work the next day. They stated I missed too many days, I only missed 3 total days for this, 2 of which I was in hospit... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

monitoring employee conversations?
I work for a very small company (we are a tight knit group) a few of the staff members along with myself and another manager all had a “group chat” on Snapchat. Mostly just BS conversations casual... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

What happens if the tipped employee doesn't earn the other half of minimum?
I'm a tipped employee that was recently discharged after four years, two as manager then demoted when the bosses daughter came on board. She fired me while her dad was on vacation for events that took... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Cut wages, If I quit, do I still get severence?
I am an V.P. of an Ohio based company. Due to lack of funding, everyone in the company was put on a mandatory lay-off for 3 weeks. At that time, it was verbally said that those employees that would go... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Severance Pay for Part Time employees
With the closing of our plant, we were told we would receive severance pay, one week for each year of service. I started my employment here full time. After the birth of my son, I accepted a part time... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

When does the 21-days review period begin?
My company has offered me a severance package today 11/18/05 and stated that my last day of employment will be 11/30/05. However, the letter states that I will have 21-days to review the agreement/off... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Company pre-paid monthly per diem expense & wants repayment for time not used
I have been working out of town on a project for 10 months and am paid my regular wage as well as a 5-day/week per diem rate amount decided by my employer. My per diem was paid monthly before the firs... applies to California  ·  1 answer

non-compete agreement
I received a job offer from an investment bank. However, a partner mentioned to me that the firm will likely request that I sign a non-compete agreement after I start (perhaps months later). After ini... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hi Neil - My company of 20 years is eliminating my position. I work in the office and the only other job available is on the factory floor which I cannot physically do. I am meeting with them today to discuss my options. If I receive a lump sum severance
My job is being eliminated and I am having a meeting today to discuss my options. I have been with my company for 20 years. If my company gives me a lump sum severance package, am I able to collect un... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

responsiblity for paying insurance premium if I extrend my FMLA leave
I am planning to use FMLA leave- if I extend my leave by using my vacation time am I still responsible for paying my insurance premium? applies to New York  ·  2 answers

unpaid wages-contract work
I have consulted for an X company in NYC for few weeks and I terminated my contract with them. According to the contract terms I have submitted all invoices and related termination letters to the COO ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was offered servant pay after 13 1/2 years working for Walmart will I still be able to collect from my un employment is it a good idea to sign the package
Help applies to California  ·  1 answer

Worried to be terminated I used racial harassment instead of racial discrimination.
I was a contract worker for Medical manufacturing company for 6 months. I filed a discrimination case against the company through EEOC. The Medical Company denies my allegations and denies that I was ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Employer not following through with agreed severance package
I recently received a severance package from my company due to a downsize. In the agreement I was awarded a cash payment as well as 5 months of free health coverage. The payment came, great! BUT the h... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

witholding pay
I was at work 15 min. april 19 2004,hurt my back and went home,was taken off work until may 17,2004 my employer refuses to pay me until my next pay june 2,2004 and then only show as other on my pay I ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Fired and told not to collect UI
I have been working for a company that cleans parking lots with big street sweeping type vehicles. My hours are in the overnight. I have been fired for taking a nap on my break, which the owner said i... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My boss told two other co-worker that I am on LSD and Acid. I am the office manager for his office. Do I have a claim?
I work for a small Chiropractic office. I am the office manager in charge of 2 other staff members. As of late the owner (Chiropractor) has been making very insensitive statements to the other staff m... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Two hotels sold by Loews Corp. to New Hampshire and Resorts/the buyer paid Severance to some people
In Dec. 1999 I used to work for a hotel that was sold, my coworkers received SEVERANCE. I did not, why ? Some of them stayed with the company because they needed them like me . Help help help. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was recently hired for the same company I worked for the last 6 years just different location. I received and offer letter through email and signed paperwork even signed the hourly rate notice for employees trained one day and even purchased new uniform
I was recently hired for the same company I worked for the last 6 years just different location. I received and offer letter through email and signed paperwork even signed the hourly rate notice for e... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

wrongly fired
I was just fired from my job, the resaon was "selling company product for cash". But the company has a product life cycle policy that states you may eleminate the product once it reaches the last phas... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Sub-contractor or not
I went to work as a subcontractor for a family member with the promise of a guaranteed wage. Now after a few months the guaranteed wage was withdrawn and now is only commission based. They have contro... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Hostile work environment based on race
My sister was recently terminated from her job of 22 years. She suffers from clinically diagnosed depression, this was diagnosed 7 years ago. She transferred to a new job, where she was the only cauca... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

termination for refusal to sign non-compete not supported by consideration
I had been working for a company for about 2 years and out of no where I was aked to sign a non-compete agreement. I did a little reaserch and found out in PA a non-compete has to be supported by cons... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Does the restoration of position in fmla mean same hours, same duties or can boss change it?
Am about to return to work after maternity leave. asked to change my hours from 9:30 - 5:30 to 7 to 3. two other men in my workgroup have these hours. am the only woman in this group. was called in fo... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Company asking for a new resignation letter
After being on Short term disability for almost five months I was released back to work. Upon handing in my release note from the doctor I also gave my written two weeks notice of resignation. Since a... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Have I been discriminated against?
I am young, black, and pregnant and I believe I have just recently been fired because of all of the above. I recently was promoted to one of nineteen Supervisors, making me the youngest black female t... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I worked in homecare, the client is now deceased. Prior, i wanted to leave for another job but my employer asked me to stay on. He died in September and i was given a bonus and later applied for unemployment but unemployment do not want to pay me. We are
My client died and i was given a bonus payment, i later filed for unemployment and was denied. Prior, i was going to leave and my employer promised to give me this bonus so im shocked now that unemplo... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What can I do about this?
I was working with an employer and was told it was only going to be a summer job. But recently I was told that they wanted to keep me and that they were firing another employee and they wanted to prom... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

Reembursement of relocation expenses
I have been employed by my company in Ohio for 5 months in a Director level position. This position is not what it was described to me and therefore, I would like to ask to pursue other employment. I ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have several permanent conditions ie: Type I Diabetes, OCD and generalized anxiety disorder, on occasion there are flares that require that I call in to work. My employer provided me with the WH 360 E form to be completed by my physician. My physician c
HR department provided me with WH 360 E form, my physician completed form in detail for intermittent leave due to flare up of my illness. Insurance carrier denied my FMLA request as they state I did n... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

seeking damages for unsafe working enviroment
I work for a very large union. I am a maintenance worker for them. The building I help maintain is constantly in need of remodeling and repairs. None of which permits are pulled to do this extensive w... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Two weeks notice
I recently gave my two weeks notice, my employer told me they would let me go at the end of that week, they did not want to pay me for the holiday shut down. My question is, since I gave two weeks are... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Employee not meeting training guidelines and procedures
I want to terminate an employee thats just dragging their feet. I've written her up twice because she is not preforming at her level of training. I also gave her a verbal warning. In the state of Penn... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

question about pregnancy
Is it legal to sent a pregnant female who is married to leave the state perminately applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Employer's right to information from physician
I am currently on intermittent FMLA and am required to provide a doctor's excuse every time I use any accrued time for my condition, even if I only use 30 minutes. Is this within the regulations of FM... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can a company offer severance and then take the offer back?
I work for a company in New York(an at will state) that has restructured. They changed my job spec but said they would retain me in the new structure. Unfortunately the rest of the team was told they ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Docked pay due to use of FMLA
I am on approved intermittent FMLA due to my son's disability. Both my supervisor and HR director dislike FMLA and have made working very difficult. Since I am salaried and also exempt from receiving ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Is it considered termination when my manager deletes my access to my work account?
I was out sick for 3 days, when I returned to work I found out that my Office Manager deleted/deactivated my access to my work account. I work in a doctors office and we use Electronic medical records... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Legally tied to my employers tuition retention agreement if they are sold?
My current employer paid for my MBA, and with that, I signed a tuition refund retention agreement for four years after the last tuition paid. I work in Ohio, but, the contract I signed stated "This Ag... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Abusive it harassment?
I would like to know if the Employment At Will Doctrine is still in effect. I deal with the most difficult boss anyone would wish to have. I remain calm, but eventually the stress is going to get the ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Demoted upon return from FMLA
Went to Rehab and returned to work. When I returned I was demoted to a differant level and total pay. I don't believe this can happen since I was on FMLA. applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have been a bartender at a ski resort for 6 years. Usually they just send me an email at the beginning of the season. This year I never received an email so I contacted my supervisor by text and he replied we don't have any open spots. So after I spoke
Bartender who was not hired back after 6 years with no write ups, at seasonal job because I was told by hiring supervisor, I'm too good of a bartender to work for them again, and my open availability ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

i have a small company...3 employees total.
my small company, 3 employees had an employee who recently went on maternity. She received disability plus was paid $250 per week for all 4 months she was out. She has since returned and I feel that f... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is this retaliation or discrimination?
I was recently "Laid-Off" and the company I work for said it was due to lack of work (Construction CO). I found out through co-workers that the same day they laid me off they hired a male employee at ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employer garnish the wages of an employee who was working when a restaurant was robbed?
My brother-in-law was a manager at a restaurant when it was held up at gunpoint. Now, the restaurant owners are trying to say that he is responsible for the stolen money. They are telling him that the... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Company missed payroll.
What can I do to collect wages owed to me? Last week the President of our firm, in a conference call two days before pay day, told all salaried employees of our firm that he was not going to pay us fo... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can this be justified as a reason to be written up?
applies to Florida  ·  2 answers


Does my employer have to pay me for accrued vacation when I resign?
I resigned from my employer and was expecting to get 9.5 days of pay when I left. Employer has stated to me that I have accrued 9.5 days of paid time off, but their policy is to only pay 5 days. I hav... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have been working for 35 years with the same company but have no 401k or retirment funds am I entitled to something?
I have been employed with the same company for 35 years without 401K or Retirement funds now my employer retired and his children taken over I am 62 years old am I entilted to anything. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have a contructive discharge, retaliation, discrimination case?
-Beginning of Oct. new CEO from Dallas, so is not familiar with Houston market -CEO informs all 3 clinical liaisons MUST bring in 20 patients from each territory by end of the month or else... -Never ... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

I don't want false and damaging statements in my file.
My manager at work has attempted to issue me a written warning that will become part of my permanent personnel file. The document states that she monitored a telephone conversation between myself and ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What are my rights to keep false statements out of my personnel file?
My manager at work has attempted to issue me a written warning that will become part of my permanent personnel file. The document states that she monitored a telephone conversation between myself and ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What should i do?
I have been working for Weis Markets for six months now. I was originally working for the local Wendy’s in town until a good friend of mine asked me if I would be interested in working at Weis as an... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I work for a large company and I've recently been provided with the option of taking a lesser paid position or severance. On 1/12/09 they made the offer via email, not a formal agreement. I followed u... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Boss is retiring in April. How can I ask for severance pacakge?
My boss - CIO of a major financial company in Midtown Manhattan is retiring. His last day is April 1st. I am his assistant. I only work with him. HR approached and informed me they will do their best ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I am a non-union civil service employee of a BOCES in NY State. In my recent performance evaluation my manager wrote that I was seen on a certain date and time someplace other than my work place. I was working in a school district and my boss claimed some
I am a non-union civil service employee of a BOCES in NY State. In my recent performance evaluation my manager wrote that I was seen on a certain date and time someplace other than my work place. I wa... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Unemployment issues due to recent cash advance industry law.
I have some questions that affects 6,000 people here in Ohio - Ohio law (H.B. 545) which is effectively closing down the industry. My company is passing along information to it's employee's that make ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Acceptance and Delivery of Severance Package for the State of Arizona
I was terminated from employment on 12-31-2008 due to downsizing. I am due to receive a severance package. Is there a law in Arizona which dicates a specific time frame in which that benefit is requir... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

company acquired, non compete
i signed a non compete with company A. Company A has been acquired by company B. Our companies are now called, "company A, a division company B" is the non-compete i signed 8 years ago with Company A,... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Severance pay discrimination
My company was purchased and is closing it's office in NYC and moving everyone to Chicago. I understand that VP's like myself will not receive severance if they are offered a position in Chicago and d... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Unpaid wages
A year ago I quit my job because my employer was not paying me on time. I would sometimes wait up to three weeks for a paycheck. So finally I confronted him, nothing was resolved so I then quit. As of... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was recently fired. There reason was because i was out on disabilty. I belong to a union. Can they do that?. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

After working for a small computer consulting firm in NY for over 2 years, I signed an employee agreement addendum with broad, new non-compete and non-solicitation clauses. There were no such clauses ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Financial help during maternity leave
The company I work for has unpaid maternity leave up to 12 weeks. Is there any supplement help within the State of Ohio (temporary disability, ect). I would like to take advantage of spending the time... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I went into work on Tuesday, a normal work day. The GM asked me to his office sat me down with the president of the board and said another employee said that I said he and another were stealing from the company. I said absolutely not, I didn't say that. t
When in to work today, 04/26/20016, just a regular business day. Was called by my G.M. to come to his office. When I went into his office the president of the board was there (normal, today is payday ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was discharged from my managment position and offered a minimum wage job. How do I not accept the
I was an assistant Marketing Director. I was discharged and a man was hired and started the next day. I was given no reason. I asked if I was fired and my boss said no we have a minimum wage position ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

My husband was fired last weekafter 25 years. He was paid his final wages that day but no vacation pay that was still on the books. 7 days according to his payroll person. How can he recover it? His ex boss wont budge.
His payroll person admitted he still has 7 days vacation on the books but one of the owners told her dont pay it because he rejoined carpenters union 5 years ago and the vacation pay theyve been payin... applies to California  ·  1 answer

The Union has delayed my grievance process since 4/2012 and we still have not gone to arbitration.
I have been working with my union since 3/12 the Employer has not followed the MOU or the Grievance process the union is also in process for new contract and keeps delaying arbitration even though I h... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Waiting period to rehire?
I was recently terminated from my job. I was told the termination was not based on performance but that the position was eliminated due to a reorganization in the department and my skills did not fit ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can city make changes to notice of suspension and change to dismissal?
Im a citygov employee as a transit operator. I had an incident last aug2016 and had a meeting with my superintendent and union rep, outcome was a proposal for a 3day suspension. I was released back to... applies to California  ·  1 answer

false sexual harrassment charges
I have a question about sexual harrassment. If one is accused of sexually harrassing someone in the workplace, is the supervisor that fielded the complaint legally obligated to confront the accused an... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can an employer request a non-smoker and scent free employee?
Can an employer request that prospective employer be a non-smoker and scent free if the position is working in an controlled enviroment (clean rooms). Or is this something that can not be asked due to... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an employer cut my hours if i go on an interview?
Recently i came into work dressed up after meeting with a recruiter and since this incident my hours have been cut sometimes a low as 8 hours a week from a normal 40 hours. I was told by my shift lead... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is there anything anybody can do for me? I am desperate at this point!
I have been at Blackhawk Network for over a year now. I worked for Anna Lockhart and she was a good boss. Then there was no more need for me to be at that position and I was transferred under Bertha M... applies to California  ·  1 answer

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